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A descent into barbarism is easy and fast; you only need to let yourself go. The animal part of all of us is just below the surface and constantly has to be controlled, or it will bubble to the top, and we will sink into savagery. Rising into civilization is difficult and slow because the masses must know the difference between right and wrong, constantly be sober and vigilant about it, urged by universally acknowledged societal mores and virtues to pursue the excellent and reject the decadent, and, above all, individually conquer themselves, something few people are ever capable of consistently doing, and rarely when fulfilling the pleasures of the flesh. When it becomes socially acceptable to be a barbarian, as is increasingly the case in America, there will be more and more barbaric activity. When national, state, and community “leaders” encourage such conduct—which they are wont to do because there is power for political tyrants in social chaos—and when one’s peers and associates actively engage in such animal behavior, this promotes such pursuits. There is a reason why Hollywood and America’s inner cities are full of darkness and not light—few are shining the light and leading the way out of darkness. The Democratic Party and American media certainly aren’t doing it, nor do they intend or even want to.
Some “civilizations” have never completely arisen from barbarity. We see this today in the pro-Palestinian, pro-Hamas movement in America and around the world. This crowd is still stuck in a seventh-century philosophy that doesn’t teach them how to, or that they even should, lift themselves to a higher and more excellent plane. As long as life goes okay, they will behave okay. But, again, just beneath the surface lurks the savage, and it doesn’t take much to let it escape, especially when associates, friends, and leaders encourage such, when the message is that the right thing is being done.
Barbarism never elevates anyone. It took Europe several centuries of the “Dark Ages” to get out of it. We appear to be descending into it again, as law, religion, traditions, and social order no longer hold back the tide. The government isn’t helping to restrain this tide; the government never helps do so. It either leads the wolfpack or follows it, which amounts to the same thing. This is exactly why a government can never be trusted, especially one elected by an increasingly degenerate—barbarian—population. Lafayette reportedly said during the French Revolution, “There go the people. I am their leader. I must follow them.” Joe Biden and Democrats see votes and power in America’s descent into barbarism. They are not only boosting it, they are welcoming it into the country in massive numbers.
Interestingly, there is often a code of honor among thieves and sometimes among savages. Gavin Newsom cleaned up San Francisco when somebody of equal barbarity and degeneracy came to that city. The Chinese laughed at him. Not even the horde of mass murderers called the CCP is decadent enough to allow people to defecate on their streets. This isn’t “freedom,” folks, this is…barbarity. Gavin Newsom wants to be president of the whole country and might be so. Then, the Chinese can laugh at all of us, especially as they continue to conquer us. “A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has [first] destroyed itself from within.” (Will Durant)
In the Grenada Television production of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s “The Cardboard Box,” upon discovering the savagely beaten remains of two people, Sherlock Holmes said to Dr. John Watson, his long-time friend and companion, “What is the meaning of it, Watson? What is the object of this circle of misery, violence, and fear? It must have a purpose, or our universe has no meaning, which is unthinkable. But what purpose? That is humanity’s great problem, to which reason, so far, has no answer.” Human reason will never find an answer to that problem because human reason can never fathom the depths of the mind of God. And that is because every human has his own “reason.” Human reason has, does, and can only continue to lead humanity into barbarism because humans, without God, are nothing but animals living in the jungle. Ask the Darwinists. Human reason offers us nothing more excellent to strive for than—human reason. And whose “reason” should we pursue? A seventh-century ruffian? That of a 19th-century German economist that has led to the greatest mass murder of innocents in human history and has brought more misery, poverty, slavery, and violence than any theory the world has ever known? Hitler’s? Tojo’s? Yours? Mine?
Yes, which human philosophy should we follow —and why? And if atheism is true, then no, Mr. Holmes, there is no purpose to it all, as “unthinkable” as that might be to truly rational people. Eternal nothingness awaits us all. And thus, why is “civilization” better than “barbarism”? Why, indeed? Obviously, to Joe Biden and the Democratic Party, it isn’t because they continue to encourage the latter and denigrate the former.
When one removes from a man that which separates him from the animals when we teach man that he is nothing more than a glorified ape, we mustn’t be surprised when he acts like one, and when we take God out of man, we leave nothing but the animal. The jungle. China. Communism. Chicago and San Francisco.
The Answer is above us. Above academia. Above human reason. Above even the government. Far above the government. But That—He—is the one answer mankind never seems to want to accept.
Because it interferes with our descent into barbarism, which apparently is mankind’s greatest desire, only look at current America to see that this is so.
We are descending into barbarism because we are rejecting the only One who can keep us from doing it.
Ireland is spiraling into darkness…………
“I’d Like to See Them Shot in the Head” – Irish Immigrant Politician Calls for the Execution of Irishmen Who Protested the Stabbing of the Three Children by an Algerian National
“The Limerick Post revealed that Limerick City and County Council (LCCC) member Abu Kalam Azad Talukder, who immigrated from Bangladesh in 2000, responded with genuinely sick comments on Monday. He called the people involved in the protests “criminals” who should be “shot in the head.”
“They have already begun their crackdown even without new laws. Legendary MMA fighter and Irishman Conor McGregor is under investigation after weighing in on the evil attack on these innocent children and calling out Irish government officials.”
Leftists want your kids dead if you’re WHITE………..and if you object……….Muslims can call for you to be “shot in the head”.
You have a Prime Minister of Ireland who is gay and half East Indian and a Muslim wh0 is a member of the county council governing the real Irish people. How did that happen?
It’s suicidal.
Sleepwalking through life.
The god of the Muslim is Allah. This Allah is said to be beyond reason, the Muslim must accept him on faith. The Muslim cannot prove through evidence, observation, and logic the existence of Muslim Paradise, Muslim Paradise is beyond reason and observation to prove.
“I have said that faith and force are corollaries, and that mysticism will always lead to the rule of brutality. The cause of it is contained in the very nature of mysticism. Reason is the only objective means of communication and of understanding among men; when men deal with one another by means of reason, reality is their objective standard and frame of reference. But when men claim to possess supernatural means of knowledge, no persuasion, communication or understanding are possible. Why do we kill wild animals in the jungle? Because no other way of dealing with them is open to us. And that is the state to which mysticism reduces mankind—a state where, in case of disagreement, men have no recourse except to physical violence. And more: no man or mystical elite can hold a whole society subjugated to their arbitrary assertions, edicts and whims, without the use of force. Anyone who resorts to the formula: “It’s so, because I say so,” will have to reach for a gun, sooner or later. Communists, like all materialists, are neo-mystics: it does not matter whether one rejects the mind in favor of revelations or in favor of conditioned reflexes. The basic premise and the results are the same.” – Ayn Rand
Blahbitty Blahbitty Blah Blah Blah. This undecipherable word salad accomplished nothing, as usual.
What Rand was saying in too many words was that communists behaved just like other violent religious zealots and only violence would work on them. She understood them well, better than most Americans.
Rand was an atheist, and therefore, a materialist.
I notice you make no comment under the article today “The Teacher Who Would Not Bow” by Ryan Bomberger. Like Tou Thao, Tanner Cross would not lie under government pressure. You would have Tou Thao lie and admit guilt to avoid a corrupt justice system (thereby strengthening the evil).
Tanner Cross could have lied to avoid punishment — same as Thao..
Rubber meets the road: What evil did the Bombergers do by giving selflessly to the Cross family? What should the Bombergers do instead. If your philosophy does not strengthen society, dignify individuals and increase freedom, then it is useless.
If he had actually commented on that article he would have to take an actual stand on something, instead of dealing endlessly in the theoretical with statements like “Human reason offers us nothing more excellent to strive for than—human reason.”
Very profound, huh?
I did not notice that article. I don’t have enough time to read all the articles every day.
I’ve tried to engage you in a back-and-forth debate the last couple of times but comments are deleted.
For example, yesterday on one of Mr. Greenfield’s blogs “Muslim American Society, Linked to Hamas, Threatens Rockefeller Christmas Tree Lighting”, I left a comment about how the altruistic, self-sacrificing, ethics of Jesus need to be rejected, and rational selfishness embraced, in order for America and the West to survive. I quoted the self-destructive Sermon On The Mount, you left a rebuttal that I scanned very briefly, by the time I had some time to spare to reply to you, my comment and your rebuttal were all gone, deleted.
A rational moral code is always contextual, there are no commandments to always under all circumstances tell the truth in a rational morality.
For example, you have a nosy neighbor, co-worker, or anyone who has no right to know the truth of a given situation you are in, there is no moral duty to tell them the truth.
For example, Ted Bundy breaks into your house, you have a teenage daughter, he puts a gun to your head and asks you where your daughter is, it is perfectly moral to lie to him and tell him you have no daughter.
You might or you might not change a culture by martyrdom, more than likely you will not change anything by becoming a martyr. But becoming a sacrificial martyr to benefit others is immoral by an Objectivist standard.
“Once in a while, I receive letters from young men asking me for personal advice on problems connected with the draft. Morally, no one can give advice in any issue where choices and decisions are not voluntary: “Morality ends where a gun begins.” As to the practical alternatives available, the best thing to do is to consult a good lawyer.
There is, however, one moral aspect of the issue that needs clarification. Some young men seem to labor under the misapprehension that since the draft is a violation of their rights, compliance with the draft law would constitute a moral sanction of that violation. This is a serious error. A forced compliance is not a sanction. All of us are forced to comply with many laws that violate our rights, but so long as we advocate the repeal of such laws, our compliance does not constitute a sanction. Unjust laws have to be fought ideologically; they cannot be fought or corrected by means of mere disobedience and futile martyrdom. To quote from an editorial on this subject in the April 1967 issue of Persuasion: “One does not stop the juggernaut by throwing oneself in front of it. . . .” – Ayn Rand
A rational moral code is contextual – meaning relative. Every individual for himself and the context is whatever is good for the individual in his relative circumstance.
Great societies and strong men are built upon absolutes. A moral code that does not relativize or have contextual “stretch” like taqiyyah.
The relativists like what the absolutists create and begin to say, “My philosophy is responsible for all this good.” Just like you saying that man invented 1 + 1 = 2, when that is only descriptive language signifying created reality.
“Human reason offers us nothing more excellent to strive for than—human reason.”
The purpose of reason is not reason. The purpose of reason is to offer man the facts of reality. Reality — not reason — is the final arbiter of what is real and not real, what is true or false, rational or irrational.
Where does language come from? Magical revelations? How did man discover penicillin and antibiotics? Extra-sensory perception?
The internal combustion engine, automobile, television, radio, airplane, travel to the moon, open heart surgery, organ transplant, microscope, telescope, the Calculus, atom bomb, EVERY great innovation, invention, and discovery is the product of man’s reasoning mind.
“Reason integrates man’s perceptions by means of forming abstractions or conceptions, thus raising man’s knowledge from the perceptual level, which he shares with animals, to the conceptual level, which he alone can reach. The method which reason employs in this process is logic—and logic is the art of non-contradictory identification….
Reason is man’s only means of grasping reality and of acquiring knowledge—and, therefore, the rejection of reason means that men should act regardless of and/or in contradiction to the facts of reality….
Man’s essential characteristic is his rational faculty. Man’s mind is his basic means of survival—his only means of gaining knowledge . . . .
In order to sustain its life, every living species has to follow a certain course of action required by its nature. The action required to sustain human life is primarily intellectual: everything man needs has to be discovered by his mind and produced by his effort. Production is the application of reason to the problem of survival.” – Ayn Rand
Blahbitty Blahbitty Blah Blah Blah. And this undecipherable word salad accomplishes nothing as well, as per the usual.
THX, still praying for you.
Sir, you assert and then deny your own statements.
It makes no sense; those statements lack “reason”.
Reason, like science, is a tool.
Learn it, please.
Who are you addressing with this?
The Proverbs talks a lot about the city gate, that is where judgment, justice and wisdom are to be found. We, all us, have become unworthy unjust gatekeepers, we’ve opened the gate to the barbarians.
Ireland went atheist before it went Islamic.
True, they let go their immune system.
Islam. The only belief system more debased than atheism and Marxism.
In all the discussions among the bobbleheads in the mainstream media there is persistent belief in “a two state solution” and obligatory expressions of sympathy for the “Palestinians” (Arabs), as “principal victims of war”.
Their goal is and always has been the destruction of Israel and the annihilation of its Jews. Anyone who’s read the Hamas Charter (to the Palestinian National Covenant of Fatah) knows that, and know how absurd all this prating about a “two state solution” is.
Beyond that, the overwhelming majority of “Palestinians” (upwards of 85%) support these genocidal goals. Feeling sorry for their inability to realize them is absurd moral blindness.
The Gods of the Copybook Headings are on the horizon, marching at a steady and unstoppable pace.
Then G0d, the Ruler of Heaven and Earth, help us.
It’s not a descent.
Islam is, and has always been nothing but barbarism. They are just showing who they really are. A bunch of hateful blood thirsty savages.
Lord help us. IMHO to defeat barbarism civilized society must become more barbaric and ruthless than those barbarians at our gates if we want to survive. There are people on this earth that just need killing. Hamas is a case in point.
Who will stop the non-sense and decline of rational thinking seen across the globe?
Mark Davis, humanity may or may not have a barbaric urge to reject morality and civilization. If we do have such an urge, it is not going to be cured or fixed by religious faith, by adhering to divinely-inspired revelation. Why not? Because such faith, for better or for worse, is false.
There is no personal God telling us what to believe and what to do.
If billions of people choose to believe, that could easily be a source of hope and other kinds of inspiration. But humanity as a whole has to ultimately look elsewhere for guidance and even hope itself, because believing in falsehoods — in effect, fairy tales — cannot be sustained. Unless mankind succeeds in bringing about another kind of dark ages where we manage to forget most of what we have learned over the past 500 years, our destiny, whether we want to or not, requires leaving the traditional major religions behind.
In the meantime, religious people and their religions can serve as a bulwark against barbarism in all its forms. But that should be seen as a temporary situation, which we should take advantage of to come up with a meaningful non-theistic paradigm for the human condition., if such a thing is possible.
Civilized men and women, after all, have a duty not to surrender to despair. We must protect and cultivate virtue, so that our children and grandchildren can survive and build upon whatever legacy we hand down to them.
I usually dont post links to other sites, but this is from Breitbart about Ireland–since many of the comments here are about Ireland. It’s not directly about MacGregor. You should read this: