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In yesterday’s post on MSNBC viewership numbers cratering and in yesterday’s FPM+ Town Hall (as well as a future article profiling resistance leaders), I speculated that the energy at least at the moment wasn’t there.
“A key variable may be that there is a lack of energy or desire on the part of the leftist base to do it all again,” I wrote.
Politico has come to the same conclusion with ‘The Resistance Is Not Coming to Save You. It’s Tuning Out’
The anti-Trump books are not roaring out of the gate.
“I talked to a dozen editors last week to check in with them and to see what they were planning to do for political books in a Trump era. They were all exhausted at the thought of doing more anti-Trump books,” the agent said. “It’s like walking out of the stadium in the fourth quarter when your team is down and they played like shit all day. … No one has the energy to go through another four years of publishing this stuff even though the first four years were very good for publishers.”
I’ve seen reports from media people saying that they’re burned out on Trump material.
I warned before that all of this can and likely will change, but at the moment the Left genuinely feels beaten.
History shows that this state of affairs will not continue, but it’s more important to remember that the Left is a ‘high energy’ rump movement that has taken over the Democrats and eclipsed liberals.
Most Democrats aren’t leftists. Leftists have just been able to run them over and run the show.
But what happens when that energy level isn’t there or when the perception is that the Left has been discredited?
I think the losers actually realize they lost.
They’re nutz, brainwashed by Big Lie propaganda, similar to 1930s Germany.
They still did a lot of cheating, how much is uncertain.
I’m not kidding about nutz, I’ve been shocked by some of the things I’ve heard from them since the election, people I know.
Well, when you’re talking about most Leftists you’re talking about emotionally incontinent people with the emotional maturity of a two year old. So there’s that.
I don’t talk to a lot of people – mainly because so many have bat shit opinions like you mentioned – so I haven’t heard a lot of the crazy stuff. I just make it a habit to say “You lost. STFU.” Plus, most of the chicks I meet are homeless and crazy so they don’t give a shit about political stuff. They just care about being serviced, fed and tearing up my bathroom.
I hear the crazy stuff on TV and that’s as close as I want to get.
But, they have NO idea, how..
I do pray the God will opening their clouded over eyes, when the USA becomes strong and good again.
Democrat governors are mobilising to form a shadow govt.
I honestly believe if there was National Voter ID , there would be no Blue States left .
Do not underestimate them they survived the collapse of the Soviet Union & came back worse than ever. If that didn’t make a dent nothing trump will do will make much difference. Left wing politics is a religion for people who don’t have one. Religious beliefs are very resilient because they are faith based & cannot be disproved look at Islam
What happened on the night of November 5th is but one more example of “What goes around comes around.” It may not come around in our preferred time frame, but it always comes around.
Kudos to President Trump for walking through the fire for the past 6+years. He now serves as proof that eventually justice will prevail.
The left doesn’t feel beaten. They still have 99% of the republican party carrying their water for them. Have no fear the republicrats will work collectively to continue the kabuki theater of pushing the country left while the republicans feign outrage and launch investigations that go nowhere while voting to pass nearly every democratic agenda. Please. Trump winning is the dying gasp of a dying nation. The nation is too far gone to recover at this point and it’s not the democrats that did it it’s the republicans who sat on their hands for the last 20 years doing absolutely nothing to stop the democrats. This is more delusional thinking.
The left wasn’t able to steal this election this time
Rudyard Kipling’s poem “The Gods of the Copybook Headings” perhaps is a sort of retro-reflection on the above…with (unfortunately) cynical concluding three stanzas.
The Left, and the leftist media in particular, has lied for so long, they literally interpret reality as being the opposite of whatever anyone says. Why? Because habitual lying becomes pathological, and they believe everyone lying is their norm…truth is a shock. That became evident when one of the yammering media gals “woman-splained” to other DimDems that the people voting for Trump (that’s us) didn’t believe he would actually deport illegals. 😳🙄😳🙄 Seriously…?
In spite of every indicator to the contrary, the DimDems lied themselves into the unreality of a Harris loss. And once she lost, their excuses became bizarre. Here is the simple reason Harris lost…it’s under 30 words so they can understand. Harris lost because…
Her slippery party used a shady process to crown a sh*tty candidate with a slutty past who picked a slimy VP with shocking policies supported by sicko voters only.”
Yet with that reality, the DimDems called her candidacy as one having “every advantage?” Go figger.
Sub-estimating leftoxenomorphs is a grave error.
The leftoxenomorph marabunta has about half the country in their pocket, 99% of everything in any way organized in AINO-Venezuerica, they are in charge of the Frankfurt_School_culturally_marxist-leftoxenomorphizised-feminazi-mis-mal-dis-education-system, they managed to turn the late Constitutional Republic the United States of America (July 4th, 1776 – November 3rd, 2020) into the dead joke it is today, eurabia into north africa and have Western civilization circling the drain, the international banking system is in the hands of leftoxenomorph globalists, Big Pharma and the most powerful business concerns are in the hands of leftoxenomorph globalists and so on and so forth.
If that is being “defeated” . . .
The leftoxenomorph juggernaut has suffered very little and we are going to find out how powerful they are pretty soon.
Democracy is a tool of leftoxenomorphism and non-leftoxenomorphs had better understand that there’s no place for human normalcy in the winner-takes-all worldview of leftoxenomorph d卐m☭nrats.
There is only one way to deal with leftoxenomorphs.
Democrats are rabid Communists. Every Democrat wanted to hold that rifle in PA. Every Democrat wanted to pull the trigger. The Democrat party needs to be outlawed. The US needs to be split. Throw the socialist Democrat cities out of Free America.