Election Day results, like clean streets and easily available products in supermarkets, have become artifacts of a recent glorious past. Don’t count on finding eggs and milk at the market or finding out who won the election on Election Day. The 2022 midterms, like the 2020 elections, are a work in progress that will, one day, when the right ballots are found, elect somebody.
Acting Secretary of State Leigh Chapman, the leftist election rigging activist appointed by Gov. Tom Wolf, warned that it will take days to determine who won. At a “virtual press conference”, the virtual election boss, who hasn’t actually been confirmed by the legislature, warned that it would take “several days worth of work” to determine who won what. And who didn’t.
Chapman, a veteran of The Advancement Project, funded by Soros and the Ford Foundation, which worked against voter ID rules to stop voter fraud, and Let America Vote, a leftist group to eliminate election security regulations, urged voters to “feel confident in our election system and in the final results.” Nothing creates confidence in an election system like a radical partisan activist being put in charge of it and then warning that the FBI will target any critics.
If there’s still any doubt, Chapman assured that “this delay does not mean anything nefarious is happening.” Being told that “nothing nefarious is happening” is incredibly reassuring whether it’s hearing it from a strange guy in an alley, a corporate CEO or an election official. People who aren’t doing anything nefarious don’t usually feel the need to assure you of that.
“The process is working as it’s designed to work in Pennsylvania,” Chapman promised.
And I believe her. The question is who designed the process and what outcome do they have in mind?
In October, the Supreme Court threw out a court’s illegal ruling that barring undated ballots violated the Civil Rights Act. A judge decided that when it says, “the elector shall then fill out, date and sign”, the date is actually optional because the word “shall” is not “mandatory”.
Chapman insists that the Supreme Court ruling on undated ballots “provides no justification for counties to exclude ballots based on a minor omission, and we expect that counties will continue to comply with their obligation to count all legal votes.”
So expect a lot of undated ballots to be found and a lot of days to be spent counting them.
“Election workers must be given a reasonable amount of time to do their jobs thoroughly,” Chapman urged. We used to get election results immediately. Now counting votes has to be done “thoroughly” and requires a “reasonable amount of time” which is measured in “at least a few days”. Or however long it will take, a few weeks, a few months or a few years.
And then she complained about “misinformation”.
In Michigan, Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson warned that “unofficial results” might only be available “within 24 hours of the polls closing”.
This should sound familiar. In 2020, Benson, a veteran of the Southern Poverty Law Center and assorted structural initiatives to benefit Democrat voter strategies nationwide, warned that, “We should be prepared for this to be closer to an election week as opposed to an Election Day.”
Benson was able to preemptively send out absentee ballots to millions of people, rewriting election law, and getting away with it. Since then, she has kept on trying to unilaterally write election laws, but without the pandemic, she’s been losing some of those battles. Her attempt to control poll watchers was struck down as illegal because the activist didn’t bother actually going through the process. But the absentee ballots are going out and the results will be delayed.
Like Chapman, Benson had complained that election results would be delayed because she couldn’t pre-process absentee ballots. Except that she now legally can.
Last month, Gov. Whitmer and Republican legislators gave election officials two days to pre-process and prep absentee ballots. After demanding that authority, Benson and election officials claim that it’ll do no good. The majority won’t pre-process and Benson claims that there isn’t enough money to actually carry it out.
With at least 1.8 million absentee ballots coming in, there’ll be plenty of excuses for delays.
In Wayne County, home of Detroit, officials warned that they wouldn’t be able to get their results in because AT&T no longer provides 3G services. AT&T and other companies had spent years warning about a 3G transition. Even most ordinary AT&T and Verizon customers knew that 3G was being left behind. And yet the officials in charge of Ground Zero for ballot counting in Michigan were somehow unaware and had no plans for moving past an outdated technology.
Next up, the dog ate all the ballots.
But if you’re at all worried that anything funny might be going on, Benson’s Department of State has a video urging voters not to “believe the lie that dead people vote.” The video, ominously warns that there are people out there who “want you to think elections aren’t fair”. It assures skeptics that the only reason dead people appear to vote is because they “cast an absentee ballot” and coincidentally “then died right before Election Day”. Nothing nefarious is going on.
Election officials, no matter how partisan or self-interested they may be, are to be innately trusted.
Anything else is an “attack on democracy”.
Then again, the Philly Inquirer just reported that “Philadelphia’s top elections official and her office knowingly misled voters multiple times this month” The Democrat paper warns that this “could further erode trust as growing elements of the Republican Party are seeking to undermine election results — especially by attacking Philadelphia.”
Top election officials lie and Republicans pounce is the narrative.
The midterm election rigging is underway. It’s not glamorous work. Mostly it involves bureaucratic rules, election battles and building an infrastructure in which election security is a joke and there are plenty of opportunities to poison the well.
When the real election begins only after the polls close then democracy really does die in darkness.
Ugly Sid says
Brazenness is its strength.
The Soviet Union collapsed because of the naked disparity between the elites that drove automobiles, weekended in their dachas and dined upon comestibles vended through exclusive, nonpublic commissaries.
On their upside, the “public” could expect to max out with aspiring to stainless steel teeth and escaping scurvy.
Look to your political Left and see if you spot a domestic, contemporary diorama displaying similarity.
The Redhawk says
David Ray says
The mules running around stuffing drop boxes will leave their cell phones at home.
Leftist frauds learned from “2000 Mules”; Mitch McConnell learned nothing from it.
Michin David says
Always a day late, under that corrupt Turtle.
Jeff Bargholz says
The same ways as in 2020, apparently.
No Spam says
” … because of the naked disparity between the elites….” and whom?
Unless you identify the other group, the statement is incomplete, and makes no sense.
Ugly Sid says
Solzhenitsyn. Former Red Army artillery officer became a zek upon criticising Stalin in a private letter. He was sent to the camps. His life’s work was as historian to the millions who suffered under the twentieth century’s great social experiment.
You owe it to yourself to peruse his writings, his biography and bona fides.
Ugly Sid says
A reasonable contemporary vernacular would seem the non elite were “workers”, as in the worker’s paradise.
Ugly Sid says
Founded by Big Bill Haywood, who defected to the said worker’s paradise, and expired in Moscow in 1928.
TruthLaser says
The judge saying “shall” is not a required instruction to voters makes me wonder about appearing in the court of that judge. If I called the judge “Mr. Judge” would I be told, “You shall address me as Your Honor” and then be held in contempt for failing to do so?
Kasandra says
It is a fundamental rule of statutory interpretation that the use of the word “shall” is a mandatory command. Otherwise, the word “may” would have been used. Either the judge never went to law school or is a partisan politician in robes. There are no other possibilities for that decision.
World@70 says
Even the left leaning Google provides synonyms for SHALL as, “SHOULD, WILL and MUST”. Doesn’t seem to be much room for that judge’s ruling.
Jeff Bargholz says
Word weasels have claimed the word “shall” isn’t necessarily an imperative for awhile now. It’s just another sleazy way to subvert laws, and it’s false. Dirtbagocrats and other lefties are shameless in their subversive sabotage of laws, traditions and culture. Our current dictionaries help their cause too, because ALL of them have words with incorrect spellings, pronunciations and definitions jammed into them.
“Shall” is always an imperative, no matter what crooked bureaucrats and fake dictionaries compiled by descriptivists and “woke” activists claim. That means it’s “mandatory. It’s absurd to pretend otherwise but Dirtbagocrats will use the absurd or any other tactic to get what they want, won’t they? They have no scruples when it comes to cheating for power.
Dr2xFour says
Back in the old days I’d walk to the polls in two foot snow drifts uphill both ways to vote in person. Oh how I long for those days.
Jeff Bargholz says
Me too, and I didn’t even have shoes.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Like a full court press in basketball, or a blitz in football, they are coming from every direction, hoping some will get through.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, and knowing many will get through. You’re right, they’ll use any means known and are always devising new angles, like the drop boxes and universal mail in ballots so prevalent in 2020.
It’s guaranteed that the RINOs and MAGA Republicans would take the House and Senate easily in a halfway fair election but boy, do I worry about Dirtbagocrat cheating.
Algorithmic Analyst says
“nothing nefarious is happening”
That’s the kind of thing street criminals say to you on a dark night, when they catch you outside, and try to convince you to come with them to a dark alley where they are in control.
Jeff Bargholz says
Where’s Batman when you need him?
Algorithmic Analyst says
That’s a good example of the dangers in the ambiguity of the English language.
World@70 says
Even the left leaning Google provides synonyms for SHALL as, “SHOULD, WILL and MUST”. Doesn’t seem to be much room there
Algorithmic Analyst says
Yeah, I looked it up, the original definition was pretty strict, but has loosened up a bit over the centuries.
Jeff Bargholz says
I think it’s more like decades.
Jeff Bargholz says
“Will” and “must” are correct, “should” isn’t.
Jeff Bargholz says
“Shall” is an imperative but because dictionaries now use false and bastardized definitions which match the incorrect usage of words by the public, even if it’s only a small portions of the public, the definitions of many common words such as “infer,” “Palestine,” “reticent” and even “man” and “woman” have been subverted by left-wing lexicographers (descriptivists, actually) to promote their collective opinions and agendas. Leftists subvert everything they’re a part of and make it sociopolitical and dictionaries are no different. The change of dictionaries from guides for the correct usage of words started decades ago and it’s become so bad that any current dictionary is worse than worthless and is a propaganda tool for the left.
I buy dictionary volumes from the late 1960s. They’re accurate, copious and usually come in three volumes with extra features such as grammar guides, differences between American and Commonwealth English, and much more.
Kynarion Hellenis says
You might enjoy a dictionary aggregator like Onelook.com. It even has Webster’s 1828 dictionary, which is fascinating to compare to modern editions.
Jeff Bargholz says
Thanks! I just bookmarked it and will explore it later but I entered a few words in a few sources for a quick look. I entered “stygian” because it’s a bit obscure but not so obscure that nobody knows what it means and it’s not archaic. Many sources didn’t have it (crappy dictionaries) but I was sorry that “Worthless Word For The Day” didn’t, because I like that word. I’ll check later what else that source considers worthless. “Webster’s 1828” had it but it was the “hellish” definition, which is actually secondary to the “gloomy” definition. On “the Phrontistery – A Dictionary Of Obscure Words,” all the definitions are listed under the first letter on a single page you have to scroll down and I found “stygian” under “S.”
Jeff Bargholz says
Boy, does this dictionary make me feel like an illiterate ignoramus. Here’s a small section under “S.” I only knew a few of them before I saw this!
“scuttlebutt cask of drinking water aboard a ship; rumour, idle gossip
scuttles portholes on a ship
scyphiform shaped like a cup
scytodepsic of, like or pertaining to tanning leather
se twenty-five-stringed Chinese zither
seacock bold sea rover
seahog porpoise
sealine the sea horizon
sebaceous of or like tallow
sebastomania religious insanity
sebiferous bearing fatty matter
secateurs pruning-shears
secco painting on dry plaster
secern to discriminate or distinguish; to secrete
secodont having cutting teeth
secque lightweight clog
secreta products of secretion
secretagogue substance inducing or stimulating secretion
secretaire writing desk
secretum private seal
sectile capable of being cut easily with a knife
sectiuncle small section
secularism theory that morality should not be governed by considerations of God
secund on one side only
secundine afterbirth
secundogeniture custom where second-oldest child inherits property”
I entered “infer” and was pleased to find some of the current dictionaries don’t list “imply” as one of the definitions. The two words are antonyms. Sadly, only the 1828 and 1919 Webster’s dictionaries were correct. The different current ones listed “imply” as a synonym.
Thanks again. I’m going to have a good time with that website. 🙂
Don Davenport says
Get ready for the “most secure election in American history” part 2.
World@70 says
I saw a couple of hosts on Fox News say the Dems have only two things to run on, abortion and election integrity. HUH???
Jeff Bargholz says
Election integrity. That’s hilarious.
Jeff Bargholz says
The usual suspects are already saying that, LOL!
truebearing says
I hope no one is so gullible that they believe any of the left’s preemptive lying. Biden got his ass kicked by Trump in the polls and in attendance to his rallies in 2020. Biden hid in his basement. But Biden ended up becoming the illegal, traitor president because the left invested big money and effort into every form of election rigging and fraud imaginable. And they did so with impunity. They knew the FBI had been thoroughly corrupted from at least the point Comey was appointed as its director.
Wray is thoroughly corrupt and Merrick is a reincarnation from Bolshevik Russia. Cheating is now official procedure in the USA. That being said, don’t stay home. Vote. No .one knows when God’s hand will help those who honor His laws and act on faith and with courage.
john r butala says
“Biden got his ass kicked by Trump in the polls”
Totally false. Trump was the one who got his ass kicked in the polls. Several days before the election he was behind Biden by as much as ten points in some polls and almost as much in many others.
Stop believing lies or stop spreading them.
David Ray says
I’d wager that you were stupid enough to believe that ridiculous poll that had Hillary up by 90% in 2016.
No crowds flocked to Biden. In fact there was such a void, that leftist pricks photo-shopped a giant gathering of “Latinos for Trump” and pawned it off as a crowd for Biden.
The lame trick didn’t work except with liberal lightweights.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, drive-by rallies where nobody drove by or attended. I would hear the SAME TWO car horns honk periodically from the same locations. Ridiculous. And to believe some people actually voted for that shit. Not many but more retards such as John R, Butthola than America should be stuck with.
truebearing says
“Totally false”…hey, that is the perfect screen name for you
Show us these polls you made up. Citing imaginary polls may work in your deluded, diminutive mind. It may make you feel better, but it won’t work here. Trump was crushing Biden in every possible way, with the exception of the cretin, idiot, imbecile, and moron demographics.
Jeff Bargholz says
The polls were ridiculous lies, you hopeless trolltard.
Jeff Bargholz says
I voted by mail in early October because I live in CA, which allows voting for close to a month and counting as long as it takes for the Dirtbagocrats to have more ballots than the Republicans. If I were to go vote on election day, they’d have had a month to subvert my ballot. It’s better here to add my ballot to the early deluge mailed in and hope it makes it through.
That’s how badly the D-Bags have subverted the voting process. Guys like me have to live with it and there’s not a damned thing I can do except try to subvert the subversive voting process. It boils my blood. I’ve been seething since November 11th, 2020, and the last two years have been the worst for our country in my entire lifetime. Worse than all the 56 which came before.
Jeff Bargholz says
Worse than all the 56 previous years PUT TOGETHER, I meant to write.
alex9234 says
Hey! Glad to see you back on here! Man, things have gotten worse here in this country.
Kevin says
In PA, even more partisan than the Wolf administration is the State Supreme court. 4 of the judges on the court are hard core partisan hacks that allowed PA to be stolen for Biden and THEY set the congressional boundaries giving Democrats 4 additional congressional seats. The State constitution says the legislature is suppose to set the boundaries, but these 4 always say the constitution is what makes Democrats more powerful.
Black JEM says
I do not think the Supreme Court will let this go so quietly this time. If the local GOP have their side ready, they can get a fair amount of these things fixed, or illegal ballots nixed from the count.
Michin David says
From your lips to God’s ears.
Jeff Bargholz says
The election is only seven days away and voting has been going on for nearly a month in many places.
J.J. Sefton says
“This delay does not mean anything nefarious is happening.” = “Be quiet and everything will be all right” (9/11 hijacker)
Steven Brizel says
The Democrats are desperate and will do anything to avoid the consequences of the election because a loss means a loss of power
World@70 says
Not just power, some may face fraud or criminal charges. Who Knows what else?
The Sentient Sheep says
“Election Day” has evolved into “Election Season” that is a completely obscure time frame from way way before to way way after. The rules are changed on the fly with zero legislative input. Computerized vote machines experience “glitches” and inexplicable shut downs. In the end it is declared the leftist win….again….. and to question the outcome is deemed treason by the winner’s. The American public by large are ship of fools to tolerate what is happening.
RichardWindsor says
It cannot be underscored enough to anyone age 35 or younger: BEFORE the “Age of the Internet,” and electronic voting (i.e. last 15 years), ALL U.S. elections during my lifetime (I’m 50) were complete and tabulated THE NIGHT OF THE ELECTION, with very few exceptions. This, with paper ballots, scan-tron ballots, etc.
Anyone claiming that it now takes LONGER to tabulate ballots than it did when we counted votes by hand and with scan-trons is LYING TO YOU. It’s a farce on its face.
Use of “technology,” as such, is supposed to improve things. More accurate. Faster. Etc. The fact that it doesn’t for vote tabulation, is the prima facie evidence that voter fraud at scale is a real thing. It’s that, or, it’s true that #2 pencils and scan-trons were more advanced “technology” than Dominion machines. Third-world bananna stuff right here.
World@70 says
I’m a good bit older than you, I first voted with pen and paper ballot, but I agree the advancement in tech. voting just opened the door for some to take advantage of potential fraud. Of course there were over 100 million less people then.
William S. Heaps says
This article is so full of shit. Republicans are all over this election so no impropriety will go un remarked. And many non-impropriety will be called out because the watchers are hyper-polarized.
There was no election fraud in 2020 (even Trump has admitted that). This whole exercise is driven by the childish man’s giant ego. Talk about a waste of time and money!
No valid evidence of fraud will be turned up this time around either. Maybe its because there is no fraud. Or maybe its because the Democratic fraudsters are too smart for you. Undermining election integrity has been around for decades—the ‘Commies’ started doing it during the cold war. You are the latest incarnation and your fact-free innuendo serves no good for our country.
truebearing says
You’re the one who is full of shit. First of all, show me the quote where Trump “admitted” the 2020 election wasn’t rigged.
Everyone with an IQ above 25 knew the 2020 election was rigged. I guess the IQ This may be why you think you can claim it wasn’t, and that Trump admitted it. Two lies and each is profoundly stupid.
“Heaps” is a fitting name for you. I’ll bet the middle initial is “shit” too..
Jeff Bargholz says
If you’re going to regurgitate a lie, make it a BIG and reverse reality one, eh, little Adolph? You fascist fuck.
How contemptible are you to advocate for the current disastrous state of America caused by cheating Dirtbagocrats? The entire country and everybody in it have had our way of life severely diminished, with the exception of scum sucking politicians and the moneyed interests they collude with.
You’re beneath contempt.
Noah Andeark says
One thing is for certain. If JoJo is in the White House due to fraud, no Democrats care as the goal was to get rid of President Trump by any means necessary.
Their moral and intellectual leader Jane Fonda said it best: “Covid is God’s gift to the left”. Is there a reason you think it was OK to allow judges and others that were NOT State legislators to change State election laws?
alex9234 says
“ There was no election fraud in 2020”
Yes there was. In the Arizona audit, more than 50,000 invalid Biden votes were found, 5X the amount that Biden “won” by.
Over 230,000 invalid Biden votes were found in Michigan, 70,000 more than what Biden “won” by.
Wisconsin declared the 2020 election unconstitutional and over 40,000 invalid Biden votes were found there.
Try harder, Tankie.
Una Salus says
The only way anything nefarious will come to light is if Republicans get in on the act.
Jeff Bargholz says
They’ll be accused of it anyway. The Dirtbagocrat hypocrites always yell “election fraud!” when they lose.
armando simon says
With all sorts of surveillance equipment available to private detectives, potential information could be obtained to demonstrate electoral fraud.
Jeff Bargholz says
And promptly dismissed by activist courts and their criminal judges, unfortunately.
Rickey Howard says
The democrats have claimed the elections have been rigged every time a republican president has been elected starting with Bush in 2000. In every case, our republican lead government never stifled free speech for those claiming election fraud. In every case, the republicans have offered common sense voting reform to our elections, such as voter ID, same day results, and election transparency. In every case the Democrats refused, because they know the only way that poor policies and candidates can win is by election/voter fraud. Politics is not a gentlemen’s sport; it is a blood sport that needs to be fought vigorously and sometimes dirty.
alex9234 says
The results of the 2000 election radicalized the left immensely. They still haven’t gotten over it.
World@70 says
Thanks Daniel
“the Ford Foundation, which worked against voter ID rules to stop voter fraud “
Great phrase, an oxymoron for the left to live by. What’s next?
Anne-Marie says
Why on earth would it take “days” to know who won? (A rhetorical question). Here in Canada, they close the polls at 6PM local time across Canada, local scrutineers count the ballots and phone in the results at headquarters. No ballots are accepted after 6PM. The official voting results are published within a day or two.
Michin David says
I believe Italy got it done the same day.
Patriotic American says
Some states are taking measures to secure voter integrity. I recently moved to Florida, and I haven’t gotten a driver’s license from that state yet, so I had to fill out an absentee ballot from my previous state and fill it in. Florida does try to take measures to oppose fraud, but it’s hard to counter fraud when voting machines are in every state of the Union and the algorithms are set.
Hairy Reams says
Don’t blame the scumbag scumorats. Scumbags do what comes naturally to scumbags — lie, cheat and steal.
Blame the ones directly responsible for electing the maggots who can create protocols for cheating — the stupid electorate.
You get what you elect, idiots.
Tex the Mockingbird says
Will t hose no account Polecats cheat again? Dont put it past those Sidewinder to do it they have the M.S. Media Owlhoots to cover for them
Andrew Blackadder says
Perhaps America should invite some foreign country to come over and oversee this next Election in the USA as the USA has certainly payed the high horse game when it went to many other nations to oversee their Elections as Uncle Sam didnt want the corruption to enter a ”free election” in whatever nation it was.
So perhaps some African or South American politicians can come over the USA next week and make sure the election is free and fair as is done in their country.
That should sort it all out, dont ya think?.
Anne says
We all know that the power brokers, movers, and shakers of the New World Order, the elites, billionaires, and politicians who support socialism, are not going to let go of their power. They will do anything to derail American society and a Constitutional Republic, as they are doing in other countries. Cheat, lie, steal, change times and laws, is their mantra. Everyone needs to go vote in huge volume for the right kind of government and leaders who represent YOU, not global bureaucracy.
Kynarion Hellenis says
If power is obtained by unpunished cheating, what will prevent its reoccurrence?
alex9234 says
If it takes more than a day to count the vote, your election system is below the standard of third-world countries – which consistently demonstrate, worldwide, the ability to count votes in one day.
Spurwing Plover says
I read one about Voting Machines that switched the Republican vote over to the Democrat and how a Democrat was caught with Voting Machine in their car