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There are people and organizations who can credibly take an absolutist position on free speech. Modern colleges where wearing a sombrero on Halloween or being a Republican is a hate crime are not among them.
Any normal student who defended a racist group’s murder of minorities would be off campus in three seconds flat. A KKK chapter would never be allowed to exist on any college campus. And yet Students for Justice in Palestine and its chapters can openly support Hamas and the murder of Jews. And college administrators make excuses for them.
Swarthmore Students for Justice in Palestine’s statement declared that it “enshrines the right of the Palestinian people to resist the Zionist regime by any means necessary and honors the martyrs who have sacrificed their lives for liberation.” The “martyrs” are the Hamas terrorists.
It added that “every settler is an aggressive occupier even as they sit comfortably in their stolen homes” and that “there exists only a colonizer and a colonized, an oppressed and an oppressor” meaning that all Jews and non-Muslims in Israel were legitimate targets for mass murder.
Swarthmore’s President Val Smith condemned Hamas, but claimed that as a “liberal arts institution, we embrace the free exchange of diverse ideas and perspectives. That means sometimes engaging with views we may find, if not abhorrent. But let me be clear: Hateful rhetoric and calls for violence have no place at Swarthmore.”
Clarity would have been addressing the SJP defense of Hamas and clarifying whether he thinks it’s an exchange of diverse ideas or hateful rhetoric and violence. Instead, Smith laid out a general view with no specific relevance to what’s going on at his college.
In 2019, Swarthmore banned fraternities and sororities. It won’t however ban an organization of Hamas supporters.
Tufts University’s SJP was even more blatant about celebrating the Hamas killings of Jews.
“Since Friday, Palestinians have been launching a historic attack on the colonizers,” the SJP chapter at Tufts University crowed. “Footage of liberation fighters from Gaza paragliding into occupied territory has especially shown the creativity necessary to take back stolen land. It has not been without cost as hundreds of Palestinians have been martyred.”
Tufts, unlike Swarthmore, actually did condemn the SJP chapter’s comments, but made no mention of decertifying them.
A Tufts spokesperson, Patrick Collins, also decried the group’s comments. “We condemn the terrorism and atrocities that Hamas has carried out against Israel,” Collins said in a statement. “We strongly disagree with and denounce SJP’s statement and want to make clear that no student group speaks for the university.”
The question is does Tufts tolerate support for Hamas atrocities by officially recognized student groups?
University of Virginia’s SJP chapter described the “events that took place yesterday are a step toward a free Palestine” and asserted. “We stand in solidarity with Palestinian resistance fighters.”
The support for Hamas was condemned by Gov. Youngkin and AG Miyares.
UVA President Jim Ryan, like Swarthmore’s Val Smith, failed to directly address the SJP support for Hamas and then detoured into civil discourse.
“There can be no justification for, and we must condemn, the actions of Hamas and the horrific violence that has taken place against civilians, including children,” he wrote, but then argued, “I trust that we as a community can and will adhere to UVA’s longstanding tradition of not just allowing free speech, but promoting civil discourse, even when – perhaps especially when – we strongly disagree.”
I’m not sure what civil discourse looks like when celebrating rape and murder.
Jeff Bargholz says
I don’t want to rape any Paleosimians but I’d sure like to kill some, and it wouldn’t be murder after what they’ve done, it would be execution. Too bad it’s illegal. I’ll just have to cheer on the IDF and Israeli special forces. Those people are good at killing terrorists when they’re allowed to.
On the news a reporter said he could hear the constant thuds of the artillery barrage against the Gaza rat warren. He didn’t say rat warren though, I just added that. It seems accurate.
I think Israel is FINALLY going to follow through on the destruction of Hamas. Netanyahu likened it to the destruction of ISIS and said he was going to expunge it.
Some conservatives dislike him for some reason. I’ve always liked him, even though I’ve never met him. He was part of the Raid at Entebbe and he has an excellent speaking voice, too. And his English is flawless.
TruthLaser says
Bibi Netanyahu was special forces, but not a participant at Entebbe. His brother, Yonatan, led the raid and was the only Israeli killed.
Jeff Bargholz says
Oh, well, that’s fucked up.
I’m glad Bibi is still around.
Una Salus says
A step towards a Palestine free of Jews they mean. They care about freedom about as much as Hamas. “Freedom” fighters.
Jeff Bargholz says
Jihadis, just like Mohammad’s reavers were. Utter scum. Who else cut cut the heads off of babies?
Jeff Bargholz says
Greenfield, that photo above the article is a bit much for me but I understand why you featured it. Some people need to shocked out of their complacency.
I’m convinced something similar is going to happen here. An enormous amount of moslems have invaded our Southern border. Why? It would’ve been much easier to invade Europe and join the vile islamopithecine enclaves there, with full welfare freebies in countries like the UK, France and Sweden.
And it will all be the fault of Alzheimer Joe and his handlers if it happens. That retard KNOWS he demented and physically debilitated but like his whore wife, he doesn’t care. He wants to be in the White House, when he’s not vacationing in Maryland, and neither of them give a crap about America or its people.
Daniel Greenfield says
I’ve tried to walk a fine line and I’ve avoided using the more graphic pictures that have come out, charred bodies of a family in a car, burned babies. This photo is mild by those standards. I’ve gone back and forth on using it especially since there’s no way to warn people before they see it.
We think we’re in the clear in America. We don’t realize that the Jihadists just shifted from long range attacks to cultivating a local Islamic insurgency.
We’ll see more of it in action before long.
Jeff Bargholz says
I think you’re right. I’ve been avoiding the more graphic images on TV and won’t look them up online. I’ve seen people die and I already know it’s unpleasant.
It reminds me of the montage photos on the TV news of all the little black kids killed in Chicago every year. I can’t look at them.
I sure hope you’re right about America being in the clear. I’m wary in public now and have been since June when some racist sucker punched me three or four times while I was sitting on a park bench and not looking towards him. I’ve been hunting him ever since. Eh. San Jose. That’s what it’s like here. It’s nothing like that old Dionne Warwick song.
I really hope America doesn’t have a large scale jihad attack. The police forces in large blue cities are largely useless, although they have the weaponry and ability to be overwhelming forces if they had the will and green light.
Jeff Bargholz says
I misread what you wrote. You too think the koranimals are plotting mass terror attacks in America. I also think it’s inevitable. I just hope we kill all of them, no matter how many of us they get.
Daniel Greenfield says
Dallas PD creatively got the job done.
Jeff Bargholz says
Big surprise the ambush murderer was one of the usual racist suspects. I’ve been to Dallas/Fort Worth and they’re better than Austin, that’s for sure. Houston was nice too although quite humid.
It’s good to see some police forces don’t succumb to left-wing horseshit. One of my sisters is a sheriff down in Riverside County and I worry about her, although last time I checked, Riverside isn’t exactly left-wing, so that’s good.
Una Salus says
Some images never leave you.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Una You must have seen some tragic ones.
Una Salus says
As Netanyahu has now mentioned twice I think some of those have now migrated that way.
Kasandra says
I’ve seen a lot of the pictures. Our media should show them all, every single one of them so that our brain-dead can (maybe) get shocked out of their self-satisfied complacency, moral relativism, ignorance, and even outright anti-Semitism. The Third Reich had nothing on Hamas, nothing whatsoever.
Una Salus says
Have my differences with Ben Shapiro but here is saying what needs to be said.
David Mu says
Some people need to see to believe. It’s a pity, but there it is, and yes – your choice shows balance with good judgement.
Una Salus says
According to Hamas official Ali Baraka Putin is on the inside track which just feels right somehow.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Una, good link.
Una Salus says
You’re welcome AA. As many have mentioned what they say in Arabic is much more important than what they put out for our consumption in English.
Onzeur Trante says
What hath the Left wrought in our colleges and universities? Blind unthinking hatred.
Time to totally cut off their funding by 100% why waste anything on them? Let them fend for themselves and make those idiot students get a Job
Una Salus says
“Putin Likens Israel’s Gaza Actions To Nazi Leningrad Siege”, Surprise.