With a population of roughly 350,000, Malmö, which is located on the other side of the Örebro Bridge from Copenhagen, is, after Stockholm and Gothenburg, Sweden’s third largest city. It has the country’s highest unemployment rate and one of its youngest populations – both of which can be explained by the fact that in Sweden, which is perhaps Western Europe’s most heavily Islamized nation, Malmö is perhaps the most heavily Islamized city. Its high Muslim population is also the reason why Malmö has been known for years as the rape capital of Sweden – which, in turn, has been known for years as the rape capital of Europe.
Which is not to say that the situation in Malmö has been static. On the contrary, since I began writing about the Islamization of Europe two decades ago, it’s gone from bad to worse – to even worse. It’s no exaggeration to say that Malmö is the canary in Sweden’s – indeed, in Europe’s – coal mine. At a time when the novelist Michel Houellebecq has been under attack by the entire French cultural establishment for saying that the “Great Replacement” theory – the hypothesis that Europe’s natives are gradually being replaced by Muslims – is not theory but fact, no city on the entire continent does a better job than Malmö of proving him right.
And no American website, I daresay, has done more to chart Malmö’s precipitous decline than FrontPage. A brief sampling:
- On March 21, 2012, I wrote at FrontPage that “anti-Semitic activity by Muslim youth” was driving more and more Jews out of Malmö. With typical Swedish-elite gall, however, a newspaper editor named Kaj Schueler blamed this exodus not on Muslims but on Malmö’s proximity to Denmark. You see, Danes, in the eyes of self-righteous Swedes like Schueler, tend to be “anti-immigrant”; so all those Jews weren’t fleeing Malmö because of a genuine Muslim threat, but because they’d been infected by Danish Islamophobia. Got that? The problem wasn’t that Muslims hate Jews; it’s that Jews hate Muslims.
- On May 20, 2013, I noted here that Eurovision had been held in Malmö a few days earlier. And guess which country’s delegation was harassed and threatened on that city’s streets? Hint: its Eurovision entry was entitled “ רק בשבילו.”
- On September 5, 2013, I reported that the city of Malmö, in order to cover “its ever-rising expenditures on immigrants,” was proposing drastic cuts in spending on “sick and elderly native Swedes.” In fact, such cuts have been common throughout Sweden in recent years: people who’d paid high taxes all their lives to their beloved welfare state because it promised to spend that money taking care of them when they experienced medical or financial crises now see their cash being used to provide all of life’s necessities – and not a few luxuries – to Muslim immigrants. (In 2017, an article at the Gatestone Institute’s website stated that while many elderly Swedes in Malmö can’t afford decent housing, immigrant families were being given free apartments and almost-free dental care, along with many other amenities.)
- On December 19, 2013, I wrote at FrontPage that despite constant denials that there existed “no-go zones” in Sweden, the Swedish newspaper Sydsvenskan had just published a map “showing the relative levels of danger in the various neighborhoods of Malmö.”
- On April 10, 2014, Peder “Fjordman” Jensen reported that Malmö was undergoing a crime wave several of whose teenage Muslim perpetrators had said they were “waging a war against the Swedes.” One of them added: “Power for me means that Swedes shall look at me, lie down on the ground and kiss my feet.” Of course, if you’ve been following these developments for any length of time, you’ll know that the Swedes have been engaged for years in precisely that kind of pathetic kowtowing.
- On April 11, 2016, Joseph Puder wrote here about a teacher who’d been fired from a Malmö public school because, as the principal explained, the pupils “hate[d] the Jews” and would’ve abused her terribly if she’d stayed on in the job. The principal made it clear that he wasn’t just talking about the Muslims – the Swedish kids hated Jews, too. True enough: in an attempt to make nice with Muslims, many Swedes have indeed adopted their Koran-based Jew-hatred. How sweet is it that Swedes are willing to go so far to make their new countrymen feel welcome?
- On February 22, 2017, I quoted Malmö police chief Stefan Sinteus’s comment that the city was experiencing an “upward spiral of violence” by Muslim immigrants.
- On April 11, 2017, I recounted an episode of a 60 Minutes-type Danish TV show featuring a Malmö do-gooder who’d spent decades trying, as I put it, “to cozy up to her Muslim neighbors and help them become full members of Swedish society.” But her attitude had changed. Once an open-borders advocate, she now “look[ed] around and f[ound] herself thinking: ‘What has happened to my little Sweden?’” Having formerly dismissed the goal of assimilation, she now recognized the folly of multiculturalism. Still, she didn’t want to complain too much, lest she be – horrors! – “linked to the Sweden Democrats,” the only political party in the country that actually calls a spade a spade.
- Finally, on August 24, 2022, I quoted from a sermon by Malmö imam Basem Mahmoud: “Sweden is ours. It’s ours, whether they like it or not. In ten to fifteen years, it will be ours.”
It’s hard to argue with Mahmoud. The numbers certainly don’t lie. In his above-quoted 2014 article, Fjordman pointed out that Malmö was “set to become the first Scandinavian town with a Muslim majority population.” He was right. While official figures – which don’t include Muslims living in the city illegally – suggest that the 50% point hasn’t yet been passed, sources that adjust for those illegals indicate that Malmö has been majority non-Swedish since 2015.
Even government statistics acknowledge that, in 2021, 58% of the babies in Malmö were born to immigrants and that, in 2022, 57.7% of Malmö men between the ages of 15 and 44 had foreign backgrounds. Indeed, Swedes are in the minority in Malmö in every age cohort except the over-60 crowd. And so many members of the non-Swedish majority live on the dole that Malmö survives economically only thanks to massive annual infusions from the national treasury.
As for crime, not only have the figures risen dramatically, but the very nature of the offenses has worsened; in the last year, Malmö has been beset by bombings, school murders, car burnings, and riots that have led observers to speak of “civil war.” Only a few days ago, on January 3, Hugh Fitzgerald cited here at FrontPage a news story from Malmö about five Muslim teenagers who are suspected of raping a Swedish woman in her twenties. A generation ago, such events were virtually unheard of in Malmö, or anywhere else in Sweden; now nobody’s taken aback by them anymore.
Now, in a new report sponsored by Malmö’s “Growth Commission,” Erica Righard, a Professor of Social Work at the University of Malmö professes to address the city’s demographic challenges. She uses the term “superdiversity,” which she defines as a situation in which a city’s population is characterized by “more and more countries of birth, nationalities, and ethnicities.”
In fact, while such a term may fairly describe a city like New York, whose residents come from dozens of different countries and have dozens of different mother tongues, the state of affairs in Malmö is far simpler: Swedes are giving way to Muslims, period. Yes there are Finns and Germans and so in Sweden. But that’s not the problem. The problem is Islam. And Sweden’s ever-rising Muslim population isn’t a question of “superdiversity.” No, it’s “the great replacement.”
Whatever name you put to it, however, Righard deftly uses Malmö’s minority-Swedish situation as an excuse to junk, once and for all, the goal of integration, at least as traditionally understood. To be sure, ever since Sweden began taking in Muslim immigrants in considerable numbers, its cultural elites have dismissed integration efforts as racist: newcomers, they’ve argued, should not only be allowed to keep their own languages and customs; they should be praised for having contributed these precious patrimonies to the glorious Swedish mosaic. In any event, the stark reality is that Muslims, by and large, have not integrated into Swedish society but have, rather, formed their own isolated sharia enclaves and, to a staggering extent, behaved toward the natives less like neighbors than like – well – predators.
Unsurprisingly, Righard pretty much ignores these inconvenient truths, choosing instead to engage in euphemism, circumlocution, and doubletalk, to speak of immigration in the abstract, and to serve up anecdotes about immigration (for example, about Uzbeks moving to Turkey) that have absolutely nothing to do with the situation in Sweden. And what she ultimately proffers is the pompous assertion that “on a comprehensive level, one can say that superdiversification as a perspective contributes here to the displacement of the very ontological basis for the study of language.” Meaning what? Meaning that there’s a need for “a transformation of how national belonging is understood.” And among much else, that “politicians must unlearn the habit of speaking about integration in a way that identifies certain groups and places as problems.”
In short, it’s not sufficient to “tolerate” the existence of foreign languages, religions, and cultural practices in Malmö; instead, they must be recognized by all and sundry not as foreign but as intrinsic and valuable aspects of the Malmö community, no less fundamental to the city’s identity than the Swedish language, the Lutheran faith, and Midsummer celebrations.
Since Muslims are the majority in Malmö, indeed, integration must be redefined: both Swedes and immigrants, Righard maintains, need to find their places in Malmö’s new, mostly non-Swedish urban reality. Which apparently means, among much else, that Muslim schoolchildren shouldn’t be expected to learn Swedish, but should instead receive instruction in their own languages.
All of which, as it happens, is pretty much what the smart set in Sweden have been saying all along, anyway: don’t push immigrants to assimilate; stay mum about Muslim crime, unemployment, and self-segregation; keep compromising, keep giving in, keep giving, and eventually it’ll all work itself out. Of course it’s become increasingly clear that the way this crisis will “work itself out” is through the transformation of Sweden into a far-north version of the Islamic world, funded not by oil revenues but by the taxes levied on an ever-dwindling native population.
This is, after all, why the Sweden Democrats keep gaining strength with every election. But academics like Erica Righard plainly see it as their job to double down on the same threadbare old mantras even as their country – with Malmö proudly in the lead – proves Michel Houellebecq’s case by tumbling steadily downhill from centuries of peace, prosperity, and glory into the slough of despond.
Can’t share this article because the scum sucking pig New Nazis, moral cowards and moral degenerates right there next to child rapists, Censored and BLOCKED me for ANOTHER Thought Crime.
My Message to Marx Zuckerberg and His New Nazi Censors:
You stupid rotten evil f**k. Who are the incompetent dweebs you have working for you you f**king fascist.
Just got Blocked and CENSORED for this:
“Kristin Harris Uh-huh. Like I said….slit your own wrists. chirp. chirp. chirp.”
I was repeating what I said previously and referring to the fact that cowards like Kristin and scum like you would slit your own wrists before discussing or debating the issues. And this is a perfect example you Stupid F**k Cowards.
Again; You’re predators. Right next to child predators. Scum of the earth.
If you’ve ever spoken out at a city or county meeting you’ll know why I’m so pissed off. Look me up. I was front page news in my home town of San Bernardino back in the 90s.
Can you imagine trying for Ambulance to get a Injured victim to the Hospital while their blocking the streets like that?
I can imagine myself sweeping those street-trash aside with a 12 gauge bullpup.
With an A-10 Warthog!
The Swedes are now a besieged minority in their own homeland
because of Islam. Their country and Europe are being destroyed
by it. America is being destroyed by divisive tactics, influx of the
third world and soaring crime without police support.
This is the Globalist plan to destroy Western civilization and to
impose one-world digital oppression over every single life.
The Muslims rely on the Internet and digital world like
everyone else and this Globalist trap will ensnare them
into oppression too. The only way to escape is a belief in
God and freedom – both of which Islam knows nothing
We need more than passive belief in God and freedom. We must put our faith into action and re-establish Christian laws, culture and customs. All our magistrates must govern in accordance with those principles – because they will produce justice and good for EVERYONE. We must defend our right to live within our nation built upon the blood and sacrifice of our ancestors.
We are Westernkind. We are Christendom. We embrace all races because our principles are not ethnic. Our principles are western. Western principles are NOT universal. We have a right to preserve western civilization here for ourselves and our posterity. We have a duty to refrain from imposing western principles on others.
Israel has a right to exist as a mainly ethnic Jewish state. The Navaho nation has a right to exist as an autonomous region. Japan. China. Nigeria. Any exception to this rule is raaaaaasist!
You would THINK this would be a WARNING to other Countries to FORBID any muslims from entering – PERIOD!!! No other “religion” has such an ideology of world domination – other than the US DEMOcrat party!
We may well see a civil war in Sweden – will be interesting to see which side the liberals fight for!!
They won’t fight for any side. They’ll just sit there and ponificate.
So sad! Isn’t this the future that celebrates Holger Danske?
Not “future” but “culture.” Oops.
A liberal is too broad-minded to take his own side in a fight.
There will be no civil war. The Swedes have been too emasculated and dispirited to care.
Surprise is unwarranted.
The Canary in the Coal Mine was Constantinople.
“Canary in the Coal Mine” ? More like “The Frog in Slowly Boiling water” !
Scandinavian “Girl Power” where feminist ideals redefined these northern societies, is not going to be too good for girls in the long run.
Not too good in the short run either.
The Protestant work ethic that has sustained large government social programs require actual Protestants to sustain the same system in the future.
“Great Replacement” theory – the hypothesis that Europe’s natives are gradually being replaced by Muslims – is not theory but fact, no city on the entire continent does a better job than Malmö of proving him right. (above)
An intentional policy,, “reproductive jihad” described by an Iraqi Sunni living in Norway many years ago, Mullah Krekar., Currently (per Wikipedia) serving a sentence in Italy.
Seems to be working..
The Muslim display in your picture ( in-your-face, .surely there are mosques available for prayer) reminds me of pictures of same in the streets of Paris a few years ago, in contravention of French law, but who’s counting ?
Prayers in the streets happen in Dearborn, MI.
Multi-Culteraism and Diversity is the Pleuage that’s eating away at western Culteralism and the Open Borders as well
Eurabia by Bat Ye’or foretells the situation nicely.
Ignorant progressives still believe Sweden is Utopia. So uninformed.
I just wish somebody could explain to me what was so bad about the Old Sweden that caused the actual Swedish Government to create a New Sweden.
Transformation in a word. Transformation by largely female politicians who want to help refugees.
They missed out a word between ‘help’ and’ refugee’ – Real
The picture at the top of this article should be contrasted with this depiction of babies napping alone outside while mom enjoys shopping or an eating in a restaurant.
The picture is from Paris and has nothing to do with Malmo.
FPM toss some pennies around to get Bawer to make a blog post whinging and crying about how bad it is in the Swedish city of Malmo.
Also FPM uses a picture of Muslims praying in the streets of PARIS.
“Author” provides source about Muslim population of Malmo. Article isn’t in English AND is behind a paywall.
FPMers still think they aren’t be treated like tools and fools by D. Hoe and pals.
The one lesson to be learn from this article is that a diversified society does not work and that applies to every country on this planet. The worst part is that when the turmoil begins in a nation, instead of recognizing a mistake has been made, they bury their heads in the sand or they are in denial that there is a problem. They continue to allow tens of thousands of refugees, false asylum seekers, criminals, and riffraff to come into their country. The United States, Western Europe, Canada, and New Zealand have done a terrible job of handling immigration.
What will happen to all these parasitic “migrants” when the last Swedish taxpayer dies of old age and the lights go out? The country will very rapidly sink into third-world misery, mass starvation, and freezing in the dark. Who will help them then? The UN? The US? The countries they left? I hope not.
It will look like Tehran or Baghdad. Those cities looked like modern Western European cities as recently as the 1970s.
For the Swedes, reasoned arguments won’t penetrate cocooned minds. Let the consequences of reality reveal their inevitable subjugation.
My best friend lives near Malmo & often shops there. Because there has been doubt about the veracity of some stories on FPM, I asked him about this. He replied: “This is fake news ! O.k. the gang shootings have gone up during 2022. But that counts for all our big cities. And this problem are not Islam related to any ” holy war on Swedes “. It’s about gang control over the drugs sale and other criminal acts. The rest of the article, seem to be twisted facts too. The photo are definite not Malmoe ! The text on the signs are not in French either, So I really doubt it’s even Paris. Seems like the photo are taken in a Muslim country. I have never heard of or seen on the news that Muslim people are on their knees in public praying like that in the streets.”
I am sure that there is more to a Muslim takeover of Sweden than he realizes & it may include criminal activities to fund it, & at the same time, hide the end game. However, showing a fake photo & distorting the acts, or making up your own facts, is NOT OK here on FPM! There is a lot that is actually happening that supports the same conclusions about the militancy of Muslim activities and their mandated world domination objectives, without resorting to false reports that destroy your credibility.