That “Trans Day of Vengeance” is really coming together.
The Trans Resistance Network in Massachusets released a statement on the Covenant school shooting in Nashville by stating that Aubrey Hale, the transgender school shooter, was a “complex tragedy” who felt she “had no other effective way to be seen than to lash out by taking the life of others”.
The transvestite group then claimed that life for “transgender people is very difficult” due to “anti-trans legislation” and “right wing personalities”.
“Hate has consequences,” the group’s statement claimed while urging the media not to misgender Audrey Hale who due to her mental illness claimed to be a man.
Hate does have consequences, but that hate is coming from the sexual identity politics movement.
There are obvious similarities between this sort of rhetoric and the kind put out by Islamist groups after terrorist attacks.
(Note: the Trans Resistance Network has locked its Twitter account and has not posted that statement on its other accounts, so I can’t confirm its legitimacy firsthand.)
Failure to protect their charges from harm is inexcusable on a personal and institutional level.
In 2004, in Beslan,Russia close to two hundred school children were butchered for the crime of Christianity in an Allaha-hu Akbar attack. This is pure Islam. These attacks spring from the “pillars” of this “faith”.
They are, long-term, inevitable. Fourteen centuries of history says so.
Teachers unqualified to dispatch dangerous miscreants with accurate, disciplined carbine shots are unqualified to be in a classroom.
Administrations that fail to harden campuses have failed.
No excuses.
It would be awful if the media compounded the aggression of misplaced pronouns.
Wow,interesting. Maybe all those “White nationalist domestic terrorists” had no other way to be seen too.
Andy Ngo has some screen grabs of these yahoos. They were saying they know who these
Legislators are and where they live, and threatening ricin attacks. Antifa seems to have a lot of them. They’re pretty open about what they think(to put it loosely) and intend. It’s telling that their accounts don’t get suspended.
They think the pampering they get now is tough and hard. But I think they’re in for a rude awakening (they just think they’re woke) if they keep going after people’s children. Normally easygoing and tolerant people can get very vicious and intolerant when their children are messed with.