In 2018, the ADL announced that it was no longer in the ‘kindness’ business. “Forget Kindness. Schools Need to Foster Social Justice,” Jinnie Spiegler, the ADL’s curriculum director, barked.
By three years old, Spiegler claimed white children in America are already racists.
Spiegler, an obsessive leftist with seemingly no Jewish interests, whose Twitter account promotes antisemitic leftists like AOC, Cori Bush, and Ilhan Omar, has a singular obsession.
“When my daughter was 3 years old, I taught her the word stereotype,” she revealed in one article. “I figured that planting the seed might yield fruit soon enough.”
Planting leftist ideological seeds in children is what the ADL’s education programs do.
While the ADL claims to fight antisemitism, like a lot of activist groups it discovered that there was a much better way to pay the bills by getting into the business of diversity training and education. That freed the ADL from having to solicit Jewish donors or to care about antisemitism.
When Jonathan Greenblatt, a former Obama operative, took over the ADL, its annual revenues were $56 million and had been roughly in that range throughout the decade. A year later they shot up to $65 million, then $76 million and totaled $91 million in 2020. With revenues having nearly doubled in 5 years, the odds of ousting Greenblatt remain vanishingly small.
The ADL shares a fundraising firm with Planned Parenthood, the NAACP and the ACLU, but it also has developed a massive nationwide presence in the educational system.
Its educational ‘No Place for Hate’ arm claims that it’s present in 1,800 schools reaching 1.3 million students in one school year. It offers “anti-bias” workshops and training, online and in person for teachers, and curriculum and ‘non-hate’ certification for schools. According to the Seattle branch of the ADL, “workshops cost a school or district $1200″. Activists have documented contracts with school districts amounting to tens of thousands of dollars each.
But one of its more successful areas is also where its teachings may violate state law.
Florida’s ‘Stop Woke Act’, signed into law by Gov. DeSantis, bars subjecting any student to the idea that anyone is morally superior or oppressive on account of their race. The ADL’s ‘No Place for Hate’ handbook however demands that students “explore, recognize and acknowledge your privilege” and defines racism as “the marginalization and/or oppression of people of color, based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people”
The familiar message here from critical race theory is that only white people can be racist.
This violates the Stop Woke Act’s warning that schools may not teach that “an individual’s moral character or status as either privileged or oppressed is necessarily determined by his or her race, color, sex, or national origin.”
The ADL operates its ‘No Place for Hate’ program in Florida. One press release bragged that “22 public schools in Miami-Dade County were designated as ‘No Place For Hate’, including all 8 City of Miami Beach Public Schools”. Another claimed that it was present in 234 Broward County public schools which is the 6th largest district in the country with 270,000 students.
That means potentially as many as 270,000 students may be taught that white people are evil.
This disastrous program is being funded by $100,000 in federal funds.
Broward is such an asset for the ADL that its local director, Kiesha Edge, a former black employee of the Florida Department of Health, is now the ADL’s National Director of Education Operations, even while remaining back in Florida, in charge of 450 “education facilitators”
“We live in a society where systemic racism is alive and well,” Edge contended.
The only remaining systemic racism is teaching kids that they’re racist because of their race.
The David Horowitz Freedom Center took the lead in drawing up a K-12 code of ethics to end classroom indoctrination banning “teachers from using their classrooms for political, ideological, or religious advocacy.” But that is exactly what the ADL is doing with ‘No Place for Hate’.
And we’re taking on the ADL’s racist curriculum too.
The old ADL is mostly dead. Kiesha Edge and Jinnie Spiegler are what the organization is now:. a collection of woke leftist activists who believe that America and its people are evil racists.
ADL officials can be of Jewish ancestry, like Spiegler, or black like Edge or even Arab, like Senior Vice President for National Affairs George Selim, but what unites them is politics.
And the money doesn’t hurt either.
Education and training is what the ADL actually does more than anything else. What had started out as a gimmick with the ADL’s original ‘World of Difference’ program became toxic as it was transformed into ‘No Place for Hate’.
Spiegler, the ADL’s curriculum boss, objected that “many schools hope to engage young people in social action work, yet mistakenly focus on kindness”. Her ideal was the mobilization of some Parkland students to advocate against the Second Amendment after the school shooting there caused by Obama’s dismantling of school discipline policies.
“The first step is to facilitate students’ learning about the issues in a rigorous and complex way, and then to get them involved in action, advocacy and/or activism,” she laid out.
This year’s No Place for Hate Coordinator Handbook & Resource Guide doubles down on the war on kindness.
“Each year, ADL receives activities from participating No Place for Hate schools that focus on kindness,” the handbook complains. “ADL highly encourages schools, in designing their activities, to move beyond kindness to social justice.”
The ADL’s definition of social justice, one that it’s forcing into schools, is wholly partisan.
Students, Spiegler urges, should not just go “volunteer at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen”, they should “advocate for affordable housing”. Instead of just “tutoring children”, they have to fight for criminals and break up the “prison-to-school pipeline”. Obama’s efforts to break up the “prison-to-school pipeline” led to the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland.
And the ADL states that “each student must have an opportunity to participate in three ADL approved activities”. Parents are not wrong to describe this as partisan indoctrination.
The ADL claims that “as a 501c3 nonprofit organization, we take no position on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for office.” That is not true. Even during the 2020 election, the ADL continued to attack Trump while offering no criticism of Biden. And it certainly does not meet the IRS test of operating “primarily to further the common good and general welfare of the people.”
Its curriculum and its agenda are wholly partisan and like many leftist groups, it operates with the complicity of the IRS and other federal and state regulatory organizations.
But the ADL has bigger issues on a statewide level with its racist educational curriculum.
In Virginia, Gov. Glenn Youngkin banned critical race theory and “inherently divisive concepts” from K-12 classrooms. These include the idea that anyone is morally superior or should be “discriminated against because of their race” or that “members of one race, ethnicity, sex or faith cannot and should not attempt to treat others as individuals without respect to race, sex or faith”.
‘No Place for Hate’ has a sizable presence in Virginia including in the Arlington Public Schools.
These are only two of the twenty states where the ADL’s racist curriculum may run into trouble.
The ADL’s education curriculum had started out teaching tolerance, but now teaches intolerance, and advocates partisan politics. Despite the organization’s origins, its handbook is notable for mentioning Jewish people only three times, once in the ADL’s background and twice in its definition of antisemitism.
But the ADL is not a Jewish organization anymore. It’s a generically lucrative leftist group which provides bias insurance to schools while joining in leftist attacks on conservatives.
A few years after Greenblatt came on board, the ADL announced a new program together with eBay billionaire Pierre Omidyar: one of the leading funders of the anti-Israel Left. ADL Senior VP Eileen Hershenov was the former general counsel for Soros’ Open Society octopus.
“Kudos to my former boss, George Soros,” she gushed.
Hershenov oversees the ADL’s partnership with the Aspen Institute, funded by Soros. The joint ADL-Aspen program’s civil society fellows included the founding Co-Director of the Open Society Foundation’s Economic Justice Program.
Small wonder that Greenblatt attacks any critics of Soros and the ADL, formerly critical of the Nazi collaborating billionaire, now has a page dedicated to defending the antisemitic leftist.
The ADL’s funders and partners list increasingly resembles those of most leftist activist groups with $1 million from Craigslist’s Craig Newmark, the Rockefellers, the Ford Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation and the Walton Family Foundation. There’s nothing Jewish here.
As an organization, the ADL doesn’t belong in Jewish circles, and its educational curriculum doesn’t belong in any schools.
Thanks Daniel. I particularly liked your financial analysis.
This is done to divide the people against one another and break down the good order of the republic. It’s all in the plan.
thank you, one of things no one realizes when they keep calling for ousting Greenblatt
the ADL, like a lot of lefty groups, have a new financial model now and new ‘donors’
they care a lot less about direct mailing envelopes to grandma
incidentally, the Republican ‘tax reform’ helped make that happen too
For those of us who actually bother to think about what the origins of the ADL were, it is more than clear that as regards the original purview of the organization, the ADL is irrelevant and furthermore poisonous. It is to be hoped that Jews who really care about antisemitism are aware of this utter failure and will give their support to alternative organizations that do the job they are supposed to do. The ADL is about as useful as the British Board of Deputies, which, even when I was a kid growing up in England, was useless.
This is a superb commentary on why the ADL has degenerated into a woke organization with zero interest in protecting the Jewish community or Jewish continuity
thank you, it’s a part of the picture
the cultural element is also big, but that’s part of what has been happening overall to American Jews which I’ve written about quite a bit, so I didn’t feel the need to repeat myself here
I trust the SWC, but I know nothing about their finances.
Read what wiki-p said about the parkland shooting ( i realize wiki-p is not the most reliable source) ,but shooter was thought to need involuntary in- patient hospitalization for evaluation ?????? But mental health institution refused ???? No court order ,why not??? .Many of the school and mass shooting may have been prevented if the warning signs had not been ignored! A prime example being major hasan at fort hood. His residence supervisors listened to his dissertation which was supposed to be on a psychiatric topic but instead it was a rant on why Islam will rule the world. What to do ? Note the evaluators were all psychiatrists . instead of referring him for evaluation let’s send him to fort hood out in the middle of no where .can’t get to trouble there! ( political hot potato, since 9-11 .and military likes to be inline with what ever is happening now!),
Tell a child they are racist and they become racist, tell a child they come from bad ancestors and they consider themselves bad, tell a child that the planet is dying and they stop caring about it after all what’s the point of looking after something that is dying?
The leftist elites are getting what they claim not to want or are they needing to justify their beliefs?
It’s probably more tell kids they come from.a bad genetic line (meaning Caucasian) & they’ll think you’re a tosser and a liar. They’ll hate teachers, the media and anyone who falls for it.
Same with hate crimes- have videos of black people beating g up jews and then run articles blaming anti Semitic attacks on white supremacists. That’s what happens each day- so normal people detest the corporate press as liars and see those who fall for their evil as moronic. AKA- all of New York City
All of New York City is moronic?
Um, no.
Its a huge place of many different areas with varied cultures and beliefs. Like lot of out of towners you may believe some silly Hollywood movie version. ..
These cartoon caricatures of geographic areas and their people are divisive.
While I’m sure there are normal and/or sane people living in NYC,
I haven’t met any.
“tell a child that the planet is dying and they stop caring about it after all what’s the point of looking after something that is dying?”
No, you’re leaving out the most important part, brainwash a child that the planet is dying BECAUSE of man and man’s technology and he will fight to destroy man and man’s techonology. He will fight to destroy CAPITALISM. Which means he will fight to destroy freedom and liberty because man and his freedom produce evil, polluting, technology. The result is Greta Thunberg.
“It has been reported in the press many times that the issue of pollution is to be the next big crusade of the New Left activists, after the war in Vietnam peters out. And just as peace was not their goal or motive in that crusade, so clean air is not their goal or motive in this one….
The immediate goal is obvious: the destruction of the remnants of capitalism in today’s mixed economy, and the establishment of a global dictatorship. This goal does not have to be inferred—many speeches and books on the subject state explicitly that the ecological crusade is a means to that end.” – Ayn Rand, 1971
“According to the advocates of systemic racism, such stark disparities can only be explained by institutional discrimination and bias. And if the system is so unfair and prejudiced, then the system must be changed….
The system that they are targeting is capitalism—the economic/political system that protects individual rights, including property rights. The system that exists in America today is not capitalism. It is a mixed system with some elements of freedom and a growing list of government controls and restrictions. It is the remnants of capitalism that the systemic racism advocates want to eliminate. And they want to eliminate these remnants because under capitalism or even-semi-capitalism, disparate results are an inevitable outcome.” – Brian Phillips
“Systemic Racism Targets Capitalism and Freedom” – by Brian Phillips
the goal is to destroy the past by first discrediting it
Mr. Greenfield the past (history) is filled with good things and bad things, with virtue and vice, with rational values and irrational anti-values (like slavery, misogyny, anti-semitism, racism, etc.). Traditional values can only be valuable if they are rational values, i.e, based on the facts of reality.
The goal of Leftism (ultimately) requires discrediting REASON on which the rational values of individualism, freedom, liberty, capitalism, the personal pursuit of happiness, objectivity, and even the value of the acceptance of our biological genders depends. Discredit, i.e, “LIMIT” reason and anything and everything irrational can be legitimized.
“Man’s mind is his basic means of survival—and of self-protection…. There has never been a philosophy, a theory or a doctrine that attacked (or “limited”) reason, which did not also preach submission to the power of some authority…. Deprived of the ability to reason, [or his confidence in reason], man becomes a docile, pliant, impotent chunk of clay, to be shaped into any subhuman form and used for any purpose by anyone who wants to bother.” – Ayn Rand
What Rand is saying, perhaps without realizing it, is exactly what communism etc has done, not religion (there are extremes) but religion doesn’t deprive man of reason, the woke Marxist communist socialist globalist nonsense that we see around us today is anti-religion just like Rand and you appear to be. The power today is the experts and technocrats and academics who have never done a days work in their lives. They got rich on the back of investment capital having produced nothing more than an idea.
Religion doesn’t deprive man of reason?
Reason is the faculty by which man perceives, identifies, and understands reality. Reason’s foundation is the Law of Identity.
How can man perceive, identify, and understand the supernatural, that which is beyond his natural senses to perceive or identify? Beyond reason?
Mysticism and supernaturalism, implicitly or explicitly, deprive man of reason. Implicitly deny reason, implicitly claim and place something beyond reason.
“In accordance with the principles of America and of capitalism, I recognize your right to hold any beliefs you choose — and, on the same grounds, you have to recognize my right to hold any convictions I choose. I am an intransigent atheist, though not a militant one. This means that I am not fighting against religion — I am fighting for reason. When faith and reason clash, it is up to the religious people to decide how they choose to reconcile the conflict. As far as I am concerned, I have no terms of communication and no means to deal with people, except through reason.” – Ayn Rand
There’s no reply button to your response that Rand is anti- religion but by definition an atheist is anti religion, an agnostic is not anti religion so describing her self as atheist she is.
You are partially right. An Objectivist-atheist as an Objectivist-atheist is simply a person that does not believe in God or any religion. An Objectivist qua atheist is not interested in legally or privately persecuting any follower of any religion or outlawing Freedom of Religion or Freedom of Conscience.
Free Speech and Freedom of Conscience, in other words speaking up and saying “I’m an atheist and this is why I’m an atheist” is not an instance of being militantly anti-religion. Any more than a Christian speaking up and saying, “Im a Christian and this is why I am a Christian” is militantly anti-atheist.
The crucial concepts are militant versus intransigent. Or force versus persuasion.
Atheism is a religion.
THX isn’t smart enough to understand that.
This post has to do with the THX post. Hope you don’t mind Mo.:
THX 1138 says
December 15, 2022 at 8:35 am
“I am an intransigent atheist, though not a militant one. This means that I am not fighting against religion — I am fighting for reason. When faith and reason clash, it is up to the religious people to decide how they choose to reconcile the conflict. A.R.
A.R. says the word “religion,” and the word “religious.” It’s safe to say that most of the time, when people use those words, they have Christianity and the Bible in mind.
The Bible, O.T. Judaism, and Christianity is mischaracterized, and so misunderstood. The Bible is not a book about “religion,” or supposedly about its “religion.” The Bible is about God. It’s about the creation of everything. It’s about God’s purpose for the earth. It’s about man’s fall and sin. It’s about Israel and why God made them and what their purpose will be. The Bible is about the Redeemer and redemption. The Bible is about the church the body of Christ and why God made it and what their purpose will be.
All of that is “reason”able. Atheism is non reason.
The word “religion” occurs just five times in the Bible (KJ). In four of these verses, “religion” is negatively spoken of. This is the Bibles definition of “religion” if a believer wishes to call what he or she is doing, “religion:”
James 1:27 “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”
The word “religious” occurs twice in the Bible. In one of those verses, the “religious” are not complimented.
Man has made the Bible a “religious” book. It’s just man’s way to avoid God and His book. “Oh, it’s religious, I’m not religious.”
We need an ADL, just not this ADL.
The SWC, though not perfect, is much better.
The Lawfare Project is promising, though new (and still small).
FWIW, I like ZOA.
This article should appear in all mass media outlets, not just here. Mind-boggling. Most of us fail to recognize the profundity of the evil being committed by formerly benevolent organizations like the ADL. The Left is destroying America. Can this not be stopped?
Yes, it can be stopped. But it’s a very long, philosophical and educational, haul at the universities that is required. This will take anywhere from fifty years to centuries. If it happens at all, history is not predetermined. America as the Founders intended it was the result of 2,500 years of philosophical and intellectual development. There are no short-cuts. There is no other way.
You have to realize that the rational, modern, industrial, capitalist West has been collapsing since 1781. The USA was founded right in the nick of time right before the philosophical, intellectual, collapse began.
“The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.” – Abraham Lincoln
“Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.” – Aristotle
“The present state of the world is not the proof of philosophy’s impotence, but the proof of philosophy’s power. It is philosophy that has brought men to this state—it is only philosophy that can lead them out.” – Ayn Rand
“Yes, it can be stopped. But it’s a very long, philosophical and educational, haul at the universities that is required. This will take anywhere from fifty years to centuries.”
Well then I guess you can shut up now because it’s not going to happen anytime soon.
And I don’t see the country at large adopting your effed up philosophy.
it can be stopped, but we have to use policy tools to do it
one reason the Center has been taking a closer look at the money networks and how they abuse nonprofit status and violate laws
Mr. Greenfield, money is only a tool, like a car, it can only take you where you are convinced you want to go. If your chosen destination is Marxism or fascism, that’s what you will use your money for, to get there.
Laws and policies? Again, those are in a certain respect tools to help a society get where it wants to go. If socialism-fascism is the chosen destination, laws and policies contradicting the destination will be evaded or un-enforced (open borders), as new laws and policies (amnesty) are enacted.
What ultimately determines the trajectory-destination of a society? The philosophy taught at the universities.
“The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.” – Abraham Lincoln
everything is a tool and it’s important to understand how those tools work if you want to change things
ideas are important, but you’re not just going to win a war by winning an argument,
You always leave out the military aspect. The South could have won the Civil War with better generalship, one out of many examples.
The philosophy of a society determines what that society will do with its military. How they will use it, how they will mold it.
That’s quite easy to see today, a Woke philosophy is producing a Woke military.
A free society fighting for its freedom always produces better and greater morale, incentives, motivation, and inspiration. The Spanish Conquistadors destroyed the Aztec and Inca theocracies with the help of the tribes the Aztecs and Incas had enslaved.
The better conditions of freedom or even semi-freedom are highly preferred over absolute tyranny. Who in their right mind fights with all their might to remain a slave or a serf?
The king of the repeatable one liners strikes again. Epic fail once more.
Thanks. Like so many other organizations, I knew the ADL had gone pure and full-on leftist, but the article tells better the path it took in being nothing Jewish other than pure and full-on leftist.
And like any other leftist organization today – you will be all in for an anti-White and therefore anti-West agenda.
it’s what happens to any organization taken over by the Left
Indeed. This is a old story just repeating with the next group, organization and etc.. The left believes people neither notice or remember.
It is easier to take over what exists than to create something new. That is why Marx did not predict the communist stage of history could occur without the capitalist stage first producing modern economies.
Yeah? Was Abe Foxman taken over by the left and is that why he’s now attacking Israel at every turn? The ADL was always a leftist organization because Bnai Brith has always been leftist.
Being liberal, in the classic sense, is not the same as being medical and illiberal, in the leftist sense.
The ADL was originated in the immediate aftermath of the false SOUTHERN BIGOTED TRIAL of Leo Frank,cand his lynching. This occurred not long after the Dreyfus Affair in France (in the media terms of the era).
Dreyfus Needed Emile Zola to form and harden an ad hoc pressure group. It worked.
The ADL started as a pressure committee (with no single star as big as Zola was in France), and it sorta worked…but not fast enough to save Leo.
On X and Gab, just this last fortnight, the anti-Semites have been horning in on the dissatisfaction with the recent bonors of the ADL, and have started a new ***Leo Frank Was Guilty! So Screw The ADL!!!”** meme.
Please be prepared to defend the ADL’s origins in the Leo Frank INJUSTICE.
Thank You
I do NOT appreciate spell check changing “radical” to “medical” … S H I T
That’s not Education that’s Brainwashing, Indoctrination by the BLM, Antifa, DNC, globalists and parents should oppose this as much as they oppose CRT
the first problem is why is the bigoted racist ADL involved in creating anything that is involved in any school curriculum. They are a discreditied garbage organization run by a racist nazi scumbag. I would strongly suggest that people go their website and take the time to fill out a report on a violation and name their racist trash talking leader as the problem. Bring their servers down. We need to start playing the same game as the democrats. Wake up people.
Willing to wager you will find some really sick perverts in that organization if you dug deep enough.
DeSantis seems to be good at passing laws such as “Stop Woke”, but we are not seeing any evidence of enforcement. The same thing happened with his law to ban vaccine mandates in businesses such as cruise ships.
Teach this.
This is not Education its Leftists Brain Washing I am sure Hitler, Stalin Castro and Mao did about the same. Time for Home Schooling
The people who teach that whites are racist are making whites racist. The ADL with its evil anti=Semitism is making people into anti-Semites. I know because I have conservative friends who send me messages about what lefty Jewish people are doing.
There is backlash against the ADL’s recent mistakes, as well as it’s timidity during the Holocaust.
But please show respect for the ADL’s origins.
See my post above, which will become available after it passes moderation, for the condensed origin story.
I do NOT appreciate spell check’s automatic confusion and insertion concerning “its” and “it’s” !! S H I T
Please tell me what does the letters ADL mean ? I know it is an acronym for an organization that is very left leaning, I just would like to know what does it mean or stand for. I am totally against teaching CRT in the classroom anywhere which stand for Critical Race Theory. It should be named Critical Race Lies !
Look up Leo Frank together with ADL to
The ADL just like the NEA filling the youths heads full of their Lies and they should be taken to Court for it
As a Jew the ADL used to mean something, now it is a sickening embarrassment.
Just imagine kids being able to go to school with NORMAL Teachers and when they go to MATH Class they learn MATH – nothing else! Or they go to ENGLISH Class and they learn English! HISTORY Class – only History! And then they ask “hey, where’ that pink haired commie lesbian” and then they’re told “Oh, she’s been fired because she was arrested for discussing her private sex life with children and that’s actually against the law”!! It wouldn’t take long to get that crap out of ALL schools but the DEMOcrats will have to assist! Our Nation is so sick! Let’s start with the KIDS – give them an EDUCATION and teach them to LOVE each other and Our Nation and work our way up to the adults!!
Florida needs to take the ADL to court or just revoke their Tax Exempt Status time to expose these Globalists
Seems that Wokism is the religion the woke ADL promotes and defends at the expense of Jewish concerns. A former Soros employee, Greenblatt has ruined the ADL even more than former head Foxman. It seems like a quasi Jstreet mill for confused social justice warriors who think they are doing a Tikun Olam ritual, when in fact they are a bunch of morons who are doing more harm than good.
The ADL Anarchists Terrorists and Lawbreakers take over what the Nazis and Commies started
I was a member of an ADL regional board of directors 40 years ago, before it became a Democratic Socialist institution.
Jonathan Greenblatt is appalling. He is friends with and has appeared numerous times with Al Sharpton, the Crown Heights pogromist.
Conscientious Jews should boycott the ADL and contribute to the Friends of the IDF and the Republican Jewish Coalition.
(I have not included AIPAC because it contributes funds to Democrats as well as Republicans.)
They send me regular solicitations for donations. If they thoughtful enclose a postage paid envelope, I stuff it with other junk mail and send it back to them.
… Thank You ~
Inspired by the frustration of awaiting moderation….
• The bulleted statement in my next post is true.
• The bulleted statement in my previous post is false.
Back in the late 1980’s I gave $25 dollars to the ADL. I want my money back.
Important analysis of the future of Jews in the West by Caroline Glick.
This is very crucial analysis about the future of Jews in America and the Western world. They are under attack and we must take a stand against the dark forces at work.
Please watch, subscribe and share with others.
Interesting this this was (or perhaps intentionally) published on Hanukkah, which recalls the victory of religious Jews over the Greeks and assimilated Jews.
Anyone with any connections with the ADL and George Soros is not good for America or the rest of the world