In America today, we have a two-party system: the Stupid Party and the Evil Party. The Evil Party sets the agenda and pursues its aims relentlessly and ruthlessly; the Stupid Party registers a polite token opposition and then fully agrees to whatever the Evil Party wants, occasionally only arguing that it can implement the Evil Party’s program more effectively than the Evil Party itself. We saw this play out yet again Wednesday, when Stupid Party House Leader Kevin McCarthy (S-California) downplayed any talk of impeaching Old Joe Biden or any of his cronies if the Stupids retake the House in the midterm elections. McCarthy is still playing by rules that the Evil Party discarded long ago, and that’s why he and his fellow Stupid Party members keep losing.
McCarthy declared that Americans don’t “like impeachment used for political purposes at all,” and added that “the country wants to heal” and see a “system that actually works.” That means there will be no impeachment proceedings against Biden, or Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary and former Disinformation Governance Board supreme overlord Alejandro Mayorkas, or Gestapo chief Merrick Garland. Leave billions of dollars worth of materiel in Afghanistan for our enemies to use against us? No problem! Open the Southern border so that untold numbers of criminals and terrorists can waltz right into the country? Hey, we all make mistakes. Sic the woke FBI against parents protesting at school board meetings against the far-Left agenda in public schools? We all can get carried away! Impeachment? Forget it. It wouldn’t be the decent thing to do.
When McCarthy was asked if he saw any grounds for impeaching any officials of this lawless and authoritarian administration, he answered: “I don’t see it before me right now. You watch what the Democrats did – they all came out and said they would impeach before Trump was ever sworn in. There wasn’t a purpose for it. If you spent all that time arguing against using impeachment for political purposes, you gotta be able to sustain exactly what you said.”
Well, sure. There shouldn’t be any impeachment for political purposes. The two impeachments the Democrats perpetrated against Trump were travesties of justice; the framers of the Constitution never intended impeachment to be used as a weapon against a political opponent. But McCarthy’s assumption that any impeachment proceedings that the Republicans bring if they win back the House in November would be politically motivated in the same way is unfounded. What if Biden, or Mayorkas, or Garland actually violated the law? What if they abused their power in persecuting “MAGA Republicans,” purveyors of alleged “disinformation,” and Jan. 6 “insurrectionists”? Could we get any impeachments then?
For McCarthy to wave away even the prospect of impeachment as stooping to the Democrats’ level and engaging in politically motivated prosecution is disquieting on several levels. The most immediate one is the fact that there may indeed be impeachable offenses that warrant serious investigation. Secondary but likewise important is the fact that the Republican establishment these days always seems to be adhering to the “decency” and “civility” that was said to be the hallmark of American politics in bygone days while they’re getting their pockets picked. The Democrats have left “decency” and “civility” in the dustbin of history with the old Democrats of whom they used to be proud, such as Andrew Jackson and Thomas Jefferson (who wasn’t actually a Democrat at all, but they used to claim him). The Republicans should indeed not stoop to their level, but having a Republican president smeared, defamed, framed for crimes he didn’t commit, and vilified in the most extravagant terms for four years and then responding by saying they’re going to do the decent thing and not fight back is just asking for it all to happen again.
McCarthy’s party colleagues aren’t all on board. Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Arizona) said Tuesday: “DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has no integrity and should have already resigned from public office. We will use my impeachment articles and impeach him come January.” Another Arizona Republican, Rep. Paul Gosar, stated Saturday: “Alejandro Mayorkas warrants impeachment for incompetence, dereliction of duty and gross negligence. Most of Biden’s admin comes from Clown World but Mayorkas takes the clown cake.” Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) wrote: “Mayorkas must be impeached. [H]e should have been impeached long before this for a host of reasons.”
Maybe there’s some life in the Stupid Party yet.
Stupid is as stupid does.
We are in the very early but soon to be out in the open armed conflict between religious conservatives vs the communists .
After the communists get wiped out in the upcoming midterms their useful idiots in the puppet media will egg on the Antifa BLM thugs to break out their weapons and start looking for “nazis” to shoot
Problem for them is we will shoot back and we have I would wager more accurate firepower
I would hope and pray that this could be avoided but alas the Communists will force this fight out into the open. Just as Greenfield optioned years back the Civil War is here.
As to McCarthy’s stupidity….Article V Convention of States anyone??
Sanguis et sudor!!
No quit
No surrender
Hopefully, McCarthy will get the boot.
Something in me sort of hopes that you and your pals will attempt an insurrection. It’ll be fun watching you get crushed beneath the full force of US law enforcement.
I’m trying to figure out how bringing articles of impeachment against Biden, Mayorkis and Garland constitutes an insurrection.
But since you see conspiracies everywhere, and every Republican is somehow a treason monkey, I’m not surprised you would be hoping for the “full force of US law enforcement.” to go after all the newly elected House Republicans.
Will Garland’s Stasi troops be using M60s or will M4s be OK? Will they bring tanks to Capitol Hill.?How about your favorite….dragging Conservative Congress men and women out for summary executions. So long as you don’t have to do any wet work yourself, being the professional agitator wannabe you are. From 3000 miles away. Mr. Tough Guy. You know all of this frustration comes from your inability to buy a gun in your dink country.
“We are in the very early but soon to be out in the open armed conflict between religious conservatives vs the communists.”
He’s clearly hoping for civil war, as I imagine you do as well. It’ll be fun watching you get decimated. At best, you’ll go the way of Timothy McVeigh and John Wilkes Booth. At worst, you’ll just be mowed down with M60s.
Speaking of wet work, how’s you insurrection coming along? All three of you must be getting impatient with your Sigs hanging there unused.
There is nothing civil about war but the jack boot of the regime’s #Stolengrad stasi certainly seems to be fomenting it thorough trolls like MarLOWgo.
You are why this country is in deep shit, Tree monkey…
Poor little tough guy Marlow, always hoping for civil war in this country because you are convinced that somehow we will get “decimated”. By who? Gen. Aunt Milley’s army of woke men and women studying their pronouns. No one is particlularly concerned about the American military these days. You seem to think we actually have an “up and at ’em” fighting force. That’s about 20 years ago. Today we have a military that folded in Afghanistan, peoples by overweight men and women.
I told you already that the “insurrection” you are so anxious to see, will happen on November 8 when we vote and kick out the ruling junta in Congress. Just think, no more J6 showtrials, no more Pelosi and Schumer. Just an addled old dotard wandering around the White House looking for little girls to sniff.
You know all of your frustration comes from your inability to buy a gun in your dink country. I guess that is why you keep talking about my Sigs. See I get to buy one anytime I want. You can’t because your country is folding to the Muslims, rapidly.
You mean those law enforcement agents you wish to defund?
OOPS, this was meant for Marlow.
No problem. Post it directly to him.
I don’t want to defund law enforcement. I want them to get more money so they can continue to arrest treason monkeys and, in necessary, put down their LARPing insurrection.
Then you should expect them to visit you, comrade.
The totalitarian urge is genetically coded into far too many humans. Case in point, the detestable filth posting above.
Ok treason monkey.
Bring it on, snowflake !!!
Just as “only whites can be racist,” so too “only republicans can be impeached or have their house swatted by 30 armed Stasi/FBI by the dawn’s early light.”
How about “only MAGA treason monkeys can try to overthrow the government and not get machine-gunned for it.”
Oh yes, and only orange treason orangutans can commit treason and retire to a golf course in peace. Then again, he’s rich, and that basically let’s you get away with anything in America. Nice country you got there. Equal justice for everyone who doesn’t have money.
The Republican leadership still doesn’t get it. Kevin first should stop listening to that jerk Frank Luntz ! The biggest mistake DJT MADE was not prosecuting the Hildebeast, 2 nd was listening to Psulid Ryan and Cocaine Mitch. You dong have to say you will impeach you should say if and when we takeover we will review all departments for issues and violations .
The Republican leadership still doesn’t get it. Kevin first should stop listening to that jerk Frank Luntz ! The biggest mistake DJT MADE was not prosecuting the Hildebeast, 2 nd was listening to Pauline Ryan and Cocaine Mitch. You dong have to say you will impeach you should say if and when we takeover we will review all departments for issues and violations .
The GOP lets the Dems pat them on the back !
And we all know what that means !
Impeachment requires the commission of “high crimes and misdeamors.” You know, like when Trump committed treason. Biden and crew haven’t done anything like that. The examples the author cites are policy choices he doesn’t agree with, that’s all. You can’t impeach for that, and the Republicans know it.
Open Borders policy of Biden is illegal. Just like giving away 400 billion for student loan debts.
You’re wrong on both points. Clearly you have no idea what you’re talking about. You can hate both policies, but they’re not illegal.
I would say open your eyes but you are obviously a blind, brainwashed, one tract dunce. In other words a Democrat.
There’s a witty rejoinder for ya.
Here’s the problem. Is Biden acting illegally in not enforcing the border law, or the asylum treaty as ratified. Perhaps not. Is he fulfilling his duty to “faithfully execute” the law? Absolutely not. By not fulfilling his Constitutional duty as President, he is acting in a way antithetical tothe Constitution he is sworn to uphold. This is a political offense, for which impeachment is the sole remedy. McCarthy is saying he doesn’t care if the president acts however he wants, flouts the law whenever he wants, and ignores the duty he signed up for. Anyone supporting NOT impeaching Biden agrees that the rule of law is irrelevant.
His oath is to “faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States.” He’s entitled to set policy within his remit as he sees fit. You can hate that policy with every fiber of your being, but it’s not impeachable.
You obviously no idea what “high crimes and misdemeanors.” are. And Trump was never impeached for treason. Trump was impeached for a phone call and giving a speech where he said go to the capitol and protest peacefully. Rep. Maxine Waters (D) said high crimes and misdemeanors.are whatever we say it is. That is why both impeachments failed. The second impeachment was so sketchy Chief Justice Roberts refused to head the Senate portion of the impeachment. It fell to Chuck Schumer to do that, and that is violation of the Constitution. Under those circumstances it is likely a conviction would not have held up to scrutiny
In this country leaving the borders wide open is actually a crime since the oath of office for a president says :to “preserve and protect the Constitution” . Letting in 2.5 million illegals, whether you think it’s policy or not, is a crime. That makes Mayorkis and Dotard legally culpable.
I expect at least several members in the new Congress to bring those articles of Impeachment.
It is tough for you, 3000 miles away, to try and affect what goes on here, especially when no one cares what you think, Commie Brit. Simply because your government is just fine with letting hordes of Muslims to overrun your dink country doesn’t mean we put up with that garbage here. But that is what I would expect of a Communist like you. Stay in your lane foreigner.
“Trump was impeached for a phone call and giving a speech where he said go to the capitol and protest peacefully.”
Sorry, but even you don’t believe that. You know damn well what he did, but you don’t care. My guess is that you don’t care because you loathe the possibility that people who disagree with you might take political power. In other words, you hate America, which is probably why you support treason monkeyism.
“Trump was impeached for a phone call and giving a speech where he said go to the capitol and protest peacefully.”
“Sorry, but even you don’t believe that. You know damn well what he did, but you don’t care. My guess is that you don’t care because you loathe the possibility that people who disagree with you might take political power. In other words, you hate America, which is probably why you support treason monkeyism.”
You are clearly running out of material because you have no idea what Trump said or did. So tell me what he did that constitutes treason and why wasn’t he impeached for it. (This should be good.)
You get more ridiculous with each lame comment.
I’ve told you INNUMERABLE times what he did that constitutes treason. You don’t listen and won’t listen because you can’t without it nuking your brain.
And yet they didn’t impeach him for treason.
Mayorkis: deliberately leaving the border wide open, 2,5 million illegals and terrorists allowed to cross. That is an invasion. That is a definitely a crime….impeachable.
Biden surrendering to the Taliban and leaving 80 billion in equipment there. Ending domestic drilling and the Keystone XL pipeline causing gas prices to spike. Signing legislation that caused the highest inflation in 40 years. Thaose are impeachable offenses..
Wray using the FBI to raid the homes of people who worked for Trump who did not commit crimes. That is illegal. He should be impeached.
But you are lucky. McCarthy has already said he won’t. But he isn’t speaker yet and with any luck Jim Jordan will become speaker. McConnell isn’t the head of the Senate yet and with any luck someone else with a spine will be elected.
Democrats impeached Trump over a phone call and trying to tie him to Capitol Hill protest. Of course they failed. You and your pals are pathetic. Always have been….always will be.
Did your daddy drop you on your head when you were a baby?
“Trump was impeached for a phone call and giving a speech where he said go to the capitol and protest peacefully.”
“Sorry, but even you don’t believe that. You know damn well what he did, but you don’t care. My guess is that you don’t care because you loathe the possibility that people who disagree with you might take political power. In other words, you hate America, which is probably why you support treason monkeyism.”
You are clearly running out of material because you have no idea what Trump said or did. So tell me what he did that constitutes treason and why wasn’t he impeached for it. (This should be good.)
You get more ridiculous with each lame comment. You have never, in all of your one track moronic posts, specified specifically, what the treasonous act was. I think your TDS has finally damaged what is left of your brain.
Impeachment of these officials for violating the law and their oaths of office is the ONLY remedy we now have since they refuse to enforce the law and, in Wray’s case, are enforcing the law in a highly partisan manner. So McCarthy seems to take that off the table. Great move. Why, it’s almost like telling crooks in California that they won’t be prosecuted for the theft of less than $950 worth of goods. And we know how well that’s worked out.
It’s past time to get rid of the big Macs, not the hamburger. McConnell and McCarthy!!!
Yes, we will wear a strait jacket into the upcoming boxing match. We are a seven point favorite!!
Impeachment is, of course, entirely for political purposes! It is the Constitutional provision for exposing and removing elected officials for dereliction of duty. There has not been in our lifetimes a more clear case for impeachment than Biden and several of his minions.
If not now, when? McCarthy, in his cowardice, debases the entire Constitutional provision for addressing the abuses Biden has heaped on us. In saying this, he should be automatically removed from consideration as speaker.
Well said. Impeachment is the alternative to legal charges. The process was put in place to avoid politicians being charged with crimes by just anyone. McCarthy’s unwillingness to even consider impeachment is akin to all the Soros prosecutors who have no problem letting criminals walk free. His inaction will only embolden the criminals at the highest levels of the Biden administration. Unfortunately, keeping him out of the Speaker’s chair will probably be more than the spineless Republicans can achieve.
Perfect. It is exactly the same as the Soros prosecutors letting criminals off the hook.
Impeachment would be used to get rid of a bumbling buffoon and clueless puppet of the LEFT (IMO, communists) who pull the strings that destroy our Republic. Also impeachment should be applied to the culprits in the DOJ, FBI, IRS, DHS, CIA, Military, etc. followed by State and local DA’s who seem to want a criminal nation. I don’t really think that’s what they want, but it certainly facilitates their actual agenda, the takeover of America.
For God’s sake, don’t let McCarthy or the RINO’s steer a (hopeful) GOP victory in Nov. into the gutter or it’s over. One possible chance is 2024 but that’s going to be most difficult without definitive and meaningful change in November.
I’m just an old fart, partially crippled and not such great health, but I worry and pray for my two daughters, and my wife’s future.
Stay well, all.
I’ll offer a dissenting opinion. I think the public is getting sick of the Democrats’ endless impeachments, commissions, and investigations, and I doubt they want more of the same from Republicans. They want safe streets, border security, a solution to the problems of addiction and homelessness, affordable housing, an end to hyper inflation, better schools, and better jobs.
Having said that, I would support two investigations: (1) a REAL investigation into J6 that asks real questions and provides real answers; and (2) an investigation into the high cost of medical care. Why, for example, should a three-hour stay in an ER cost $6,000 or more?
Personnel is policy. There will be no solution to the problems you mention with the traitors who caused them still in office. Biden isn’t going to fire them. They will cause more and worse problems if left in power. Impeachment is the only way to get rid of them. You don’t really want to get rid of them do you?
When you find healthcare among the enumerated powers, let us know, OK?
The difference is the Democrats invented crimes with absolutely no evidence to back them up. We have evidence that has been suppressed of the crimes they’ve committed. Let’s just get it out in the open and let the chips fall where they may.
If they’re innocent they have nothing to fear, right?
Once again, I have a comment “awaiting moderation” for which I can see absolutely nothing that would possibly trigger moderation – no slurs, no profanity, no calls for v*iolence, no personal attacks – nothing. This is getting ridiculous. I even felt the need to put in an apostrophe in a common word used in a non-threatening way because you never know just what word will trigger these “moderation” algorithms.
Maybe we need to impeach kevin McCarthy
If the GOP isn’t going to impeach Biden for ignoring his duty on the border, ignoring the Congress while fomenting and now deploying troops to Ukraine, for destroying the SPR for votes, or impeach Mayorkas for refusing to enforce the law, why should anyone care who has the majority in congress?
The same as if the Parkland school shooting atrocity is not worthy of the death penalty, why have a death penalty?
If the tools for rooting out evil are off limits, anything goes.
I think they call that a distinction without a difference. It’s a self-perpetuating game, at our expense, for all of them.
Yes STUPID party! When one realizes how destroyed American public education is today. How low it has decayed after simple Carter opened, the Ed Dep, therefore eliminating competition, and especially how stupid republicans are when THEY KNOW that education is and has been in the hands of democrats and these stupid republicans don’t come out in public howling and screaming that it is all democrat’s fault! That they and the vicious teachers union with the evil weingarten have been in charge FOR DECADES!! And look at the result!!!
Here is a real PUNCH to the democrats who use uneducated minorities for their own purposes and who scream that everything is all the fault of republicans!
Nice guys finish last. Change my mind.
I can’t change your mind. That’s why occasional wars and revolutions are essential.
Both McCarthy and McConnell should be neutered, if not impeached. They cannot be the leaders of our Congressional Houses if they are not willing to fight for the Republican party and for our Constitution and our country. I suspect that both of them are RINOs–they behavior indicates that. We, the people, won’t save either one if we don’t send a clear message to the Democrats, the media, and our investigative agencies that we will not take it anymore. We are angry, and they work for us.
The iineptitude and tyranny of the left is on full display as they are torturing the USA to death..
Once we recover the majority in the house and senate, we need to stop the bleeding – not sure impeachment is the quickest route to recovery although we need to replace or hamstring Mayorkas and Garland and his goonsquads.
“Maybe there’s some life in the Stupid Party yet.” Doubtful! But otherwise Robert’s article nailed it.
Good cop doesn’t send bad cop to prison. That’s all you need to know.
To be honest why is every Republican McSomething a complete nothing. McConnell, McCain and the list continues to McCarthy, I have nothing against Scotts. Generally they’re really something but when it comes to Republicans what else is there to discover except that Trump doesn’t care.
Prison is for the average American dumbass that supported Trump to their peril on Jan 6. What does Trump have to say about that? Nothing except you have my pardon.
I highly respect Robert Spencer. On the issue of impeaching Democrats who have abused the nation I have to disagree with him.
The most important issue for the new congress and senate is exposing the ‘big lie’ or the most secure election fantasy or narrative. The party must martial all its political capital toward this end.
In so doing Biden, Mayorcas, Garland etc… will immediately lose all credibility and become lame ducks. Jan 6 protestors will be seen as martyrs and those who prosecuted them as part of the corrupt cabal running things in Washingtion.
There was no stolen election. The J6 treason monkeys are traitors. You’re a liar.
Hundreds, many hundreds, of minions of Perkins Coie instigated Constitution violating irregularities in our 2020 election.
Not sort of. Not maybe.
Demands for evidence, when provided evidence, became demands for conclusive, irrefutable proof.
Proof? Twenty-six million MORE votes were tabulated 2020 than 2016. In a contest where the winner didn’t even campaign. More Americans saw Trump every day than saw Biden all of 2020.
Biden boasted the election was in the bag because of the historic quality of Democrat election fraud.
I’m not inventing this. You can see and hear him for yourself. If you cared to.
Biden’s family is prison material. Biden himself will almost certainly skate free. It may be possible he could, or should, face the gallows. He sold himself to enemies. He is a career bribe seeker.
His indemnification from the CCP is documented. Unless Peter Schweitzer is not to be believed.
Hunter’s laptop isn’t a smoking gun. It is a large chest chockablock full of smoking guns. All still warm. All with Biden fingerprints.
Literally every word of that is a lie. And yes, if you’re charging a massive conspiracy to steal an election, I want conclusive, irrefutable proof. But you don’t have tendentious, debateable proof. You have NOTHING. Nothing but your treason monkey God Emperor’s claim that the election was stolen. And for him, you will do and believe anything. It’s touchingly pathetic.
If we ignore the that pansy ass Marlow maybe he’ll go away. Let him talk to himself, itself. The fact that he spends time on this forum is evidence that he has no friends to talk to about his fantasies. Or, he’s a bot.
Everybody needs some kind of social interaction. He gets his by coming here and prompting people to abuse him. Down votes are his reward.
Neglecting their duity? putting Politics over America and its People? They better think it over
They aren’t standing up for the law and order then are they! No wonder people are tired of the Rino party. Our country suffers from lack of leadership, honesty, and integrity,.
What’s the matter with him, ruling out impeachments when they haven’t even investigated the matters fully. There is nothing to be gained by being kind or deferential to Democrats or their administration flunkies. Reich Minister Heinrich Himmler Garland needs to be investigated for running a disturbingly partisan DoJ, at the very least. Baghdad Bob Majorkas nees to be investigated for not only lying to Congress, but for his abysmal failure to secure the border. Sometimes you need to go full Nuremburg Trials on these Democrat fascists.
I don’t think you’re familiar with the actual meaning of the word “fascism.”
Why would the GOP “fight back” against their owners?
Right, everyone is corrupt except Trump. Got it.