An estimated 3.5 million people voted in the Georgia Senate runoff election. State Voices, a leftist nonprofit, claimed that it had made 3 million voter contacts for the runoff.
ProGeorgia, the local partner for State Voices, bragged of having conducted “31,000 face-to-face conversations, 10 million texts, and 133,000 phone conversations” and of registering “tens of thousands for the midterm election” so that “voters of color turned out in early voting at higher levels than their white counterparts”. Such an outcome was inherently partisan and could and only did benefit one particular party: the Democrats.
While such claims are commonplace among party activists, State Voices and Pro-Georgia are both 501(c)(3) nonprofits. That means that they’re funded by tax-deductible contributions and are not supposed to be involved in elections. But they’re also typical of a massive network of political nonprofits which not only advocate for the Left but help Democrats win races.
“We leaned on our trusted partners in our fight for our democracy. Partnership for Southern Equity, Georgia Equality, Black Voters Matter, Coalition for the People’s Agenda, Georgia STAND-UP, and GALEO were instrumental in securing this critical win for people power,” ProGeorgia’s director, Tamieka Atkins, boasted.
The Black Lives Matter Fund has a 501(c)(4) that focuses on recruiting voters and a 501(c)(3) which engages in “capacity building assistance for community based organization” which can accept tax-deductible contributions. This is likely where ProGeorgia partnered with BVM.
“Georgia voters practically handed victories to President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris with a historic election outcome,” BVM head LaTosha Brown boasted. “Georgia owes tremendous gratitude to its Black voters, who turned out and voted in record numbers.”
BVM benefited from a $100 million voter outreach and engagement war chest from the Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC is also a 501(c)(3), but so are many of the Democrat organizations which are swinging elections using tax-deductible funds to bring in voters.
State Voices, through its various partners, claims similarly massive results across the country with “over 140 million voter contacts”, “1.9 million calls, 34.5 million texts”, “90 million emails” and 1 million door knocks. Parker Thayer at the Capital Research Center pointed out that these numbers trumped the 50 million voter contacts that the RNC had described as a new record.
While State Voices claims to be nonpartisan to retain its 501(c)(3) status, its partners are universally leftist groups including extremely partisan organizations like MoveOn and Color of Change. The IRS has ignored the close integration between C3s and C4s, whether it’s BVM or the ACLU balancing dual C3 and C4 arms or C3s like State Voices and ProGeorgia working closely on political goals with C4s. Either way the distinction between groups that are allowed to take in tax-deductible donations and those that are not has become a minor technicality.
And it could not have happened without the complicity of the IRS.
State Voices recently released a survey in three states on what people think “are problems and messages they may be most responsive to on issues” while emphasizing that it “encourages affiliates and partners to apply the guidance found in this research towards year round 501(c)(3) civic engagement activity” for “relevant legislative action and civic education work” but cautions about applying it to “voter registration or nonpartisan voter engagement activity without consulting counsel.” The legal firewall between polling voters about their views on abortion and then using it for “civic education”, but not “nonpartisan voter engagement”, or partisan voting engagement is equally thin.
Ever since the days of the NAACP, identity politics has been a convenient hook for setting up voter engagement organizations that appeal to particular demographics on particular issues. Nonprofits claim to be conducting “civic education” when they engage voters on the pet causes of the Democrats. But what’s the line between “civic education”, “nonpartisan voter engagement” and campaign activities? The IRS has made those lines meaningless.
And as a result, billions of dollars in tax-deductible funds have been used to finance Democrat campaign activities. This money passes through a series of ‘Russian nesting doll’ organizations as money from leftist megadonors like George Soros and foundations like the Ford Foundation is fed through smaller, but still huge middlemen like State Voices, which distribute money to their state counterparts, like ProGeorgia, that are themselves coalitions, uniting in this case, the Georgia AFL-CIO, Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, a teachers’ union and the Georgia Muslim Voter Project, along with dozens of more obscure local activist groups. Some of those groups also consist of even smaller coalitions that go down to the granular community group level.
The end result is a parallel operation that closely resembles the Democrats, shares their political views and works for the same causes, and funnels money that megadonors could not directly provide to the party to build something that is bigger and more effective than the party.
And much of it has the virtue of being tax-deductible so that taxpayers are the ones financing it.
State Voices claims that its “25 state-based coalitions… collectively partner with over 1,200 organizations.” The scale of the infrastructure involved easily dwarfs that of either party because State Voices is just one of a number of middlemen organizations that are playing a similar role.
While some campaign activities are still off limits, nonprofit cash is used to change voting rules, to finance elections, to conduct voter engagement and to collect lists used by Democrats. The nonprofit political machines shape the election battlefield so that the Democrats only have to focus on the most direct expenditures of the campaign rather than the big picture.
The IRS has made this political nonprofit taxocracy possible. It allows C3s to coordinate, partner, fund and provide resources to C4s on partisan issues. It lets C3s lobby on ballot measures while ignoring the requirement that these form only a small part of their expenditures. Its wilful neglect has permitted the Democrats to build a tax-deductible political machine that is not only altering the fabric of our country, but taking a direct and active role in its elections.
As discussed in Internal Radical Service by David Horowitz and John Perazzo, a pamphlet from the David Horowitz Freedom Center, the IRS has allowed leftists to build massive nonprofit networks aimed at achieving their political agenda. What happened in Georgia is just one example. And it’s happening not only in Georgia but all across the United States of America.
How much of an impact did State Voices and its claim of 140 million voter contacts have on the 2022 election? And how much of an impact will its over a thousand partners have in 2024?
Those are inquiries that the IRS does not want to conduct, but they are the burning questions that lie at the core of what it means to have free and fair elections. The IRS has allowed its leftist political allies to taint our elections at the base using tax-deductible money. That is its original sin and it is destroying the integrity of not only our elections, but our nation.
When the devil went down to Georgia to steal its elections, the IRS went with him. There was no fiddle of gold in it: just a Senate committed to abortion, treason and the mutilation of children.
Excellent examples of how the left steals elections.
And with”OUR MONEY”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is another way. I was a volunteer ballot opener in Arapahoe County, Colorado. Votes were tallied in one computer then downloaded onto a USB which was then reinserted into another computer and forwarded to a central tabulating location. Any USB could be substituted for the one downloaded without anyone knowing. I did not see both a Democrat and Republican observing and running the operation. There seemed to be just one man and my bet is that he is a Democrat. Poilis called the election in his favor while there were still 75,000 votes to be counted in this county alone. The voting procedures are just window dressing. It matter not who votes but who counts the votes (Stalin). I reported this to a few high ranking Colorado Republicans but they seemed to have no interest. Uniparty-dictatorship.
Thank you for discussing the lack of fair valid elections. It is, IMO, the core issue, the only issue, that if ever resolved, can save us.
Like Sam zell say; the US is the new Weimar Republic now, you know what is likely to happen next. The US needs to incorporate into the constitution the Swiss provisions of direct democracy. The people must have the right and the responsibility to decide key laws and policies. If the people decide taxes should be raised to pay for universal health care that is what should happen, if the people decide involvement in the Ukranian war should continue, then it should.
without direct democracy there is no democracy. But I do not know what is in the minds of most people on the Left and the Right that do not want Swiss style (not California style) direct democracy.. It seems the majority of Americans do not know about it or what they know is negative lies.
Swiss style direct democracy provides stability like no other system. With political instability comes polarisation. radicalisation and the collapse of representative democracy just like in the Weimar Republic. The collapse brings terrible things like persecution of minorities, as always, the Jews will be the first and hardest hit.
we should have debate about the factors that collapsed Weimar. I have looked at them; scarily similar to the US today.
Direct democracy was rejected by our founders because it is nothing more than mob rule.
Then, in 1913, the 17th Amendment overturned the wisdom of the constitutional Framers of 1789.
Yep. Big time.
With the direct election of senators, rather than appointment by the state legislatures, the state governments no longer had any representation in the Federal government.
Direct Democracy leads to mob rule. Direct democracy always leads to direct tyranny: Hitler was elevated to power by a free and fair popular election. The blue cities would dominate and take over the US. in direct democracy system. Dem Marxists push for direct democracy and elimination of the electoral for one purpose: to gain absolute power and enslave Americans.
The US Constitution is a blueprint for a democratic republic. It recognizes that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. To reduce the probability of corruption the founders implemented a system of government whereby power is distributed. among the several States and the three branches of our Federal government: the House, the Senate, which make up Congress’ the executive branch; i.e., the Presidency; and the Supreme Court which referees over the abuses of the US Constitution. It’s been a pretty good system so far. And if the Dem Marxists succeed in changing it, our freedom will be lost forever.
Hitler could not have risen to power without the indoctrination present in Germany at that time. Want to know what the US has in common with pre WW2 Germany?
Both our countries were/are the most ‘educated’ in terms of college degrees compared to the rest of the world (or close to is). One does not need to understand the specifics or the nuances of what is going on in order to see the parallel there. A degree is ultimately an incredibly intricate method of programming, for most people.
Look at how Nazi influence exploded around the world immediately following ww2. From the WHO to the CDC to the UN to NASA, all these organizations were either founded by ‘ex’ Nazis or else Nazis were given positions of extreme influence at these organizations. Consider gender theory originated in the late 50’s and used twin boys as the first ever test subjects (think Angel of Death) – why was this never pursued before?
I would posit that the Nazis ‘lost’ WW2, but that was the intention of their leadership. The Nazi party was the vehicle the last generation of globalists used to plant their seeds for today back in the 20s 30s 40s and 50s. It’s truly horrifying stuff.
We have no idea the shitstorm that were headed for.
If the next election could be the last. why the hell you do not promote a change of the system towards Swiss style direct democracy? Study it and you will convince yourself it is the real democracy all representative democracies need.
It’s who COUNTS the VOTES or “ballots” that matter most! The ONE MAN/WOMAN ONE VOTE has been shown to be a LIE here in our Nation! With DEMOcrats manning the machines and manufacturing enough – JUST ENOUGH – votes to offset LEGITIMATE Republican votes, only MASSIVE CHANGES can make our elections fair. If a DEMOcrat is in charge then you are NOT going to have a FAIR election NOR government! It’s been shown time and again!
The “2000 Mules” had more to do with stealing the 2020 and 2021 elections than anything else. Apparently there were actually more than 50,000 mules, and at just three ballots per mule per ballot drop box, these mules easily account for more than enough votes to sway the elections to the Democrats, even with perfectly honest counting. Read “2000 Mules”, by Dinesh d’Souza.
Look at how well the Swiss are doing, rape capitol of the EU. Dumbazz leftard!
All you write is very interesting, but so is what many in the Left write; alh both of you do is increase the polarisation that has destroyed the spirit of democracy. Ordinary voters, not crazied by the crap from both sides, must demand Swiss style direct democracy and bring it to prevent the collapse, the. disintegration or rule by Fascists or Marxists.
It was a lot more that 501, 3c and 4c ‘non-profit’ SPLC groups, it was fraud on a grand scale counting ballots pulled from under a table after the observers had been chased out of the counting room.
90+% of them went to Biden.
Banks, Government, Corporations, Military, Individuals …. everything and everyone can and do get hacked. Elections, however, are immune. Raise that issue and show up on the terror watch list.
Georgia Gov. Kemp and his Sec. of State helped the deep state steal the Georgia elections. Hold them responsible for killing America via Biden-Harris, Warnock & Ossoff. Trump knows Georgia would never elect these people. He said Kemp & Raffensperger were going to jail. He knew money exchanged hands. But as usual, he got charged with exactly what they did.
Slow-taking Kemp brags about making our elections more secure, but this state is still linked with Soros/deep state election vendors such as ERIC and BPro. Kemp was at the last WEF gathering, to be patted on the back for the great work he’s doing on their behalf.
Paper ballots are still the gold standard for elections, and, apparently, the fastest way to tally the entire vote in a single evening. Trump knows what went on. Money was involved. But as usual, they charged him with exactly what they did – works every time.
China! Ga. has sister cities or partners in China.
Democrat Campaign Slogan: “FREE FREE FREE but you must Vote for ME ME ME!”
In the 2020 Georgia Senate race, Biden said, “If you want your $2000, you must vote for these two candidates for Senate!” ISN’T THAT A BRIBE? No one caught it? Isn’t that like going on the street, “I’ll give you ——- if you vote for me.” I’d take the cash and vote for the other guy. How would they know? In NM, a reporter, Gadi Schwartz, now national, bribed a man with two six-packs, all on film. This was in northern NM where 96% of the population are on some type of welfare and dependent on the Democrats to keep the FREEBIES going and a reason why NM is pure Blue!
The Stimulus Checks were actually bribes approved by a Democrat Congress with Pelosi knowing that worked too in 2006 when NM’s Richardson, the most corrupt politician ever in NM and a reason why the FBI labeled NM as the most corrupt state, adding his own $$$! President Barack Obama.
“DEMOCRATS are addicting Everyone to FREEBIES, as addictive as Heroin, so when we all become JUNKIES, we have to Vote for Them in order TO GET OUR FIX!”
GREAT ARTICLE ON ALL THESE GROUPS…. look into their Bribe$ for Votes Program. They’ll throw money out of airplanes and those meany Republicans aren’t going to give them Jack so your kids will go to bed hungry and won’t have milk to drink in the morning.
and of course those bribes, along with all the pandemic ‘take some cash to accept the lockdowns’ spending helped spur the inflation that’s destroying us now
Think of the dozens, hundreds of activist non-profits… one state’s worth (Georgia), listed above. Ask yourself: what do they DO? Do they do any work? Do they actually make anything? Are they doing outreach, helping people? No. What they do–and what they exist for–is to win elections for the left.
They get tax exempt money (our money). They even get direct infusion of cash (our money) through grants from the federal government. Do you ever wonder HOW there are so many of these acronym-named organizations when they don’t actually seem to actually DO anything? It’s money. An organization is built around cash. Those supplying the cash (the deep state) determine what the organization DOES.
It’s a great system. I give you money. Even better, it’s money out of the pockets of people you and I despise. You use it to get me more political power, so I can in turn give you more money! Like that plan? Thought so!
They also show up to rallies, town halls, protests, meetings, etc to maintain the myth of grass-roots activism
this is the fraudulent civic culture the Dems use to claim they’re democratic through their ‘stakeholders’
Excellent point. Fake demonstrations, with provocateurs spurring on the crowds.
An internet friend pointed out that the use of provocateurs is an ancient practice, that hadn’t occurred to me previously.
When Jesus was sentenced by Pilate, provocateurs attached to Barabbas stirred up the crowd to shout for the release for the zealot criminal.
So where is a Republican group that will file complaints with the IRS to de-certify these groups as 501(c)(3) and (4) organizations and then take the IRS to court when they deny the complaints? That is the only way we will get this travesty addressed.
It will take years to get through the courts – but you gotta at least try.
No matter how look at it. America is being corrupted to the core. The reality is with such a big federal bureaucracy it is imposable to prevent corruption. And that bureaucracy is the one that will bring the end of The USA. Even The Ottomans who have been credited for creating empire wide bureaucracy have fell victim to it. The USA needs to cut down the size of its bureaucracy at least by half before it is too late.
The Internal Robbery Service now that Der Fehrer Biden has armed them just like with Hitler, Stalin, Castro and Mao
chicken in the bread pan pickin’ out dough ………. RIP Charlie D
There are so many articles being written on a variety of subjects and they all have one thing in common… they are needlessly long and meandering, and they take a number of paragraphs to get to the point. Most should be twenty-five words or less and all the salient points should be stated in the first paragraph, elaboration to follow for those who have nothing better to do.
No matter how you slice it there was dirty work at the crossroads to waylay an election.
The problem here is the credibility of FPM when putting forward such claims and charges against liberal, minority advocates/groups,and the Democratic Party. FPMs biased position on a number of conservative issues does raise concerns on reason and objectivity. Generally,we do not have these concerns with some more liberal media,eg NYT, WP, NPR. America needs credible,respected media with a pro-conservative agenda and editorial policy,like in the day. What happened to these respected conservative journalists and papers. Just sayin’.
Our latest Leftist dweeb come to teach us how to be good little leftist dweebs like him.
Whoever believes the US election system is free of leftist fraud is an idiot.
Whoever believed this election fraud can be fixed by congress and endless hearings is a bigger idiot.
Compared to what other national election system? As the last Presidential election showed,the Institutions in America are strong and resilient enough to withstand even the strongest of stresses. You don’t judge the strength or fairness of the electoral process by the winner, rather by the adherence to the rules,and transparency. Just sayin’.
Like for instance, PA. So much “transparency.” So much “adherence to rules.”
Sure,my point exactly,and America stands head and shoulders above most countries in the world for it’s fairness and transparency in free and fair elections.However, several Republican states with large Black populations do try their best to make Blacks jump through hoops to vote.
Name one. Your glittering generalities give you away.
You like to perpetuate lies ??
This isn’t something we can just vote out. This is imbedded in the government itself. The president & the congress don’t run the government the deep state does. Electing republicans will only stimulate the deep state to do even more to discredit & terrify their opponents. Short of the complete destruction of the US government there is nothing that can be done .
The GOP has to engage in Law-Fare! Start suing these groups, and challenging their status. It may take 4 years to get a resolution, but you have to start sometime/somewhere.
Politicians should not be able to accept 2k from soros directly, and another 2k from 25 different PACS that take in Soros money. You could make it an accounting nightmare if they had to have hundreds of individual accounts separating soros money from Non-profit money from other PAC contributions.
Just a thought. Republicans are DUMB!
Hey, this all started with Barack Obama’s ACORN. Once in office, not only did he corrupt the DOJ, he corrupted the IRS. I thought for sure Lois Lerner was on her way to the slammer. Not only did she plead the Fifth at a congressional hearing, I will NEVER FORGET her smug face resenting she was there in the first place.
Thanks to the white-hating, commie Obama, nothing ever happened to her. THAT was the first real sign of a corrupt FBI. None of us really knew back then how thoroughly the tentacles of Obama Marxism would create what we now call the Deep State. We can’t even get rid of them because of they have perfected election fraud.
A Night of the Long Knives.