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This new Glazov Gang episode features Robert Spencer, the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His latest book is Muhammad: A Critical Biography. Follow him on Twitter here.
Robert discusses Why Hamas Calls Jews ‘Apes’ and ‘Pigs’, reflecting on: Could it have something to do with the teachings of Islam?
Don’t miss it!
[Watch whole interview HERE.]
And make sure to watch our 9-Part Special Series on The Catastrophic Israel-Hamas ‘Ceasefire’ and Why Hamas Beheads Israeli Children.
[1] Lopsided Israeli–Palestinian Prisoner Exchanges – What do they indicate about each side’s value for human life?
[2] Robert Spencer: The Catastrophic Israel-Hamas ‘Ceasefire’ — A surrender to terror.
[3] Why Hamas Beheads Israeli Children. The real – and taboo – reason why Islamic terrorists do it.
[4] Why Hamas Shouts ‘Allahu Akbar!’ – Why the media will never tell you what it really means.
[5] Mapping Jews Project USA. The dark forces that are identifying every Jew in the Boston area – and why.
[6] Daniel Greenfield: Why 1 in 10 American Jews Support Hamas – Ignorance of history kills.
[7] Lovers of Life vs. Lovers of Death – Who will prevail?
[8] Biden Voters Have Blood on their Hands.
[9] How Obama Enabled Hamas’ Terror Attack on Israel – The dark consequences of the Left’s love affair with Jihad.
Subscribe to JamieGlazov.com.
Someone go tell those jerks from PETA that Ham-A** is using Animal Terms against Jews
When the IDF is finally done with destroying the last remnants of Hamas are they even going to be able to afford those nifty green scarves and the crappy AK 47s?
And still those Cowards hide their faces like those Antifa Cowards do
The jihadists of Hamas are so very deluded because of their religion ,with strong but blind unquestioning faith in the Qur ‘an believe that Jews are apes and pigs in human form, .” As seen in the Qur ‘ran in 2:65; 7:166.; 5:60. To any devout Muslim ,no matter how absurd that belief is, Muslims feel that have to believe that , because it’s written in the Qur’ an.
To explain this in more detail such vicious Muslims hate towards the Jewish people is because according to Qur ‘an n ,which is the entire foundation of Islam, the Jews are “apes and swine in human form.” Such vicious and malice -filled vicious murderous spite and hate of jihadist Muslims ,as those of Hamas ,Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad for the Jewish people is based upon the foundation of Islam’s “holy book” the Qu ‘ran.
The roots of this awful Muslim murderous hostility towards the Jewish people is the result of a firm but blind and unquestioning Muslim faith in the Qu ‘ran. Which instructs in violence and killing for the cause of Islam. As found in, for example, 4: 89. 5:33. 9:5,111,123. 47:4.
In other words the Qu ‘ran inspires and causes such hideous violence. Furthermore, another role the Koran has in such deadly Islamic terror attacks in the Jewish nation of Israel is that the Koran contains many negative about the Jewish people.
The reason that the Qur ‘an reads as it does have much to do with the history of the founder and prophet of Islam, who is Muhammad. This is for a specific time period of his life Muhammad lived among many Jewish people and he liked them at first.
Later then they would not accept his claim of being of prophet, Muhammad then took is dislike to them that then turned into bitterness and even hate for them. So in the hate and bitterness he spoke many derogatory things about the as even referring to them as “apes and swine.” Such word of bitterness and hate, along with other thing he said, where written down on things and then later after his death those words were together and then eventually, in time went in the composition of the Qu ‘ran.
Therefore, that why the Koran reads and in does about the Jewish people, as in calling them descendants of “apes and swine.” As seen in the Qur ‘ran in 2:65; 7:166.; 5:60.
Since the Qu ‘ran has many terribly awful things in it about the Jewish people calling then “apes and pigs in human form. 2:65; 7:166.; 5:60. Accordingly maliciously and viciously invaded the State of Israel murdered and maimed as well as kidnapped many of the Jewish people on October 7th 2023.
Therefore, a very important question is the Qu ‘ran really divine or its it a hoax ? Thus, the question should than be asked “Does the Qu’ ran have errors and contradictions in it ?”
The answer to that question is found on pages 145 through 157 in THE ISLAMIC INVASION by Robert Morey in which he wrote a section on the Qu‘ran with its self-contradictions. Just two of the many he cited are the following “The Qu’ran differs on whether a day is a thousand years or fifty thousand years in God’s sight’ and “Who was first to believe? Abraham or Moses [Sura 6:14 versus 7:143]? The above is inconsistent and illogical. Further, Morey wrote about “The fact that Judaism and Christianity broke up into different sects was used in the Qu ‘ran to prove that they are not of God [Suras 30:20-32. 42:13, 14]. Yet Islam has broken up into many warring sects and therefore cannot be true if the Quran is right.”
Moreover, Morey in his book shows many more contradictions and absurdities in the Quran, there are and how Muhammad incorporated extra Biblical and Jewish folklore along with pre-Islamic Arabian myth and parts of Zoroastrian and Hindu stories into the Quran.
In conclusion, the Qu ‘ran is not only a fiction, it’s also a hoax.
The Qur ‘an has in it many very negative things in it about the Jewish people . It actually refers to them as“apes and swine.” As seen in the Qur ‘ran in 2:65; 7:166.; 5:60. Therefore the Muslim terrorists of Hamas hate the Jews with a strong spite-full Islamic passion. As a consequence of this was those many horrendous atrocities they committed against the peaceful Jewish people on October 7th 2023.
Therfore it should be known that the truth about the Qur’ an was exposed in the book UNVEILING ISLAM by Ergun Mehmet Caner and Eethi Caner has shown that the Qur ‘an was modified in the following account on pages 45. “Muhammad felt the need to improve on the words of Allah, since he changed Allah’s wisdom for his own on several occasions. A hadith tells of the nonchalant emendations of Muhammad:’ On a number of occasions he [a scribe] had, with the Prophet’s consent changed the closing words of verses. For example, when the prophet had said ‘God is mighty and wise ‘ Adbollah b. Abi Sarh suggested writing down ‘Knowing and wise’ and the Prophet answered that there was no objection. Having observed a succession of changes of this type, Adbollah renounced Islam on the grounds that revelations, if from God could not be changed at the prompting of a scribe such as himself. After his apostasy he went to Mecca and joined the Qorayshites.’ Other writers reveal that later Muhammad and his people did go war with the Qorayshites and he personally killed Abdollah. Obviously Abdollah knew too much and Muhammad wanted Abdollah’s knowledge to die with him.”
In conclusion, the Qu ‘ran is not only a fiction, it’s also a hoax.
It should now be added that the last statement of the above that “the Qu ‘ran is not only a fiction, it’s also a hoax.” To put this in a Biblical way. As in from the Bible, it may be truly explained that the Qu ‘ran is a deceptive work of “the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.” Ephesians 14:12.. [N.I.V.]
About 30 years ago in the gym on a naval base in Norfolk, Virginia, the Qur’an came into the conversation for some reason. One officer insisted Jehovah and Allah are just two different names for the same Creator God, and the Qur’an was proof because it was almost identical to the Old Testament, inspired by the same God. Having studied both, I asked the fellow if he had ever actually read the Qur’an, and he said no. I asked if he had ever actually read the Old Testament or any part of the Bible at all, and he said no. I asked him if he could explain some contradictions between the two, and he said no. But he was certain he was right anyway.
I was wondering…..can I call the Muslims ‘apes and pigs” just so I can watch the reaction?
The context of apes and pigs was Muhammad stated that the Jews believed in the sabbath but for those Jews that worked on the sabbath, Allah cursed them – turning them into apes and pigs. Which is ironic because if Allah is the same God that the Jewish people pray to, then why would Allah remove the sabbath from Muslims? Oh that’s right – Muslims are literally slaves of Allah, so they don’t get a day of rest. Which explains why all Muslims weren’t cursed and transformed into apes & pigs.
Ah to live in the mind of Muhammad, where the sun sets in a pool of water! Also where a child resembles the father, if the father discharged before the mother and vice versa for a child resembling the mother. If only Arabs even now would recognize Muhammad as a false prophet – we would have peaceful coexistence.