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Do not believe the White House/mainstream media-concocted narrative that the four criminal court cases—prosecuted by Alvin Bragg, Letitia James, Jack Smith, and Fani Willis—were not in part coordinated, synchronized, and timed to reach their courtroom psychodramatic finales right during the 2024 campaign season.
These local, state, and federal Lilliputian agendas were designed to tie down, gag, confine, bankrupt, and destroy Trump psychologically and physically. They are the final lawfare denouement to years of extra-legal efforts to emasculate him.
Indeed, the nation is by now worn out by these serial assaults on constitutional norms: the Hillary-funded Steele dossier subterfuge; the pre-election Russian laptop disinformation campaign; the two impeachments without special counsel reports; the impeachment Senate trial of a private citizen; the effort to remove Trump’s name from state ballots; the ongoing attempt to emasculate the Electoral College; or the radical opportune changes in state election laws to ensure massive mail-in balloting.
Recently, Andrew McCarthy has reviewed in depth this coordination between White House personnel and prosecutors, long known and long denied by the left. Biden, for example, had complained to aides about Attorney General Merrick Garland’s tardiness in getting special federal prosecutor Smith appointed—and thus apparently ensuring Trump was convicted before the election.
Nathan Wade, Fani Willis’s now-fired paramour prosecutor, visited and consulted with the White House counsel’s office when he was acting supposedly as a purely local county prosecutor. The January 6th left-wing-dominated congressional committee consulted with the Biden administration in sending forth its criminal referrals about Trump’s purported role in the protests. And to handle his pseudo-indictment against Trump, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg hired Biden Justice Department official Vincent Colangeio.
Two, the prosecutors’ delayed criminal indictments and E. Jean Carroll’s civil suit were predicated only on Donald Trump running for reelection. After his 2020 defeat, the loss of the two Republican senate seats in Georgia, and the January 6 demonstrations/riot, Trump was written off by pundits as politically toxic.
Then his historic comeback in the subsequent year terrified the left. The reboot prompted the subsequent indictments and suits years after the purported crimes. It was left unsaid that had Trump not been a conservative Republican and leading presidential candidate, he would have never been indicted.
Three, most of the indictments either had no prior precedent in criminal law or will likely never be used again, at least against anyone left-wing. Moreover, many of the writs relied on manipulation of statutes of limitations.
Neither Bragg nor any other local prosecutor had previously transformed a supposedly local affidavit misdemeanor into a supposed federal campaign finance violation, a gambit so preposterous that it had been passed on by federal attorneys.
Letitia James was the first New York Attorney General to indict a state resident for the supposed crime of overvaluing real estate to obtain a loan, which was paid back timely and in full, to the profit of lending institutions. No bank, after auditing Trump’s assets and viability to pay back loans, was unhappy to loan to him. But all were quite happy to profit from the hefty interest—and would likely be happy to loan to him again.
James sought to make Trump a criminal without ever finding a crime, much less a victim. Nor, until the checkered and unethical career of Fani Willis, had any local prosecutor ever indicted an ex-president for a supposedly improper phone call questioning whether all the state’s votes had been fully counted.
Alvin Bragg’s case was nonexistent given the statute of limitations on supposed misdemeanors committed over six years prior—until Bragg transmogrified the accusations of minor crimes into felonies and, with them, extensions granted supposedly due to the COVID lockdowns.
In Carroll’s case, her unsubstantiated accusations of a sexual assault were also well past the statute of limitations until a left-wing New York legislator and unapologetic Trump hater passed a special law—a veritable bill of attainder aimed at Trump—waiving the statute of limitations for a year in cases of accusations of long-past sexual assault in the state of New York.
Four, all the indictments and suits took place in either blue cities, counties, or states. And most of the jury pools in or near New York, Atlanta, or Miami were or will be heavily Democrat. So far, the New York judges who have overseen Trump’s civil and criminal trials—Justices Engoron, Kaplan, and Merchan—were all liberals, appointed by Democrat or liberal politicians, and some have donated to Democrat causes. They were not shy about expressing disdain for defendant Trump. No changes in venues were ever allowed.
Five, all the prosecutors, Bragg, James, Smith, and Willis, are likewise either Democrats or associated with liberal causes. In the case of Bragg, James, and Willis, all three ran for office and raised money on promises and boasts of getting Donald Trump. And all three have now set the precedent that local and state prosecutors can warp the law and use it to go after an ex-president and leading presidential candidate of the opposite party for naked political purposes.
Six, all these cases were equally applicable to high-profile Democrat politicos. E. Jean Carroll’s defamation suit was the most laughable of all the court dramas, but its outline and protocols just as easily could have applied to Tara Reade. She came forward to accuse candidate Biden of having sexually assaulted her years earlier—roughly about the same period’s as Carroll’s fluid timelines. Her story is about as believable or unbelievable as Carroll’s. But the difference was that whereas the media canonized the delusional and self-contradictory Carroll as a useful anti-Trump tool, it demonized Reade as a crazy loon and liar—and a potential impediment to Biden’s 2019-20 primary campaign.
Bragg had to torture the law to fabricate a federal campaign finance indictment against Trump. But Hillary Clinton clearly violated federal campaign statutes—and was variously fined—when she tried to hide her “opposition research” payments to Christopher Steele as “legal expenses.” In truth, Steele was hired and paid to concoct a fake anti-Trump dossier and likely should have been barred from working for a presidential campaign given he was not a U.S. citizen.
In the case of Smith, simultaneously with his case against Trump, his twin special prosecutor, Robert Hur, found that Joe Biden had unlawfully removed classified files for much longer than Trump (30 years plus), in a much less secure location (his rickety garage), and without a president’s authority to declassify his documents. Moreover, he had disclosed their contents to his ghostwriter, who destroyed evidence under subpoena by Hur. Yet unlike Trump, Biden was not charged, given that Hur claimed that Biden, in his opinion, was so old and amnesiac that he might win sympathy rather than a conviction from a jury.
Willis indicted Trump for supposedly trying to pressure officials to “find” missing Trump ballots, thus supposedly violating “racketeering” statutes, as he oversaw an attempt to find troves of ballots he thought had been cast for him. Of course, in the same state, Stacy Abrams, after losing the gubernatorial race of 2018, claimed she had actually won, despite losing by over 50,000 votes. She sued to overturn the election and then made a celebrity-political career touring the nation, falsely claiming she was the real governor and her victorious opponent was an illegitimate governor.
For that matter, in 2016, left-wing organizations, celebrities, and thousands of political operatives sought to overturn the Trump victory by appealing to the electors to renounce their states’ popular vote tallies and thus become “faithless electors.” In sum, there was a true conspiracy, or, better, a “racketeering” scheme, to use Willis’s parlance, to coordinate various groups to overturn the constitutional duties of electors to throw the election to Hillary Clinton. Clinton, along with the likes of ex-president Jimmy Carter and soon-to-be House Minority Leader Hakim Jeffries, would continue to deny that Trump was the legitimately elected president.
In sum, the number of suits against and indictments against Trump grew in correlation to his political fortunes. They were designed in the election year 2024 to do what Democrat voters likely cannot. They are ridiculous and sui generis, and will never be used against anyone other than Trump. They have done more damage to democracy, the rule of law, and equal justice to the law than all of the antics that Trump is accused of.
Moreover, they will set in motion a dangerous tit-for-tat cycle of weaponization that threatens the very constitutional order of the United States.
If Trump is elected to restore the rule of equal justice, will a Republican special counsel revisit Robert Hur’s work and find ex-President Biden quite capable of standing trial for the crimes Hur has already investigated and confirmed?
Will then a new Republican-appointed FBI director order a SWAT-like raid, with Fox News forewarned and Newsmax reporters on the scene, to descend into the Biden beach house?
Will county and state prosecutors in Utah, Montana, and Oklahoma feel that to stop this cycle of illegality, they must charge the Biden family members by bootstrapping local indictments onto federal crimes?
Will conservative women in the future come forward in Arkansas, Idaho, and Alabama to claim that in their past, they now suddenly remember that decades ago a prominent Democrat candidate harassed them? Will their right-wing lawyers cherry-pick the proper red-state judge?
Will conservative district attorneys find ways to indict Joe Biden on the various imaginative bookkeeping and “loan repayments” used to disguise the fact his corrupt family received well over $20 million from illiberal foreign interests, much if not all of it camouflaged to avoid income taxes?
Will some South Carolina legislator get a bill of attainder passed in the legislature, ending the statute of limitations for a year for all those in 2016 who sought to undermine the electors and flip them to Hillary Clinton?
In August or September, will a right-wing state prosecutor and a conservative judge find that Joe Biden’s creative bookkeeping warrants a $450 million fine, payable before appeal?
And will Republican officials and judges in purple states move to get Biden’s name off the ballot?
Such scenarios are endless and, given the current precedents, could all be justified as desperate deterrent measures to shock the left into ceasing their efforts to sabotage our constitutional system and rule of law.
A final note. There is a divine order of balance in the world, one known variously by particular civilizations as kismet, nemesis, karma, or what goes around, comes around payback. We’ve already seen such forces at work: Sen. Schumer at the head of a mob at the doors of the Supreme Court, calling out threats to justices by name, only now finding pro-Hamas thugs circling his own home. Or Democrats during the Trump years straining to find ways to invoke the 25th Amendment, now humiliated into claiming a non-compos-mentis Joe Biden is “sharp as a knife.”
Tragically for the country, to stop this left-wing madness, the Trump travesties may not be the end, but the beginning of precisely what the Founders feared.
The whole Fine against Trump isa a total violation of the 8th Amendment Judge Nedchan needs totally removed from the Bench, Period!!!
Not all prosecutions of politicians in power today would be torturing the law. It would be restoring law and order. Why fear it? Why shouldn’t real criminals liars and conspirators be held to task?
Yes. The majority of them are obviously criminals and most of the obvious ones, like the Bidens, Clintons and Pelosis, are proved and irrefutable criminals.
As far as using the Dirtbagocrat’s and other leftist’s illegal lawfare tactics against them, I’m all for it. Fight fire with fire. Those anti-American scum are completely unrestrained in their personal attacks in their jihad for power. Honor, rectitude, morality and ethics are quite frankly, the LAST things on their minds because they can’t even comprehend most of those concepts, obviously shun them all and probably hate them.
Let’s face it, detestable scumbags who would destroy the lives of innocent people for political or personal gain don’t exactly possess a long list of virtues and deserve whatever punishment were to be meted out to them.
Death by torture is illegal according to the Constitution but death by hanging after a fair and just trial isn’t. I don’t know of any laws against leaving their corpses hanging at entrances to Washington DC as warnings, either.
Our rather barbaric forebears didn’t have it all wrong. Barbarism is necessary sometimes, in my opinion, especially when dealing with merciless scum.
blackmail is a very powerful tool in cases of the perverse.
Blackmail? Is that even possible when you’re dealing with people who have no sense of shame or honor?
Blackmail would only work against those vermin if it threatened prison sentences. Like you suggested, morality blackmail would be like trying to blackmail a hungry hyena.
The world is watching America fall apart and it knows that your government is as corrupt as most of Africa.
It’s all a big distraction from the real agenda 2030 which is pushing for depopulation of the western world.
Defund the UN.
I’d prefer it if the UN were disbanded and any attempt to maintain it destroyed.
All these one world, depopulation types aren’t just evil and power mad, they’re foolish. As if any country outside the West would go along with that. Many, such as China and the islamic countries, would kill anybody who tried to impose those policies, no matter where they resided.
Mao tried to depopulate China and the poor Chinese people are just beginning to pay for his idiotic policies. “One is best”, indeed!
This article talks about what goes around comes around, well it didn’t work for the poor Chinese and North Koreans who live under brutality.
He didn’t claim the world is in a state of karmic equilibrium, he just listed a few instances of divine balance. Personally I’d think it would be more of a balance if the Hamas rioters were to behead Schumer rather than just harass him, and I’m sure many people would agree.
The Chinese are far less brutalized now than they were under Mao’s “cultural revolution,” and North Koreans suffer less under Lil” Kim than they did under previous leaders.
Things do tend to balance out. Left-wing stupidity, Dirtbagocrat corruption and islamic barbarism are unchanging when left to their own devices but change has always been forced on them.
Only insanity and evil are truly unchanging, in my opinion.
Common sense and goodness are also unchanging. It’s just a lot harder to hear their whispers above the howls of the demons on the left.
Yes, that’s a more compassionate and realistic way to look at immutable human emotional characteristics. I may be a fool but I think our good exceeds our bad.
The Chinese and Koreans didn’t have private gun ownership. We have 300+ million guns in the hands of private citizens. President DaddyShowers can bring all the F-16s and nuclear weapons he wants, but he would be outmatched in the end. Biden couldn’t even deal with a few goat herders in Afghanistan!
The Chinese and Koreans didn’t have private gun ownership. We have 300+ million guns in the hands of private citizens. President D**dyS**wers can bring all the F-16s and nuclear weapons he wants, but he would be outmatched in the end. Biden couldn’t even deal with a few goat herders in Afghanistan!
Note: Original post in FP purgatory for spelling out innocent words!
It is increasingly difficult to see democracy as a viable form of government as it is so easily corrupted and stolen with impunity. Then too, the majority is not always right.
That’s why there are no democracies in the world. Majority rule would be tyranny of the minority, anyway.
That’s why our wise Founding Fathers did not create a democracy for us. Legend has it that when Benjamin Franklin was leaving the convention that created our Constitution, a prominent local lady asked him, “Dr. Franklin, what sort of government have you given us?” He replied, “A Republic, Madam, if you can keep it.” Clearly we could not.
That’s why our Founders created a representative republic rather than a democracy. Sadly they no longer teach that in our schools, so we have two-plus generations howling about the need to preserve our “democracy.”
As long as we have socialists like Obama and the Clintons and their ilk pulling on the levers of power, we are doomed. . . .
The founders fears came very true…tell Drmiratcoup of 2020 will continue in 2024…Trump will die of old age and Reublican ideals will never be realized. The banana Republic, or fascist state will descend even more deeply into corruption, never to let go of their twisted criminal power while Americans continue, the majority enjoying the profits of fewrer and fewer hardworking people whose reduced incentive will gradually decline until bankrupt America becomes the property of the Chinese Communist Party and all collapses into medieval mass poverty and likely mass starvation as the economy totally crashes and all incentive disappears, never to find motivation or skill to rise again.
If America never rises again, something else will rise in its place. This land is too valuable to waste.
If Western Civilization falls it will never rise again, even we could assume another 12,000 years of relatively stable, warm climate (which we cannot). The confluences of Hebrew, Greek, and Roman that created our civilization could not be re-created, nor could they come together again.
Probably. Who knows what would rise in its place? It could be anything.
The left sure is dead set on teraing everything down and they’re so stupid they think they can replace it with something better. History says otherwise.
The relentless persecution of President Trump even after his term is just a continuation of the propaganda that he was an illegitimate President. He was portrayed as the new hitler….only worse. Thus, hitler’s have no legal rights and everything is on the table to destroy him. Remember what Trump said: “If they can do this to me, they can do it to you.” It’s easy to convict President Trump. Just ignore the Constitution, The Bill of Rights, Due Process, Assumption of Innocence, The Right to Counsel, The Right to Face Accusers etc…Then throw in prejudiced judges, criminal prosecutorial misconduct, hide exculpatory evidence, make up laws on a whim, gag orders, jury tampering, double jeopardy etc…. and Ta Da ! You have a conviction. Justice in our Nation is a myth. Welcome to the Banana Republic.
The political propaganda lie that Trump was an illegitimate President is only one aspect of his persecution and not the reason for it.
America can no longer be described as a legitimate democracy.
Our constitutional republic ended decades ago with the rise of the regulatory bureaucracies—all unconstitutional delegations of Congress’s legislative power; and most operating outside enumerated powers. These are designed to give the illusion of due process while cutting the people out of the lawmaking process.
Very powerful regulatory bureaucracies ruled by un-elected, deep state satraps of their own fiefdoms, the vast majority of whom are also Dirtbagocrat operatives. All of them gouge us commoners to the hilt.
That’s because it never was a democracy. No country is a democracy. As the Constitution dictates, America is a republic.
“Do not believe the White House/mainstream media-concocted narrative that the four criminal court cases—prosecuted by Alvin Bragg, Letitia James, Jack Smith, and Fani Willis—were not in part coordinated, synchronized, and timed to reach their courtroom psychodramatic finales right during the 2024 campaign season.”
Trump just said the same thing outside the criminal courtroom in NYC, and by criminal courtroom, I mean the court is criminal, its judge is a criminal and so is Alvin Bragg. Only Trump didn’t say the four illegal cases were coordinated in part, but are fully coordinated, which they are, even the Leticia James case. She met with the White House counsel many times in the White House itself. Alvin Bragg, Letitia James, Jack Smith, and Fani Willis all met with that criminal Attorney General, Merrick Garland, if I remember correctly.
Trump also blamed his illegal court persecution, the pro-Hamas riots and all the ongoing assaults against America on “left-wing morons.” We all know left-wing morons are the Dirtbagocrat base, regardless of sex or race.
There is no tribunal where people who do not share the same priors can resolve their disputes. The O.J. Simpson jurors admitted as much shortly after his death.
Will republicans engage in the same law fare as democrats? I hope so. We need to abandon fair play and the rule of law because we are in a war for our survival. No more Mr. Nice Guy.
I agree. We can’t fight criminal monsters with restraint.
I think the column, while a comprehensive litany of the twisted theories being used to prosecute Trump, misses the point. The idea is to tie down Trump and siphon off funds that would otherwise be used to campaign and to get convictions in blue jurisdictions prior to the election. This may sway independents away from voting for him and be a staple of Dem political ads even though any convictions eventually will be overturned.. But that will be well after the election. And, as Harry Reid said about his lies about Romney not having paid taxes in 2012, “Well it worked, didn’t it?”. You cannot understand the situation this country is in unless you understand the Dems are morally depraved, have no values except abortion and getting and keeping power, and believe in their mantra “By any means necessary.”
Hanson referenced the Dirtbagocrat attempt to restrain Trump until after the election.
But it’s not just restraining him. They are bound to get some convictions out of one or more these juries in deep blue jurisdictions. And polls show that convictions will turn off independents who may have otherwise voted for Trump. The convictions will be overturned on appeal but that won’t be until after the election. By that time they will have prevented Trump’s election and succeeded in their plot.
Yeah, maybe. If Trump overcomes the Dirtbagocrat election cheat machine, he could pardon himself and every other victim of illegal Dirtbagocrat lawfare.
He could imprison all the criminals responsible for his persecution, too, and should. It would be a very foolish mistake not to.
Well said. I’ve been screaming for fifty years, the political left is just plain evil. Period. Full stop. THEYRE NOT GOOD PEOPLE!
As much as I respect VDH, he’s just wrong on Republicans doing the same things to Democrats, for two reasons:
1.). Republicans are mostly decent, law abiding, Godly, people, who don’t wallow in the sleaze, deceit, and false witness Democrats do. Mostly.
2.) Republicans have no gonads when it comes to their politics, very, VERY few seem to get the demonic evil they are up against. How many times have we wished for some payback, only to have some loser Republican (Jim Jordan, Mike Johnson, Lindsey Graham, pick one, almost ANY one) announce another “hearing”. Hell, Navarro sits in jail, and these pathetic cowards won’t arrest Garland for ignoring a subpoena?!!! I mean, c’mon.
It’s not the degradation of the law I fear, it’s the tyranny of evil represented by the entire Democrat Party. There must be thousands of crimes committed by Democrats that SHOULD be prosecuted with extreme prejudice. That’s not tit for tat, it’s fighting evil.
Here’s the REAL deal. Either WE control the justice system, or they do, it’s that simple. If they do, injustice will kill America. If we do, justice will restore America.
We, the people. .. Where have I seen that?
Absolutely. These trials are all about stopping a committed American President from restoring HIS country. The people have every right to replace a government that no longer represents their interests or their lives. That was the intent of the founding fathers. When governments become corrupt, they have need of more masters, and the voice of the people no longer matters to them.
Nobody cares about these sham trials to Get Trump, except those who are overthrowing the Constitution.
“Its hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men of all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters. ~Daniel Webster~
Nobody cares about these sham trials to Get Trump, except those who are overthrowing the Constitution.
“Its hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men of all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters. ~Daniel Webster~
Professor Dershowitz is totally correct in His book.