[1] The left still insists there’s a non-existent constitutional right to abortion.
In 1973, an activist court invented a right to abortion, which it located in the First Amendment. The words “abortion,” “choice” and “privacy” appear nowhere in the Constitution. Roe v. Wade was a piece of judicial prestidigitation.Now, justices who are faithful to the intent of the framers have righted a very great wrong that resulted in over 63 million deaths in 49 years.
[2] For the left, violence is the norm.
As it has been from the French Revolution, to bolshevism, National Socialism, Maoism, the New Left, Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Post Roe, violence in the streets mirrors violence in the womb. Listen to Maxine Waters, AOC and Elizabeth Warren telling us to ignore the court, defy the court and destroy the court by packing it or impeaching justices for voting the wrong way. Instead of trespassing in the halls of Congress, they’re attacking a sovereign branch of government. They are the real insurrectionists.
[3] The establishment left winks at the violence of the militant left.
When Biden urges demonstrators to “peacefully” protest he’s engaging in rank hypocrisy. It took seven weeks of violent and illegal protests – including fire-bombing and vandalizing pregnancy resource centers, death threats and the attempted assassination of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, for the president to get around to urging calm. Has he tried to enforce the law against protesting at the homes of judges to intimidate them? Did he direct his Justice Department to investigate the domestic terrorists of Jane’s Revenge, as he did with parents protesting at school committee meetings in Virginia last year? Street mobs are the enforcement arm of the Democrat party.
[4] Pro-aborts are using the same shopworn cliches. It’s as if they’re stuck in the 1970s.
They’ve resurrected the “If men could have babies, there wouldn’t be laws against abortion!” argument. In other words, pro-life laws are a male conspiracy to keep women barefoot and pregnant. And yet, women are less likely to support abortion than men. (Often, it’s the boyfriend pressuring a woman to have an abortion.) The right-to-life movement is led by women, including the heads of the National Right to Life Committee, Americans United for Life, Students for Life America and the Susan B. Anthony List. Are these ladies colluding in their own subjugation or – in light of their ability to conceive and carry a child — do they have a keener sense of the humanity of the unborn? Kagan and Sotomayor (who voted to uphold Roe) are childless. Coney Barrett (who voted with the majority to overturn Roe) has seven children.
[5] After the Roe reversal, the nation will be divided along the lines of abortion, like America was on slavery before the Civil War.
Just as there were slave states and free states then, now there will be states (like New York and California) that have declared an open season on the unborn (through all nine months of pregnancy), and others where fetal life is protected. The pro-abortion blue states have turned their people into peasants, with taxes and regulations. The pro-life red states are both more free and more prosperous. Their regard for individual freedom is reflected their willingness to protect life in the womb.
[6] Delusional Democrats think abortion will turn the tide in their favor in November.
In a June 10-13 Fox News poll, 41% said they’d vote in the upcoming election on inflation and higher prices, versus 10% who said abortion was their chief concern. When gas is $9 a gallon, inflation is roaring along at 10% and climbing, shortages are pervasive, rolling blackouts are making life miserable and we’re heading for stagflation, the only ones who’ll vote for abortion are chicks with multiple piercings, tattoos galore and arm pits unshaven, and those who find them attractive.
[7] The logic of the majority opinion is equally applicable to same-sex marriage.
Before Roe, abortion was legal in less than half the states, under limited circumstances. Prior to Obergefell v. Hodges (2015), 31 states had constitutional amendments defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman — most enacted by referendum. Like Roe, in Obergefell, a leftist court imposed its morality on the nation by finding another make-believe right hidden in the Constitution. Until the philosophical makeup of the court changes, bad precedent will continue to fall to faithfulness to original intent and an objective interpretation of the Constitution.
[8] Conservatives take disappointment better than lefties.
When Biden signed another worthless gun control law last week, where were the NRA members rioting in the streets and trying to storm the White House? When conservatives are disgruntled, they write letters to the editor. Lefties have hissy fits in public places.
The drama being played out in the streets and on network television has nothing to do with rights or reality. Rage on O loony left.
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