With his indictment of Donald Trump, Alvin Bragg has secured his place in history. He could end up being remembered as the rogue, rabidly partisan prosecutor who administered the coup de grace to America’s staggering republic by indicting the chief opponent of the ruling regime on the flimsiest of charges. Even if he had never indicted Trump, however, Bragg has distinguished himself for aiding and abetting the decline of New York City from a drug-ravaged, crime-ridden hellhole that retained some of its former elegance to an even more drug-ravaged, crime-ridden hellhole with no elegance at all. Alvin Bragg is a quintessential example of the hard Left in power. It’s not pretty. The latest example of his misrule in Gotham is his charge of attempted murder against a man who was simply defending himself against the crime Bragg has unleashed.
The New York Post reported recently that a parking garage attendant in Manhattan, Moussa Diarra, has been charged with attempted murder, assault, and criminal possession of a weapon after confronting a thief in the garage where he worked on West 31st Street. Diarra, according to the Post, “saw a man peering into cars” in the garage. “Believing the man was stealing, the attendant brought him outside and asked what was inside his bag.” As it turned out, the man had a gun. “Diarra tried to grab for the weapon, and it went off — leaving him shot in the stomach and grazed in the ear by a bullet before he turned the firearm on the would-be thief and shot him in the chest.”
Bragg’s office is not entirely insane: it levied the same charges against the man who was apparently casing cars and looking for one to break into: attempted murder, assault, and criminal possession of a weapon and added on burglary as well. The similarity of the charges against Diarra and the man who attacked him is striking. In Alvin Bragg’s Manhattan, apparently, a criminal and a man who attempts to defend himself from a criminal are equivalent. In light of the fact that Bragg’s spurious indictment of Trump was itself an essentially criminal act against the rule of law in the United States, there is a certain bizarre appropriateness in this.
Mariame Diarra, whom the Post identifies as a “family friend” who is “not related to the attendant,” was outraged at the charges against Moussa Diarra, saying, “That’s self-defense. The guy tried to rob his business. He’s there for security. That’s literally his job, to defend his business… He takes his job seriously… Attempted murder charge has no place there.” Mariame Diarra added that the attempted robber “came to find him at his job with his gun, he has to defend himself.”
Another man who works near Diarra’s garage agreed, saying of the charges against Diarra, “You are kidding. That’s an April Fool [sic] Day joke, right? How can a hardworking man get arrested for defending himself?” That’s a good question for Alvin Bragg. One NYPD cop stated it succinctly: “People like Alvin Bragg have made this city unsafe, and this worker is a victim defending himself.” Indeed. But Bragg didn’t run for DA in the first place in order to make New York safe. He ran to get Trump.
Back in Dec. 2021, just before he took office, Bragg said, according to CNN, that he planned “to personally focus on the high-profile probe into former President Donald Trump’s business practices and may expand the investigative team while keeping at least one senior prosecutor on the case.” Bragg explained: “This is obviously a consequential case, one that merits the attention of the DA personally.” Now Bragg’s focus has borne fruit.
The case against Moussa Diarra, as well as the earlier case against Jose Alba, a corner grocery clerk whom Bragg also charged for defending himself before dropping the charges amid a public outcry, suggests that the safety and stability of New York City is a low priority for Bragg. Maybe he even wants to see the city destabilized so as to justify authoritarian measures to restore order. That would certainly be in keeping with his indictment of Trump, which is clearly designed to stop a presidential candidate whom it may not prove possible to stop at the ballot box. That is the sort of thing authoritarian regimes do. It seems that among the apparatchiks of any such regime, Alvin Bragg would fit right in.
Tin-horn Bragg is simply applying the “equity” dogma of leftist fools worshipping equal outcome.
The incompetence of these democrat fools borders on criminal insanity, but be rest assured that they themselves are not ever subject to the same bullshit they inflict on the unwashed masses.
They’re spared from consequences of their evil, because they have the slavish protection of Pravda & the indifference of scorned bitches McConnell & Romney.
Very well said.
Alvin Bragg is a prime example of the devastation AF has wrought on our constitutional republic.
Bragg is a nobody, a low life criminal and terrorist himself. Just another one who has infiltrated the US government.
No fact, just Bragg.
Yes, the key is destabilization.
Leftist change springs from suffering. Happy people have no need for socialism. If it seems to you that socialists constantly conspire to create grief, you would be correct. Without outrageous grievances, there is no socialism.
The Left exerts itself to make the lives of as many as possible as crappy as possible.
That is their contribution to human civilization.
Just another Globalists Scoundrel who wants to make it a crime to defend yourself your property and your loved ones with Firearms A Soros Major Dommo
Hey Hey Hey! It’s Fat Alvin!
African values are not American values. This is what happens when you let incompatible cultures into your public square and hire them because you think it’s ‘cool’ and ‘trendy.’ Bragg is just another affirmative action idiot.
Alvin Bragg is the one who should be arrested and put in prison .Even before he maliciously has gone after Donald Trump that villainous DA did everything to get real criminals, street hooligans; “off the hook” then they committed violent crimes.
For example, Bragg when out of his way to get a vicious violent thug , who even had a long history of committing violent crimes, freed after he entered a store and brutally attacked the shop owner . Bragg even went further , in his despicable mentally , he attempted to get the store own charged with assault for only defending himself after being first attacked by the horrible hooligan.
The former US President, James Monroe, had it right , when he said ” The right of self- defense never ceases. It is among the most sacred, and alike necessary to nations and individuals.”
Alvin Bragg should legal charges filed against him for ethical violations and corruption. Later he should then be arrested imprisoned.
There will have to be pain before New York City removes these leftist criminal politicians. Tourists, stay away from the city,
no restaurants, no shows, no patronizing of any businesses of any kind until the people who elect these fools wake up.and remove them from office. You have no one to blame but yourselves.
In other words,,”Hit Em’ Where It Hurts”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bragg was only doing as every good Soros Soldier (SS) does
Yeah, yeah, yeah. From the article you provided,
“ An NYPD rep said Sunday that the cops’ decision to also charge Diarra was made “with the guidance of the DA’s office” and referred further questions to prosecutors.”
Did it with ‘guidance’ from DA which had already previously charged Alba with murder in the same circumstances then dropped it. The cops are not wearing your bulldust, so rack off with your confected indignation.