If the 2020 Democrat primaries taught us anything, it’s that lefty billionaires can’t actually buy presidential elections for themselves no matter how much money they spent. The dumber breed of billionaire, like Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer, had to lose a lot of money to figure that out, while the smarter bunch, like Mark Zuckerberg, just bought the election for someone else. But Bloomberg’s career also demonstrated that it is possible to buy local elections. Tom Steyer seems to be inspired by it. The lefty billionaire keeps wanting to buy himself some office, somewhere.
Why not Newsom’s?
Tom Steyer is polling the California recall.
And the billionaire environmental activist and erstwhile presidential hopeful has included his own name among the list of possible contenders to succeed Gov. Gavin Newsom, according to three people familiar with the recent survey…
While Steyer opposes the recall, saying in a statement that it was “a clear attempt by the GOP to take back control of the state and squelch the progressive momentum,” he has been relatively quiet on the push.
Because there’s apparently a clear attempt to squelch some momentum on his part.
But what exactly would the selling point for Steyer be? Except for his money?
Bloomberg at least managed to strategically inject himself into an election as a technocratic alternative to the crazy Left. Steyer is the crazy Left, but so is Newsom. If you’re tired of a smug white guy who’s the epitome of wealth and privilege condescendingly lecturing you, why would you want another one?
That’s a question Newsom’s pollsters presumably didn’t include.
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