Election denier Stacey Abrams built her brand on the claim that the election had been stolen from her through voter suppression and that she would fight to turn that around. Her fight for “voting rights” focused on Fair Fight Action v. Raffensperger, a case that she recently lost.
Abrams Inc. boasted that the losing case, “made history as the longest voting rights trial on Eleventh Circuit record.” Gov. Brian Kemp retorted, “Today, Stacey Abrams and her organization lost in court – on all counts. From day one, Abrams has used this lawsuit to line her pockets, sow distrust in our democratic institutions, and build her own celebrity.”
Now comes a closer look at the pocket lining part.
The voting rights organization founded by Stacey Abrams spent more than $25 million over two years on legal fees, mostly on a single case, with the largest amount going to the self-described boutique law firm of the candidate’s campaign chairwoman.
Allegra Lawrence-Hardy, Abrams’ close friend who chaired her gubernatorial campaign both in 2018 and her current bid to unseat Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, is one of two named partners in Lawrence & Bundy, a small firm of fewer than two dozen attorneys.
The firm received $9.4 million from Abrams’ group, Fair Fight Action, in 2019 and 2020, the last years for which federal tax filings are available. Lawrence-Hardy declined to comment on how much her firm has collected from Fair Fight Action in 2021 and 2022 — years in which Fair Fight Action v. Raffensperger, for which Lawrence-Hardy was lead counsel, had most of its courtroom activity.
She has a really cool gig, just claim victory regardless of the outcome. Abrams has delivered more crap around the country that Fed-X.
Entropy leads noble movements to being simply rackets. But, big buck rackets, that have paid handsomely for decades and promise blossoming careers for the professionally unscruppled.
Unlike the Badger Game, the Vice Squads appear unprepared to handle all the upper tier swindlers. If they tried, then they would be racists. Of course.
She’s so fat, she’s liable to become immobilized, after which we won’t hear so much from her.
Dr. Oz. on Faux says ,”we are going to take on the issues/we are going to win on the issues”. Does this mean Republicans should believe him? Only if they want to and if they want to then the issues have already been solved just doing what they’ve being doing for the last 40 years.
Are Republicans that stupid? Let’s find out “together”,
Trump 2024