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As of now, we don’t know for sure all the names of those responsible for the tragic air disaster in D.C. but there is no question that DEI corroded the quality of air traffic controllers.
This is a good summary of how it started.
Historically, the pipeline into air traffic control has followed a few paths: military veterans, graduates of the “Air Traffic-Collegiate Training Initiative” (AT-CTI) program, and the general public. Whichever route they came from, each candidate would be required to take and pass the eight-hour AT-SAT cognitive test to begin serious training…
In 2000, a three-member task force, including NBCFAE member Mamie Mallory, wrote “A Business Case and Strategic Plan to Address Under-Representation of Minorities, Women, and People with Targeted Disabilities,” recommending, per the lawsuit, a workplace cultural audit, diversity “hiring targets” for each year, and “allowing RNO- [Race and National Origin] and gender-conscious hiring”…
Central to this: the cognitive test posed a barrier for black candidates, so they recommended using a biographical test first to “maximiz[e] diversity,” eliminating the vast majority of candidates prior to any cognitive test…
Around this time, the FAA decided to pause the hiring of CTI graduates pending the implementation of the biographical assessment. Neither the schools that ran the CTI programs nor their students were informed of this when the decision was initially made. A number of students, including the class representative, passed the AT-SAT (in the case of the class representative, with a perfect score), not knowing they would never get to use it…
In 2014, the FAA rolled out the new biographical questionnaire in line with the Barrier Analysis recommendation, designed so that 90% or more of applicants would “fail.” The questionnaire was not monitored, and people could take it at home. Questions asked prospective air traffic controllers how many sports they played in high school, how long they’d been unemployed recently, whether they were more eager or considerate, and seventy-some other questions…
National Black Coalition of Federal Aviation Employees (NBCFAE) members were hard at work. In particular, one Shelton Snow, an FAA employee and then-president of the NBCFAE’s Washington Suburban chapter, provided NBCFAE members with “buzz words” in January 2014 that would automatically push their resumes to the tops of HR files. A 2013 NBCFAE meeting advised members to “please include [on resumes] if you are a NBCFAE Member. […] Can you see the strategy”, emphasizing they were “only concerned” with the employment of “African-Americans, women … and other minorities.”
In short, merit-based testing was short-circuited, the way that it was in many professions, by adding a layer of biographical materials over the top, and rigging the system to disqualify the normal candidates.
We’re now all living with the results.
These moves led to prolonged legal battles by qualified candidates who were rejected for not being ‘diverse’ enough.
Andrew Brigida, 35, scored 100 per cent in his training exam but alleged that he was denied a position in an air traffic control tower because the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recruitment process favoured diverse candidates. He is part of a class action lawsuit filed against the federal agency.
Speaking after the Washington air disaster, in which 67 people were killed, Mr Brigida claimed that years of diversity hiring meant it was only a matter of time before an accident happened.
Plenty of these ticking time bombs are still there.
If political correctness requires lowering standards to achieve more diverse (non-white) candidates, then do our actions not loudly proclaim what would never be tolerated if we used words?
Non white, stupid, emotionally and psychiatrically disturbed, physically handicapped and even epileptic are words used to describe the FAA’s DEI hires as well as non-white. Dwarves too. I don’t care if a dwarf is hired so long as that person is qualified but people who are mentally, emotionally and physically incapable of doing the job have got to go.
President Trump says he’s going to get rid of them. There’s nothing the FAA can do to stop him and I strongly suspect he’s going to get rid of the FAA leaders responsible for this travesty.
6 out of 7 top FBI executives were fired today. The President is definitely taking out the trash and he’s only 11 days into his term of office.
I remember the uproar when Reagan fired 11,000 striking air traffic controllers.
I was just a kid but I remember that too. The usual scumbags (Dirtbagocrats in Congress and their Minitrue Media) screamed bloody murder, just like when Uncle Ronny rightly called the Soviet Union an evil empire and urged Gorby to tear down the Berlin Wall.
The air traffic controllers he fired were breaking the law AND endangering passengers. He brought in controllers from the military until civilian replacements could be trained.
There’s short documentary about that crisis Reagan averted which plays regularly on Newsmax.
President Trump is firing every scumbag imaginable and he’s just begun. Jack Smith and all his prosecutors. All the J-6 prosecutors. 6 of 7 FBI executives. The heads of 20 FBI field offices, including the Washington District of Corruption head, who was an integral part of the J-6 set up.
Happy days. justice is being served.
Anyone surprised? They’ve been doing this to everyone everywhere.
It began under Carter. (Yes, I know it was pushed in colleges before that, but it was Carter.)
The Dept of Labor in particular drove affirmative action into labor force. ‘AA’ had been latent since the Johnson administration, but it was the DOL that forced it upon government, contractors, and eventually all business.
Like many evil Left-wing plans it began as a limited policy – and the minority candidates had to meet minimum standards.
But by the time I threw in the towel, I knew many minority candidates with excellent professional qualifications and experience …
… who could not get a job if a Rainbow person, an unqualified POC, or a foreigner was available.
Yeah, they like those Alphabet People and H-1B visa holders, don’t they? Incompetent and disruptive in the workplace, or paid less, the government and private employers foist both on a public that doesn’t want them.
I notice “Admiral” Levine got the boot, though, ha Haw. It pretended to resign, of course, just like Christopher Wray. They didn’t want to be publicly fired, as they both know they deserved. Wray actually should be prosecuted for his criminal acts as FBI Director.
lol, good one, my first laugh of the evening 🙂
Also, as President Trump pointed out today, Alzheimer Joe’s handlers the FAA “actively recruited workers who suffer severe intellectual’ disabilities, psychiatric problems, and other mental and physical conditions under a diversity and inclusion hiring initiative.” People with epilepsy were hired under DEI policy over qualified applicants, for God’s sake!
The FAA was only too happy to oblige.
Back when Brokeback Hasbeen Obama was Caliph, he had the FAA further degenerate the “Biographical Assessment” designed to help unqualified candidates without aviation experience land jobs in air traffic control instead of using the “Air Traffic Skills Assessment.” “Biographical assessment” is a euphemism for life experiences, of course, just like the nonsense they use to pack colleges with unqualified black students. It has nothing to do with aptitude, skill or training.
I hope I never have to fly again.
Great article. I’ve been following all the near misses the last few years, decided never to fly again.
A wise decision. It isn’t worth the risk if you don’t have to do it. There have been a LOT of near misses in the last four years, and we can only know about the ones which have made the news. I wonder who was responsible for those near misses? It’s a mystery. It couldn’t possibly have been Alzheimer Joe and his handlers. Why, they only hire the best of the best retards, loonies, epileptics and physically impaired people! 🙁 Fuck that shit. I’m not going to fly anymore either. My career is over so I don’t have to anymore.
If I go back to Oregon, Washington, the Grand Canyon, the Painted Desert, the Petrified forest, or Monument Valley, I’ll drive. It’s a beautiful drive, too. The same if I go to those beautiful parks in Utah and wilderness areas in Idaho. If I got to the Caribbean or Florida I’ll take a cruise ship. Those cruises are fantastic, by all accounts. Luxurious state rooms, fun activities, shows, endless food and booze – all included. And you get to go ashore in multiple ports – and don’t have to stay! Who wants to be stuck in a hotel in one location for a whole week or two? And those cruises are affordable.
Because Biden believed that “nothing says air safety like hiring epileptics with psychiatric problems” and who can’t pass a basic application examination.
His Presidential retirement plan should hire nurses and doctors like that to take care of him as her slowly dies of Alzheimers. Maybe they could hasten his well deserved demise. I’d laugh if I he fell down a staircase or got a fatal dose of medicine. I keep waiting for him to fall down and break a hip all on his own..
It’s not only the FAA, but the defiant DOD ‘tripled down’ on DEI sending memorandums to all services stressing despite the new administration DEI was here to stay and embedded permanently.
The Blackhawk incident followed a near miss which happened days earlier. Training ops should never be conducted in busy commercial traffic lanes yet it is increasingly happening due to incompetence at command level.
The F35 which crashed in Alaska the day before is a continuing problem and why last year the Pentagon refused to pay for any more F35 deliveries until the defense contractor keep the current fleet flying without incident.
Don’t believe the contractors that declare they have dismantled DEI – they haven’t, they are hiding these people, absorbing them in HR departments. It’s all a shell game, optics.. Boeing was the first to publicly declare DEI was done but employees have stated otherwise.
Trump is on the right track and I expect he will make sure no contracts be awarded with anyone suspect of DEI in their policies. Until then I expect what we are witnessing will continue.
Yes, all government agencies and many private companies are just changing the job titles of DEI tyrants. President Trump has four years to have the scumbags rooted out, though.
The real accident waiting to happen was the DEI requirement, under Obama and Biden, and Buttigige (sp?), that race become the main ingredient when it came to hiring air traffic controllers.
It permeated the culture at Boeing as well. Their planes are practically falling apart. It is just a matter of time before there is a huge crash.
It would appear that American Leftists, in the name of ideology and narrative, are the dumbest people in the world. And the truly awful thing is, they don’t seem to care.
And this is why I won’t get on a plane.
Yes, a road trip beats even a safe plane trip.
DEI is the blue pill of blissful ignorance for those who would pervert Patrick Henry’s freedom call: “Give me liberty or give me death.” Democ-rat DEI is actually dead liberty, the result of capricious societal outcomes (Diversity?) predetermined by “woke” bureaucrats. Events have shown that what follows from dead liberty is the literal loss of life and limb.
Black racists have become a serious threat to national security.
To fix the problem it must be called what it is. Black racists. The very hateful ones for that matter.
Only hateful racism explains why most qualified candidates are rejected because of their race.
And the black supremacists, vandals, terrorists/rioters/murderers/insurgents of BLM, along with the Nation of islam, the New black Panthers, the Black Hebrew Israelites and more. Only BLM is guilty of countless assaults, rapes and murders but the credos of the other groups are just as racist and vile.
And Christopher Wray, that wretched piece of shit, kept claiming that fictional white supremacists were the greatest threat to America rather than black supremacists, islamopithecines and the 20 or more million criminals he helped Alzheimer Joe’s handlers invite into the country. There isn’t a single white supremacist group in the country, and anybody who claims the KKK is one is either a liar or an ignoramus.
The good news is that terrorists are afraid to fly. The believe they won’t get their 72 perpetual virgins and 28 boys if someone else takes down the plane.
Crap like this was going on in 1974 when I graduated from College and began sending applications and attending interviews. One STATE Agency had an opening for an assistant HR person. I applied and was called in for an interview. The HR Director was impressed with my grades, the fact that I had worked the Second Shift to pay my way through college, and my results on their tests. Unfortunately HE TOLD ME, this job requires me to hire a black female! I was ticked off for TWO REASONS – the absolute waste of time and the racism. He told me that even though this job was not possible there may be others that he would keep me in mind for. I told him that if this is the way the system worked with the STATE that I’d just look elsewhere since I was sure that any future I would have there would depend on skin color and not ability. He said he understood and if not for being close to retirement he’d be gone too!
Hopefully PRESIDENT TRUMP and his TEAM will put an end to the RACISM! This should be a WAKE UP call to everyone – MERIT will RULE in jobs and promotions! People would be wise to begin studying and gaining skills!