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That didn’t take long, but we knew it wouldn’t. Lefty organizations have been fundraising off their promises to fight Trump for a decade now. And since most of them aren’t going to be organizing protests and there are no more presidential elections coming up featuring Trump, that mostly means suing the federal government.
Don’t underestimate lawfare. A barrage of lawsuits helped slow the Trump agenda to a crawl in his first term so it was always going to be a rush out of the gate. And the ACLU got in first with a lawsuit challenging an end to birthright citizenship for children born to illegal aliens.
The ACLU knew this was coming and its lawsuit is underwhelming and depends heavily on the 14th Amendment, which did not create birthright citizenship, but protected the rights of freed slaves.
Everyone knows this, but the Left likes to pretend otherwise.
And the ACLU doesn’t have much of anything in this lawsuit except a battle over the meaning of the 14th Amendment. That and the Administrative Procedures Act which is the laziest and most unconstitutional attack on any law, but it has worked before.
So it may work again.
suggested reading
Are all the J6’rs going to be able to walk out of those horrific prisons today? I know some pardoned are out already as their time was served or not yet started, but what about those still inside? How long will it t ake for them to walk (free)?
They better get let go soon! Those a%%holes are dragging their feet
Time to repeat the oft used phrase whenever right leaning organizatiins tried to sue under Biden: “They don’t have standing”.
Ooooo, the ACLU.
aka the American Communist Lawyer’s Union.
1868: A continuation of the Civil War into peacetime, when national emotions were extremely strong.
Deport ACLU along with the rest of the subversives and illegals who are here to destroy the country.
Clean sweep, and MAGA.
As I keep reminding everyone over and again – you will never win against a treasonous DOJ.
Military is the only solution – and they are subverted as well.
Daniel, I recommend that you begin a list of lies promulgated by the media/socialists during this term. It would be amusing to go back and look. Problem 1. There will be too many for the memory in your computer. Problem 2. Hysterical laughter may inhibit recording each issue. You could make a weekly update column. Good Luck!
“And the ACLU doesn’t have much of anything in this lawsuit except a battle over the meaning of the 14th Amendment. That and the Administrative Procedures Act which is the laziest and most unconstitutional attack on any law, but it has worked before.”
They likely hold most of the cards. Leftist judges in many venues all the way up, but the worst are the Trump SC appointees. Two of whom act as beards for Roberts, so he can veil his liberal agenda, corrupt twisting of the law, down right refusal to uphold laws as written and doesn’t always have to embarrass himself as being the one who is the savoir for liberals on all the issues and cases. Three of them together vote like they can’t read or comprehend law, they just take turns being the one to betray what they were appointed for.
It’s one of those who counts the votes type things we have gotten used to. Kavanaugh and definitely Amy Comey will vote against, but if they don’t vote to block the order or for some reason there aren’t enough votes to block, Roberts will crossover with his usual gymnastics, just in time to make the save for the libs and betray the country.
It’s not about interpreting the law.
When pipsqueak courts try to stymie a legitimate exercise of power vested in the Executive Branch, why can’t they be told to pound sand?
I think the point of this exercise is to get SOTU to rule on the meaning of the “under the jurisdiction thereof” clause of the amendment. Children born to foreign ambassadors are here, but not under the jurisdiction of the US because they are citizens of the nation they represent. Only a citizen can give birth to a natural citizen.
Yo expound on this issue, the 14th amendment needs to be revisited and clarified and or amended for one compelling reason: social services, welfare, medicare and the whole kit & caboodle should be limited to American born citizens who themselves and/or their parents have paid into the system.
Social services should not go to illegals immigrants. Why? Given our massive debt and profligate spending, WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE CAN’T AFFORD IT!! It’s no more complicated than that!
I believe it was hard core liberal/Democrat Harry Blackman who somehow “Found” birthright citizenship in the constitution in the 1970s. Before that, there was no such right and a more sane conservative court will likely strike it down.
If the dems keep it up then at some point in the future they’re all going to drown in their own sh*t. Unfortunately, so will the rest of America.
The notorious ACLU the Atheists Communists & Lawyers Underground have become Infamous trying to force their leftists ideologies upon us
What, no confidence in JD Vance being elected president after him? JD is the apprentice to a master negotiator. and given his humble beginnings, he understands America far better than someone who was born with a silver spoon in their and has lived a life of luxury and privilege.
Almost every haughty liberal I have ever met comes from that type of background. They’ve never experienced life in the same way as the average person yet they have the conceit to think that they know what’s good for the average person.