MSNBC ushered in Thanksgiving to its viewers by claiming that the holiday and the nation were built on genocide.
“We are a country founded on violence. Our birth was violent,” MSNBC star Joy Reid declared.
It was another hateful lie about our country from a 24/7 hate network built on lies.
America was not founded on violence, but on a revolutionary proclamation that all men are created equal and have a God-given right to liberty. By contrast, NBC’s takeover by Comcast was lubricated by a corrupt deal with hatemonger Al Sharpton who has described fellow racist Joy Reid as his “little sister.”
Faced with stiff political opposition to his plan to take control of NBC, Comcast owner Brian L. Roberts met with Sharpton to pitch him on garnering political support for the cable company’s bid. Once a pariah for his role in inciting anti-Semitic riots that lynched two innocent people, and the torching of Freddie’s Fashion Mart, a Harlem store owned by a Jew whom Sharpton referred to as a “white interloper” in which 7 people were burned to death, all of them “of color,” Sharpton was resurrected by Barack Obama as his “civil rights” adviser and accepted into the Democrat fold as the party’s kingmaker.
In his new role, Sharpton delivered the political support to ensure that Roberts didn’t encounter antitrust issues in his controversial takeover bid to acquire NBC. In return Roberts gave Sharpton his own MSNBC show, ‘PoliticsNation with Al Sharpton’, while also making Sharpton’s existing employers at black-owned Radio One – and himself – extremely rich.
In short, without the support of Sharpton and his racist admirers, Comcast would not have been able to gain control of NBC. Since Comcast’s massive power was founded on violence and corruption, it’s hardly surprising that it streams the worst lies and hate by the worst bigots as a payback for the series of dirty deals that made Roberts so rich and powerful.
During Sharpton’s lobbying for the Comcast deal, MSNBC denied that there was an offer to give the notorious racial arsonist his own show, only to debut it a few months later. Comcast not only gave Sharpton a show, but included the head of his racist National Action Network in its “diversity council.” Sharpton in turn gave MSNBC boss Phil Griffin an award after previously handing it to Jeff Zucker, who ran NBC at the time, before going off to run CNN.
Alongside Reid and Sharpton, MSNBC regularly features the unhinged Elie Mystal, who said that the United States “Constitution is trash” and bragged, “you come out as a Republican, I’m prejudiced against you”, Tiffany Cross, who argued that the media focusing on the economic concerns of midwesterners was pandering to “racist white people”, Melissa Harris-Perry, who claimed that the term “hard work” is racist, and a seemingly bottomless list of bigots.
MSNBC doesn’t just employ vile racists like Reid and Sharpton who smear our country and promote hate, but also foreign enemy propagandists like Ayman Mohyeldin, formerly of Qatar’s Al Jazeera, who defended the Islamic terrorist state during the World Cup by attacking America.
Mohyeldin is one of a number of former employees of the Qatari propaganda network who have been given a platform to attack America, Europe and Israel by MSNBC. While Mohyeldin has ‘Ayman’, his own weekend show, Mehdi Hasan, also formerly of Al Jazeera, hosts ‘The Mehdi Hasan Show’. Al Velshi, a veteran of Al Jazeera America, which faced lawsuits accusing its executives of antisemitism and discriminating against women, hosts ‘Velshi’.
MSNBC’s decision to turn itself into Al Jazeera by stocking it with the Jihadist network’s leftovers has led to constant incitement and antisemitic propaganda at its 24/7 hate network.
Even in the midst of China’s takeover of Hong Kong and the Ukraine war, Velshi ranted that Israel was the “leading occupying force in the world.” Velshi claimed that “Israel captured East Jerusalem from Jordan during the Six-Day War in 1967” while neglecting to mention that it was Jordan that as part of the unprovoked Arab Muslim attack on the infant state had captured half the city in 1948 launching the Arabs’ 75-year campaign “to push the Jews into the sea.” In other words Jerusalem was liberated by Israel from Jordanian occupation in 1967.
Velshi has smeared Israel as an “apartheid state” despite working as a propagandist for Qatar where 88% of the population consists of migrant workers with no rights, thousands of whom die laboring on the skyscrapers of the Islamist apartheid state. Israel by contrast is the only state in the Middle East that is actually not an apartheid state. Velshi’s comments are just the crudest form of Jew hating propaganda spawned by the apartheid regimes in Gaza and the West Bank.
On his hate-filled show, Mehdi Hasan invited Rep. Ro Khanna, a Bernie Sanders ally, to make the bizarre claim that Israel was “burning down Palestinian villages”. Hasan, who has falsely referred to Israel as having its capital in Tel Aviv, regularly hosts anti-Israel bigots like Peter Beinart. Rep. Ilhan Omar and Rep. Rashida Tlaib. Tlaib used her MSNBC platform to lie that Israel is “an apartheid government that is targeting a whole people based on their ethnicity and some even based on their faith.” That would be news to the Arab Israelis who have more rights as citizens of Israel than they would in any Arab Muslim state.
But it’s not just the cable network MSNBC that Roberts polluted. After the recent Colorado Springs shooting at a gay club, NBC senior reporter Brandy Zadrozny falsely blamed the attack on critics of the sexualization of children.
“If there is a pipeline it starts from some smaller accounts online like Libs of TikTok, it moves to the right-wing blogosphere, and then it ends up on Tucker Carlson or it ends up out of a right-wing politician’s mouth,” she argued.
We have since learned that the shooter, who comes from a deeply dysfunctional household, identifies as “non-binary.” A normal TV network in normal times would fire a reporter for spewing such a hateful lie. But these are not normal times, and Brian Roberts’ network is a big reason why.
These lies, smears and slurs, like many others, come down to one company, Comcast, and one man, Brian L. Roberts. Comcast is a family business and Brian was born into it. “I think we have known that Brian would take over the company since he was about eight years old,” its co-founder admitted. At 30, he did just that and took the company from cable to content.
Unlike his father, Brian was not satisfied just providing cable access and was obsessed with taking control of programming. After a failed bid to take over Disney, he bought NBC.
MSNBC had begun purging its conservative personalities in a leftist makeover even before the Comcast takeover, but the process accelerated rapidly as talks began. And Comcast bought support for the takeover by handing out money to racists and their hate groups.
That was how Al Sharpton ended up with an MSNBC show.
During the Black Lives Matter race riots, Roberts promised that Comcast would donate $100 million in response to “the far too familiar and frequent acts of violence against the black community, and to acknowledge the structural racism that fuels these injustices” to a consortium of groups including Sharpton’s National Action Network. At the same time, Roberts’ protégé was busy pouring oil on the flames in a eulogy for George Floyd by condemning America for having its “knee on the neck” of black people for over 400 years. In point of fact, black slavery in America lasted 20 years in the north and 76 years in the south. Moreover, black slaves in America had been enslaved by black Africans and sold at slave auctions in Ghana and Benin. Black slaves were liberated at the cost of 360,000 mainly white lives in America’s bloodiest war. When Sharpton poured his racist poison onto America’s television screens 80% of blacks were living above the poverty line and “systemic racism” had been outlawed for over 60 years.
During the George Floyd race riots, MSNBC personnel and guests repeatedly expressed support for the rioters and their violence. In one of the hate network’s more infamous moments, Al Velshi tried to argue that “this is mostly a peaceful protest, it is not generally speaking unruly” while standing in front of a building in flames.
When challenged about Velshi’s lies at a shareholder meeting and asked to condemn Antifa, Roberts retorted that, “racism, injustice, violence have no place and cannot be tolerated.”
But the racism was coming from his personal hate network.
Roberts is not a brilliant businessman, he’s a savvy political donor. Comcast got as big and powerful as it did because it adopted the right politics and paid off the right people.
In 2020, Roberts’ wife provided $152,800 to fund the Biden campaign. But that was small change compared to the millions raised by Comcast’s chief lobbyist for Obama whom Biden has appointed as the ambassador to Canada. Roberts took to golfing with Obama and hosting him on Martha’s Vineyard. And even that money was dwarfed by the subsidies from the tax-free Comcast Foundation.
The Comcast Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that the powerful company has used to build its political connections while dodging taxes. As was noted during the NBC takeover, the Comcast Foundation, dominated by its top lobbyist, handed out “more than $3 billion since 2001” mostly to minority groups and “many of the groups to whom the Comcast Foundation has donated now support the proposed merger”. A number of the Comcast Foundation’s donations conveniently also went to organizations which had ties to Democrat politicians.
Comcast wasn’t just bribing its way to power, taxpayers were subsidizing the bribes.
This is another example of what Internal Radical Service, a report by David Horowitz and John Perazzo, delved into. Published by the David Horowitz Freedom Center, the report documented the abuse of the tax code by leftist foundations and nonprofits which are being used to finance the left’s agendas while the IRS watchdogs turn a blind eye to the violations.
Comcast is a corrupt company that pushes hate for profit. And Brian L. Roberts, who got the job because of his daddy, has used it to tear apart this country and reward the worst and most divisive bigots.
Despite the Jewish origins of the Roberts family, Brian Roberts has overseen a company that spreads the worst lies emanating from the terrorist propaganda machines of Hamas and the PLO. The anti-Semitic chorus at MSNBC, posing as journalists, promotes the worst smears against Israel and Jews in America.
The story of Comcast, like the tragic tale of so many other major and increasingly international companies, is that of powerful corporations turning on their own roots, on the country and the people that made them possible. Torn away from their values and roots, they become a virus that destroys everything around them. And that is what NBC and MSNBC have become as platforms for the Jew-hating, white-hating and America-hating Left.
One of the best things I ever did was ending Comcast service. An rotten company with now an rotten political mission.
The press and weaponized nonprofits like Greenfield determining anti-Semitism while Israeli refusal to join sanctions against Russia is kept out of the news is a powderkeg
There are really a relatively small number of leftists that have had enormous impact and control of all the media. What we need is a flowchart of who owns and operates them all. It would probably add up to less than a hundred people.
Praise God that Musk got control of Twitter and is exposing the FBI and Biden administration’s machinations of that site. IT. IS. UNBELIEVABLE.
Why praise God? Praise belongs to Elon Musk. God helps those who help themselves and God destroys those who destroy themselves.
Not true. That is a very old lie.God helps those who trust and serve HIM. And He destroys those who stand against Him and His purposes.
I don’t know about your God, but my God (the God of Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine) told me he created me to be free to follow reality and the facts of reality by using the reasoning mind he gave me.. My God, said to me, “THX, if I ever give you an order to obey me and my order goes against reason and the facts of reality, you can be assured that it’s not me talking to you, it’s the Devil. Follow the facts of reality THX, you will know me and my will by discovering the immutable reality I created”.
My God created an absolute immutable reality and he gave me reason as an absolute means of discovering the facts of reality.
“Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call to her tribunal every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear.” – Thomas Jefferson
So, THX, now you are hearing voices?
Your God indeed. You “god” is that shriveled up woman who wrote a few books and whose thoughts you have distorted into your very own religion of Objectivism.
You flatter yourself with this notion that you worship the same god as Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson believed in a Creator God who set the universe in motion and wrote its laws into eternity. More importantly, Jefferson swore an oath to wage war on those who would curtail “liberty of conscience,” i.e., the God given right to believe as one’s conscience dictates. For as long as I can remember, you’ve been here trying desperately to convince Christians and Jews to lose their faith. Jefferson never did that. You would be one of those against whom Jefferson waged war.
I haven’t read that in scripture, praise God!
You haven’t read that in Scripture? Who wrote the Scripture? Who compiled it? Who decided this book is true Scripture and that book is not? Men did. Mortal, fallible men, at a council 1,500 years ago. I don’t blindly follow fallible men who compiled the Scripture 1,500 years ago, I don’t blindly follow a priesthood, or a Church, I follow reality by using my reasoning mind to discover the facts of reality, the immutable reality my God created.
“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.” ― The Buddha
Perhaps you should take the Buddha’s advice.
Recently you bemoaned the fact that there are few positions available for Objectivist professors at the university level. So I thought I would do a little research to help you out.
Here’s what I found doing a Google search using the phrase University jobs for Objectivists:
There are a few more.
So you are right, you don’t have a lot of options. I would suggest applying to all of them….mainly to get you out of our hair. You could meet people (the horror!!) and actually be challenged on your “ideas”
And the Atlas Society actually has a Disqus comment board where you can engage with fellow Lotus flower people.
Unfortunately no one seems to be on these boards. What a surprise. Good luck.
You can’t even get the history right, much less the theology. the Bible is the inspired Word of God. The scriveners were the ones inspired.
“The story of Comcast, like the tragic tale of so many other major and increasingly international companies, is that of powerful corporations”
Globalist unelected highly influential corporations in league with governments and NGOs create regulations that appear to protect the public but only protect themselves against competition from the little guy who can’t afford all the compliance audits.
Comcast is the most disgusting company on planet earth. And that’s on a planet with Monsanto. Once competition came into our area, we IMMEDIATELY cut contact with Comcrap.
TRACE TODAY’S COM-LEFT to the 1980s when they were members of, or supported, CPUSA and KGB-FUNDED FRONTS since recruiting was their main goal especially at universities. CENTRAL AMERICA was the battleground and millions of Americans, mainly students, who went to aid in their Communist Revolution, with DANIEL ORTEGA STILL RULING NICARAGUA! (Notice they are still going to Cuba and Zapatista areas in Chiapas on fact-finding missions but in order to be allowed to go, you have to have your facts straight first. Notice too that the Democrats, also ’60s and ’80s recruits, quickly supported the Cuban regime over the protesters who are currently risking their lives FOR FREEDOM!)
THOSE CPUSA/KGB RECRUITS are today’s teachers, professors, Media, Hollywood, city/state/national leaders, filled Congress, and THE WHITE HOUSE! ****** THEIR JOB TODAY IS TO RECRUIT THE NEXT GENERATION OF COMMUNISTS WE SEE IN THE STREETS!
And anyone tell me the difference between the CPUSA and the Democratic Party? Here you go: CPUSA.ORG
When Biden is removed by violent means – if necessary – then she’ll have to eat her own words.
Inspite of his Jewish heritage, I’m told he does nothing to support Jewish charities. When Hadassah lost a major portion of its money due to Bernie Madoff, Roberts, who lavishly funds leftist causes, refused to give it a dime in its time of need.
A-Mess-NBC the Lying Peacock News everybody needs to tune out and turn off their fake news program and hit them where its going to hurt them the worst
The power of philosophy and the power of ideas at work. Even in the best of times there will always be evil people, evil opportunists, amoralists or immoralists, who reject the good or hate the good, haven’t discovered the good, or don’t give a damn, Brian L. Roberts might be one of them. But evil on this scale is only made possible by an evil philosophy masquerading as a noble philosophy. An evil idea masquerading as a noble idea.
Let me backtrack, even the amoralist, who believes that social-political-economic problems are amoral, is under the power of a philosophical conviction, the phislosophical conviction that morality has nothing to do with social-political-economic problems. That’s the businessman Lenin was talking about when he said, “The capitalists will sell us the rope with which to hang them.”
Such is the power of philosophy that even when you deny it or are unaware of it, you are under its power, you are using it to guide you to your destruction, or it is guiding you unawares to your destruction….
“As a human being, you have no choice about the fact that you need a philosophy. Your only choice is whether you define your philosophy by a conscious, rational, disciplined process of thought and scrupulously logical deliberation—or let your subconscious accumulate a junk heap of unwarranted conclusions, false generalizations, undefined contradictions, undigested slogans, unidentified wishes, doubts and fears, thrown together by chance, but integrated by your subconscious into a kind of mongrel philosophy and fused into a single, solid weight: self-doubt, like a ball and chain in the place where your mind’s wings should have grown….
The men who are not interested in philosophy need it most urgently: they are most helplessly in its power.
The men who are not interested in philosophy absorb its principles from the cultural atmosphere around them—from schools, colleges, books, magazines, newspapers, movies, television, etc. Who sets the tone of a culture? A small handful of men: the philosophers. Others follow their lead, either by conviction or by default.” – Ayn Rand
Ah, there it it! I read the first post and thought maybe you had an original thought since you didn’t quote Ayn Rand. You had me going, but then I saw the follow up. I truly feel that I will never need to read anything by Ayn Rand, because I’m certain that anything she said that was noteworthy (good or bad) has been posted by you in this site’s comments.
Oh ye foolish one! My Little Grasshopper, do not pay attention to the messenger, the messenger is besides the point. Ignore the messenger, but pay attention to the message. Is the message true or false? That is what truly matters, my Little Grasshopper.
“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.” ― The Buddha
The message of God is a lot more relevant than the rantings of the old woman and her familiar Peekaboo, whose message you have managed to pervert and turn into your own religion.
Who in their right mind would believe you?
And what if the messenger is as flawed as the message.
“The capitalists will sell us the rope with which to hang them” is no longer correct, at least not in the U.S. In the U.S. we will outsource the making of the rope, purchase it ourselves, and then commit suicide with it.
Both MSNBC and FOX News have their liars and spreaders of hate. FOX has Tucker Carlson who is undoubtedly the worst scoundrel I’ve seen on any so-called conservative tv network and an egregious liar.
Please show me just one lie.
Johnny R. Buttala is obviously a purveyor of “the truth”
MSNBC is an effect and a cause of anti-American radicalism. There is no way that Roberts could not have been aware of the transformation of the network. He believes in its warped mission. Likewise Comcast, the parent company and majority shareholder.
Mr. Greenfield gives factual examples and you smear Mr. Carlson, with no evidence or facts.
These people are beyond disgusting.
The sooner they are removed from the planet the better.
A-Mess-NBC the Lying Peacock News Tune Out and Turn Off A-Mess-NBC
I so appreciate your writing. You are The BEST.
I so appreciate your journalism. It is the best.
The Left seems to think that America was founded on evil, War, etc but in FACT all countries in the entire World came out of War, directly or indirectly, and the borders of countries have changed over the centuries due to those Wars and conflicts.
From Istanbul to Kabul those various countries were ALL populated by Christians, Jews,Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhist, Pagan, Zoroastrians, and now it is populated 99% by muslims and this was due to War, conquest, the killing of all who would not bow down to this brand new Fascist Religious Cult of intolerance and Satanic beliefs.
So, shall these snowflakes then refer to Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Kuwait, Qatar,Iraq,Iran Afghanistan, Pakistan as coming out of War or are these snowflakes the same idiots that think America created slavery rather than being the actual country, along with Britain, to end slavery.
The ignorance of actual historical facts is so lacking in today’s youth.
I would not limit the ignorance of history to only “today’s youth”. It is quite obvious to me there are a great many adults who have supplanted whatever they learned about history in school with what they have since “learned” on outlets like MSNBC.
The big difference between this pinhead and the Macys Giant Turkey the Macys Turkey is a lot more appealing
People like Brian Roberts, and 95% of the people at MSNBC, should face firing squads for aiding and abetting a genocidal Marxist regime that stole an election to put a senile, degenerative pedophile in the White House to troll and demoralize the American People, while his handler’s – loyal to Obama the Communist in Chief – dismantle America.