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Victory has a thousand fathers but defeat is an orphan.
Since the disastrous retreat from Afghanistan, everyone has been pointing fingers. The Biden administration blamed Trump. The military, somewhat rightly, blamed the State Department for having no evac plan while insisting on maintaining a massive diplomatic facility in what would soon be enemy territory. (Although the military had its own role in this disaster.)
The State Department has refused to cooperate with the Afghanistan watchdog, but has issued its own report blaming, among other things, the pandemic.
Among contributing factors to the chaotic and violent withdrawal, the report found, were that the State Department wasn’t best prepared for the collapse of the Afghan government, “prolonged gaps in filling” senior positions overseas and difficulties staffing and running the department’s in-person crisis response due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The State Department wasn’t prepared because it chose not to be. It failed to address the reality of the situation because it was politically inconvenient.
Its failure to properly staff positions is also a disaster of its own making, including the absurdity of letting key personnel meant to deal with a crisis work remotely, but it’s already been documented that State Dept personnel refused to consider an evacuation during in-person meetings including with military brass.
Overall, the department found that the U.S. needs to better plan for “worst-case scenarios,” rebuild the department’s crisis management capabilities and “ensure that senior officials hear the broadest possible range of views including those that challenge operating assumptions or question the wisdom of key policy decisions.”
The latter is the only relevant part of this, but the problem is that Biden wanted a withdrawal at any cost. And he got it. The State Department gave him what he wanted by ignoring any contrary views and tripled down on a fantasy of a negotiated solution with the Taliban. There was never going to be a negotiated solution with the Taliban. It was an idiotic fantasy all along that could only end in one way. But politicians didn’t want to hear that.
That was the problem here, not COVID.
When a government collapses, it often collapses very quickly, like a house of cards, as the miscreants get out of Dodge with their loot before it’s too late.
You are exactly correct and our government leaders are all guilty.
Biden seems to do things without looking ahead to any consequences or provide for any contingencies.
“Damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead” rarely works when it comes to the Taliban.
Well done
And to the point.
Biden is the biggest political criminal this country has ever had. He sold our country to the Chinese and has put our constitution in the closet.
We the people will protect our country at any cost like our brave country men and women who lay in rest across this country.
“We will make them proud”.
As a veteran I agree 100%. I will never surrender freedom to those who would take it and enslave me. This is my country and freedom is my right.
Biden is always wrong on foreign policy. A dnc shill who is a bigger crook then the mafia….
Yeah, on a tangent, in those days “torpedos” meant “mines”, as in the river was mined, and the riverboats ran through the minefield. Or something like that 🙂
Alzheimer Joe can’t look ahead of his last pudding cup. Not that he can even use a spoon by himself.
Biden and Austin were in too big of a hurray to do anything right. It was all a total cluster *******, without putting someone in charge to make an orderly retreat, over time. First mistake was giving up Bagram Airbase before we moved all equipment out! A MUST.
The worst mistake was the order given to our Marine sniper to stand down, when he could have taken out the suicide bomber before he killed our 13 Marines. If that had been an NCO giving that order, he would have been Court Martialed and Dishonorably Discharged! But since NOTHING happened to that person, he must have been an Officer. There are two worlds in the Military!!
Too bad the sniper didn’t just refuse to ask permission and killed the bomber without telling anybody..
Thanks Jeff, good point.
Pulling the military out before civilians and Afghan allies, the ones who risked their lives, was the major mistake. The pullout was a fool’s gambit and Biden and Miley deserve the credit for this disaster.
this is the biggest failure of this administration so far, while there have been plenty. if republicans are smart this would be the biggest hammering point for the 2024 election. everyday on television show the results of this fiasco.hammer the point that the democrats can’t even exit a country without screwing up. make it real.
My understanding is the military advised against Biden’s plan and Biden stupidly went ahead with his surrender. Biden is not gifted with a great strategic mind. Strategic thinking seems to elude him. It doesn’t elude the Chinese who’ve already got thousands of troops in this country awaiting orders. So either Joe knows what his good buddy Xi has been up to or he doesn’t. Neither answer is very reassuring.
Every time Democrats make mistakes they blame someone else instead of themselves. They had plenty of time, previous planning under Trump, and history of what happens in that area to know what properly to do. These fools did not do anything because the original planning and history was done under Trump so they threw it in the trash and let the Americans get killed and the weapons fall to the Taliban.
And Joe Talibiden wanted to look like a hero who ended a war so he could score acclaim and political points. He proved that by repeatedly looking at his watch during the funeral of the thirteen Marines, soldiers and the sailor who were killed because of his handlers and him. He was born a piece of shit and he’ll die a piece of shit.
The article shows that no one wants to be held responsible for lying their fannies off. I use ‘fannies’ instead of the other word to be polite.