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I was born and raised in Georgia. I attended the University of Tennessee — the Volunteers — and now reside in Texas, where I finished my military career. I can tell you that there is a ruggedness in the Lone Star State that can be traced back to names like Sam Houston, Davy Crockett, Mirabeau Lamar, Thomas Jefferson Rusk, James Fanin, William Barret Travis, and Jim Bowie. This is the state that was first its own Republic and fought for its independence all alone. Rough men stood on a field and dared the vaunted Mexican cavalry to “Come and Take It.” Texas is home to The Alamo, a sacred place embodying the purest definition of courage and honor. This is the place where men met at Washington on the Brazos in a windowless wooden cabin and wrote a Declaration of Independence, the only state in the Union with such. The San Jacinto battlefield is the site where Texas secured its independence, defeating Santa Anna and his army in 18 minutes.
Joe Biden has foolishly decided to take on Texas over his unconstitutional and treasonous undermining of our national sovereignty.
I am sure there are the leftist detractors who will say, “But Colonel, the SCOTUS ruled . . . ” Well, the SCOTUS got it wrong, very wrong. Last week I posted a detailed exegesis of the fallacy, and danger, of their decision. The federal government cannot disregard and abdicate an enumerated constitutional duty — Article IV, Section 4, the Guarantee Clause — and expect the States to have no recourse. The Founding Fathers understood that, hence enumerated the power to the States, Article I, Section 10, Clause 3, to take action “if actually invaded, under imminent danger, and without any admit of delay.” It doesn’t take a constitutional scholar to be able to read and comprehend that.
As a result, Biden has threatened to “federalize” the Texas National Guard and force them to comply with his unconstitutional actions of implementing an open borders policy. First of all, I know a bit about federalizing the Texas National Guard. As an artillery battalion commander in the 4th Infantry Division, one of my subordinate firing units was in the Texas National Guard. As we prepared to deploy for Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2002, I remember the Division Commander, the late General Raymond Odierno asking me at the National Training Center if I could get the unit trained up for the deployment. I knew he would be asking and briefed him on a two-week training plan. The unit was requested under Title X they were activated.
Secondly, we all remember Republican President Eisenhower “federalizing” the Arkansas National Guard during the Little Rock School desegregation crisis. The SCOTUS had decided in Brown v. Board of Education in 1954 that the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson decision of “separate but equal” was unconstitutional. Arkansas Governor Faubus used the National Guard to prevent nine Black students from entering Central High School in Little Rock. As an interesting side note, Democrats used to keep Blacks from getting an equal and quality education by locking them out. Now, the same Democrats keep Blacks from the same by locking them into failing schools.
Eisenhower first called up the US Army’s 101st Airborne Division, he subsequently federalized the Arkansas National Guard to enforce the desegregation executive order. Yeah, a Republican President enforced the Brown v. Board of Education decision, by way of his executive order, and the use of military security.
That, ladies and gents, are two examples of the correct, and constitutional, means for federalizing the National Guard.
Joe Biden and the progressive socialist left seek dictatorial tyranny. Then again, it was Joe Biden who spoke of the federal government having F-15s and nuclear weapons, a direct threat to American citizens. All uniformed members of our Armed Forces take an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. I have yet to see any article, section, or clause in the Constitution that supports open borders and wanton illegal immigration. Heck, I find it quite telling that Biden would seek to federalize the Texas National Guard to enable the continued flow of single military-aged males, illegally, into our Republic but not have them conduct operations to regain operational control of our border from the transnational narco-criminal terrorists, the cartels. Or why is it that Biden has remained silent about pro-Hamas terrorist groups holding violent marches in our nation? After all, Hamas is still holding Americans hostage and killed Americans on October 7, 2023.
One can only deduce that the Biden administration is taking the next step in their willful, intentional, and purposeful undermining of our national sovereignty. They are going to use the military to enable the flow of drug, human, and sex trafficking. I do not think our military is willing to aid and abet human and sex trafficking.
Texas will not comply. I can assure you that the members of the Texas National Guard will say to Biden as those men said on October 2, 1835, at Gonzales . . . “Come and Take It.” This is a very bad hill upon which Joe Biden has chosen to die. As we say in the military, he has written a check that his butt can’t cash. He has elevated the issue of border security to an even higher position. As well, he is galvanizing what will be more than two-thirds of this nation against him, and his lawless, tyrannical, dictatorial, and unconstitutional administration. Texans will not idly sit by anymore and watch our safety, security, and sovereignty be threatened.
There’s a saying down in these parts, “Don’t Mess with Texas.” Any hope for the progressive socialist, Marxists, to ever win the state of Texas just went up in smoke. And, yes, if the ol’ Colonel is asked to head down, man a position, or lead an element of the Texas State Militia, hell yeah! Nah, I am not an insurrectionist. Joe Biden is, as well as being a petty usurper and dangerous charlatan.
Steadfast and Loyal.
Damn Allen-Outstanding!
You neo-Confederates are completely unrealistic! Even if it’s being done badly, border control is totally a federal responsibility, and Texas has no “sovereignty” in this regard. If Biden federalizes the Texas Guard, it will comply even if it takes a few quick court-martials of Guard leadership “pour encourager les autres.” And Abbott’s “invasion” argument is awfully thin. Where’s the “army,” where’s the organization? And where’s any military action on the part of illegals? The whole thing is perfect nonsense.
“Where’s the “army,” where’s the organization? And where’s any military action …”
I might ask the same thing about the J6 “insurrection.”
Stay in Montreal boy, let the men down heah do the heavy lifting of being free and independent of Tyrannical govt. Maybe check out Turdeau, ask him how proud his papa is in Heaven. Good ol Fidel.
Border control is the responsibility of the Executive Branch. And the Biden Regime has abdicated that responsibility. I stand with Texas and should civil war break out I will remain standing with Texas.
The Texas Mockingbird should drive the trespassers and Biden Out of America Period NO MORE! BIDEN OUT TRUMP BACK IN
I think the FEDS will back down on this as they still have NM , AZ and CAL to import migrants
THIS Is exactly why they rigged the Arizona Gubortorial elections against KERRI LAKE as she as governor would have closed the border on DAY ONE
A call to all military veterans.
Save America from the Democrats
The feral government survives on our money and good will. Time for the terrorist regime of TaliBiden to run out of both
The government plans for the millions of foreign invaders now being supported by our tax dollars to vote – doesn’t matter if the vote is illegal – it will be counted.
And we are on the fast track to digital currency. Our money will be tracked and controlled by the same government.
The hour is late and the cost will be very high.
At the crossroads
Why aren’t more men defending our sovereignty. Men where are our men. These men crossing our border are killing us family by family.
Thanks Allen!!!
Whatever one thinks about Texas and the Federal Government here’s two perspectives on Texas from Martin Armstrong; Martin doesn’t swim with the global sharks in government, finance, military, intelligence, technology, commerce, they pay to swim with him
Federalizing the Texas National Guard is more akin to Kennedy federalizing the NG in Alabama, when George Wallace stood in the door of the University of Alabama to keep people like Allen West from ever entering that state university.
Keeping out invaders is no way equal to keeping Americans out of schools.
This garbage is all coming from the UN. The UN is implementing its 2030 plan and all the little wannabe dictators all over the world are falling in line with it. So here’s an idea: every time a tin pot loon tries something like this, take it out on the UN. They’ll never see it coming.
I’m just wondering what side the “federalized” troop would take if they were sent there.
It would be a good bet they would join the Texas after the free ride to get there.
americans were given the right to bear arms to fend off tyranny , under consecutive govts tyranny has been their modus operandi . yet the armed populace are still sitting in the lounge rooms watching football and baseball with a less than convincing ” come and take it ” attitude . j6 was as close as any protest at the way america has been corrupted and we know how well that went . even the republicans sat by and cheered with the democrats at the appalling treatment handed out to ordinary citizens whether they took part or were in the vicinity . the federal agents did as they were told and treated those they arrested worse than muslim terrorists . it didnt hear any fed agency refusing to treat their fellow citizens with such contempt and choose to stand down . pre second world war germany alive and well in america !
Maybe the Texan people won’t, but Abbott will. He’s a member of the WEF and regardless of what he says publicly, he’ll do whatever the UN/WEF tells him to do.