America, these are your lawyers of tomorrow. When the Federalist Society at Stanford Law School, one of the nation’s most elite law schools, invited Fifth Circuit appellate judge Stuart Kyle Duncan to speak, the budding attorneys could have had a thoughtful discussion of controversial issues with someone who doesn’t share their point of view. Duncan drew Leftist ire in 2020 when he refused to pretend that a male sex offender was a woman, as he had claimed to be. He has also taken other positions that are simple sanity but are represented today as “conservative.” Instead of engaging Duncan in lively debate, however, Stanford’s future lawyers became a howling, slavering mob, refusing to allow Duncan to speak as the school’s associate dean of diversity (yes, really) lectured him for daring not to be a Leftist. These people will soon be lawyers, and then, God help us.
Tirien Steinbach, Stanford’s associate dean for diversity, equity and inclusion, is captured on video acting anything but “inclusive” toward Duncan. But of course, we all know that when Leftists speak about “inclusion,” they mean the inclusion of people of all races (except whites), all genders (all 73 of ‘em), and all beliefs that are thoroughly Leftist and in line with contemporary Leftist sensibilities. Diversity is sought after, prized, and celebrated, except for diversity of thought, which is to be vehemently rejected.
VIDEO: a DEI bureaucrat in action
Stanford Law's associate dean for DEI, Tirien Angela Steinbach, is an obvious moron, appointed only because she is a black woman. Here, she starts crying because FedSoc invited a conservative circuit judge.
$100k per year for this "education"
— Max Meyer (@mualphaxi) March 10, 2023
And so when Duncan, facing the mob of alleged law students, asked Steinbach to restore order, she then took to the podium and began lecturing the judge, saying: “Your opinions from the bench land as absolute disenfranchisement” of the rights of students. When Duncan tried to respond, the mob screamed, “Let her finish,” a courtesy they never accorded to Duncan himself. Steinbach went on to repeat, “Your work has caused harm.”
Steinbach even accused Duncan of “tearing the fabric of this community” and asked him, “Do you have something so incredibly important to say about Twitter and guns and COVID that that is worth this impact on the division of these people, who have sat next to each other for years, who are going through what is the battle of law school together?” About the mob’s refusal to let Duncan speak, Steinbach declared, “I look out and I don’t ask what is going on here, I look out and I say, I’m glad this is going on here.” She then left, to tumultuous applause, and the students walked out behind her.
Duncan is mincing no words about what happened. The protesters, he said in a Washington Free Beacon interview that was published Friday, acted like “dogs**t.” He wants Stanford to discipline the students who wouldn’t allow him to speak and to fire Steinbach for what he described as her “bizarre therapy session from hell.” But Steinbach’s job is likely secure. While Stanford Law School Dean Jenny Martinez claimed that the disruption of Duncan’s speech was “not aligned with our institutional commitment to freedom of speech,” she said nothing even about any students, much less Steinbach, getting disciplined.
What’s more, Martinez’s claim that Stanford has a commitment to the freedom of speech is risible. When I spoke at Stanford in 2017, the Stanford student press conducted a weeks-long smear campaign in the run-up to the event. Then, at the event itself, I had spoken for just a few moments when the students got up and walked out en masse; video showed that Nanci Howe, associate dean and director of Student Activities and Leadership, and Snehal Naik, who was then assistant dean and associate director of Student Activities and Leadership and is now senior director of the Office of Student Engagement, engineered the walkout. All these years later, Naik is still at it; he is shown prominently in the video of Steinbach hectoring Duncan as the fascist mob howls.
Stanford students even point to the disruption of my event as a model that students should follow. As recently as March 3, the Stanford Review published an article entitled “Apathy Descends on Stanford,” which hailed the efforts to prevent me from speaking as a high point in Stanford’s recent history: “Even just five years ago, people seemed to actually care. When the Stanford College Republicans (SCR) invited Robert Spencer, a self-proclaimed Islamophobe,” (that was ironic, genius), “to speak about radical Islam on campus in 2017, he was met with wide-scale protest by the campus left, to the extent that President Marc Tessier-Levigne addressed the tension in a blog post. SCR was equally dedicated, going through dorms to flyer numerous times to combat their opponents’ efforts to tear the flyers down.” The Stanford Left is proud of what it has done and is still doing to prevent those whom it hates and fears from speaking. There is no respect, at what is supposed to be an institution of higher learning, for the importance of the freedom of speech as the foundation of any free society. These people are authoritarians to the core.
Duncan warned that worse was to come: “If enough of these kids get into the legal profession, the rule of law will descend into barbarism.” Oh, yes.
Spurwing Plover says
And the Trial Lawyers always favor the Democrats
Intrepid says
Stanford, like Harvard, Yale and Princeton is descending in to the quicksand of communist indoctrination. They are no longer elite institutions. They are simply places where kids are institutionalized.
Don’t waste your money. Don’t send your kids to these schools.
internalexile says
Yes. I don’t have kids, but if I did, I would avoid the Ivy League schools (and most others) like the plague.
William Griffith says
I think the word you are looking for is indoctrinated.
Kasandra says
For over half a century universities have allowed Leftist students, faculty, and administrators to do whatever the hell they want without consequence. Unless and until administrators grow a spine and start expelling students and firing faculty who engage in such conduct it will continue.
Lightbringer says
Judge Robert Bork saw it coming years ago. Read “Slouching toward Gomorrah” to understand why he was alarmed.
Paul says
Do not worry here in Kallyfornistan we soon will not rely on Courts and their Just Us system and Law will only be capitulation or for those of us who still think we are Free Men there will be NO Compliance and the violence that must be assured to go with it. i.e., The Wild Wild West again! So these Law Students are and will be UNEMPLOYABLE!
Frommer Bischkva says
This dystopian scene represents just a tiny sliver of what this nation faces in the next 10-20-30 years. These spoiled little fascist hypocrites are the next generation of lawyers, judges, and elected officials. Let that sink in. Across campus, in engineering and science departments, are similarly brainwashed individuals who will be designing cars, bridges, and airplane safety systems. Over at the medical school a similar group that can’t tell male from female. Etc., etc., etc. Barring the catastrophic collapse and rebirth of all our institutions, we are doomed as a nation.
Jim says
It is ironic that the left in the 60s pushed the free speech movement, and now it is just our speech movement. In the Third Reich students also acted like that and worse. It is ironic when they call conservatives fascists, and they act like Nazis. There is no reason, it is simply dogmatism and refusal to discuss. How would they behave in a trial? Would there be any attempt to find the truth or apply logic to determine innocence or guilt.?
Lightbringer says
If they became trial lawyers (and many no doubt will), they will scream, howl, and thrash on the floor if anyone disagrees with them. And the judge will say, “Objection overruled.”
Beez says
I doubt the judge will say objection overruled. We face a future in which the wokesters will be on the federal bench from now until doomsday – which may be soon.
Kasandra says
Absolutely! They’ve shown they have no regard for the law and reasoned argument. Their go-to mode is just to scream the loudest and engage in ad hominem attack against anyone who disagrees with them.
One Angry Artist says
Notice how many of the imbeciles are still wearing muzzles.
They are a disgrace.
Beez says
True. Biden is filling the federal bench with these young malignant narcissists.
Andrew Blackadder says
” We believe in free speech so sit down and STFU”…
How strange it seems that certain groups contradict their own words but due to their University Education they cant seem to notice that.
I never let my lack of schooling to get in the way of my education.
Wayne says
What a bunch of hyenas! Educated fools who refuse to listen to reason and logic because it runs against the grain of their entrenched belief system. These students are to be pitied for their ignorance and despised for their arrogance. Most of those walking out were women. That makes me wonder if they are more vulnerable because they have been told all their lives that they are a minority. Now they feel entitled and justified in all of their actions against the White Male in the room. I also notice the pussified boys who went with them to show their unity and keep from being ostracized by these petty little girls. These people are the ones who will try to mold the world into their own personal view rather than a Constitutional view.