For most of the 20th century, Sweden was held up as the very model of a modern welfare state: prosperous and peaceful, a example of social cohesion that was the product not of “diversity,” but of the very lack of “diversity.” That homogeneous Sweden is no longer. The description of quite a different Sweden, the result of more than 1.2 million immigrants, mostly from Muslim countries, can be found here: “Suicidal Sweden: Woman Gang-Raped in a Park by Five Teenage Syrian Muslim Migrants,” by Amy Mek, RAIR Foundation, December 26, 2022 (also, a Jihad Watch report on this incident, featuring a translation from a Swedish news source, is here).
Five teenage Syrian Muslim “migrants” have been charged on suspicion of gang-raping a young woman in a park in Malmö, Sweden. The brutal assault was interrupted by two police officers who happened to be patrolling the area. The victim’s attorney said her client experienced every woman’s worst nightmare.
It was around eleven o’clock in the evening on October 22, 2022, when a police patrol passed Kungsparken park in Malmö.
Police saw a group of young people near a casino located in the park. As the patrol officers approached, the gang dispersed. Only after the woman approached the police and told them she was gang raped did they realize they had interrupted a brutal attack.
Four Syrian migrants were arrested on the evening of the assault, while the fifth was taken into custody the day after. The suspected Islamic rapists are all young migrants; an 18-year-old, two 17-year-olds, a 16-year-old, and a 15-year-old.
They all have been charged with aggravated rape of the woman, who is said to be a young woman in her 20s.
According to the indictment, the migrants pinned the woman down, raped her repeatedly, and severely abused her. During the rape, the accused men are suspected of jointly holding her down. Four of the five deny the crime, and the fifth admits the course of events but denies doing anything wrong.
Though only one of these Muslim assailants said he had done nothing wrong, the other four, who simply denied the crime, no doubt felt the same. After all, the Infidel woman, out alone at night, and dressed as Swedish women in their 20s now dress was, according to their Muslim moral code clearly “asking for it.” Why should they be punished for remaining true to their own traditions and understandings? It doesn’t seem fair.
The police have found the woman’s DNA on four of the perpetrators. Belongings from the woman have also been found on one of the boys, and there are images from surveillance cameras showing how they moved around the crime scene.
“My client has experienced a woman’s worst nightmare, being raped in a park by five guys. She has felt, and still feels, very bad from this,” said her lawyer Kristina Bandrup.
Sweden’s Mass Immigration
Sweden has, in just two generations, gone from being one of the safest countries in the world to one of the most dangerous countries in Europe. Meanwhile, mass immigration has dramatically altered Sweden’s population, reports Gatestone.
While Sweden’s population remained almost exclusively Swedish for most of the 20th century, the share of migrants and their descendants has quickly soared to about a third of a total population of roughly 10 million.
Sweden has one of the world’s worst recorded rape rates. In 2018, the state broadcaster SVT revealed that 58% of men convicted in Sweden of rape and attempted rape over the previous five years were born abroad. Some of the most brutal rape cases have involved Muslim or African immigrants.
The foreign-born are responsible for 58% of those in Sweden who are convicted of rape and attempted rape, while making up only 17% of the general population. That means those foreign-born, almost all of them from Muslim countries, are more than three times as likely to be convicted of rape and attempted rape than native Swedes. Yet the Swedish authorities take care not to publicize these and related figures on general criminality, fearing that the so-called “far-right” members of the Swedish Democrats would cite them as reasons for cutting down on the number of Muslim immigrants. Stockholm’s political and media elites continue to deny a worrisome reality, because they don’t want to be blamed for having caused this mess in the first place, by their criminal laxity on immigration.
Globalists’ multicultural experiment in Sweden has resulted in Swedes no longer being safe in their own country. The journalist Ingrid Carlqvist explains that immigrants have been destroying “our country”:
They are destroying our country and making us terrified of everything. It’s the violence from these immigrants, it is the rapes, the killings, and you know, just not being safe in your own country that makes people very, very scared and desperate, and they lose hope.
Swedish children are being tortured and abused in school and in the evenings throughout the country. There are constant cases of immigrant kids, mainly Muslims beating up, raping, and torturing Swedes. Carlqvist reports that the Islamic immigrants and their children “have a very aggressive culture, and they hate us.” She goes on to explain:
They think that they have a mission from Allah to take over this country. So they really enjoy humiliating and beating up young Swedes.
Is there anything here that has been exaggerated? Don’t Swedes now feel, in Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö and a half-dozen other cities, much less safe than they did 20 years go? Don’t Swedish women now fear to go out alone at night? In Malmö, once a center of Jewish life, now the the few hundred Jews who still live in the city must worry about street attacks on them by Muslims. They are especially vulnerable to attacks by Muslim gangs, who simply beat up Jews for the sheer fun of it. These immigrants, taught in the Qur’an to despise Infidels, are quite unlike those placid and industrious and grateful migrants who arrived in Sweden earlier from eastern Europe.
In the now familiar approach to these issues, the left-wing Swedish rulers and their media refuse to address the underlying cause of the phenomenon of Muslim rapists – Islam’s canonical intrinsic devaluing of women. Islam teaches that a woman is worth less than a man. And a non-Muslim woman is worth less than an Islamic one. According to the words of Muhammad and the Quran, men are in charge of women. Prophet Muhammad actually encouraged the rape of women captured in battle. He even provided instructions on how women should be raped after capture, telling his men not to worry about coitus interruptus since “Allah has written whom he is going to create.” Allah also told Muslim men to rape women captured in battle; they were told to do it in front of their husbands.
The migrant rapist’s treatment of women is learned from the Islamic faith and his Prophet’s example. There is nothing unusual or deviant in how the Swedish woman was treated in Islamic terms. Instead of the Swedish left-wing politicians and media condemning Islam’s view on women, they will insist the migrant’s crimes are isolated and protect their socialist and sanitized reconstruction of Islam, created for Western consumption. The cost of covering for Islam continues to put Westerners in great harm.”
Sweden’s welfare system is now wobbling, and may collapse as a result of the staggering sums the government must now expend on these Muslim migrants, who are masters of taking advantage of every benefit the generous Swedish welfare state offers. They live in free or greatly subsidized housing, receive free food, clothing allowances, enjoy free medical care and free education, including language lessons and lessons in “Swedish culture.” These lessons in language and Swedish culture are intended to provide Muslim migrants with the tools that will allow them to better integrate into society, but these last lessons have been singular failures. Why should a Muslim migrant who, as the Qur’an tells him, belongs to the “best of peoples,” want to integrate into a society fashioned by and for Infidels who are – again according to the Qur’an – “the most vile of created beings”? It is only when Muslim migrants stop thinking in such terms that there may be hope for some of them to integrate into Swedish society. How likely is that to happen?
Meanwhile, the Swedes themselves should recognize that their naive dream of integrating Muslim migrants is incapable of being realized, not for want of trying on the part of the indigenous Swedes, but because of the attitudes of the Muslims themselves, who are in no hurry to be employed, but are happy to pocket whatever they are offered by the welfare state, aid which they regard as a kind of proleptic Jizyah. It would be folly for the Swedes to blame themselves for this state of affairs. In fact, much the same outcome can be observed in all the European countries where large numbers of Muslims have been allowed to settle. But Sweden’s elites have been particularly naïve, and allowed into their country, during the last two decades, immigrants who now make up close to 20% of the current population (and the Sweden-born children of migrants make up another 12%).
At the very least, one hopes that a sufficient number of Swedes will come to their senses, and work to halt all further Muslim immigration into their country. If some feel there is an economic need for migrants to perform menial tasks, instead of letting in Muslims who, in any case, are not eager to work hard, and feel only contempt for and resentment of the Infidel Swedes, the Swedish government can bring in more of the millions of Ukrainian refugees now clamoring to be let in. These Ukrainians are the real refugees, fleeing possible death in a war zone, unlike the Muslims from North Africa and the Middle East who are only economic migrants, hoping to batten on the offerings provided by European welfare states. Many of those Orthodox Ukrainians differ from the largely Lutheran Swedes in sect, but share the same religious heritage (Christianity), and have the same views about the equality of men and woman, about the natural political, civil, and religious rights of all people, and about the desirability of democracy, none of which are shared by the Muslim migrants.
If Sweden can do these things, it should still be possible for the country that gave the world King Gustavus Adolphus, Linnaeus, Ingmar Bergman and Ingrid Bergman, smorgasbord, glög, and Akvavit, and Raoul Wallenberg, to step back from the brink. Swedish elites made a big mistake in opening their doors to Muslim migrants. But all is not lost. There is still time, by voting in the Swedish Democrats, to reverse course.
Roborep says
“Everything The Evil 👹Godless Left Touches It Destroys” 🧨💣🪓🔪
Kasandra says
That’s not an accident.
Steve B. says
Sad to see how Swedish women are no longer safe, so different from when I first visited.
Onzeur Trante says
James Burnham wrote about this in the original “Suicide of the West,” an important book to read now (Burnham’s, that is, not the recent reworking of his book by another author whose name I don’t recall).
Dr2xFour says
My Mother always told me
“Nothing good happens after 11 pm”
Every time I tested that boundary it proved true. That was back in day when you could for the most part move about freely at that time of day. Most of the damage I incurred on myself.
Fast forward to today….
Gangs of Muslims roaming the streets. Meting out love and light from the ideology of pieces. What could possibly go wrong?
2+2 always equaled 4 in my day.
George says
PS There are no “genders”, that is a term made up by perverts. There are 2 sexes, based on DNA.
Daniel Liebert says
Please remember there are only 9.5 million Swedes and the invaders are breeding like rabbits. I had to double check those numbers. Swedes are like an endangered species.
Tatanka says
Not only swedes, all White people and Christians are.
Their decline is of their own making.
Turning the cheek was foolish and is proven to be genocidal.
Stupid is as Stupid does.
Kasandra says
This is what happens when gullible people of good will allow themselves to be guilt-tripped into supporting self-destructive policies. Know any other countries where this is happening?
Stephen says
Two countries know how to deal with Muslims, Israel and China ..
Lightbringer says
I like the Israeli way better. Muslims there have to prove that they are a threat before they are sent to the hoosgow.
Iggy says
Yes but China & the CCP is not exactly a great example for humanity either.
Angel Jacob says
Savages should always be treated like savages. That is the ONLY solution.
It’s a deadly mistake to apply civilized laws and manners to dealing with savages.
1 Angry Artist says
They should be treated like the rabid dogs they are.
THX 1138 says
Christianity and its central moral code of altruism and self-sacrifice for others prepared the way for the welfare-state, socialism, and Marxism.
You can argue that most Swedes today are no longer Christian nevertheless they’re central and essential moral code remains altruism. And that moral code of alrtruism and self-sacrifice for others is what motivates and drives their national, welfare-state, socialist, collectivist, suicide.
The only way to stop suicidal altruism is to discredit it and reject it. And embrace and champion Ayn Rand’s moral code of self-preservation, her moral code of RATIONAL SELFISHNESS.
“In Defense of Selfishness: Why the Code of Self-Sacrifice is Unjust and Destructive” – Objectivist Peter Scwartz
Tershia says
You obviously don’t understand what Christianity teaches, only what is in your own head.
Lightbringer says
People who have not read Rand’s writings on what she called selfishness have no idea what you are talking about. Her ideas are logical and decent. We’ve all been told that being called selfish is like being called racist — it’s a bad thing, true or not. People have a reflexive fear about the “s” word, and being charged with it, since they do not understand what Rand wrote about it.
THX 1138 says
You know Lightbringer I’ve never thought of it in that exact way, being called selfish is like being called a racist. Thank you for that insight. I hope you don’t mind if I use that insight in the future.
Richard G Johnston says
Here’s a photo from every Women’s Studies bulletin board on college campuses bringing attention to this problem–> <—
The only police you should resist being arrested by are the leftist Thought Police.
Atikva says
Yet it seems the Swedes like it that way. According to the latest World Happiness Report, they are still among the happiest peoples of the world – after those of Finland, Iceland, Denmark, Switzerland and the Netherlands.
anolesman says
The bottom line ? If the Swedes don’t care about their children and women why should I care ? It’s because I’m American that I care……………. We saved Swedens ass in World WAR II I won’t do it again.
Lightbringer says
We did not save Sweden in WWII. They were officially neutral but did very brisk business with the Nazis.
Justin Swingle says
The description of quite a different Sweden, the result of more than 1.2 million immigrants, mostly from Muslim countries, can be found here: “Suicidal Sweden: Woman Gang-Raped in a Park by Five Teenage Syrian Muslim Migrants,” by Amy Mek, RAIR Foundation, December 26, 2022
Sweden has one of the world’s worst recorded rape rates. In 2018, the state broadcaster SVT revealed that 58% of men convicted in Sweden of rape and attempted rape over the previous five years were born abroad. Some of the most brutal rape cases have involved Muslim or African immigrants.
Justin Swingle says
“Mexican drug cartels are the “other” terrorist threat to America. Militant Islamists have the goal of destroying the United States. Mexican drug cartels are now accomplishing that mission – from within, every day, in virtually every community across this country.” JUDICIAL WATCH
Andreas Schweizer says
Are you aware that the Mexican cartels get ~US$400 million a month in cash from the US Treasury? As in Sweden, US citizens are being forced by the Marxist parasite to pay the attackers
JCR says
My cousin visited Sweden 35+yrs ago, (we are, ethnic. 1st gen).
He enjoyed his visit. He was many years my senior. Conservative and heritage Proud.
What Sweden has become?
He would not approve.
I am glad in his passing, he does not know.
John Jensen says
The Swedes always thought they were better, more open, more sensible than anybody else. They voted for the current situation for more than 50 years, and they got exactly what they wanted. Now they are heading for bankruptcy, and they still haven’t seen it.
Sweden is lost, forget it. It is the first European country that by its own free will will be conquered by Islam. Swedish who can afford it, are moving elsewhere.
Lightbringer says
They ought to pick a day, pack their bags, and move out — and then blow up the entire infrastructure that they built so that the savages will not get to use it anymore. Let the savages re-create the material artifacts of civilization. Go on, I’m waiting. Let’s see what they can do.
Anu says
What about stolen elections in Sweden?
David Truman says
I have zero time for politically correct bleeding-heart leftists. The Swedish population has repeatedly, for years, voted for a treasonous, feckless and wilfully blind Social Democratic Party.
I BOYCOTT Sweden. It has for long had a death wish. I don’t.
Apologist for and enablers of Islam in the West are insane and evil.
Tershia says
IMO Frau Merkel, Hitler’s ideological successor, is to blame for opening the gates of Europe to the Muslim hordes. Sweden has herself to blame for listening to Merkel. Sweden made the wrong choice and the Swedes are suffering the consequences.
Lightbringer says
Eh, scratch a Swede, you get a Nazi.
Anu says
The mass migration into Sweden started in the seventies – a very long time before anyone (outside of the GDR) had ever heard from Merkel.
Andrew Blackadder says
I wish I could find one person that could explain to me what was wrong with the Old Sweden that caused the actual Swedish Government to want to build a New Sweden.. Was it due to that high education level. was it due to all that equality for all, was it due to being safe walking the streets at night, perhaps it was all those nude people sitting together in the Sauna… Tell me what was wrong with the Old Sweden… Anybody?.
Robert says
I have a simple solution to this particular problem. Any immigrant who commits rape, assault, or any other illegal act must be deported to their country of origin, along with their entire family. Since the immigrants are family oriented, and this a punishment to the entire family, the family has the responsibility to keep its members in line. I would also pause / halt all Islamic immigration until their crime numbers decline to close to zero. As an added incentive, since the Islamic countries all have death penalties, I would also put an option to inflict the death penalty on the perpetrators for defined capital crimes as well as deporting their families. This is a tough love, anti Woke solution that unfortunately will never see the light of day.
Lightbringer says
It’s a great idea but it will never happen. Not with those voters. Remember that suicide has always been the Swedish national sport.
Richard from NZ says
The only enduring solution, and all that it entails, is to ban Islam in Sweden.
Lightbringer says
Well, suicide has always been the Swedish national sport and has been for generations. The Muslims’ arrival just put it on a collective rather than an individual basis.
Spurwing Plover says
Open Borders, Multi Culturalism and Diversity how to make a nation fall
AAAB says
They are the problem in their own countries. They are the sole reason why they are forced to seek “asylum” in the west, because it’s not only Syrians, is it? Nearly every country they rule is unlivable.
Georgiaboy61 says
It is all well and good to admonish ordinary people in Sweden for their plight, and the commoners do deserve some of the blame for their current predicament. However, the bulk of it belongs to the treasonous ruling class, not only in Sweden proper but at the European Union, who have thrown open the gates of European civilization to these invaders. Globalism and its goals are very real, and Europeans who ignore these things, whether they reside in the West or elsewhere, do so at their peril.
The blunt fact is that there are powerful and wealthy individuals and interests who desire the destruction of Old Europe, its nations, its peoples, its traditions, its ways of life… everything. Think of it like an old building or home a developer wants to replace with something else. He needs to knock down the old edifice in order to put up the new one. This is very much how the globalist billionaires and oligarchs view the situation.
And if they have to break a few eggs to make that omelet, they are fine with the blood of their fellow Europeans being shed if that’s what it takes to realize their goals. That’s not hyperbole, unfortunately, but a simple reading of the facts and of the daily news and crime statistics from places like Sweden.