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After moving to ban cars and gas stoves, after having already banned everything from plastic bags to disposable utensils all over the country, Democrat politicians and environmentalists are coming for your clothes.
Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-Maine), Ranking Member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies, and Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), Ranking Member of the House Appropriations Committee, are calling on the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) Comptroller General Gene Dodaro to outline ways the fashion industry and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) can better manage discarded clothing and textile waste. The Democratic congresswomen focused on the rise of the so-called “fast fashion” industry as a primary driver of textile waste pollution.
Rep. Rosa DeLauro, who could double as the wicked witch in Wizard of Oz productions, understandably hates clothes since her usual outfit consists of looking like a hobo who raided a curtain store.
And lefties pretending to care about the “environment” have discovered that they can add “pollution” to anything and declare that it’s a hazard and needs to be regulated.
First, carbon was a pollutant. And now clothes. What’s next?
Can we do something about congressional pollution is the real question.
Psychopaths fixated on complete control of the lives of other people are drawn to Communism like moths to flames. Just listen to the plans & raging of the Democommies & you will hear their tyrannical & dictatorial aspirations. If you have not noticed this you are not paying attention.
That’s an excellent point. It is a psychopathology that drives Communism.
Yes indeed. And, narcissists.
Somewhere in his book ‘Witness’, Whittaker Chambers discusses the two main reasons why one becomes a communist: The horrors of war, and tragedy of poverty.
Read his book a long time ago. I have great admiration for Chambers, but I’ve come to disagree with him on these points.
The reason one becomes a communist is because one is a narcissistic, psychopathic, criminal. The narcissist part is why they think they’ll save the world from itself. The psychopath part, of course, is why they destroy and kill without conscience.
Based on what we’re seeing happen on a daily basis, perhaps they can also be described as pedophiles, or sexual predators might be a more “inclusive” word.
I’m currently reading “Witness” and finding it quite a compelling tale. Our government has been actively infested with Soviet-type communists since the 1930’s; we entered into diplomatic relations with the USSR in 1933 and it’s been downhill ever since, though the earlier Wilson administration was certainly to the left of center for the early 20th century.
I think that the reasoning behind becoming a communist in the 1920’s – 30’s was different from what it is now, so we can assume that Chambers’s thinking along those lines was correct. However, thinking changes and so has the allure of communism, which is now very attractive, as you say, to psychopaths. Different times, different reasons. And one very bad idea.
‘Witness’ was my parent’s way of introducing me to another viewpoint. They knew I wasn’t getting it from the media or school.
I think they gave me ‘Revenge of Heaven’ also.
Shame we can’t ban ugly.
Our bad taste in clothing.
Typo error, meant to say Or.
Even a dress taste does nothing if there isn’t a mind present to make show good judgement. Witness this member of Congress, but I am sure many see someone with unnatural hair color (like this one), and male the needed adjustments.
“Ugly” doesn’t begin to describe that freak. And what’s with the purple hair? She’s at least 60 years too old for that.
And her ugly clothes should be burned while she’s wearing them.
There’s something oddly wrong with the way she dresses. I can’t put my finger on it yet.
There is an attractive girl around here who dresses in a way that makes her look weird. I finally figured it out, the proportions are wrong. They always say in classical philosophy that proportions are important. This was a good example case for me.
Just for example, she wears a cap with a visor backwards, which is OK. But then she has like a 3 foot long ponytail falling out underneath the small visor. It is a weird effect.
Then there are other girls who are not as attractive but they dress well, so they make a pleasant appearance.
Some chicks just don’t get it.
I met a chick today with an OK face and a huge rack. I couldn’t even pay attention to what she was wearing. I tried my best to look at her face and not her tits. Another black chick. I don’t know why I can’t stop falling for them.
They have more animal energy.
“ Ranking Member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies”
Personally I’d be embarrassed to be a part of anything resembling that.
Funny!! A hobo who raided a curtain store… only Daniel Greenfield can infuse humor like thus!
We, the people of the United States of America in order to form a better union declare that the Congress of the United States as it is currently constituted should be banned forthwith.
I absolutely know how spiteful this unfortunate looking woman is. No matter what she could do to try to improve her looks, it wouldn’t work.
Thus: No pretty clothes for you. SO THERE!!
Necessity is the mother of invention, that vile old hag( she’s probably younger than me) hates herself and thus hates everyone else. But she can’t stop people from creating beautiful outfits from charity ( thrift) shop items. Just looking at her you wonder how people vote for her, constantly spewing venom and making herself loo a laughing stock.
Maybe she ought to wear a black and gray business suit, to at least tone down her ugliness. Instead her gaudy bright colored clothes make her ugliness stand out even more.
Someone send Freak Show Rosa the pointed black hat, matching dress and cape, and broomstick to round out her “wardrobe”. Was this hussy once the kind of girl the 1975 pop song “At Seventeen” was written about? Should have been.