The Left’s usual response to leftist anti-Semitism is that it’s really anti-Zionist. Will the response to this be that it’s just anti-Judaism?
The left has a long tradition of anti-Semitism.
— Turning Point UK (@TPointUK) March 7, 2019
Today’s socialists, like Marx, are also critical of the Jewish religion, just as we criticise every other religion. But this by no means makes us anti-Semites. Being opposed to Judaism is not the same as being opposed to ‘Jewish people’. Only liars and idiots confuse the two.
— The Socialist Party (@OfficialSPGB) March 7, 2019
Funny how that same standard doesn’t apply to Islam. Or Marxism, which is very much a cultist pseudo-religion.
That’s the UK Socialist Party, which is a Trotskyist organization that differs from the Labour Party, which it apparently tried to participate in, largely because of its support for large scale nationalization.
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