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“A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.”
—Roman Statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero
Greetings. Sadly, Americans awoke last week to what was not exactly a Happy New Year, but it should serve to remind us of something very serious. A deadly terrorist attack took the lives of some fifteen Americans and injured double that number in New Orleans. Many of us have been concerned about and warned about the possibility of such an attack with the continuous dismissal of securing our border, along with the coddling of pro-Hamas supporters. It is obvious that the outgoing Biden-Harris leftist administration has had a deranged definition of what security means. And what happened in New Orleans is an indicator of exactly that.
Let us not forget how many times Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told us that the border was secure. How many resources were expended by the FBI to track down people who were in Washington, DC, on January 6th, 2021? We were told that parents who wanted education, not indoctrination, for their children were domestic terrorists, right along with those who did not agree with dismembering unborn babies. Both groups had raids conducted against them and were arrested. Yet, how many times have we witnessed the flags of a designated terrorist organization being flown and paraded in our Country while our American flag was burned? Why were individuals shouting “death to America” not arrested? Oh yeah, that is free speech for leftists. Why were Jewish students threatened and assailed not just by other students but by college administrators and professors, with no consequences?
Just the same as with the Obama-Biden administration, our homeland has become a battleground, all because the leftists have a delusional definition of security.
Remember the JD Vance—Martha Raddatz interview on ABC when Raddatz sought to dismiss the activities of the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua in Aurora, Colorado? Her words to now VP-Elect Vance were basically that the Trump administration was blowing things out of proportion because there were only 2 to 3 apartment complexes in question. Leftists will always seek to normalize the abnormal when it comes to securing our Nation because they do not want any responsibility or accountability. They actually prefer the treasonous route to that of courage.
Now, we have this very same Venezuelan gang threatening to use force and violence to gain entry into our country. They are threatening U.S. Border Patrol and National Guard troops who would stand in their way. I think we all can recall the video of watching single military-age males storm a border fence here in Texas and overrun National Guard troops who were unarmed. I have a simple question, what in Sam Hill are our Rules of Engagement on the border? What’s the purpose of having unarmed “troops” on our border? The pure definition of an invasion is forced entry into a sovereign nation. Then again, leftists do not believe America is a sovereign nation.
Shamsud-Din Bahar Jabbar, 42, is the known and identified terrorist who killed and injured innocent people in New Orleans. He was gunned down by local law enforcement after he opened fire on them. There are reports that improvised explosive devices were planted. Yet, there are some leftist news outlets who want us to believe that Jabbar was just a disillusioned fella, who just happened to have a black ISIS flag in the vehicle. Leftists will always rush to judgment if the incident meets their ideological agenda, hence why they are still talking about January 6th.
Recently, CBS 60 Minutes did a story trying to condemn the American gun manufacturing industry and gun store owners for Mexican transnational narco-terrorist actions. Yes, leftists in the news media want to blame American weapons manufacturers for the violence of cartel terrorists. Heck, why not condemn American vehicle manufacturers since cartel members drive SUVs? This deranged leftist definition of security is always about blaming America first rather than the terrorists and criminals who enact the violence…and the straw buyers who enable them.
My question is simple: why do leftists seek to disarm law-abiding, legal American gun owners when our streets have become crime and terrorist-ridden battlegrounds? One would think that someone should have been armed and carrying a firearm who could have engaged the vehicle and driver as he began his attack. No one stopped the vehicle in the Wisconsin Christmas parade a few years back. And where is the leftist gun control organization Moms Demand Action?
Leftists only seek to secure their political stranglehold of America, and they are willing to align with any group that shares their hatred of our Republic. They do not see the invasion of illegal immigrants, predominantly single military-age males, criminals, and Chinese males, as a threat. The only threat that leftists see is their political opposition, who must be persecuted, prosecuted, and jailed by any means necessary.
The sad reality is that leftists are not concerned with the security of our America because they despise our America. They see no issue with Islamic jihadists conducting terrorist attacks. China is buying up land and flying spy balloons over our Nation. And leftists prefer to dump billions of dollars into Ukraine while we have a battle waging in our Nation.
Leftist Governors and Mayors care so much for America that they are willing to fight for criminal illegal immigrants who pose a national and domestic security threat to our Nation—and they actually believe in that position. This is why the progressive socialist left lost the election of 2024. It is also why they should keep losing elections because of their deranged definition of security.
They are the traitors that Marcus Tullius Cicero spoke of so many centuries ago.
Steadfast and Loyal.
The Demo-Rats want to replace Home Security with Welcome Migrants(Future Democrat Voters and Supporters) Centers since the Liberal Democrats and Socialists scumballs like George Soros and his rotten Son
“My question is simple: why do leftists seek to disarm law-abiding, legal American gun owners when our streets have become crime and terrorist-ridden battlegrounds?”
Simple…..Leftists like, in no particular order,
the chaos
the crime
the bodies
the misery
the terrorism
the progressivism
This can more easily be achieved with silly gun control laws up to and including confiscation.
This has never been discussed properly: Joe Biden is a clinical psychopath. He exhibits all the traits of a narcissist, psychopath. Judge for yourself:
Superficial charm: Appearing friendly and likable on the surface, but lacking genuine warmth or connection.
Lack of empathy: Inability to understand or share the feelings of others.
Manipulative behavior: Skillfully using others to achieve their own goals.
Grandiose sense of self-worth: Exaggerated belief in their own abilities and importance.
Pathological lying: Frequent and effortless fabrication of stories.
Impulsivity: Acting without thinking about consequences
Poor judgment: Making poor decisions with little regard for potential risks
Lack of remorse or guilt: Not feeling bad about harmful actions
Antisocial behavior: Disregarding social norms and laws
Callousness: Showing a lack of concern for others’ suffering
Inability to form deep relationships: Difficulty forming genuine emotional connections
Early behavioral problems: History of disruptive behavior in childhood
Basically, we have been under the oppressive control of a psychopath. Everyone knows it and feels it.
Come on, man. It’s mint chip 🍦
A: the Left is godless
B: they don’t believe in evil. they love what God hates.
C: they believe they are on a righteous path
D: their leader is satan they just haven’t said it out loud yet.
E: they are tumbling toward destruction.
F: Pray for the souls of the innocent they’ve led down this path with them.
Excellent. We are being undermined from within.
Cicero, a fighter for the Roman Republic, was an inspiration for our founding fathers. And, as he lost in the end, an object lesson. With his rediscover by Petrarch in the 14th century, Cicero’s knowledge was reborn. With the establishment of our republic, he won in the long run.
All of this insane behavior has one purpose–to exploit the weaknesses of human nature–fear of terrorism, fear of loss, greed, egoism, laziness and to convince us of the powerlessness of conventional morality, for one purpose–to convince a majority of the people that individual freedom is the cause of these fears and insecurities and that the ideal of freedom is obsolete and must be replaced by an all knowing, all controlling “virtuous” police state. And China is their model and Xi Jinping their hero.
You’ve got it right. Thanks.
The only way out is to reclaim our education system. Rebuild a patriot citizenry. A long and slow task. But, until we have an educated and informed electorate the only other remedy is violent revolution. Who wants that?
The US Military, Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines are doing a great job of securing the International Borders of Japan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and many others than they are in securing the International Borders of America.