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This new Glazov Gang episode features Robert Spencer, the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His latest book is Muhammad: A Critical Biography. Follow him on Twitter here.
Robert discusses The Pope Invents a New Sin, reflecting on: Is it really wrong?
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And make sure to watch our Special 10-Part-Series on the Israel vs Hamas War:
[1] Did the Biden-Harris Regime Betray Israel Again? – A disturbing new allegation suggests the worst betrayal of all.
[2] Why Israel Isn’t Allowed to Rescue its Hostages – Guess who’s allowed to hold Jewish hostages in their homes?
[3] Robert Spencer: Rape, Hostages and Forced Qur’an Reading – When Jihadists faithfully follow the mandates of Islam.
[4] Dennis Prager: Hamas and Proportional Rape? – What exactly does proportionality in war mean?
[5] Dennis Prager: ‘Sick Jews’- The Jews who side with those who wish to slaughter as many Jews as possible.
[6] Miracles that Saved Israel in War – When no human explanation is possible.
[7] Israel: The Most Moral Army in the World – Anyone with moral clarity can see it.
[8] Robert Spencer Calls Out Candace Owens. Her claims about being “brainwashed” into “Islamophobia” just don’t hold up.
[9] Daniel Greenfield: Candace, Israel, Apartheid and Genocide. The myths and facts about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
[10] Mapping Jews Project USA. The dark forces that are identifying every Jew in the Boston area – and why.
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Allan Goldstein says
Allan Goldstein says
The current pope is hereby designated: Pope Spic the First.
Love me some Tom Lehrer.
sumsrent says
Robert says… “This is Europe that western authorities have made by their migration policies!”
Thus… the islamic loving Luciferian Globalist American government was behind 911… to create the Fake War on Terrorism…
To spread satanic worshiping muslims across the world and help them accomplish world domination.
Intrepid says
Pavlov’s Dog in action.
See the word Pope…..auto reaction….start salivating and write about the islamic loving Luciferian Globalist American government was behind “take your pick”
You have no idea what a predictable clown show you are.
sumsrent says
satanic worshiping muslims are commanded in their satanic quran to conquer the entire world…
Including using fear, rape, torture and force.
The worst that happened before 911 was muslims hijacking airplanes to get prisoners released…
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see what’s transpired since 911… the spreading of muslims across this world…
But of course… a dunce like you falls for the murderous vaccine… you believe what the world tells you… you suck up to the media brainwashing…
You’re a loser… a lonely loser… who can’t hold unto a wife or run a family and needs a Church to find women, to take home and have sex with…
Understand this Intrepid… your days of being lonely will only progress…
Intrepid says
Pavlov’s Dog in action again.
See my name…..auto reaction…….Launch into an anti-Intrepid comment based on your own imagination.
You are the perfect test subject. You are the one who bought the whole Church/sex story.
You are the one who sees Satan and Islam behind everything else in your life.
Yeah, I took the vax and I am still here, plenty of friends and a wife of 35 years. I wonder who the loser is sumsy wumsy, aka Mohammed. I will be around long after you have gone away.
I can do this laughable response to you forever. And you just keep getting more unhinged with every comment.
sumsrent says
The most important thing in everyone’s life is… Salvation…
And satanic islam kills Christians to prevent them from sharing the Gospel of Salvation…
satanic islam is the Antichrist Beast system… the 3 attributes…
1) Religion… islam
2) Government… Sharia Law
3) Banking… Sharia Finance
There is no other entity in this world that fits all 3 attributes of the Antichrist Beast system…
You took the Vaccine… you’ll probably take the Mark of the Beast. Do you know what that means? <<< Of course not… you make fun of God and the Bema Seat and everything that is Holy…
I doubt very much you have a wife… maybe an ex-wife of 35 years. Everything you said in the past was bragging… then… all the sudden you claim they were all lies… <<< That is what is laughable…
You also belong to a satanic fake church… with a quack as a Pastor.
Everything proves… you are a stupid, gullible, lemming of an idiot…
Intrepid says
You couldn’t find salvation with two hands and a flashlight, meat.
It’s not that I make fun of the Bema Bop-a-Luma seat, whatever that is. I just make fun of a clown car like you. You are a joke. You will always be a joke no matter how much Bible babble you vomit up.
That fact that you think you are saved, somehow speaks more about your insanity and your mental disease. You have no idea if you are saved. Unless God came down to you and said you are saved. And he didn’t. You have no idea if I am saved. God will work it out for all of us.
I never said I was bragging. Just telling a story and you believed it. So you got snookered and I think that’s what bugs you the most. The fact that you believe whatever I say. And it matters not one whit whether you think I am married or not.
I could tell you any story and you would fall for it. You aren’t doing God’s work. You are a whore of Satan and Islam….the devils concubine, Mohammed.
If I ran into you, knowing nothing about Christianity, and you started blabbering your blabber, I would run for the hills, because insanity is easy to spot.
Fortunately I get to toy with you for the fun of it, because you amuse me. and fortunately you have no control over what happens to me, ever.
So when do I get to write a post for you. That would be a hoot, Mo.
sumsrent says
No one is a Christian unless they confess Christ Jesus is the Son of God who died for their sins and accept Him as their Savior…
Yes… every person who has accepted Christ Jesus as their Savior is Saved… and they can Trust in that. Christ Jesus says… He loses none of His.
You might not know if YOU are Saved… But I Trust God’s Holy Word that I am.
Additionally; you WERE bragging about your lifestyle… thinking it was cool to use your church to pick up women while you played your Bass guitar on stage to impress the women.
You’re a sad case Intrepid… a lonely loser…
sumsrent says
satanic islam IS the Antichrist Beast System… The Poop of the satanic catholic fake church is the False Prophet…
The “Western Authorities” (Which Robert talks about here)… are helping aiding and funding satanic islam’s expansion across this planet. Spreading muslims everywhere… so they can rise up and take over the world…
Where satanic islam will establish the Antichrist Beast System… killing everyone that isn’t muslim…
Remember the Temple Mount !!!
Who can offer up prayers to the world? Other than a muslim or a satanic catholic fake church which prays to the fake god allah…
Biblical Prophecy is unfolding before our very eyes…
The satanic catholic fake church and satanic islam is one in the same…
Intrepid says
Thanks for proving my point. Did you get your adderall yet today? Have you talked to your psyche warden. yet?
Did the nurse change your diaper this morning. I see she is giving you extra time at the computer today.
Well Mo, see you later after you calm down. Maybe tomorrow.
sumsrent says
The only point I’ve proven, while corresponding to you is…
You are an unintelligent idiot… where you even state that you are a liar…
Intrepid says
The only reason you think the way you do is because you are insane and you think anyone who challenges you and your effed up theories is, how did you put it….an unintelligent idiot.
Well, I told you a story and you bought it hook line and sinker, because you are a gullible idiot.
You will always be an idiot, ripe for the picking.
Pride goeth before….well you know that one don’t you.
Pavlov’s dog sez: woof.
sumsrent says
Silly you Intrepid… you haven’t “challenged” me at all…
If anything… you are the one with the “pride”… <<< It kinda goes with your narcissism…
Intrepid says
Yeah you are saved while you are calling me an “unintelligent idiot”. You aren’t saved……you never will be saved. More than likely, when you get to the Beema Bop-A-Looma seat to give account, what you are doing now on this website should be the thing that disqualifies you and dispatches you to the father of lies.
You have no idea what a sad sack of sh*t you truly are.
sumsrent says
You’re mixing up the Great White Throne Judgement with the Bema Seat…
They are 2 different events… <<< You're proving how unintelligent you are…
See… you are attending a satanic fake ELCA church… that is only focused on making people feel good… doesn't teach anything worth a hoot…
Intrepid says
Hey Sumsy Wumsy. I had an idea. why don’t you let me write a comment for you now and then. After all, how hard can it be?
All I would have to do is write about the pope how he is the False Prophet… And the Catholic Church is actually satanic islam’s Antichrist Beast System. And the Lutherans worship allah and the feds did 911. Rinse and repeat, right?
And I would even include the thing about playing music and picking up women…..dozens of them…..while singing hymns.
Did I miss anything? I feel like I know you so well.
Is it getting on dinner time at the hospital? What’s on the menu….stewed prunes and green beans again?
sumsrent says
The things I write about… most others don’t know or hadn’t thought about them…
Glad to hear you’re so knowledgeable… <<< But… I know that's a lie too.
You don't remember what I taught you about the Bema Seat… and instead you make fun of it… <<< That will be on you…
My advice to you… be careful what you're saying… Blaspheming God's Holy Word is not a good thing to do.
IMO… you're a fake Christian… as much as your satanic fake ELCA church you belong to…
PS… Tell you Pastor I said your Church is satanic… and why.
Intrepid says
All you do is repeat yourself endlessly. Obviously you don’t have much going on in your pathetic life.
And obviously I’m not going to take your advice…..at all. You are insane. I do remember about your Beema Bop-a-Looma seat nonsense. You have nothing to teach anyone. You simply aren’t that smart or important.
I think what pisses you off the most is you fell for my Church story about music, women and me playing bass. So I lied about the women part. So what? You bought it which means you are a gullible fool. I guess that’s why you keep bringing it up.
You really ought to learn to let that kind of stuff go. Instead you keep looking like a fool.
You should follow your own advice re: blasphemy. You are guilty of that with every post you make.
Well chump, I have a rehearsal at church today. Got to get ready and hit the road.
Matt C. says
Peter was given the keys to the kingdom (for heaven on earth), but the church he represented was the Jewish messianic one; the “little flock” the remnant. That Jewish messianic church and program which was in full gear in early Acts, chapter’s 1-7, slowed down, diminished, and came to a complete halt by Acts 28. That’s because God began something new and unprophesied upon the conversion of Saul in Acts 9. So, it’s Paul everyone needs to pay attention to; Paul is God’s spokesman in this age of grace. God’s program with Israel was temporarily suspended; it’s in abeyance. Peter didn’t begin any successive line. He was part of the Circumcision, and the “Israel of God” died off by the beginning of the 2nd century. When that program resumes and the kingdom of heaven is established on earth, and Peter is resurrected, he won’t be in Rome, he’ll be in Jerusalem with the other eleven judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
sumsrent says
Wrong !
Every Christian on earth has the Keys to the Kingdom…
They weren’t given specifically to Peter… and most certainly not any Poop…
Additionally… be careful of the ‘Paul is Savior’ doctrine of the devil cult… also related to “Dispensationalism”…
Intrepid says
You certainly a presumptuous little sh*t aren’t you. Do you have the keys to the kingdom? Somehow I doubt it. You never seem to display any of Christ’s love for his fellow man.
You are a pile of never ending negativity and hate. I wonder, has the term “Love your enemies” ever occurred to you.
You do know who said that don’t you? Personally I think you are incapable of love.
sumsrent says
Do you believe Peter and all the Poops are the only ones who have the “Key’s to the Kingdom”? <<< Do you even know what those Keys are? Why to use them? And why?
Also… You should take a moment and study what God hates…
And yes… I have the Keys to the Kingdom… as every true believer does. You can also get a book on that subject and learn some things too…
Also… "love your enemies" doesn't mean Christians stop rebuking false teachers, false prophets or exposing Antichrist's and the Antichrist Beast System… and who to Love…
Another host of subjects for you to study…
I can only lead you… it's up to you to listen and follow…
See… once you denounce your satanic fake ELCA church… you might be headed in the right direction… from what I see… you're Woke…
Intrepid says
There is so much you get wrong about everything. Yeah, I’m “woke”….I guess that is why I am voting for Trump.
Lead me? You really are nuts. I don’t think I’m going to buy any books you recommend. For me Christianity is very simple. Love God and do unto others. These are the only things Christ asks in the Lord’s Prayer. I leave the rest to my Pastors. If that’s not good enough for you, well, screw you.
You make it so complicated no wonder you are a mental wreck. Do you even have a pastor? Or is your “church” a church of one? One mentally disabled crazy person railing against the world? You are that far down the rabbit hole.
You do realize that once I get up from the computer you are out of my cognizance for the rest of the day. You are that insignificant. I’m getting up now, Mohammed.
sumsrent says
“Do unto others”? <<< Do unto others, what?
You don't even know the scripture to fully quote it…
Let me tell you… you're idea of Christianity isn't gonna get you into Heaven…
You approve of homosexual marriages in your church… you approve of homosexual Pastors in your Church… you approve of worshiping the fake god allah in your church…
You confess that you are a liar…
And you won't denounce any of this… because you get paid to play the bass guitar at your satanic church…
Everything about you exposes how "woke" you are… including taking the vaccine…
Does your satanic fake church have Gay Pride day? Are you gay? Bisexual?
You're a lonely loser…
Don't forget to tell your Pastor I say your ELCA church is fake and is satanic!
Intrepid says
Yeah I told my pastor all about you years ago. We had a nice chuckle. He said you are a sad pathetic case and you are only getting angrier and angrier. He thought the Bible has made you insane. It happens to many weak people. He should see you now. You are much worse than two years ago. Obviously the adderall is not working anymore. Up the dose.
Of course I know the entire scripture that I quoted. It must really matter to you what I think and say. Sorry, not flattered. Your thing seems to be pointing out all of my supposed flaws. It appears you are obsessed with me. Maybe you are the one who is gay. And no, we don’t have gay pride day. And no, I don’t think you are getting into heaven with all of the insulting of everybody you engage in. I would bet God doesn’t know you or care about you. Maybe Allah does, Mohammed.
Personally I have zero involvement with the ELCA. I tell that to THX as well. He is always blaming me for what they do. So all of the stuff you say I approve of is irrelevant to me. It’s all in your head. Maybe you approve of it. And your list keeps getting longer. I am waiting for you to have a stroke over how upset you are. I simply play music, pray and engage in fellowship each weekend. Oh yeah, I say the Nicene creed each day too. Not a damn thing you can do about it. But go ahead….spill your guts if it makes you feel better.
Church ends and I go about the rest of my weekend unencumbered by guilt and anger. It’s normal. That’s how normal people are. But not you I guess. You are a walking pile of guilt and anger. Sucks to be you.
Go talk to your doctor. Say hi to the floor nurse.
sumsrent says
Let me help you think some…
You claim you have “zero involvement”???
Every time you walk through those doors of your satanic ELCA fake church…
You’re ‘playing music’ to the false god allah…
You’re ‘praying’ to the false god allah…
You’re ‘worshiping’ the false god allah…
And you’re confessing the ‘Nicene Creed’ to the satanic catholic fake church as the one Holy church, which also prays and worships the false god allah…
You do this… because you’re more interested in getting paid to play a guitar rather than standing up for the One True Living God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob…
Is that few measly dollars more important to you?
As you sit there on the stage and look out at the congregants… thinking and watching… does it ever occur to you what they’re doing? Praying and worshiping the fake god allah? Not knowing, what you know?
And… how you’re helping them worship the fake god allah?
And you claim you don’t have any “guilt”?
Now think on this… Jesus called the Scribes & Pharisees…
1. Ye blind guides (Matt. 23:16).
2. Ye fools (Matt. 23:17).
3. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees…for ye are like whited supulchres…full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness (Matt. 23:27).
4. Ye serpents (Matt. 23:33).
5. Ye generation of vipers (Matt. 23:33).
6. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! (Luke 11:44).
7. Ye are as graves which appear not (Luke 11:44).
Your entire satanic ELCA fake church is the same…
As shown by these two combatants, we lack intelligence and patience and all the good things it takes to handle life here on earth, especially when opposing views butt heads. In fact, the whole thing is much to big to take in and offers a very dismal picture. Or hopeful.
sumsrent says
It’s not “good” to worship the fake god allah of satanic islam…
A fake god once known as Baal… a fake god with the new name… allah…
And nowadays with have so called Christians teaching we all worship the same god… <<< Not True.
And… there are fake churches teaching how they worship the fake god allah. This alone makes them fake churches… the ELCA (Lutheran) and catholicism to name a couple…
If there's gonna be a Falling away during the End Times… it'll also include those who stand up against these fake churches…