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The mission of the David Horowitz Freedom Center is the defense of free societies whose moral, cultural, and economic foundations are under attack by enemies both secular and religious, at home and abroad.
Over 15 years ago, the Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders was receiving death threats from Islamists and he and his family had to be moved to a safe house to live under 24-hour guard. On top of that, his own government was suing him for “hate speech.” In the face of these attacks, he never relented in speaking out for freedom and for standing tall for the very things that the Freedom Center was founded to defend.
It was because of this that in March of 2009 the David Horowitz Freedom Center extended an invitation to Wilders to come and speak at two Freedom Center events in Los Angeles. The April 2009 events, his first ever visit to Southern California, featured packed houses where Wilders captivated the crowd with rousing speeches in defense of Western Civilization.
Over the next 15 years we would have Wilders speak another six times, from Florida to California, always to packed houses and always to thunderous applause. In 2008 we awarded Wilders our FrontPageMag Man of the Year Award for his steadfast courage and bravery in speaking for Western values in the face of not just strong criticism, but Fatwas and death threats.
When Wilders was sued by the Dutch government for hate speech, the Center enthusiastically set up a program where donations could be passed through directly to help him pay his mounting legal fees in this defense. A lot of money was raised, and the Center was proud to play a role in his eventual victory in these slanderous lawsuits.
It was in 2019 that the IRS opened an investigation and audit of the Freedom Center, referencing a Washington Post article that claimed that the Freedom Center was funneling money to Wilders to help mainstream “White Nationalism”, and supporting his political activities. Not a single penny that was raised for Wilders was used for any political activity, every single donation was used specifically to pay the legal costs for these defamation lawsuits.
But no matter, that IRS Audit, which is now in its fifth year has turned into a witch hunt with the IRS claiming the Center “electioneered” in 2016 because we published articles at FrontPageMag that supported the idea of having a secure border, a sovereign nation, and a free people. We never told any reader who to vote for or who to vote against. It was clear from the beginning, from Wilders to Trump, that the IRS had an agenda.
Wilders is also one of the primary reasons the Breakers Resort in Palm Beach refused to offer any further contracts for the Center’s Restoration Weekend. They were concerned about the “controversial nature” of some of our speakers and the security concerns involved, singling out Geert Wilders. Wilders did have to travel with a team of Dutch Secret Service, though our guess is that many dignitaries that visit the Breakers require security as well.
The IRS Audit has drained us, both in costly legal fees for five years running but also in the loss of some of our major donors. We are in the stretch run, the IRS by mid-2024 will decide the fate of the Freedom Center. As of today, however, the Center is still a 501c3, still pursuing our mission and still proudly supporting the polices of any individual who stands up against what David Horowitz described as the “Unholy Alliance” of Islamists and the Left, who in their hatred seek the destruction of our great Judeo-Christian Civilization. That includes the defense of a great hero of our time, Geert Wilders.
And with all that being said, if we had the choice again today, we would invite the future, hopeful, Dutch Prime Minister in a heartbeat. In fact, Geert Wilders always has an open invitation to come and speak at any Freedom Center event.
Nice to see FPM standing tall in light of the chickenshit IRS pursuing their leftist agenda. (Leftists to this day, cry themselves to sleep over Nixon asking the IRS to audit a democrat. What B. Hussein did with the IRS dwarfs what Nixon did.)
National Review took a different tack from standing tall. They sold out Mark Steyn when he was sued by “global warming” grifter Mann. Mann was an obvious liar, but NR lacked the courage to back up their stalwart, Mark Steyn.
Courage is rare these days, so congratulations to Mr. Horowitz & company at FPM.
Steyn was driven out of National Review? He was the only thing good about that greasy pamphlet.
IRS actions tell us much about the state of democracy and free speech in America today, and the impact of the left in this regard. The treachery and corruption is stunning, reminiscent of a banana republic like Venezuela.
Americans, of whom I am not one, had better prepare to use their guns to fight for freedom. Against the will of the majority, democracy and a free society is being stolen by leftists traitors like Barack Obama, John Brennan, Jay clapper, Hillary Clinton and a whole hosts of other enemies of the people.
When I consider the treachery of their undermining actions I marvel that these rotten individuals feel free to appear in public and haven’t been ‘neutralized’. Right now they are laughing at ineffectual Republican efforts in Congress and need to be permanently silenced. Americans had better start putting aside comforts, organizing and preparing to fight.
Careful—the Jerusalem Post has an article calling Wilders a “right wing extremist”. JPost might get mad at FPM for praising him.
To hell with Jerusalem Post and its gross ignorance! Its portrayal of Geert as a “right wing extremist” is slander, but just typical of left-wing extremists. For many years I have followed and admired Geert Wilders for his courage and unwavering belief in democracy, free speech and the values of Western civilization. For very good reason he is disgusted by Islam and warns against that worthless, hate-filled and barbaric ideology whose goal is destruction of Western Civilization – and civilization itself, If all goes well Geert Wilders will save his nation from Islam and reverse its gains in the Netherlands.
The liberal media pulls a left wing hack job when a Conservative wins!
The JP and most supposedly “Israeli” Yellow Journals are ANTI-Israel. Please don’t fall for the fact that Israel is FULL of traitors, no different than the US—FULL of traitors!!!
Israel is similar to the united states in that it has a lefty segment of society (some are well intentioned “peace and love`” kibbutzniks- and see what happened to them on 10/7) but it has a leftwing press, largely leftwing universities and I suspect some at the top in politics may be not supporting the Jewish people and state and are more allied with the US’ lefty fifth column. This is a complete tragedy given what Jewish people have gone through. But human nature being what it is, you always have some rotten apples.
“Wilders is also one of the primary reasons the Breakers Resort in Palm Beach refused to offer any further contracts for the Center’s Restoration Weekend. ”
We’ve followed Wilders for a long time, hes steadfast in his beliefs of liberty and freedom, and a balanced government!
Despite his courage and his pro-Israel bonafides, most of th4e Jewish comunity calls him a right wing extremist and shuns him. Sad.
I, whose wife is a Jew, marvel, as does my wife, at the feckless, liberal views of many Western Jews. These people are a danger to themselves, in their ignorance` and wishy-washy mindset oblivious to Muslim hatred of Jews – then Christians and after them everyone not Muslim. For heaven’s sake, why don’t they read the Qur’an to see its hatred of Jews and instruction to kill them.
Amazing how the left wing Jews keep voting for their own destruction. You know Woke minds come in all kinds of people.
Most of the “Jewish Community” are TRAITORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“David Horowitz described as the “Unholy Alliance” of Islamists and the Left, who in their hatred seek the destruction of our great Judeo-Christian Civilization.”
Western Civilization as we know it today is a mixture of the unreason, mysticism, irrationality, and supernaturalism of the eastern and invading religions of Judaism and Christianity.
And the predominantly secular and rational philosophies of Ancient Greece and Rome (the mystical-supernatural philosophy of Plato being the major exception). The secular, rational, and scientific aspects of Western Civilization are the product of the rational philosophy of the ancient Greek pagan Aristotle.
Without the philosophy of Aristotle we would not have the concepts freedom and liberty in their secular definition. For Judaism, Christianity, and Islam the idea of freedom is not the secular idea of freedom. For religion the idea of freedom means that man is free to obey God but if he does not obey God he will be persecuted and punished by God or by God’s representatives on earth. That’s not the secular freedom of the pursuit of personal happiness.
The ancient Jews fought a war to the death against Aristotelian Hellenization. The ancient rabbis understood quite well that the rationality of Aristotle would be the death knell of their mysticism, supernaturalism, and totalitarian theocracy. It still is.
The Christian theocracies also fought tooth and nail against Aristotelian reason and logic, against Aristotelian secularism. Rational heretics were burned at the stake.
Christians didn’t invade North America they came peacefully, and Indians aren’t native to North America.
Irish Monks preserved Greek and Roman writing, including Aristotle’s, during the Middle Ages. If it weren’t for those devout Christians you would never have heard of him.
And Protestant Christians didn’t burn “rational heretics,” which didn’t exist, they tortured and sometimes burned Moslems, Catholics and Jews. Who cares about the Moslems, especially considering they died long ago. Not exactly Christian precepts, by the way.
And don’t start on those accused of witchcraft. They were drowned in Europe and hanged in Salem, not burned at the stake, also not Christian precepts.
How much do you get from the UN for annoying people?
In the end, thank God the Christians and the Jews won against Aristotelian Hellenization. It’s really too bad you didn’t live during the Middle Ages.
“In the end, thank God the Christians and the Jews won against Aristotelian Hellenization. It’s really too bad you didn’t live during the Middle Ages.” – that is not a virtue, the middle ages were the result of Plato’s philosophy, as were the dark ages.
The early Christians were Platonists and you applaud them, as you applaud the Inquisition, the embodiment of Plato.
“Aristotle’s philosophy was the intellect’s Declaration of Independence. Aristotle, the father of logic, should be given the title of the world’s first intellectual, in the purest and noblest sense of that word. No matter what remnants of Platonism did exist in Aristotle’s system, his incomparable achievement lay in the fact that he defined the basic principles of a rational view of existence and of man’s consciousness: that there is only one reality, the one which man perceives—that it exists as an objective absolute (which means: independently of the consciousness, the wishes or the feelings of any perceiver)—that the task of man’s consciousness is to perceive, not to create, reality—that abstractions are man’s method of integrating his sensory material—that man’s mind is his only tool of knowledge—that A is A.
If we consider the fact that to this day everything that makes us civilized beings, every rational value that we possess—including the birth of science, the industrial revolution, the creation of the United States, even the structure of our language—is the result of Aristotle’s influence, of the degree to which, explicitly or implicitly, men accepted his epistemological principles, we would have to say: never have so many owed so much to one man.” – Ayn Rand
UN funded comments?
THX 1138 – “The Christian theocracies” might have “fought tooth and nail against Aristotelian reason and logic, against Aristotelian secularism”, but they did so for the simple reason that they believed in a creator God who established rules for man’s welfare. Unlike Islam, they still permitted individuals like yourself to reject those beliefs.
Regarding: “Western Civilization as we know it today is a mixture of the unreason, mysticism, irrationality, and supernaturalism of the eastern and invading religions of Judaism and Christianity,” this is your ignorant view. At least those beliefs with their often flawed human application produced a wonderful civilization with art and music, belief in tolerance of opposing views and commendable justice systems – never equaled by Islam.
At least this Western Civilization with its views on God and Jesus Christ is not based upon on the absurd Islamic fiction about the Angel Gabriel descending to earth to visit mass murderer, robber, rapist and pedophile Mohammad in his cave in Arabia where the angel recited to Mohammad all that is contained in the Qur’an. Unfortunately for that rubbish Mohammad was illiterate so could not have recorded anything let alone the contents of the Q.ur’an.
its followers did not invade a country like India and brutally wipe out between 81 million and 90 million people, or destroy Buddhism in India by lopping off the head of Buddhist priests. Christianity’s followers did not invade Afghanistan or any other country and murder every Hindu – for their simply being Hindu.
Regarding your view that belief in God is a “mysticism'”, in a democracy you have a right to believe what you choose. However, if you were living in an Islamic theocracy and expressed opposition to belief in Allah and Mohammad with his ignorant teachings based upon the fantasy of the Angel Gabriel visiting him in his cave, there’s a good chance they would lop off your head for being an ‘apostate’.
THX 1138 – You should appreciate that this is absolute nonsense: “…. everything that makes us civilized beings, every rational value that we possess—including the birth of science, the industrial revolution, the creation of the United States… the result of Aristotle’s influence,”
Whatever, then, deprived Marxists and Muslims of civilized instincts? Lack of access to Aristotle? Aristotle’s influence does transform murderous criminals into civilized beings and I doubt that my university studies of Aristotle determined my civilized instincts. Charles Colson, once Richard Nixon’s ‘hatchetman’, following Watergate and his conversion to Christianity, started a prison ministry in which he dealt with many vicious criminals including murderers, teaching them about God and things Christian. He related how criminals abandoned their vicious and angry instincts to became civilized human beings. The transformations to which Colson testified had absolutely nothing to do with Aristotle’s philosophy. Thus Aristotle had precious nothing to do with many or most becoming civilized, the influence of belief in God did. It would be interesting to establish whether Aristotle’s teachings had anything to do with Elon Musk’s scientific inventions. I doubt they did.
Fortunately the vast majority of normal people do not pay attention to pointy headed intellectuals like you.
Geert Wilders today is in EXACTLY the same position as Trump was in Nov. 2016.
He will be subverted at every turn by a LEFTIST bureaucracy functioning as a Deep State.
Wilders will need the military and armed citizen militias to restore his country to a civilized state.
If he will not root out the Left with the gun………..he will end up like Trump(or worse).
Anytime common sense Conservative Leaders are sought to solve issues that are solvable by wise thinking and actions, the left cries extremist when they are the ones creating extreme conditions of hardship, loss, anti-semetism, chaos, and wars.
Jeremiah 30:5 This is what the Lord says: “Cries of fear are heard…terror, not peace.
Ask and see: Can a man bear children? Then why do I see every strong man with his hands on his stomach like a woman in labor, ” (a synbol of anguish.)
every face turned deathly pale?
7. How awful that day will be! None will be like it.
It will be a time of trouble for Jacob, but he will be saved out of it.
In that day, declares the Lord Almighty, “I will break the yoke off their necks and will tear off their bonds; no longer will foreigners enslave them.
Instead, they will serve the Lord their God and David their king, who I will raise up for them.
The Targum (ancient Aramic paraphrase) here reads. “Messiah the son of David their king”. Jeremiah 30:9
This is nearer than ever before in all of History.
Proverbs 24:19. Do not fret because of evildoers or be envious of the wicked, for the evildoer has no hope, and the lamp of the wicked will be snuffed out.
Remember, Freedom is never free. Those that are silenced and bullied with no courage, lose their country and their civilization to dictators.
Thank you from the Netherlands Mr. Finch, David Horowitz. Frontpage. Prime Minister Wilders, Orban, Fico, Milei, Trump, et al will change the world.
With best wishes to Mr. Wilders and his continued successes. His commitment to freedom and democracy Honors the Sacrifices over 8,200 WWII American Warriors who lay at rest in the American Military Cemetery in Margraten, NL and the 374 fallen Dutch Resistance fighters buried in his country’ s Field of Honour in Bloemendaal.
For those who do not know, the grave of every soldier, airman and two nurses who lay at rest there has been ‘adopted’ by a Dutch family that decorates their graves on the birthday, Memorial Day and Veterans’ Day at the minimum.
I have walked those Hallowed Grounds and have witnessed the citizens decorating their Warriors’ graves. Only one family is given permission to adopt a grave and there is a waiting list. In some cases, families are in their third generation of taking care of ‘their’ soldier.
I did not know that.
Thank you for sharing that.
Thank you, Mike and the DHFC for supporting Geert Wilders. He is truly a hero of our times.
He is going to give Gates, Soros and Swabe and all those other Globalists Total Magranes and thorn in the side of the UN/CFR