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There was a time when the media was biased. That’s long since past. The media is just an arm of the left wing of the Democrats and is dedicated to pumping out whatever political narratives help its faction. Since the Dems are getting whacked on crime over their embrace of pro-crime politics, the media is doubling and tripling down on claims that crime is actually worse in conservative areas.
Fact: 1% of Democrat Counties Make Up 42% of America’s Murders
Media lies: Gun Violence Is Actually Worse in Red States. It’s Not Even Close – Politico
How do you get numbers like that? Easy. Focus on regions and entire states instead of the countries and their cities where crime is soaring.
In October, Florida’s Republican governor Ron DeSantis proclaimed crime in New York City was “out of control” and blamed it on George Soros. Another Sunshine State politico, former president Donald Trump, offered his native city up as a Democrat-run dystopia, one of those places “where the middle class used to flock to live the American dream are now war zones, literal war zones.”…
“In reality, the region the Big Apple comprises most of is far and away the safest part of the U.S. mainland when it comes to gun violence, while the regions Florida and Texas belong to have per capita firearm death rates (homicides and suicides) three to four times higher than New York’s”
Why not compare those parts of Florida and Texas that voted for DeSantis or Abbott with New York City?
The most violent parts of Florida and Texas revolve around Democrat cities. Do Dallas and Houston ring a bell? The least violent counties tend to be Republican.
Everyone knows this and there’s no serious debate about it. That doesn’t stop the Politico article from diving into statistical gimmicks and dishonest ploys that would make a Soviet TV presenter reporting on a successful harvest groan.
“Someone living in the most rural counties of South Carolina is more than three times as likely to be killed by gunshot than someone living in the equally rural counties of New York’s Adirondacks”.
Shall we discuss who’s living in some of those rural counties in South Carolina and the Adirondacks?
The entire article is a bizarre exercise in telling the most outrageous howlers and then wondering if the lefties spewing this nonsense actually believe the words coming out of their mouths.
“New York City is a very diverse place. We see people from different cultural and religious traditions every moment and we just know one another, so it’s harder for people to foment inter-group hatreds,” says Jeffrey Butts, director of the research and evaluation center at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in Manhattan.
Al Sharpton who presided over racist attacks on Jews and Asians would be surprised to hear that. NYC remains the epicenter of antisemitic attacks and is probably in the top 3 in anti-Asian attacks.
But please, take it from the notorious right-wing outlet CNN.
Hate crimes in New York City are up 76% this year compared to the same period in 2021 – CNN
Don’t worry, NYC is a very diverse place. We see people from different cultural and religious traditions every moment and we just know one another, so it’s harder for people to foment inter-group hatreds.
Compared to your modern media lefty, Pravda was fact-based.
Bernie Goldberg wrote a book called Bias around, if I remember correctly, 20 or more yrs ago. I bought the book and at the time couldn’t believe how the Left would resort to lies about news stories, or refusing to cover news that didn’t fit their narrative.
It’s only snowballed from there. Now, the media doesn’t even pretend, or try to be discreet about it. They just flat out are dishonest and corrupt and don’t hide it.
the media is simply an arm of the party
pure pravda
Pravda would laugh at the term “pure Pravda.”
I read it – good book. I understand Goldberg – a liberal – was fired from CBS for saying CBS was biased.
Blinded by statistics. As someone who lived through it on the ground and saw it with my own eyes, MSM must be trying to blind those who haven’t seen it with misleading statistics.
Around 90% of the crimes committed in the United States are done by LeftTwats and their minions. They are the ones creating the crime, letting criminals out of jail, preventing the mentally ill from getting treatment – but all that is the fault of the conservatives in the US – just ask a LeftTwat
but the ruling democrat party all has guards and we’re paying for them,
911….can I take YOUR order?
Among the 25 largest U.S. cities, San Francisco has had the highest property-crime rate in four of the most recent six years for which data is available, bucking the long-term national decline in such crimes that began in the 1990s. Property crimes declined in San Francisco during the first year of the pandemic, but rose 13% in 2021. Burglaries in the city are at their highest levels since the mid 1990s. There were 20,663 thefts from vehicles last year—almost 57 a day—a 39% increase from the prior year, although still below the record of 31,398 in 2017, according to the police.
Zusha Elinson
Report: Man Allegedly Carjacks Chicagoan While on Electric Monitoring, Parole for Same Crime
A man with several juvenile robbery convictions is reportedly accused of a recent carjacking in Chicago while he was on electric monitoring.
Scruples are chains upon the human soul.
But, should you slip your ghastly bonds. Then, prevarication can set you free.
Become a Democrat!