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[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
The Democrats’ “insurrection” gambit has failed: the Supreme Court ruled Monday that Donald Trump could not be kept off the ballot, and so the republic, for the moment, is saved. But make no mistake: they’ll keep on trying to “save democracy,” as they put it, by destroying it. They’re bent on banishing their all-time bête noire, Donald Trump, from public life altogether, and allowing Americans to vote only for candidates they find acceptable. They respect the Supreme Court about as much as they do the presidency and other features of a functioning republic, and so we can be sure they’ll keep trying.
The Court’s decision brings a long initiative to an unhappy end. Democrats cooked up the fictional Jan. 6 “insurrection” (with generous help from the FBI and other government agencies) in the first place precisely in order to stop Trump from entering the Oval Office again. In the end, it didn’t work not because there was no insurrection, Trump never called for one, and the whole case was cooked up out of nothing, but because the Court ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment, which bars insurrectionists from holding office, could not be applied by individual states to federal office-holders. It’s up to Congress, said the Court, to bar a candidate for federal office from the ballot because he or she participated in an insurrection.
That led immediately to the fascists’ next move. Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Pirate Bay) said on CNN soon after the Court’s decision was announced: “I am working with a number of my colleagues—including Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Eric Swalwell—to revive legislation that we had to set up a process by which we could determine that someone who committed insurrection is disqualified by Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment. And the House of Representatives already impeached Donald Trump for participating in insurrection by inciting it so, the house has already pronounced upon that.”
Yes it has, but the Senate did not convict him, and the Republicans now control the House. That doesn’t mean, however, that the Democrats are out of ideas on how to deny the will of the people. The worst-case scenario, at least aside from nuclear war or a massive uprising of the millions of illegals the Biden regime has ushered into the country over the last few years, would be a Trump victory accompanied by the Democrats recapturing the House. Then the new House Democrat majority could disallow electoral votes for Trump on the grounds that he is an “insurrectionist,” and election victory or no, Bad Orange Man won’t be waltzing into the Oval Office on Jan. 20, 2025.
Would the Democrats do such a thing? Of course they would. As The Sumter Gambit: How the Left is Trying to Foment a Civil War details, the left today has no respect for the republic as it is currently structured; the Biden regime is the first American presidency to take actual steps to criminalize what used to be called “loyal opposition.” Biden and his henchman Merrick Garland have a long and ever-lengthening record of being intolerant of dissent, the tolerance of which is the foundation of any free society. Besides the Disinformation Governance Board that would have policed speech that dissented from the leftist establishment’s perspective, it sicced the FBI on angry parents protesting at school board meetings, worked with Twitter and other social media giants to silence and deplatform people with opposing views, and even sent spies into Catholic churches.
Above all, the regime and its propaganda arm, the establishment media, fabricated the entire “insurrection” narrative, and are sticking with it to the last, despite the fact that on the fateful day of Jan. 6, 2021, Trump told protestors to proceed “peacefully and patriotically,” and there was no plan, no leader, and no weapons. The proposition that the republic (it’s not actually a democracy, Mr. Raskin) was in danger from some old ladies snapping selfies and a guy wearing Viking horns was absurd on its face, but Raskin has made it clear that even the Supreme Court won’t stop the Democrats from purveying this particular Big Lie, and using it to forestall what could be negative results for them in November.
The totalitarian left wants to choose your candidates for you and disallow those it doesn’t find acceptable, just the way they did it in the old Soviet Union. Dissidents will be branded “insurrectionists” and purveyors of “disinformation.” If they did it to Trump, they will most certainly do it to you and to me, and the Supreme Court can take the hindmost. Once they get five leftist Justices in place, they won’t have to worry about interference from that quarter, either, and “our democracy” will at last be saved.
Jeff Bargholz says
Nine to zero against states violating federal law by removing candidates from ballots. Only because the three and a half Dirtbagocrat activists on the court know that their fellow Dirtbagocrats could be subject to the same removal of their candidacy in the future by “red” states. (I hate that red and blue shit concocted by the fake news media. The D-Bags are more commie red than the RINOs.)
Stan says
Originally the color red was assigned to Democrat states and blue to Republican. Then the Democrats feared a “commie red” association and got the colors switched.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, that’s what I read, too. It’s strange that a political party that uses commie, KGB style tactics on a regular basis doesn’t want to be associated with a system they emulate in so many ways. It’s just another sign of their institutionalized dishonesty. The RINOs are just dumb and weak status quo corrupticans. The Dirtbagocrats are evil, anti-American Hamas and wet back lovers.
Domenic Pepe says
I need to check this in my calculus book …
Nine votes to Zero votes … ?
Is that a Majority ?
I think I need to ask somebody who has a B.S., and M.A., and Ph.D. in Mathematics from Harvard
University, and Post doctoral research at M.I.T. in order to understand what 9 to 0 means..
Maybe a one thousand dollar per hour Mathematical Consultant can work on this problem.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, we better get Sir Isaac Newton’s ghost on the job. Who else could figure out nine to zero? It’s such a mystery. We need the biggest brain of all time to figure out this one.
I guess the Supreme Court can vote the right way when trannies aren’t involved. A married mother of two half white offspring claims she doesn’t know what a woman is. That must’ve made for two interesting nights when her kids were conceived. Ketanji Brown Jackass. What a stupid twat.
Expect more sniveling and whing from the New York Slimes(Times)CNN(China News Network) and their usual load of Malarky from Liberal Pinheads
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, Rachel Mancow went had a reverse reality meltdown on this subject on MSDNC, or whatever fake news network she’s on only once a week. (Yeah. She’s SOOOO influential and popular.) He showed too much, actually. After one minute I’d had enough of that guy’s predictable drivel. Steve Bannon showed the guy on his “War Room” show this morning. Anything out of that cow’s mouth is from the same meme the woketards, their fake news media and their Dirtbagocrat party reads from.
Tex the Mockingbird says
Thats Rachel Mad-Cow, Rosebud
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, that ugly guy is a nut-job. Rachel Mad-cow indeed.
Chief Mac says
The Supreme Court backed the United Srates for once, not Trump.
If is refreshing that this criminal act has been reversed but now is the time to charge all involved with insurrection and election interference
Jeff Bargholz says
I’d rather see them lined up against a wall.
Steve Chavez says
“OPERATION BACKFIRE”: Could it be that the ruling actually protected BIDEN since the more numerous Republican Red States were ready to take him off the Ballot for numerous crimes and allowing the invasion?
“WHEN, NOT IF, the Com-Left Democrats rule SCOTUS, they will rule that the Constitution itself, is Unconstitutional!” SC
“Using the Freedoms in the Constitution to overthrow the Constitution!” SC
Just look at how many Americans took The Oath to protect the Constitution but are seeking to destroy it! Expose their treasonous acts and arrest them as the Real Insurrectionists and Seditionists!
Jeff Bargholz says
You’re right. The fact that three and a half Dirtbagocrats and one and a half RINOs voted yeah on the ruling proves it.
cedar9 says
Same thing ought to happen with immunity. Presidents are sovereign and can pardon ANY federal crime and release any national secrets at his disposal. The only response to any perceived criminal conduct is impeachment.
Mo de Profit says
Is it a coincidence that the news around warp speed vaccine deaths is now being released in the mainstream media?
David Ray says
Leftist shithole counties are cashing in with Grifter Joe the same way Fidel cashed in with that idiot Carter.
They’re not emptying dissidents from their prisons (and neither is Merrick Garland) ; they’re sending pedophiles, murderers, and all the low-lifes (that compose the DNC base) to our shores, and laughing at us.
America’s enemies threw one helluva celebration when Sleepy Joe took the Oath.
internalexile says
And that party is ongoing.
Jeff Bargholz says
End of the world parties are the hardiest.
Nicolas Carras says
The one and only insurrection is that of the ignoble, profound and destructive debility of the American left and the RINOs.
john r butala says
Since Trump has not been convicted of insurrection, he should be allowed on the ballot per the constitution.
But he’s still a criminal, so be happy cultists voting for your favorite criminal.
Nicolas Carras says
“But he’s still a criminal, so be happy cultists voting for your favorite criminal.”
Oh, man!
I would love it if all criminals were like Trump! The world would be a little better.
Jeff Bargholz says
Reverse reality trolling from an anti-American scumbag. Typical. You assholes need a new meme. Your canards are old, tired and weak, just like like that traitorous criminal, Alzheimer Joe, is.
junkyard infidel says
my dog dropped a deuce this morning that has a higher IQ than you!
CowboyUp says
You punks lost that argument back in the 80s, and now you have absolutely no credibility on judging competence, lucidity, or sanity. Embrace the suck, it’s all yours.
Intrepid says
I was wondering Johnny, since you called him a criminal, what crime has he been convicted of?
You have always been a shmuck.
RS says
President Trump has never been convicted of committing insurrection so all these bogus claims and lawsuites have no merit, Period! Libel lawfare is used which is contrived accusations to remove him and bankrupt him or remove him as a choice for the American people. There are 3300 Sheriffs in the United States and the Biden administration refuses to meet with them….More red flags are going off now than before 911.
Onzeur Trante says
Rabid dog Democrats are “on it,” less than 24 hours after the decision was announced. That’s a bellwether of what’s to come. No rest for the country weary of Democrats and their hate drivenstunts; rabid dogs never let go,
Owie says
Raskin and Debbie W. S. have the stink of old bolsheviks about them, meaning they will be the first to get it in the neck from their antisemite comrades if their “transformed” USA is ever born.
They have no respect for the law, namely this Supreme Court ruling and so shocking to me of late Biden’s complete dismissal of their ruling that he may not, does not have the authority to forgive student loan debt. He goes blithely ahead, in complete defiance of all that is good and holy about our checks and balances! So sad.
Nicolas Carras says
They don’t even have the respect of their own children whom they indoctrinate with their destructive ideological bigotry.
Chris Shugart says
Nine sane people against a totalitarian regime. I don’t like those odds.
TruthLaser says
If Jamie Raskin wants to beat a dead horse and continue to try to keep Donald Trump off the ballot despite the Supreme Court ruling, it would be consistent to go after Raskin’s late father as a commie front organizer despite such being legal according to the Supreme Court. Raskin’s rationale of defending democracy is based on the communist definition of democracy as meaning the Communist Party. That permits even the dead, human or horse, to be raised to the status of non-person, the Party’s scapegoat equivalent to religion’s devil.