Although Mark Steyn writes knowledgeably about a great many topics, he keeps returning to what he calls the biggest story of our time—the planet’s demographic death spiral.
The decline in population is a global phenomenon, but it’s happening faster in the West and in Japan. For a description of where it all ends, Steyn recommends P.D. James dystopian novel, The Children of Men.
Published in 1992, the story is set in 2021 in a world that has become literally sterile: human beings have lost the power to reproduce. Steyn points out that James’s description of a childless society is uncannily prescient:
In Lady James’s speculative fiction, pets are doted on as child substitutes, and churches hold christening ceremonies for cats. In contemporary Japanese reality, Tokyo has some forty ‘cat cafes’, where lonely solitary citizens can while away an afternoon by renting a feline to touch and pet for a couple of companionable hours.
In Lady James’s speculative fiction, all the unneeded toys are burned, except for the dolls, which childless women seize on as the nearest thing to a baby and wheel through the streets. In contemporary Japanese reality, toy makers, their children’s market dwindling, have instead developed dolls for seniors to be the grandchildren they’ll never have.
Moreover, in James’s novel, contrary to modern expectations, sex becomes less frequent, not more, once it has no consequences. Indeed, the authorities set up state-sponsored porn shops “in an effort to reverse the populace’s flagging sexual desire just in case man’s seed should recover its potency.” But the tactic doesn’t work.
Coincidentally, the New York Times recently published a report on the declining rate of teenagers who are sexually active. According to the report, one reason for the decline might be the widespread availability of online pornography. Some teens may even come to prefer online sex to the real thing since it is considerably less complicated than going through the awkward business of meeting and getting to know another person. One consequence of the porn habit is that it can impair one’s ability to form genuine relationships. As Jonathan Van Maren observes in LifeSite News, “It is undoubtedly true that porn addiction is impacting real relationships, and that the net effect of a generation rewiring their minds to respond to digital sexual toxins are just beginning to become clear—we are facing the highest rate of erectile dysfunction in males under the age of thirty in recorded history.”
The people in The Children of Men are caught up in a biological event beyond their control, but many today seem to be opting for what Steyn calls a “voluntary societal self-extinction.” This societal death wish is evidenced not only by record levels of abortion, but also by government promotion of euthanasia in many parts of the world including in Canada and Western Europe.
And then there’s the growing spread of the LGBT ethos. It only takes a moment’s thought to realize that LGBT sex is (with the exception of the “B”) sterile sex. It is the perfect example of “voluntary societal self-extinction.” The chief obligation of every society is the reproduction of the species; yet, increasingly, societies celebrate sexual lifestyles that have little to do with reproduction.
Take the trans craze. In the UK, the number of children and young adults who identify as transgender increased by 4,000 percent between 2009 and 2018. Moreover, according to a recent report, 8,000 teens are now seeking puberty blockers and trans hormones from the UK health system. As is now well-known, these treatments often result in permanent sterility. Sadly, today’s cultural elites and social influencers rarely bother to remind youngsters that they might one day want to become fathers or mothers. And so, the demographic death spiral continues.
There is one other factor to consider. Birth rates are declining all over the world. At current rates, most societies will eventually face extinction. But some will face it sooner than others. Societies that began the reproductive decline many decades ago will be increasingly vulnerable to defeat or replacement by societies that entered the decline only recently. For example, by some projections Islam will become the dominant religion in many parts of western Europe by mid-century or shortly thereafter. Indeed, some Muslim leaders have boasted that they will triumph over the West because their women are more fertile. But that is a subject for another time.
Another subject for another time is the possibility that governments in collusion with the medical establishment and the pharmaceutical industry have deliberately embarked on a global sterilization program through the use of Covid vaccines. For more on that topic, see Naomi Wolf’s carefully researched articles and interviews in Front Page.
In the meantime, consider investing in pet supply companies and manufacturers of lifelike baby dolls.
“ In contemporary Japanese reality, Tokyo has some forty ‘cat cafes’,
They are all over the UK too.
Agenda 2030 is the UN’s open call for depopulation of the western world.
The UN Agenda 21 culminated with convid, how will their 2030 end?
Also women now have complete control over their reproductive lives
and are no longer subject to endless pregnancies without being
able to do anything about it. If they are struggling financially,
they can limit the number of children they have and avoid being
mired in poverty. Or opt for whatever reason to have no kids at all.
And for Muslim leaders to brag about replacing infidels because
their women are more fertile – what a crock. The real reason is
because in Islam, women are considered little more than chattel
and broodmares.
With the coming population implosion of the western world we may well wish we had more “mares” with larger broods.
One sure mark of the declining morals is that most of today’s generation does not care to wits for the next generation. They couldn’t care less if the human race becomes extinct. In fact, many of them think this is a good thing.
When America was first being settled, a lot of what people did in pursuing freedom was for future generations. They knew that in the fight for freedom, they would likely lose their very lives, but at least future generations would be free. They recognized a duty and a calling to make the world better for future generations they would never know. They were true heroes.. .
So does the benefit of women having complete control of reproduction through contraception abortion and societal celebration of lesbian sex worth the cost of extinction of a society?
I don’t know why, precisely, the population of industrialized, western, countries is going down, I don’t think any one has the precise answer right now.
Or even if that decline in births is permanent or catastrophic. This doomsday scenario smacks of the fear-mongering pessimism and nonsense of Malthus but in reverse. It smacks of the fear-mongering, doomsday nonsense of Global Warming/Climate Change. William Kirkpatrick is a devout Catholic so of course he is philosophically invested in the idea that men and women exist not to pursue personal happiness but to sacrifice themselves for his Lord.
Men and women are not stock-farm animals for the Lord or for Almighty Society. Man — every man — is an end in himself. The moral purpose of life is to pursue rational values and by achieving rational values, achieving personal, individual, happiness.
Having a brood of sacrificial babies for the Lord or for Almighty Society isn’t going to achieve any one’s happiness, least of all for the sacrificial parents and the brood of sacrificial children.
Never had children, have you?
Not to satisfy and obey your Lord Jesus, or Allah, the Chinese Communist Party, Hitler and the Nazis, or Almighty Society, no I haven’t.
“Hitler encourages Germans to have multiple children with the Mother’s Cross”
Individual happiness is never achieved by achieving rational values.
Who gets to choose which values are rational?? Your statements are your opinion not truth.
You have a choice, you either live by pursuing rational values or you pursue irrational whims.
Pursuing irrational whims will lead to your unhappiness and destruction.
I found a video for you.
Why don’t you take the advice of this video and apply it to all the absurd and irrational claims of Judeo-Christianity?
Only a complete fool says there is no God, and only a moronic fool would say children are only sacrificial babies to Him. But the God-fearing only have pity for you and your fellow alphabet fools prancing in the streets, howling at the sky. When you and your fellow misfits and ghouls eventually move ever closer with each other in secluded bliss, in one generation all of you will cease to exist.
Does anyone remember the time years ago when we were being lambasted with the angers in the over population of the planet and the huge push to deal with this by having fewer children? Well, the people of developed, successful nations listened and obeyed, the result being more couples having no children, most having only one or two kids, and a sharp decline in large families. BUT, third world nations such as Africa and muslims paid no attention to this and continued to avoud birth control and have large families. The next step in this long-term plan for planet earth arrived just a few short years ago, when, all of a sudden, we started seeing wholesale migration from those Muslim and third world nations TO successful western nations. And this was accompanied by the demands that because of low birthrates, the only solution to being able to keep going their social programs for their senior citizens was to import millions of young migrants to work and pay taxes to support those programs. And so, the planned invasion of people of corrupt, poor, and muslim nations began, but as we have seen, this has worked out to. Truly be invasions to take over those wealthier nations and co-opt everything there for themselves, effectively destroying the very foundations of those previously successful, democratic societies. And so the future goes.
You have 33 down votes from the panicking sheeple. The population when I was a kid was 150 million in America and about 3 billion world wide, now over 35o million in America and over 8 billion world wide and growing exponentially. These are the same people I suppose that drive in clogged up groups or enjoy crowded beachs and long lines in stores and airports. Sheep.
Sammy – I was referring to contraception. I believe abortion
as a birth control method is evil. And as much as I abhor
today’s LGBTQ agenda – it is not just societal celebration of
lesbian sex that contributes to a plummeting birth rate. It is
also societal celebration of gay male sex – where you have
millions of homosexual men who are not impregnating
women and who are therefore also contributing to the
extinction of society.
If that’s what it takes, so be it. Either we have the Taliban or we have a society where men can be imprisoned and their lives destroyed for “traumatizing” the wrong girl by asking her out. There’s no compromise.
You state that poor women (or more accurately couples) who cannot control their fertility can end up mired in poverty, but many people do not look at it that way. I’m an Orthodox Jew and we view every child as a blessing, so even if the family doesn’t live in luxury, or even much comfort, each child is more important. The Amish look at children the same way, as do other traditional cultures. Personally I think that the birth control pill, which became available in 1960, was no positive achievement for society. It turned women into sex toys and sex into recreation rather than, well, actual creation.
Muslim women would also like to control their fertility. It’s actually one of the first things women in all countries demand. We also have plenty of christian pukes in the US who demand “their” woman churn out babies. The difference is we have (or had) some laws that gave women some options.
The fact is when standards of living in a country improve family size goes down.
Several people would sincerely like to know if you’re aware that every living thing on the planet would 100% disagree with you!
We aren’t bacteria. When people have some assurance that their kids will actually survive family sizes go down. The only real exceptions are from religious groups who follow Bronze Age primitives when it comes to the role of women in society.
I don’t think your conjecture is completely true or completely false. My best guess is that today’s industrialized prosperity with access to contraception and the right to abortion leads to fewer children than pre-industrialized poverty.
But it is also an observable fact that when a recession or depression hits an industrialized country, and you have economic insecurity, birth rate goes down, when the recession or depression is over and a boom is underway birth rates go up again.
There is probably an over all average birth rate above the replenishment point for population growth to occur that an industrialized country eventually settles at. But only if that country remains stable in its economic freedom and therefore economic growth, leading to growing optimism and financial security among the citizens. But the reason that the birth rate has dropped below that growth rate in Europe and may be dropping in other industrialized countries is a perpetual cycle of boom and bust and ever growing pessimism and economic insecurity.
In the 1950s, 60s, and 70s, it was relatively easy for an American couple to marry and buy a house with only the man working a blue-collar job, now it’s much more difficult. The American welfare-state has kept growing and expanding crushing the young and young couples getting started in life.
I have another guess. Many of the invading Muslims may actually, eventually, realize that having more than 2 or 3 children leads to poverty or dire straits, and with better access to contraception and abortion all but the hardcore true-believers will opt for fewer children.
Christians are not pukes and it is a gross misrepresentation to say that they make their women churn out children. You must be ignorant or very much uninformed.
No, I think it is because the Muslim.mem take care of the wives and children, unlike most Western men who have been brainwashed to be lazy and guilt women to do everything– being the man & the woman, under the guise of equality.
This masculine trait, which so many Western men have forsaken, is what even attracts British girls to.the Muslim men.
Thankfully there have been a few conservative voices to reinvigorate and re-train young males to be providers.
The Great Resetters and other one world government disciples believe there are way too many humans on earth.
Numbers between 600,000 and three billion are tossed about as ideal limits for humanity, with a few nutters hoping for a total wipeout.
So pick your poison – war, pestilence or sterility
I wish we could choose. It may be that all are chosen for us.
Exactly: Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and their fellow WEF/Davos oligarchs have declared, out loud, that they want to see the world’s human population reduced to 500 million, meaning that the other 6.5 billion of us will somehow need to be “liquidated.” To “save the Planet” from exactly whom, or what?
We’re already seeing the early, “easy” stages of this Plan, with the “euthanasia” (either forced or strongly urged) of the elderly (now meaning anyone over age 60, or now retired, even after a lifetime of wage-earning, taxpaying work); the promotion of the LGBTQXYZ+ Lifestyle or the lunacy of “Transsexualism” even to the youngest children; the withholding of normal, regular medical care from those deemed “undeserving” or “unneeded” (most infamously over the past few years the “Unvaccinated,” who are today’s equivalent of the “Uncircumcised,” or the new “Lepers,” to be shunned, fled from, and cursed.
In reply to a post, above, of our most annoying Troll here on FPM: To a Christian, the Purpose of Life is Redemption and Salvation, not to comply with the commands of the Davos oligarchs and the secular political figures who do their bidding.
The writer touched on a possible side effect of the Covid vaccines being responsible for infertility. It would go along with what Covid was designed for by the USA funded research in Wuhan- develop a virus that kills off the sick and elderly to reduce the burden on society.
”virus that kills off the sick and elderly to reduce the burden on society.”
Governments are a jealous god. They want to be the only burden on society.
See Rachel Carson’s “Silent
Spring – “
It’s the for runner. To Theo colborns
“Stolen future “
In the short term
Islam might indeed
Be the world dominating religion
Cultural force –
As a sort of Excelled copulatory
Jihad – this can
Be evidenced. In many western. Countries where. Muslim families often have larger
Families by far than
There western counter parts
It sure looks that way. The bioweapon had a target vulnerable group. Democrat politicians overtly did all they could to spread it.
I wonder if it was specifically engineered to do that or if was just a “lucky finding” for these criminals.
Focus on vaccines has obscured such important questions.
This is narcissism writ large
Porn is the elephant in the room. It is a wildfire burning out of control.
If you have a son and even a daughter have a phone take it from them now.
Look at it.
Talk about it.
Get out in front of it NOW!
Do whatever it takes to protect them from this DEMON!
Give YOUR phone to your wife / partner. Let them do the same.
MEN…. statistically speaking close to 90% of US are engaging in this.
If you have a phone and it is not blocked or filtered in some manner YOU ARE LOOKING and YOU KNOW YOU ARE.
You know it!
I know it!
You know I know it!
In my humble opinion this ENTIRE mess we find ourselves in IS ON US! Men refusing to be men.
My two cents. Factoring the vegetable in chiefs muddling up our affairs it is worth 2 plugged nickels.
I believe you to be correct about men abdicating their roles as fathers but they’ve had lots of help over the past 50 years from The State. The State has seen to it that mothers are better parents and by far more often give custody to mothers and then they often burden men with unrealistic child support orders that often leave them financially destitute. If you make $50,000 a year and pay the govenrment their 15-25% in taxes then pay 25-30% of your gross pay in child support there aren’t many places in the US that you can still live on $25-30,000, never mind have money to spend on your kids the one night a week and every other weekend most Dads get.
Maybe this has happened before and will happen again. After enough expansion of wealth perhaps there is no option but contraction. Without the external pressures of deprivation peoples seem to become neurotic, narcissistic and self destructive. Hopelessness is an overwhelming theme of the modern world. Personally I’d blame it on Godlessness. And without hope what is the point? On every continent population is in retreat, sans Africa. Interestingly faith is expanding there, Christianity and Islam. Maybe civilization will in the end be preserved by one of the cradles of its birth.
What was the population of Christian Europe during the Christian Dark Ages? How many women died giving birth? How many children died in childhood of disease, hunger, and malnutrition? What was the life expectancy in Christendom in the year 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800? As late as 1845 Christendom experienced the Great Irish Famine. Did having a brood of children for the Lord save the Irish from death by starvation?
When the Christian superstition ruled the West life was nasty, brutish, and short. It was only when the Christian superstition had lost its complete stranglehold on the Western mind that science and technology began to grow again in the West eventually leading to the Industrial Revolution and a population explosion.
“The supernatural doctrines of the [Christian] Middle Ages, . . . kept men huddling on the mud floors of their hovels, in terror that the devil might steal the soup they had worked eighteen hours to earn.” – Ayn Rand
The modern atheistic materialism, as seen in the modern religion of evolutionism, has no understanding of why and for what purpose the universe exists. Nor, does this worldview have any real understanding of man’s ultimate place in the universe. In their minds all has come about by accident, without any transcendent Designer and Mind. Thus one is left with feeble statements like “existence exists”, etc. Because there is an element of sinful self exaltation in holding on to naturalism and atheistic materialism, fallen man is attracted to this worldview. However, with this worldview comes a form of self deception that has moral and spiritual consequences that are unforeseen by those blinded by it. The hostility to the person of Jesus Christ gives it all away. To those who understand that He was and is the light and saviour of the world, there is a bright future. At the very point of the self destruction, brought on by sinful man, God will intervene by way of the power and glory of the coming of the Son of Man. Praise be to God!
The Dark Ages is an derogatory term for the Middle Ages, a period of time you seem to have very little understanding of. Many historians and scientists attribute the relative poverty during this age to be due to a cooling of the climate relative to what it was during the late Roman period. Large portions of the reason you hold so dear came out of this era. The Renaissance and Scientific Revolution didn’t happen in a vacuum and were the result knowledge preserved by monks studiously copying it. Many scientific discoveries were made by priests and other religious. Copernicus was a deacon. Galileo was funded by the Pope. The church was the benefactor to many researching how things worked. Funny isn’t it that the scientific explosion happened in a Western world dominated by the Christian “superstition”?
You’re mixing apples and worms and attributing the nutrition of the apples to the worms. Christianity is the worm in the apple of the West’s Greco-Pagan Aristotelian heritage.
Funny how you Christians destroyed 90% of Classical Greco-Roman Antiquity, saved a mere 10% that didn’t offend your superstition too much, and now not only take proud and arrogant credit for saving 10% while ignoring the 90% you destroyed, but also have the gall to credit your superstition as actually being rational. Your revisionist Christian history is pathetic and also dangerous. Rodney Stark and his revisionist ilk are as morally grotesque as the Marxists that claim “Real communism has never been tried”, or the Muslims who claim “Real Islam is a religion of peace”.
You Christians have the revisionist gall to arrogantly proclaim, “Christianity is actually rational and restored and saved the West’s rational and scientific Greco-Roman heritage!” What a crock!
“Christianity’s War against the Mind – Aristotle Versus Religion” – Andrew Bernstein
Reason isn’t without error, the murderous French Revolution was based on “reason”. Many would argue Communism and/or Nationalism Socialism are based on reason.
Many would argue wrongly. Anthony Fauci proclaims his thinking rational and scientific, but is it? Was Rousseau’s absurdities rational and scientific? Marx’s absurdities?
NO! Just because a charlatan like Fauci, Rosseau, or Marx proclaims his gibberish rational and scientific does not make it so.
Just like today we now have religious charlatans like Dennis Prager publishing his “Rational Bible” books doesn’t make the irrational nonsense of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden rational.
Sorry those replies were supposed to be to THX 1138
The European population more than quintupled during the period you mentioned.
Life was nasty, brutish and short everywhere on the planet up until 20th century and in many places still is. Regardless of religion or lack there of, life was universally miserable for everyone. More than likely you as a genetic deposit exist due to those in the past having “too many” children and you wouldn’t otherwise exist.
To a large extent your current comfort on planet earth isn’t simply due to the Industrial Revolution, but also how many people exist to create the goods and services you use to make your life more bearable.
Potatoes in Ireland aren’t natural to there and were introduced there from the Western Hemisphere. The Irish Potato Famine was the result of a scientific advancement so to speak.
In some of her tones Ayn says some clever stuff, but pardon me if I don’t lean on her as the authority on the Middle Ages. When it comes to her Objectivism I have to agree with Bill Buckley on how it lacks all altruism.
Who gives a crap what Andrew Bernstein, Ayn Rand or other “Objectivists” think of Christian history. Christians didn’t destroy Greco-Roman culture, they largely self destructed with the help other invading pagans.
The revisionism in this context is not coming from Christendom, but from the mid twentieth century self invention of Objectivists and their obsession with nihilist postmodernist thought.
No worries, they’re killing us with mRna shots and bringing in our baby making replacements across the south border
Fair, but don’t know whether to laugh or cry to that one.
My daughter recently became pregnant. She’s found that there are no maternity departments in stores anywhere.
In most locations there are no stores of any kind anymore, so she’s not so far from the average woman in that regard. No doubt there are online outlets, and she can make her own clothes. I enjoyed making my own maternity clothes; you don’t have to worry about the fit!
Don’t forget a lot of abortions take place every year. Also, a lot of men and women choose not to get married or have children because they do not want the responsibility of raising children in today’s society because of all the problems that it brings like drug addiction, behavior problems, etc.
That may be true, but it is a lame argument, nothing, absolutely nothing of value comes easy. They will die sad lonely people stroking their cats.
And then being eaten by said cats as soon as they attain room temperature.
Mo de Profit:
My reply was not a lame argument. It was a statement of reality as it exists today.
Have a nice evening.
“Man — every man — is an end in himself. The moral purpose of life is to pursue rational values and by achieving rational values, achieving personal, individual, happiness.” This is the biggest mistake that atheism makes. They deny that man is created in the image of God, and his highest purpose is to walk with God in reflection of the character of His Creator. The only standard from which the atheist can establish any moral system is the standard of fallen self. This is why one finds many contradictions in the moral statements of different atheists. Atheistic Marxists say one thing and Randists say another. Interestingly they both agree on abortion as a necessary principle to be valued. To kill a baby in the womb is supposed to bring some kind of happiness the themselves. Strang morality.
“This is why one finds many contradictions in the moral statements of different atheists.”
Strange morality is that Christian morality that led to many brutal and bloody Christian theocracies. That led to the Roman Inquisition and the Spanish Inquisition. That led to the burning of heretics. That produced the Christian Dark Ages. That resulted in 300 years of the bloody wars and persecutions of the Reformation and the Counter Reformation because you Christians couldn’t reconcile all the contradictions of your superstition. That led to the 20,000 Christian heretics slaughtered in 1209 at the Massacre at Beziers.
Christianity prepared the ground for Marxism, What Marx did was to secularize the Christian superstition dressing it up in pseudo-scientific gibberish.
Pope Francis was perfectly accurate when he proclaimed, “I can only say that the communists have stolen our flag. The flag of the poor is Christian. Poverty is at the center of the Gospel,” he said, citing Biblical passages about the need to help the poor, the sick and the needy.
“Communists say that all this is communism. Sure, twenty centuries later. So when they speak, one can say to them: ‘but then you are Christian’,” he said, laughing.”
“Holy Scripture and the Welfare State” – Richard M. Salsman
Usually it was military types who were in power, not religious types.
Francis seems to have as fundamental misunderstanding of Marxism/Communism as you do.
All forms of sex other than within marriage are sterile
There are married Christian couples who are infertile. Maybe we should do a pagan fertility “Rain Dance” for them.
At least they’re trying. We can all be glad you’re not.
It seems so simple, that maybe it is stupid. But I think that the low sperm count problem may be do to having the electric light, and gadgets to keep us up at night. Circadian rhythm issues.
Not saying there cant be other issues included, but I think its a part of the problem.
Bomb me.
There could be a lot of environmental factors, including the breakdown of plastics into estrogen-mimicking compounds. And Heaven only knows what sort of pharmaceuticals are in the water supply.
Thanks Lightbringer. It certainly seems a strange phenomenon, yet statistically proven. I have no idea what the exact cause is.
P.D. James’s “The Children of Men” is a truly stunning novel, in the literal sense of the word. It’s the sort of novel that forces you to pay attention and stays with you; I read it when it was first published and it still haunts me. I would recommend it to anyone who wants a novel that causes some deep thinking on the part of the reader.
To keep the view expressed in this article in balance a low birth rate which results in a smaller population isn’t necessary such a terrible thing, Even in Western countries.
Considering how many people live through their entire lives and contribute nothing to socially at all of lasting value or worth. This even includes good law abiding people and not just criminals or jihadists.
For example , very few people who are born never became a a competent doctor or in other worthwhile fields as skilled designers or construction workers of a nation’s infrastructure.
This point may be illustrated by one of Aesop’s fables that has the title of THE LIONESS AND THE VIXEN
“Once a lioness and a vixen were both bragging about their offspring as some mothers do. The vixen boasted that she had many children and in by contrast the lioness has only one. To that the lioness replied ‘Yes that is true but mine is a lion.” ”
In other words , quality and not quantity is best.
But at the same time. The genius types that have changed the world for the better were mostly born from the common herd.
This being one of the reasons that Ben Franklin wanted all children to have the opportunity to get an education.
There is always a silver lining to things, and there is one here. While those on the left and their willing dupes commit societal suicde, many serious Christians and those sympathetic to them, are going in the opposite direction. There is a church in Vancouver called Holy Family where hundreds of young families gather every Sunday to worship. It is completely common to see 4, 5 and six children families there. It is the same throughout North America. The devout are reproducing while the secular are not.
So the good news is when the left and all of its culture of death mentality die out, these will be the people who are left to pick up the pieces and rebuild Canada and the USA. And that’s a good thing.
I sure don’t see it as anything to panic about. Every where I have ever lived has increased a hundred fold in population making what I remember as a great place to grow up into a crowded dump with no more woods to play in and mini malls and freeways. I live on Maui now and have been here 35 years and it’s like Los Angeles now, NOT the paradise it was once.
much of the commentary is hall marked by yodas comment ” stupid you are , breed you should not ”
ferility isn’t the problem . on average a million abortions take place annually and that is just accounting for the u.s. so fertility has no bearing . islam on the other hand will have its women pump out children nonstop as it is islams way of infiltrating the west covertly . they will eventually outnumber westerners as is the case in europe . malmo in sweden is a prime example . sex for the west is now a utilitarian exercise not a form to populate and create a family . with std s on the increase adding to the demise of a woman being able to reproduce as well as multiple sex partners prior to trying to conceive .
A Little downsizing of the world population is probably not a bad thing. I was born in 1943 and the world and America were a hell of allot less populated and life wasn’t near as busy and crowded as it is today. Quality of life is not producing children solely so that Governments and Corporations have workers and most importantly CUSTOMERS to purchase their product. Children should be brought into this world for the love of nurturing and growing them as productive members of a family and society.
The ‘Third World’ is busy overpopulating the world and causing climate change, Africans have anywhere from 4 to 7 babies on average. Look up the demographics and birthrates in each of their so-called nations. Islam as well encourages, if not forces, women to stay home and breed — look at Afghanistan. Further, Catholicism FORBIS the use of birth control, not to mention abortion. Hindus have a huge population also, over one billion, and have tribal customs that encourage many children.
Only in the Western European and North American countries is there a great ‘slowing down’ of births, and the West is now threatened with ‘A Great Replacement’, if not outright extinction, if they do not begin creating families. Take the time to look at the demographics worldwide, and then make thoughtful responsible answers to this question which threatens all of us of European blood.
And for heaven’s sake, bury Hitler and see for yourself the population problem on earth!