California wants $569 billion in slavery reparations.
A California task force studying the long-term effects of slavery and systemic racism on black residents in the state has estimated a whopping $569 billion in reparations is owed to the descendants of enslaved people, according to a report.
But that would just be the down payment on national payments that would amount to 60% of our GDP.
To help close the racial wealth gap, the U.S. government should pay $14 trillion in reparations to black Americans, according to William A. Darity and A. Kirsten Mullen, authors of “From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century.”
In an interview with CNBC, Darity, a Duke University professor, and Mullen, a folklorist and writer, said the federal government is financially responsible because it was culpable for the enslavement of black Americans and legal segregation in the United States. Mullen said “the federal government was party” to both the suppression of the black vote and in some cases the destruction of Black people’s property.
She added that “the federal government is also the only entity that has the capacity to pay the debt.”
The federal government doesn’t have $14 trillion. It can’t even afford to pay off its actual debt for social security and Medicare. But maybe we’ll just stop covering health care for seniors to conduct a massive wealth transfer to the Democrat voting base.
But, as Oprah said, “There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it — in that prejudice and racism — and they just have to die.”
Killing them so Oprah can get another check would be social justice.
But that won’t even come close to $14 trillion.
The only way to get there would be massive wealth confiscation from the vast majority of Americans.
Maybe the federal government can sell most Americans into slavery to raise $14 trillion for slavery reparations. That would be the kind of anti-racist program likely to be endorsed by Ta-Nehisi Coates.
You can’t get closer to equity than that.
Mo de Profit says
Why don’t Irish Americans start a reparations campaign? After all they were treated like slaves, is it because Clinton and his cronies funded the cowardly IRA?
Lightbringer says
No, the Irish will never complain. They worked hard, educated their children, and rose to middle and upper-class status in a few short generations. As did many groups that were hardly considered human in 1900. So maybe blacks are pathological, or maybe all of the government “help” has harmed them very badly. It’s time for them to work hard, educate their children, and rise — just as every other group, including those who came over on the Mayflower, did.
Buddy the Cat says
Will reparations make slavery no biggie because money will fix anything?
rocco barbella says
Why aren’t reparations being demanded from the countries in Africa? Black African tribes captured and enslaved other black African tribes for over a thousand years before a white man ever stepped foot on that continent. Those black tribal leaders willingly sold off their own people for goods from the west.
Let’s start with reparations there first.
Chief Mac says
How all the Islamofascist colonies that held 2/3 of all the slaves in the world? In fact the word ‘slave’ originated with ‘Slavs’ whom the Islamofascists hunted, raped, murdered and enslaved by the millions
TRex says
When will be enough? You get one guess.
Verneoz says
“…Darity, a Duke University professor, and Mullen, a folklorist and writer, said the federal government is financially responsible because it was culpable for the enslavement of black Americans and legal segregation in the United States.” As usual, these so called annointed intellectuals have misstated history. There is only one source of US slavery and Jim Crow oppression of Blacks. That source is the Democrat party who owned all US slaves and instituted all the Jim Crow laws. Therefore, if anybody has to pay reparations, it should be ONLY REGISTERED DEMOCRATS.
Spurwing Plover says
Reparations for business owners who lost everything to the looters and arsonists
tex says
Laine says
In fact, American blacks are better off than African blacks who are still subject to starvation, disease and tribal wars killing millions annually. The only “reparation” should be a one-way ticket to the Dark Continent that they are so sorry their ancestors were forced to leave. Let them find their black utopia Wakanda there and get off the backs of US taxpayers.
Jeff Bargholz says
“Oprah” was right. She just had the races reversed.
And who does she think she is? Elvis? Trump? They’re the only people who’ve ever earned going by their first name only. Everybody else is a pretender.
Jeff Bargholz says
Oops! Trump is his last name. But the principle is still correct. Only Trump and Elvis earned their popular names.
WJ says
We must remember, reparations is just another path to the bank accounts of the super rich, regardless of the color of their skin.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Yeah, it is an indirect subsidy to the super rich, who supply what ever the reparations recipients buy.
Jeff Bargholz says
Did you know Oprah got arrested at an airport? The TSA looked up her dress and found a hundred pounds of crack. 🙂
Alexander Scipio says
Cool. I’m OK with that. Then we BILL them for $30T for literacy, water, electrical and sewage grids, mechanized transport, refrigeration, phosphate fertilizers, modern medicine, electronic communications and computation, machine-woven textiles, vulcanized rubber, plastics, modern metallurgy, and everything we have created that their civilization did not.
And then ship them all back because, no matter what we sacrifice, it won’t make a different in the demands on those who invented everything by those who invented nothing.
Ugly Sid says
The transatlantic slave trade was initiated by black people and abolished by white people.
Facts are stubborn things.
John Bumpus says
The ‘race hustlers’ today who demand ‘race reparations’ already have what’s owed to them. People who were never slaves themselves are not owed anything by anyone who himself never owned slaves. And yesterday’s slaves, now long dead and gone–well, they’ve already received their forty acres and a mule, and everything else given by the Federal Government since up to and including affirmative action legislation. And if THAT is not good enough, well, life’s not always fair!
Una Salus says
Ask the Salafis with red dye Viking beards. Muhammad was a pale, red bearded slave holder who didn’t like dogs much.
When Ooprah starts taking about Muha-mmad like one of the Founding Fathers she might be worth a listen. She still won’t know what she’s talking about but she might be on the path to finding out if she lives long enough.
Algorithmic Analyst says
The way they will probably finance reparations is to set up income tested and needs tested accounts for qualifying blacks. Say each black gets a trillion or so in their account to draw on. But with a limited amount they can draw each month, say for food, rent, medical, school, whatever. That gives the Democrats a chance to set up a bureaucracy that handles the means testing and income testing and who qualifies, and the amounts that can be drawn each month. That is basically like putting all blacks in the country on welfare, with all the evil consequences that entails, not least to the blacks themselves.