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It was always going to come to this.
The corrupt ANC government just starved dozens of black miners to death to gain control over the diamond trade. The regime suffered a massive decline in popularity forcing it to cut deals even as it hiked welfare spending and taxes. The lights aren’t staying on and the South African regime outsourced its foreign policy to Iran and Qatar to wage a political war for Hamas at the UN. So what’s left? Going full Zimbabwe.
President Cyril Ramaphosa on Thursday signed the Expropriation Bill into law.
In a statement, the Presidency said the Bill allows for local, provincial and national authorities “to expropriate land in the public interest for varied reasons that seek, among others, to promote inclusivity and access to natural resources”.
The ANC in 2017 proposed constitutional changes to make it easier for the government to take land without paying for it and address racially skewed land ownership patterns dating back to colonial and white-minority rule.
The key difference between the repealed pre-democratic Expropriation Act of 1975 and the newly signed Expropriation Bill is that the court is given the right to award nil compensation in cases of expropriation of land.
So government seizure of land from white farmers to be turned over to ANC cronies. The ANC and its fellow terrorist and Communist allies will pretend that this is purely about race, but its leader didn’t become a tycoon through activism, but through targeted social justice of this kind, and the beneficiaries will be ANC cronies.
Those cronies will be even worse at managing the land than any random African person would be, so crops will fall and they’ll either run them into the ground or contract out farm management to foreign companies which will turn the black people on whose behalf the land was seized into serfs working for foreigners.
It’ll be another ‘step forward’ for South Africa.
Considering this ANC regime just killed 78 miners in its greed, assume it’s willing to kill far more farmers of all races so its leaders can enjoy all the luxuries of running their very own banana republic.
And then the Zimbabwe-like famines will come and we’ll be on the hook to send them foreign aid.
Here’s footage from the Zimbabwe famine after the regime drove out white farmers as a sign of things to come.
White farmers who object may be compensated with necklaces.
I know what that means. Horrible…….
This is what comes of Leftist stupidity. I absolutely do NOT want the U.S. to be bailing out S.A.
Current commies always say. “Well, we will get it right this time around….”
What population will take up Kipling’s burden when the Europeans disappear?
You are absolutely correct to say Daniel that it was always going to come to this.
SA went from a nuclear power to another 3rd world basket case.
Their electric grid is failing. Law enforcement is handled by criminal gangs. No one is safe unless they can afford military grade private security.
We should be taking bets on how long SA reaches stone age status.
To be fair, they might go stone age well before the Muslim nations – because the latter still have lots of that black gold.
SA gives us an accelerated picture of our future. Unless we defeat the global Left.
Latest from Vegas: “no action”
“It was always going to come to this.”
Exactly what I thought when I saw the headline, and before I looked at the article 🙂
I’ve read a lot about the British colonial period in 1800s Africa. That was kind of their golden age.
I was just reading earlier today how President Grant during his first term (1870) working with the British managed to restrict the slave trade in that area to East Africa, where the slaves were transported by Arab slavers to Arab countries.
Our own Government under Biden wanted to do that many Eco-Freaks thinks Private Lands should be Confiscated(Stolen)from Private Property Owners we see it with those who want to build those Carbon Capture Pipelines
SA has a huge, state of the art, coal fired power station and lots of local coal to go into it.
It barely produces any electricity, to the point that even the immediate area around it gets brown and blackouts.
I wonder how many American corporations and universities are going to divest and boycott South Africa this time around. Actually, I already know the answer is zero.
The Boer population has been in South Africa about as long as the English have been in America. How do we know the native population, after 400 years of European colonization and influence, will not now take the reins and make the land, the people, the society and the culture as productive and beautiful as old Rhodesia? Or the Netherlands from which the Boers came?
The answers to those questions touch the foundational myths of Leftism. Therefore, the questions are verboten! Equality means sameness. All men and all cultures are the same — equal and fungible. Shut up.
This would have been us in USA if Cackling Kamalalala a witch whore of Babylon was elected or the election was stolen again
Socialism at work here.
These White farmers need to salt their land with depleted uranium. Make it completely unusable.
To whom? Would you make that investment? Knowing that any day 1) it could bet taken away or 2) you and your family are in potential mortal danger?
Give every white South African refuge status 40 acres and a mule and within one generation they will be competing with the Amish in production.
Blacks fuck up everything they touch
“How long until the famines come?”
Not soon enough evidently. After all, that’s what Marxists want.
Rhodesia 2.0 (That’s all you need to write, but the comment interface requires more characters)
Oh dear lord. South Africa and Zimbabwe were great places when I was there in the eighties. But we knew what was coming, and here it is. I ended up spending more than 20 years in Africa (7 different countries) and it is painful to see what is happening all over the continent.
Yes. Yes. Yes.
#47 should announce sanctions against South Africa.. Time to stand against black racists and black supremacists.
All countries that support the Arab Invaders from Arabia’s (Fakestinians) genocidal cause to make the middle east Judenrein, should be boycotted.
Africa has the potential to be among the wealthiest continents on the planet due to its mineral wealth alone. Additionally, sub-Saharan Africa, including Zambia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa, has fertile lands highly conducive to various crops. These three countries also have significant mineral wealth.
Before the land grab in Zimbabwe, it was self-sufficient in maize and soya, amongst many other crops.
Julius Nyerere, the former president of Tanzania, recommended that Robert Mugabe not destroy the Jewel of Africa. Mugabe and his followers failed to heed his recommendation.
Despite Africa’s potential wealth, it is striking that it still requires significant amounts of foreign aid; how much longer will Africa be portrayed as deserving of this aid?
During a recent trip back to Harare, Zimbabwe, it was amazing to see the amount of new flashy homes being built with funds from Zimbabweans living abroad. Yet, the roads are potholed; the traffic lights do not work. Unless you have a borehole, you have no water for your home, let alone drinking, and electricity is intermittent at best unless you have a generator. A recent news article from the Zimbabwe press pointed out that Lake Chivereo, formerly the main water supply for Harare, was contaminated by raw sewerage; 4 rhinos died along with the fish and many other animals.
Did not former President Joe Biden offer a further USD2B in aid whilst in Angola, a nation that produces significant amounts of oil? Where does the revenue from this oil go? Likewise Nigeria?
As a former resident of Zimbabwe, I remember a joke: “Where is the capital of Zimbabwe?” I answered Zurich.
The wealth of Africa is concentrated in the hands of its leaders and hangers-on; who knows where and which countries are complicit in extorting that wealth while the African people continue to suffer.
To borrow from President Trump’s playbook, perhaps now is the time to suspend all further aid to Africa until its leaders cease looking after themselves instead of their populations.
I don’t think people get the sarcasm that you intended with your comment.