The Auschwitz Institute for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities hails the antisemitic hate group Black Lives Matter and falsely claims that America is guilty of ongoing “mass atrocities” against black people by a “racist society”.
That’s despite the fact that Black Lives Matter is an antisemitic hate group which not only denounces the Jewish State, but whose riots were associated with attacks on synagogues.
It would be easy to mistake the institute bearing the name of the infamous Polish concentration camp where over 1 million Jews were murdered for a Holocaust memorial organization.
It’s not. What it is is a lot more troubling.
Despite its Manhattan address, the Auschwitz Institute was actually set up in Poland and “approved” by the state museum which operates under the auspices of the Polish government.
Supporters include the Ford Foundation, which has a history of funding anti-Israel movements along with Black Lives Matter, the French and German foreign offices, the Dutch government, the United States Institute of Peace and the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany.
The Conference was set up to provide reparations by Germany to Holocaust survivors. It’s supposed to help survivors and yet it’s listed as a donor to a political organization that supports an antisemitic and racist movement that slurs the nation which ended the Holocaust.
The latest available tax documents show $10,000 provided by the Claims Conference to the Auschwitz Institute, alongside funding from the Australian, Irish and United States governments.
The Auschwitz Institute’s staff is notable for being largely non-Jewish, but does include Duaa Randhawa, a program officer for online education, who is a veteran of the violently antisemitic Council on American-Islamic Relations: whose associates have supported the murder of Jews.
Some have even praised Hitler and called for another Holocaust.
Dina Bailey, the head of U.S. programs for the Institute, is an African-American diversity trainer.
The Auschwitz Institute has employed, coordinated and cited materials from George Soros’ Open Society networks. Soros had collaborated in the persecution of Jews during the Holocaust, has blamed Jews for antisemitism and funded antisemitic activities since then.
And while the Auschwitz Institute takes no particular anti-Israel position, nor is it particularly concerned with the threatened genocide aimed at a nation with millions of Jews.
The troubling hijacking of the Holocaust to promote Black Lives Matter, issue ‘land acknowledgements’ and other woke virtue signaling is all too typical of the appropriation of the Holocaust for leftist causes.
Holocaust museums have been clearing out exhibits about the mass murder of Jews to make way for Black Lives Matter propaganda.
The Holocaust Museum of Houston promotes Ibram X. Kendi’s “How To Be An Antiracist” and “When They Call You a Terrorist: A Black Lives Matter Memoir” by Patrisse Kahn-Cullor. The Holocaust Memorial Resource & Education Center of Florida triggered a massive backlash with its George Floyd exhibit. But the Auschwitz Institute is a particularly graphic example of not only a growing trend of woke Holocaust exploitation, but also Holocaust expropriation.
The Claims Conference acts as the official trustee for Holocaust victims, claiming and negotiating over property and compensation in their name, and then dispensing it. These funds are supposed to be allocated to organizations that provide support for survivors.
It’s difficult to see how the Auschwitz Institute fits that criteria.
The Auschwitz Institute actually represents the troubling intersection of Holocaust universalization and state-sponsored wokeness. The role of foreign governments, including some of those involved in perpetrating the Holocaust, which now support an institute that smears the country that ended the Holocaust, is obscene. Especially when that institution also appears to be funded with money that was meant to be used to help Holocaust survivors.
The transformation of the Holocaust from history to metaphor has been a convenient way of moving past the inconvenient facts and to the convenient narratives in which international organizations and multilateralism are the solution to preventing future genocides, even though they not only failed to prevent the Holocaust, but any actual future genocides whatsoever.
International organizations have instead become the enablers of genocide, impotent in the face of actual atrocities, but all too willing to accuse America, Israel and other free countries of war crimes. The metaphorical alchemy that turned the victims and liberators of the Holocaust into the perpetrators has also relieved the activists from having to address actual antisemitism.
It is no coincidence that the multilateral organizations that promised to prevent another Holocaust have instead become some of the loudest enablers of Islamic terrorists, of Hamas, the PLO and Iran, of those who admire Hitler and boast of wanting to finish his work.
A few years ago, the Government Affairs Coordinator of Minnesota’s CAIR chapter allegedly posted, “i wish hitler was alive to f*** up the jewish ppl and add more jewish causalities to the 6 million he killed in the holocaust.” It was one of multiple antisemitic and genocidal views put forward by figures associated with CAIR.
A CAIR employee in St. Louis had tweeted, “#crimesworthyoftherope being a Jew” and “I just want to spit in their faces. All of them any Jew Israeli I come across I hate them all.”
CAIR’s Arizona Outreach Coordinator had tweeted in the past, “All of the Palestinians are wondering why hitler didnt finish the job. Still my hero though.” A CAIR intern tweeted that Israel, “will become the Jews’ grave.”
And now a former CAIR figure can work for the Auschwitz Institute.
There is something fundamentally wrong with this picture. And it begins with the detachment of the Holocaust from the Jews. And the complicity of Jewish liberals in this narrative. Much like the detachment of Jewish history from Israel, it enables a worldview that justifies genocide.
All over again.
And that is also how money intended for Holocaust survivors can be used to fund activities involving an organization that promotes an antisemitic hate group whose rioters vandalized synagogues.
Seems to be typical of the times. A misnamed organization taking money under false pretenses and using it to opposite effect.
The Claims Conference should not be in the business of funding anti Semitism
Nobody should be, but we live in a flawed world. It’s our job to set it right, each in his own small way, and one hopes that that will be enough. Some small things that we can do is to carefully vet every charity we contribute to and make sure that they are what they seem, and to talk to people; our families, our friends, our neighbors, to make them aware of these wicked masquerades. We can only change the world one small step at a time, but good people are many and can accomplish a lot when armed with the right information.
Antisemitism takes very sophisticated forms.
It’s not sophisticated, they just don’t care that everyone knows they are antisemitic as Jew hate is so fashionably now. And unfortunately people like Soros were not removed earlier on from society.
Thanks Anna, I always appreciate your comments!
I don’t call Patrice Cullors a terrorist.
I call her what she actually is; a grifting communist ☭ bitch who traffics in fraud, brown-shirt street violence, and buying 7 figure mansions with the diverted funds.
(BLM Inc has proven that there is indeed a sucker born every minute. The scam Clinton Holyland Foundation doesn’t hold a candle to BLM Inc.)
Leftist trash have turned Monticello into a hate-America propaganda center, so it’s no surprise that the same happened to the Auschwitz Center.
And if these dumbshits are gonna promote street-trash George Floyd, they need to display a bucket of fentanyl alongside.
I don’t expect the vile creatures from CAIR to be anything other than anti-Semitic. But that the Auschwitz Institute has been hollowed out and repurposed by the left is truly disgusting.
BLM sounds a lot like islamic terrorist groups. But wait, they are telling the same lies as islamists, using the same kind of terrorism/violence as islamists and their hate speech is exactly the same as islamists.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out who they take their orders from.
Soros says Jews cause anti-Semitism? Jews like him, certainly. The rest of us, nope. Unless it’s our existence that causes it, but that isn’t actually true. Take, for example, Japan. There are many things to admire about the Japanese people, but the fact that “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” has been widely sold and read there since its introduction at the end of the Russo-Japanese War in 1905 is not one of them. Japan is a country that has been utterly Judenrein for all of its history, yet while the average Japanese has probably never knowingly seen a Jew, he knows that he hates them. Just like Shakespeare in Rennaissance England.
If the Jews did not exist, the world would have to invent us.
Regarding the horrendous criminal malice –filled rioting looting violence arson and other wicked kinds of destruction committed by domestic terrorists of BLM, it’s therefore fitting to note the liberal Democrat US President ,Lyndon B. Johnson had in a speech, rightly, declared” “There is no American right to loot stores, or to burn buildings, or to fire rifles from rooftops. That is crime – and crime must be dealt with forcefully and swiftly, and certainly – under law.”
That Black man, Darrel Brooks is a murderous racist terrorist villain who murdered White people the heads heads of BLM admire and like him Furthermore leaders of BLM should be justifiably arrested by the FBI for sedition against the USA. That if the FBI is really still doing what it was originally to do. That’s highly doubtful.
That same Marxists leaders those two domestic violent and destructive terror organizations should then be imprisoned for inciting the mindless mob to engage in violent and malicious behavior which endangers the safety , security and lives of the public.
BLM are not genuine civil rights groups but Un-American dangerous terrorist entities that incited harm to many peaceful innocent law abiding people.
Just to think about it. How so many white people do support BLM they are worse than naive, they must be deluded ignorant fools to be unaware of how this BLM leader and other heads of actually think of them.
The leaders of BLM will manipulate those White people as their “useful idiots” meaning their stooges and tools to complete their goals and if that leader would ever accomplish their agenda, they wouldn’t think twice, after using them, about discarding them [eliminating them].
Furthermore, BLM is a pro-Islamic Marxist violent domestic terror group. This is also known as the “Red/Green Alliance.” Those who are so despicable to engage in such a demonic alliance are fated to fail terribly in the end.
For the Bible informs its reader “Though they join forces, the wicked will not go unpunished.” Proverbs 11:21. [N.K.J.V.]
I think a lot of white liberals suffer from a white savior complex and a narcissistic personality. They have no idea they are despised by the groups (not just blacks) they are trying to rescue. They endanger us all, as well as themselves.
The heads of BLM have joined with the leaders s of Antifa it hey will both fail to achieve to goals of their scheming Marxist agenda in the end.
Also in time, this demonic cult alliance of the leaders of Antifa and BLM will have it all comeback down hard on them. For the Bible Informs tits reader “Though they join forces, the wicked will not go unpunished.” Proverbs 11:21. [N.K.J.V.]
The violent vicious malice-filled Marxists hooligans of Black Lives Matter, if and that is “if” they would actually able, with the help of foreign Communists, to overthrow the Capitalist system build on a Republic that makes up the United States as America’s founding Fathers established. The BLM members are far too ignorant to know it , but then the foreign who aided them, as their “useful idiots, tools and stooges for a Communist takeover, would then gather up the BLM members as eliminate them. As in kill them all.
The reason that kills all of them is because those foreign Communist in power in North America, well understand that those American BLM members turn traitor to the US they then might become disgruntled and then turn against them. Those ruling Communist would not tolerate or trust the BLM members. What fools those BLM ruffians, truly, are
Our old enemies, the golden calf jews and Soro is Korach reincarnated!
“That phase of the takeover was started in 2008 by President Barack Obama. Throughout his eight years in office, Obama practiced divisiveness and hammered away at the Second Amendment while pouring gallons of fuel on the fire of the “Black Lives Matter” lie. His administration was rampant with corruption, pushing the envelope with every new scandal.” RICK HAYES
A Government who steals from Peter to pay Paul can always depend upon the support of Paul
Sounds too, like Holocaust Museums have gone the way of Amusement Parks i.e, getting rid of the Tried & True, to replace them with the current Leftist Cause-of-the- Month !
BLM have a very low IQ!
“….the infamous Polish concentration camp”
Factually an£ historically incorrect.
Auschwitz was NOT a Polish concentration camp it was a German concentration camp created by the Nazis in the annexed territory of former Poland and named of East Upper Silesia. By the Germans. Poland ceased to exist after it was partitioned by the Nazi Germans and Soviets in 1939. It was reconstituted within entirely new borders post WW2.
Please don’t call Auschwitz a “Polish Concentration Camp.” It was set up on Polish territory by Germans who had conquered that territory and who originally intended and implemented it for Polish prisoners with a later addition of several thousand Russians. The Jewish inflow was later, with the construction of Birkenau — all carried out by Germans, not by Poles.