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For decades, progressives have dreamed of changing Texas from a “red” Republican state to a “blue” Democrat one. This dream is realistic because Democrats have succeeded in turning several western states “blue.”
For example, California was the state that launched the political career of President Ronald Reagan. Prior to his presidency, Reagan served two terms as Governor of California. Today, California is a progressive wasteland, rapidly losing population and businesses.
Not long ago, Republicans controlled Washington, Oregon, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, and Colorado. Today, Democrats either totally or partially lead those states.
One of the major reasons these states have become Democrat bastions is the influx of Hispanic immigration, both legal and illegal. In the last midterm election, a survey showed that 64% of Hispanic voters supported Democrat candidates, while only 33% supported Republican candidates.
Thus, boosting the size of the Hispanic population helps improve the political chances for Democrats. It is certainly a major reason Democrats, like President Biden, encouraged undocumented migrants to cross our border. In his first press conference as President, Biden said he was “flattered” that undocumented migrants were surging into the country.
Along with encouraging an influx of new entries into the United States, Biden stopped construction of the successful border wall that was started by President Donald Trump. He also ended the “Remain in Mexico” program, which did not allow those individuals seeking asylum in the United States to enter the country until their immigration court dates. In addition, Biden reinstituted “Catch and Release,” which allowed undocumented migrants to remain here until their hearing date, which might not be scheduled for ten years.
The open border policy has worked for the Democrats as over ten million noncitizens have entered the United States in the last three years. This is a greater number of people than the total population of 41 states.
Among the huge number of individuals apprehended at the border were 1,586 “known suspected terrorists.” It is unknown how many suspected terrorists evaded border apprehension.
Thus, the open border is putting the American people in grave danger of a terrorist attack. Americans are also being inundated by border crossers with criminal records.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) apprehended almost 50,000 criminal noncitizens. This number does not include the tens of thousands of criminal noncitizens arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents and local and state police officers.
The open border also can lead to dangerous health epidemics. As documented by journalist James Varney, “For two years running, polio has been detected in some New York water samples, and this fall, leprosy re-emerged in Florida, where cases of malaria have also been recorded.” According to Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Stanford University physician and scientist, “The recent polio and leprosy cases are almost certainly imports to the U.S.”
If threats of crime, terrorism and dangerous disease epidemics were not enough reasons to close the border, there are also the verifiable economic costs. Research from the Federation of American Immigration Reform determined that in 2023 the economic costs of illegal immigration were approximately $150.7 billion, at the local, state and federal levels.
An increase in illegal immigration leads to a bevy of economic woes such as a major boost in government spending to provide an array of benefits. Some undocumented migrants displace American citizens in the workforce and do not pay taxes on their earnings. While others send a portion of their paycheck to their families in their home country, depriving the United States of billions of dollars in economic benefit each year.
The serious risks to the American people caused by allowing an open border are deemed to be acceptable by Democrats looking to garner more political power. As usual, Democrats are not concerned about improving the standard of living for undocumented migrants or tax paying American citizens. Their only goal is to enhance their political strength, and this can be accomplished by turning Texas into a “blue” Democrat state.
Undoubtedly, Democrats are getting closer. In the 2020 presidential election, Biden only lost the state by five percentage points. This was the best showing for a Democrat presidential candidate since 1996, even though the party’s nominee has not won in Texas since Jimmy Carter did in 1976.
Democrats are hoping to turn Texas “blue” because that would give them an electoral lock on the presidency and Congress. The only chance for Republicans to take back control of the presidency and both houses in Congress is to win in Texas.
Other than an anomaly in 1968 due to a strong third party candidate, George Wallace, who took almost 20% of the vote from GOP presidential nominee Richard Nixon, the last time the Republicans won the White House without winning the electoral votes in Texas was in 1924.
Winning elections in the “Lone Star” state is crucial to gaining and maintaining power in Washington D.C. The state sends thirty-eight representatives to the United States Congress, 8.7% of the overall total, and has forty electoral votes in the presidential race, 14.8% of the magic number of 270 that is needed to win.
In the 2024 race, Texas Democrats will be helped by George Soros, the leftwing billionaire known for his financial support of progressive causes. As uncovered by Fox News, in the last year, Soros has contributed $3 million to five progressive political organizations, including the Texas Majority PAC.
The group’s Deputy Executive Director, Katherine Fischer, vows to use the funds to mobilize voters in Texas “on a scale never seen before, year after year, in the key regions of our state.” The Texas Majority PAC is funding local Democratic Party organizations throughout the state. In Cameron County, Democratic Party Chair Jared Hockema, said that new funding was “more than we’ve ever had available to us.”
In 2024, Democrats will be targeting Texas and everything from their border policies to their political strategies should alert Republicans that they better focus on the state before it is too late.
Soros and Bragg should be listed as Public Enemies in Texas with arrest warrent’s for both of them
Change that to the entire Democrat Party and every RINO stooge that aids and abets their high crimes, misdemeanors and TREASON.
Not just in Texas but the entire nation. What’s left of it.
You are exactly right, J.J. on all counts. That has been the Regressives’ goal for years and they just might accomplish it, if not this year, then certainly by 2028. As a native Texan now exiled to the Northeast, it pains me to see this happening to the Lone Star Republic, but here we are…..and it’s likely to get worse.
Depravity and psychopathology have overtaken America.
My judgement is that it is too late to reverse what has happened in the past 60 years.
As individuals, people must prioritize taking care of oneself, family, and like-minded friends.
The devil take the hindmost.
That is what the wealthy elite leaders do. Now, the rest of us must behave that way too.
If Texas goes blue, it is the end of the United States as we know it. B.O. would be pleased. Sadly, if the U.S. falls, there is nowhere for us to run. Not Canada, which is further left. Australia is now run by the Labour Party and pretty much only lets Third World “refugees” in. New Zealand just put the center right National Party in power, but it is too small to allow many in. The U.K. has its own problems with Third World invaders, as does all of Western Europe.
We must make our stand now.
The rest of the world and its elites and leaders see the handwriting on the wall.
The American Apocalypse is coming and is probably inevitable.
America and its citizens have been betrayed by its leaders, both left and right, for many years now.
The outright INVASION of America by the third world is the last straw.
The leaders encourage and facilitate it with impunity..
A pox on both the left and the right for having destroyed America and her citizens.
I must sadly concur. During the 2020 election cycle I postulated that Trump will go down in American history as being the last Republican president. The last four years have done nothing to change my mind. The logistics involved in tracking down and deporting 10 million illegals (10 million Democrat votes) are overwhelming. Perhaps our focus at this point should be on mitigation. Cushion our own nests for a ‘soft landing’. After the dust settles we can figure out where we are and what if anything can be done.
And my husband and I live right on the front row, watching these people pour into our country by the literal busload. They are walking our streets, loitering on our street corners, and chasing people around parking lots and begging for money, laughing and smiling like it’s a game. Some have obtained vehicles with which to pursue people who are on foot and ask them for money. I am no longer able to sleep through the night because any sound wakes me up and alerts me to the possibility of someone trying to break into our home or hop into our backyard. As a sexual assault victim years ago, my old anxieties are resurfacing because I am petrified of being assaulted by these people. Watching the number of crimes continue to rise, including violent ones, committed and perpetuated by these people makes my skin crawl. How long until they start trying to break into our house? My parents’ house? My in-laws’ houses? Your houses? How long until October 7th comes to a city–or a backyard–near you? I have already begun to avoid any major public gathering in my city because I have reason to believe I have witnessed terrorist-wannabes (that or sleeper cells) scoping out several major department stores. They were store-hopping (going to the same stores we were), buying absolutely nothing while wearing the exact same clothing. We are in for bad, bad times ahead, people. Please protect yourselves.
We the American citizens have been betrayed by our own elites and political leaders.
It has happened before in history to nations and cultures where a small corrupt super wealthy political ruling class has taken over.
That is America today. Both the left and the right have been harming America and US citizens for their own personal benefit. Enough already.
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely..
Take care of yourself, your family , and kindred spirits as best you can.
Patriotism in America is effectively dead.
Satan spoke for America’s borderless Uniparty and its quest for national suicide when he declared in “Paradise Lost,” John Milton’s epic poem: “Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.”
Yes. Illegals will be voting this year and will, from then on, vote Democrat so that we will have a one party country and these progressive/left wing ripple will RULE from then on. This is serious friends!!!
Sorry left wing RIPPLE should be left wing people
“Republicans better focus on Texas before it is too late.”
The Hispanic/Mexican vote will make Texas blue in either 2024 or 2028.
The only way to avoid it is for all illegal aliens in Texas to be deported, and the anchor baby racket ended now.
But even that is probably not enough to save the USA and its citizens.
The vast majority of Hispanics are going to vote democrat because, like the more than 90 percent of blacks, they
believe that their social welfare benefits will be absolutely guaranteed and increased by democrat administrations.
The situation is that simple. Republicans/Conservatives, the GOP are deluding themselves and their followers.
The demographic trajectory and nightmare that American political leaders and elites have created is going to play
itself out in an American Apocalypse much sooner than anyone thinks.
America and US citizens have been betrayed by its leaders.
What a disgrace … and what a disgusting legacy for the United States of America,
America the Depraved … no more America the Beautiful.
The American Apocalypse is here now.
“Undocumented migrants”. Did you say undocumented migrants? You must live in Washington DC. They are CRIMINAL INVADERS and a foreign occupation army that must be deported NOW.
What a fantastic disconnect! The Democrats hope to WIN “Elections” by importing democrat voters, but they don’t understand that if they DO win, they will HAVE TO DEAL WITH THE PROBLEM!
Political parties, universities and religious organisations should be banned from receiving overseas funding, unless a strong case can be made that there is a collaborative project in place which is not in any way prejudicial to any section of the indigenous population. I have included religious organisations in the list because of the number of radical mosques which are funded by Saudi Arabia or Turkey.
The donkeys and the elephants in Congress will not be able to save America. The people who have been President since 1981 did not save America. The Supreme Court has not saved America. So who is left?
No One!
To save America would require sacrifices that the U.S. government will not make and the American people would not agree to make either. I will give you two examples without going into a lot of details.
First example: Require a vote by the American people before sending troops to another country. The U.S. Government would never allow this to happen.
Second example: Require the Federal Government to balance the budget by raising taxes by 750 billion dollars and cutting expenses by 750 billion dollars to balance the budget. Neither the government or the American people would be willing to make those sacrifices. Cut the military and social programs and raise taxes. Absolutely not The Federal budget deficit will continue at a rate of 1.5 billion dollars every year or more until the U.S. government defaults.