If you believe the New York Times and the allied media who have joined in the latest push by teachers’ unions and leftist activists to destroy the Jewish schools known as yeshivas which provide a religious education to New York City’s large Orthodox Jewish populations, they care.
They care especially about the Chassidic Jews who, according to them, are hopelessly trapped in failing schools who don’t provide their students with basic skills leaving them ‘trapped’ living a religious life instead of going to work for Apple, changing their genders and staging race riots.
Their solution is to put the same government system that has wrecked public education in the city in charge of Hasidic schools so that they’re certain to teach such scientific and historical facts such as that gender is a myth, human beings came from monkeys and racism can only exist from white people to black people.
The latest hit piece from the New York Times is the tip of the iceberg of a prolonged influence operation through front groups like Yaffed whose aims are to…
- Seize control of the education of the growing number of Orthodox Jewish children
- Direct money to the teachers’ unions and to their allied Democrats
- Destroy religion
These are modest proposals, but historically sound ones. Hasidic Jews remember them quite well from the 19th century where anti-religious leftists partnered with Czarist regimes to do the same thing.
The media claim to be deeply concerned about Hasidic Jews. Except that no one in the media pays attention to the serial assaults by urban public school grads on those same kids even when they’re caught on video.
The media is unconcerned that of the 118 thugs arrested in these assaults, only 1 has served serious prison time.
The concern trolling is not for the Hasidic kids: it’s antisemitism thinly cloaked in concern trolling. It’s a political and ideological response to the growing rise of Orthodox Jews and their conservatism in a society where secular Jews have veered leftward.
The media cheered Gov. Cuomo’s racist crackdowns on Hasidic Jews. Now it pretends to care.
Not just Chassidic schools, but Litvish ones too. Two of my granddaughters are enjoying their educations at a Bais Yaakov school for girls in Queens County, New York, the same sort of school that their mother attended in another city. They love school, where the teachers love them and, while they work hard and have very high standards in both academics and religion, they know that they are learning in order to be functional religious Jewish women. Arithmetic? Check. Spelling, both English and Hebrew? Check. Hebrew language? Check. English grammar? Check. Writing, in both directions? Check. Fun and games with paint, clay, and other craft items? Check. Running around at recess to let off steam? I sure hope so for the sake of the hard-working teachers’ sanity. What are these schools failing to teach these children?
The NYT would never run a piece about what students actually learn in yeshivos or about the multimillion boondoggle called public education or public school teachers who sexually assault students and sit in the rubber room
The NYT has a long and sordid history or whitewashing Communism, and Nazism ,minimizing the particularly Jewish aspects of the Holocaust , vehemently opposing the creation of the State of Israel and its right of self defense and any serious notions of Jewish continuity, It is now an expensive Twitter page.