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Contemptible but not surprising.
In his movie, ‘Munich’, a fake revisionist version of Israel’s campaign against Islamic terrorism, Steven Spielberg made a point of equating the Israeli counter-terrorism operatives and the terrorists.
And it’s not just Israel.
When he considered making ‘American Sniper’, he wanted to focus on a terrorist sniper who would be “a mirror of Chris on the the other side.”
After initially making a strong statement, Spielberg appeared at a USC Shoah Foundation event and gave a fairly generic speech about the Holocaust. He claimed, bizarrely, that “we see every day how the machinery of extremism is being used on college campuses…where now, fully 50 percent of students say they have experienced some discrimination because they are Jewish. This is happening alongside anti-Muslim, Arab, and Sikh discrimination.”
Who is discriminating against those 50% of Jewish students? Spielberg implies that it’s whoever is also discriminating against Muslims and Arabs. As opposed to this kind of ordinary evil at Stanford.
One of the section leaders for my computer-science class, Hamza El Boudali, believes that President Joe Biden should be killed. “I’m not calling for a civilian to do it, but I think a military should,” the 23-year-old Stanford University student told a small
El Boudali has also said that he believes that Hamas’s October 7 attack was a justifiable act of resistance, and that he would actually prefer Hamas rule America in place of its current government (though he clarified later that he “doesn’t mean Hamas is perfect”). When you ask him what his cause is, he answers: “Peace.”
The Jewish students—one of whom is in the computer science course El Boudali grades—asked him how he thought Jews would fare in a Hamas-occupied America.
“Very well,” El Boudali replied. “Just like the hostages.”
Spielberg is too much of a coward to address any of that. Instead, he manages to equate Israel and Hamas.
“I am increasingly alarmed that we may be condemned to repeat history–to once again have to fight for the very right to be Jewish. In the face of brutality and persecution, we have always been a resilient and compassionate people who understand the power of empathy. We can rage against the heinous acts committed by the terrorists of October 7th and also decry the killing of innocent women and children in Gaza. This makes us a unique force for good in the world and is why we are here today celebrate the work of the Shoah Foundation, which is more crucial now it even was in 1994.”
This isn’t a unique force for good, this is cringe ‘as a Jew’ masochism.
What would Spielberg have made of someone who said, “We can rage against the heinous acts committed by the Nazis and also decry the killing of innocent women and children in Dresden.”
This kind of contemptible moral equivalence is what passes for Spielberg’s moral code.
Not only does he fail to assert that Israel has a right to fight Hamas (or even the name of Hamas), but he condemns Israel for the “killing of innocent women and children in Gaza” as if Israel is actively trying to kill them, instead of trying to defeat the terrorists responsible for Oct 7.
Not surprised by the false moral equivalency from these leftist. They have no morality.
Israel gave those terrorist supporters EVERY warning to GTFO out of the war zone THEY created. What do they do? They stay in harms way. They create lies and propaganda.
The left acts like their lies are the truth. They don’t care WHAT the truth is. They’re use to pretending lies are reality.
How dare he decry the killing of innocent women and children in Gaza. The monster!
And, yes, Greenfield, there were innocent women and children in Dresden. And no, we should not rejoice in their death. Why do you pour wine out of your cup during Passover seder? Hmmmm???????
And, by the way, it’s such a bummer that you’re going against Spielberg now, when just a few weeks ago you were raving about how much you liked his version of “The Color Purple.” You big softie…
And using one single example from one single Stanford student to stand in for all types of anti-Semitism is what we in the biz call an “illegitimate generalization.” It’s sophistic hand-waving and you know it.
“when just a few weeks ago you were raving about how much you liked his version of “The Color Purple.”
you’re a tiresome troll, but you’re also a tiresome liar
You little softie. Erectile dysfunction must suck.
And anti-Semitism refers ONLY to Jew hatred, not that ANY Arabs or moslems are discriminated against in universities. Quite the opposite, they’re pandered to and allowed to attack Jews verbally and physically.
Golda Meir once said – We can forgive [the Arabs] for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children.
It took me a long time to absorb that quote but it is the right sentiment.
Spielberg uses the word decry and obscures the point entirely.. It is very deliberate of course and it is typical of a broad group in the media. I don’t doubt Spielberg’s compassion. It’s his cowardly lack of honesty that’s so deployable.
Why do you whine on Ramadan,, hmmmm?
Spielberg is empty virtue signaling. If he were actually decrying the killing of women and children of gaza, he would have to condemn hamas using them as human shields, but he doesn’t even mention it. Like you mick, he’s supporting the killing of women and children of gaza, while pretending otherwise. So at least be honest enough with yourself to celebrate it, because hamas, fatah, islamic jihad, and hezzbolla couldn’t get away with it without your support.
go squeal to hamas, schmuck – they brought this on their own people – and I use the word ‘people’ generously, as they are much more subhuman than human.
Thanks dani!
Islam turns humans into subhumans.
go squeal to hamas, schmuck – they brought it on, or were you high that day??
What innocent women and children? Every child four years on up hates Jews and wants them dead, as they’ve been taught to feel genocidal, just like the adults. How many women and children have been killed? The death figures from Hamas are beyond ridiculous and idiotic lies.
And there is no moral equivalence between Psuedostinian acts of terrorism and the deaths they bring on themselves with Israeli self defense and the death of truly innocent Jews. You just ignored everything Greenfield wrote and spewed your usual idiotic tu quoque nonsense.
How does it feel to be so stupid? Does it hurt?
Thanks Jeff! They are like the Janissaries, trained from childhood to hate infidels.
Spielberg and Hollywood are in the business of making things up.
Making things up is the modus operandi now for the morally corrupt woke leftist depraved psychopathic democrat party.
Spielberg is a Hollywood whore …. nothing less.
Anyone who cannot comprehend the fact that Islam is a depraved psychopathic murderous violent berserk perversion of the human mind is an oblivious fool at best.
In order for the humanity to progress peacefully Islam itself must be eliminated.
1400 years of Islamic crimes against humanity is enough already.
I love that Greenfield is totally fine with his readers referring to a billion people as “subhuman”, but he MUST remind us all he doesn’t actually like Spielberg movies. Priorities as always, Daniel!
There are nowhere near a billion Paleosimians, dumbass.
And Schlemielberg is a scumbag, and yes, most of his movies suck.
I expected as much since we heard absolutely nothing at the outset of the atrocities.
After watching the dismal 2nd half of Munich how can anyone expect a fair, rational anything from this classical leftist antizionist as. he and Daniel Pearl are typical of such leftist fools.
He is a typical leftist fool who thinks that muslims are “fellow humans” despite what they do so often to countermand such a view. I wonder what he thinks of the Iranians who marched battalions of young children onto Iraqi mine fields so as to clear the way for their troops. He has NO concept of islam nor of its demands upon humanity and his comments or viewpoints are teh same as those of his fellow travelelrs/
Munich also had a screenplay by self hating Jew Tony Kushner, who is even worse than Spielberg. Kushner should try living as a gay Jew among “Palestinians”, or in Iran- he’d be thrown off a roof or the subject of involuntary sex reassignment.
Thanks Michelle!
Although I know exactly what you mean, Michelle, and agree with you, I am of the opinion that Hamas is accurately described as “fellow humans.” The Bible accurately describes humanity’s range of good and evil.
People lose their “humanity” and become more and more depraved when they turn from the Living God and worship demons. The longer they do this, the more inhumane and depraved they become.
But the LORD’s arm is not shortened, and even the very worst of us can be redeemed and given a new heart. This hopeful thought does not mean that some people just need killing.
I’ve heard it said that Jews control Hollywood, so I’ve naively been waiting for some vitriolic responses to the narrative from Tinseltown. No such luck. I think Daniel is correct with, “This isn’t a unique force for good, this is cringe ‘as a Jew’ masochism.” The modern elite democrat reminds me of a union shop steward. Their job is to invoke the party line even if that line could ultimately lead to their own personal downfall. Say what we will about them, but at least in tone, liberals sound united. Maybe that’s why so many uber wealthy among them are secretly hedging their bets by building underground palace shelters. Talk is cheap after all, but protecting their butts from their own rhetoric isn’t.
Thanks Navy!
“invoke the party line even if that line could ultimately lead to their own personal downfall.”
Reminds me of Stalin’s day. Characteristic of Communist regimes.
Greatest killers (Millions) in human history –
low and high estimates:
Smallpox: 300 – 500
Muslims: 150 – 270 mil
Black Death: 75 – 200mil
You do know that the Thirty Years War, The Hundred Years War, The First World War, the Second World War all involved Christian nations fighting against each other, right? You do know that Christian nations conquered the Americas and exterminated the native inhabitants, right? You think Christians have not killed 75 million people in human history?
Exterminated the native inhabitants? Then where did all those casinos come from? Thanks for yet again proving you’re wrong, lol. A broken clock works better than you Mick!
communism has killed MILLIONS more – boy are you dumb, but so are most useful idiots.
You do know islamopithecines have murdered more people than all the wars you mentioned, and that they murdered those people in the name of their cult, right? You do know that Christian countries did not commit genocide against Indians, much less exterminate them, right? You do know that your figure of 75 million people killed by Christians is ridiculous because none of them were killed in the name of Christianity, right?
I use a page from the koran for toilet paper every time I take a dump.
Communist China alone mass murdered more than your figure for Christians, who China is now killing.
HellyWeird self loathing Jews are not unscathed with antisemitism. To take a stance against Israel is to condone genocide from demonic nazzis to demonic izzylamik jihad no matter what these vile POS call themselves, hamazz or hellzbolah . How can anyone watch their movies? Those who spoke out against President Trump and now those who speak out against Israel from 10-7-2023, who can sit through their movies? Certainly no self respecting righteous Hebrew who vows: NEVER AGAIN!
hamazz and hellzbolah make movies?
Yes. Propaganda movies and jihad murder porn.
Back to special ed for you.
Thanks Jeff! They made some about the Moscow Massacre recently that I watched.
Spielberg? The movie maker? Why would anyone care what he thinks about international affairs? As a retired Foreign Service officer, I don’t have people asking my opinion of films or Hollywood. Nor should they.
HellyWeird is dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight. The dance music will end and they will be left holding the bag to YHVH!
HellyWeird is dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight. The dance music will end and they will be left holding the bag to YHVH! (GOD of the Bible)
Esau had no use for his birthright; so he sold it to Jacob.
Schumer, Spielberg, Blinken, “etcetera, etcetera, etcetera”, have sold their birthrights, which have no relevance in their worlds.
What exactly is this mysterious Jewish birthright? It is simply living a morally responsible life in every dynamic and dimension according to the Torah and its absolute divine ethical code of conduct.
These men do not speak for the Jewish people; but they’ve got the ego to think they do, and rather than follow the divine moral code of Torah, they redefine Judaism out of existence into something compatible with the administration’s hatred of and intent to eliminate Israel.
The Hebrew word for ‘I’ is
‘A-N-I’, pronounced ah-NEE.
If the three letters are switched around to A-I-N, that Hebrew word is pronounced ‘AH-yin’, and means ‘nothing’.
Ego + ignorance = zero
I keep thinking of that scene in Raider of the Lost Ark, in Cairo, where the bad guys break off their pursuit of Indy because he’s suddenly surrounded by his freind’s kids.. Of course we know in real life that the presence of those kids wouldn’t have done a thing to slow the bad guys down.
People will say remarkably dumb things to keep the favor of the in crowd.
What would Spielberg have made of someone who said, “We can rage against the heinous acts committed by the Nazis and also decry the killing of innocent women and children in Dresden.”
This kind of contemptible moral equivalence is what passes for Spielberg’s moral code.
Not only does he fail to assert that Israel has a right to fight Hamas (or even the name of Hamas), but he condemns Israel for the “killing of innocent women and children in Gaza” as if Israel is actively trying to kill them, instead of trying to defeat the terrorists responsible for Oct 7.
Spielberg just like many Jewish people is gentle and civilized. He knows that Israel is fighting for its survival since the civilizations surrounding Israel ( Egypt,Syria,Lebanon,Jordan, Turkey …..) are already gone and replaced with the culture of the invaders.
He doesn’t for sure want the fate of Israel to be like that of its neighbours but he is afraid to tell the truth and as an important public figure dislikes being hated by many people.
If anyone is responsible for the ” killing of innocent women and children in Gaza ” it is Hamas not Israel. Police in America would react against a suspect carrying a cell phone if they mistake it for a deadly weapon let alone observing missiles flying from Harlem to endanger the lives of innocent people in New York !
Israel as a country is very smart . Its intelligent people are capable of recognizing how a terrorist base looks like . Gaza is a terrorist base with or without innocent civilians. Soon or later Gaza has to be cleaned.
I never watched ET and I am not likely to ever watch one of his movies ever again
Hollywood trash.
Dump it all.
One positive (if it can be called that) thing about Islamists, is that they are not fooled by virtue signaling or do-gooderism. They see it for the weak, equivocating garbage that it is, and they easily control and conquer those who practice it.