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“Some states have enacted laws and policies that may affect 2SLGBTQI+ persons,” the Canadian government is advising. These 2SLGBTQI+ persons “could face certain barriers and risks when you travel outside Canada,” particularly in the USA.
“2S” means “Two-Spirit,” a term that “reflects complex Indigenous understandings of gender roles, spirituality, and the long history of sexual and gender diversity in Indigenous cultures.” According to the Canadian government, 2SLGBTQI+ “recognizes Two-Spirit people as the first 2SLGBTQI+ communities.”
LGBTQ are, respectively, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer. “I” means “intersex” and “considers sex characteristics beyond sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, and + is “inclusive of people who identify as part of sexual and gender diverse communities, who use additional terminologies.”
This ever-increasing aggregation of letters, numbers and symbols comes billed as an acronym. It is actually a construct, in a special kind of way.
“Homosexuality and transgenderism are two utterly different phenomena,” explains Bruce Bawer, author of A Place at the Table: The Gay Individual in American Society, but both groups are now enlisted in “the LGBTQ+ family.” That makes about as much sense as the VBTPW family – Vegetarian Butcher Terrorist Pacifist Whatever – but this movement is not about making sense.
What we are dealing with today, Bawer contends, isn’t gender dysphoria but “a transgender ideology in which a man who thinks he’s a woman isn’t suffering from a mental disorder; he actually is a women, and always has been.” And vice-versa, all told a “revolution against reality itself,” but there’s more to it.
In its ongoing divide-and-con game, the left has pitted peasants against nobles, workers against bosses, blacks against whites, Hispanics against “Anglos,” and so forth. The trans revolution arrays those who, like people though the ages, recognize biological and scientific reality against those who deny it. Beyond boilerplate charges of “transphobia,” the trans types now imagine that they are victims of “genocide,” a justification for deadly violence against innocents, even children.
On March 27, in the run-up to the April 1 “Trans Day of Vengeance,” Audrey Hale, a woman who thought she was a man, gunned down six people at the Covenant School in Nashville. A former student at the school, Hale carefully planned the attack for months, with children a primary target.
As her autopsy reveals, nine-year-old Hallie Scruggs, daughter of Covenant Presbyterian pastor Chad Scruggs, sustained an “indeterminate range gunshot wound of the head,” that caused injuries to the scalp, left temporal bone, and left temporal lobe of the brain. An “indeterminate range gunshot wound of the pelvis,” entering at the left lower abdomen, caused injuries to Scruggs’ left femoral artery, vein and soft tissue.
Nine-year old William Joseph Kinney suffered a tangential graze wound “through the scalp, skull, and bilateral cerebral hemispheres,” causing “subgaleal hemorrhage, skull fractures, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and lacerations of the brain.” Hale also shot the male child in the torso and right arm, causing perforation of the ribs and thoracic vertebrae, right lung and soft tissue of the right arm. The child also sustained “spinal cord laceration with associated epidural and subdural hemorrhage, and thoracic vertebral fractures.”
When Covenant headmaster Katherine Koonce confronted the shooter, Hale shot her in the head. The bullet entered through the left side of the scalp and perforated the left temporal lobe of the brain. Another shot to the head perforated the left orbit before passing through the left eye and the base of the skull.
Hale’s shot also perforated the roof of Koonce’s mouth, oropharynx and tongue before exiting the body through the mandible. Koonce also took a shot in the neck and the right side of her torso, causing rib fractures, pulmonary lacerations and soft tissue hemorrhage.
When custodian Mike Hill intervened, Hale shot the African American in the right lateral chest, causing wounds to the lungs and mainstem bronchi, thoracic spine, aorta, and left rib. Hale’s shot perforated Hill’s vertebral body and lung. Like the others, Hill died at the scene, leaving behind seven children and 14 grandchildren.
Over at the White House, Joe Biden failed to identify or condemn the shooter, failed to name a single murder victim, and did not attend any of the funerals. Biden’s press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said “our hearts go out to the trans community as they are under attack right now.”
The Trans Resistance Network proclaimed that Hale “had no other effective way to be seen than to lash out by taking the lives of others.”
September 27 will mark six months since Audrey Hale murdered nine-year-olds Evelyn Dieckhaus, William Kinney, and Hallie Scruggs, and adults Katherine Koonce, Cynthia Peak, and Mike Hill. At this writing, the FBI and police are still withholding Hale’s manifesto. People who acknowledge reality are under attack, and the trans forces grow more militant.
“Transifa,” a combination of transgender and Antifa, denotes a “far-left trans movement spreading across U.S” and “intimidating and physically assaulting those who disagree with them.” Trans swimmer Lia Thomas was recently photographed wearing a black T-shirt reading “Antifa Super Soldier.” Call it violence signaling.
“Trans violent militancy is the current focus of #Antifa,” contends journalist Andy Ngo. “They believe that critics of trans ideology should be silenced, maimed or murdered. Some call for sexual violence against females in particular, as revenge.” A travel advisory would be better suited for places where transifa terror is likely to strike, not places that recognize biological reality. At this point in history, Canada isn’t one of those.
The government of Canada proclaims Tecumseh, Pontiac and Jay Silverheels as members of “the first 2SLGBTQI+ communities.” In the denial of reality and imposition of a totalitarian ideology, that is surely one of the plus brilliants exploits.
Zundfolge says
No, just stop it. Stop letting them mangle the language.
We need to come up with a simple word that encapsulates all these degenerate mental illnesses and stop with the constantly evolving unpronounceable acronyms. I like “degenerate” or “abnormal” but that probably wouldn’t catch on widely. There has to be a neutral term for these people, maybe something like “neo-gendered” or “neo-orientated” or maybe the best would be “post-gendered”.
internalexile says
“Post-gendered’ sounds good. Still indicating a separation from the norm, but without the increasing word salad acronym that always has a touch of boasting about it.
John says
Queer seems to encapsulate their entire agenda.
Jeff Bargholz says
“Freak show” works for me. Look at that photo at the top of the article. Would you let any of those weirdos near your kids or you.? I know I wouldn’t.
Just looking at the photo makes me want to punch them.
Not that that would be legal.
jeff bergman says
Call the democrats & their supporters what they are.
jeff bergman says
Go with pedo-crats. They don’t like it.
Mo de Profit says
There is no trans community, they are bitter and twisted weirdos who, like most of the other alphabet people are here, queer and they’re coming for your children.
They told us this, it’s time to listen to them and give them the treatment they deserve, ostracism.
Then we can talk about mental illness.
Mayday says
Beyond the mental derangement of narcissistic personality disordered “twisted weirdos” who deserve ostracism…
The treatment prospective “post genders” deserve is a refusal of any surgical or hormone therapy that alters an intact human being’s sexual anatomy because it is inhumane, immoral and imbecilic. Those who conduct these procedures are sadistic misanthropic/misogynistic beasts that should lose their license to practice medicine since the condition of their patient’s health is not to improve or repair their physiological function.
There is no medical or scientific research that validates transgender operations for the mental stability of a patient, but there is growing evidence of physical harm and psychological regret.
Mark Dunn says
I hear Saudi Arabia is a good place for a trans vacation.
cedar9 says
Iran has 5 star 10 story hotels with wonderful views from the roof. Tho in some cases the view only last about 3 seconds.
Steven Brizel says
Let them stay home if they don’t approve of such laws
C. Middlebrook says
I live in FL. & died laughing when the weirdo sicko gang did a news warning about perverts coming to FL. for vacations….It’s fine by me if these sick twisted perverts avoid Fl althogether . See it pays to NOT put up with their sick shit… we make them uncomfortable enough , maybe we can go back to NORMAL and not have our children indoctrinated , or exposed to the public displays of perversion every June at Disneyland.. I say GOOD RIDANCE , lets throw out the TRASH !!!
Lesley says
Unless they tattoo their pronouns on their forehead I wouldn’t be able to remember them. So rather than hurt their feelings I’d tell them to go away and never try to speak to me ever.
And how come with the
2SLGBTQI+ there is no H. That hurts my feelings.Hetrosexuals are dismissed as unimportant not worthy of a letter in the salad. Cruel and inhumane.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, why are they bigoted against the homos? Homos are mostly inoffensive. And why do they think disparate demographics have anything in common? LGBTQ + more? They have NOTHING in common.
Leftists are retards..
Chief Mac says
Oh my goodness. By all means stay in Canada where you won’t get your feelings hurt. The normal people do not feel the need to entertain your delusions and mental illness.
These morons like to pretend and play dress up. Fine, but I refuse to go along with it. Grow up and leave normal people alone
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, I know, right? They need to just go fuck off somewhere and leave the rest of us alone.
Hannah Katz says
Really? 2SLGBTQI+ ??? And all those pronouns… I am too old to remember all those different pronouns for different people. I can remember he, she and it. Take your pick.
I cannot recall all the letters in the constantly expanding 2SLGBTQI+ so I suggest we just call them odd ducks or even perverts. They have no right to tell us how to talk or what we can say.
Gordon says
I recall telling people during the gay marriage debate that, for the left, it was not about equal rights or gay marriage at all. It was about degrading traditional western civilization, that all kinds of insanity beyond imagination would ensue, and that children were the ultimate target. I was partially correct, but none of my scenarios included this gender confusion idiocy. It turned out to be way dumber than I could have imagined. But, as we learned from the scamdemic, there is no limit when it comes to the stupidity of the human race.
K.F. Smith says
What a photo.
The parade of the mentally ill. Keep these poor slobs in Canada; we have our own, and we have yet to build more mental institutions.
The puppet masters behind these poor slobs are the bigger threat. They need to be dealt with.
A side note: it’s “black”, not african-american. Conservatives should never adopt the language created by the enemy for the purpose of controlling our speech. If using the word “black” offends someone, we are succeeding.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Yeah, good point. When filing police reports, they take black as a description of the perp, noone says anything about African-American.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, if you cant’ be allowed to describe the race or sex of a criminal, how is that person going to be arrested and removed as a threat to society? How would the cops even find the person?
Leftists are dangerous morons.
Andrew Blackadder says
black American and European American.. There, I fixed it…
Noah Andeark says
How can “B” (binary) even be included? It means “2”. Aren’t they excluding the majority of the genders?
Steve says
Does Justin Casteau’s government issue a travel advisory for gay travelers to Islamic countries where homosexuality is a capital offense (there are more than a dozen of them)? What about countries in the Islamic world where they’re subject to “honor killings” along with “unchaste” women?
Kayster58 says
Being gay in the Bible wasn’t too good either. More Christians need to read that and it is in both the old and new Testaments for all those churches that pretend it is ok and embrace it. And for those that only pick and choose what you believe in the Bible, well, if it comes down to doing that, how can you believe any of it? Love the sinner but not the sin. Not that we don’t all sin but you need to find salvation and try to stop sinning. It is laughable now how hard they push this on us with Pride Month. I mean really, why do I need to celebrate someone’s sexuality and now this insanity of pronouns. Very sad.
THX 1138 says
A Christian theocracy would definitely make any kind of sex outside of marriage between a man and a woman illegal.
Masturbation is also condemned in the Bible. A Christian theocracy would ferociously frown on that too. Spilling the seed given to you by God because you want to SELFISHLY enjoy sexual pleasure only for the sake of your sexual pleasure in the privacy of your bedroom or bathroom is to deny God and that you belong to him, and your seed was given to you to procreate for God.
The ONLY reason Christians should engage in sex is for procreation, never only for sexual pleasure. or the expression of love.
“It was not a great sin, in the eyes of the medieval church, for a priest to fornicate with a whore. But for a priest to fall in love and marry, that is, for his sex life to be integrated as an expression of his total person, was a cardinal offense.
It is significant that the Church’s most ferocious wrath was reserved not for fornication but for masturbation. It is through masturbation that a human being first discovers the sensual potential of his or her own body; moreover, it is an entirely “selfish” act, in that it is performed solely for the benefit of the person involved. It is the act through which many an individual first encounters the possibility of an ecstasy entirely different from the ecstasy promised by religion.” – Nathaniel Branden, “The Psychology of Romantic Love”
cedar9 says
Sage advice. Take it and stay home boys and girls.
internalexile says
A “divide and con game.” Great phrase, Mr. Billingsley.
Steven Chavez says
ADDED: “FORGET ABOUT THE CARJACKINGS, robberies, This is for Trayvon-Floyd Revenge Attacks, Knockout Games, BLM attacks at Restaurants, movies, strolling, Whitelash, Illegals raping and murdering, Drive-by’s, Grab and Dash, Stepping on po000p, Tent cities, and Needles. BEWARE of those Evil MAGA’s and Republicans!”
Intrepid says
To the little freak with the “They/Them” pronoun poster”
My pronouns are “sheee/ it”
How about if the try the Amazon way out there surrounded by Jungle/Rainforests far away from any signs of humanity for whole month
FDTS says
To the Canadian government I send a hearty and sincere thank you. Keeping your insane out of America is greatly appreciated. We already have enough of our own.
KenPF says
Canada keeping their ideologically deformed at home is the best thing Canada’s done for us since their Army took Juno Beach on D-Day. They’re not the same country now and neither are we. Still, maybe Mexico and Guatemala could do the same?
The 2SLGBTQI+ has left one of their letters off, however. The letter “P” for pedophilε is missing. Well, maybe not entirely missing. That’s what the “+” is for. They also need maybe a “CT” for child trαfficking. The left’s universal hostility to “Sound of Freedom” tipped their hat on that one. Note to all foreign countries keep all your 2SLGBTQI+, pedophilεs and child sεx traffickεrs home. In face, keep your abortionists and your pediatric transgender “affirming” folks home too.
We’re all stocked up on deαd and mutilαted children.
K.F. Smith says
I agree. Pedophile covers most of these asswipes.
There are valid reasons why more and more people are calling the democrat party the pedophile party.
Kayster58 says
Regarding the photo with this article. “My pronoun is They.” The leftist teachers’ unions and Democrat school teachers have certainly succeeded in raising a young generation of insane lunatics. It all reminds me of the story of the King that went out naked because everyone was told only those who are truly royal can see the clothes and it took one child to bring the insanity tumbling down around them by saying the King is naked.
TruthLaser says
Today, the sane child would be cancelled with any luck and more likely killed by the woke crowd.
Old Fogey says
A measure that keeps perverts at home away from the United States sounds good.
Algorithmic Analyst says
So hooked into their leftist identity they carry a sign proclaiming their pronoun is “they”. Bizarre.
A. B. ( it's Alain Boyce but would you keep it anonymous ? ) says
Mr Billingsley, you’re the best. I smiled when I saw that you quoted some words from the French version of O Canada, our national anthem ( ton histoire est une épopée – des plus brillants exploits ). How witty ! How clever !
TruthLaser says
The point that “this movement is not about making sense” is indicated on the sign “MY PRONOUN IS: THEY.” “MY” asserts individuality. “THEY” denies individuality.
johnhenry says
Mr Billingsley is an worthy member of the FPM cohort of writers, but I fail to see what relevance his 5 paragraphs of autopsy reports (yuk!) have to his basic thesis (per the headline) that we credulous Canucks are being hoodwinked by (our Department of) Global Affairs Canada into steering clear of visits to your Lower 48 if we happen to be trans Canucks, which I am not – Trans, that is.
Banastre Tarleton says
Those victims were real people who died horrific deaths ..he’s highlighting the horror of child murder FFS
Capitalist-Dad says
And the genocidal nature of the leftist assumption that speech leftists don’t like is “violence” that leftists can legitimately counter with actual physical violence.
jcr says
Lunch Box Joe is a dope. The world knows this.
I would not let him pet sit for me.
Thanks anti “mean tweet” voters.
Banastre Tarleton says
The radical Left are trying to de-segregate the sexes like they did the races in the Ole South ; but the regimentation , discipline and seperation of the sexes is the foundation of any society
These morons are creating anarchy
Jeff Bargholz says
My pronoun is “fuck you tranny scumbags.”
Am I the only one sick and tired of these totalitarian freaks?
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, if you cant’ be allowed to describe the race or sex of a criminal, how is that person going to be arrested and removed as a threat to society? How would the cops even find the person?
Leftists are dangerous morons.
KatelynnCaprice says
omments that have historically flooded our comments section, comments containing certain keywords will be held in a moderation queue. All comments by legitimate commenters will be manually approved by a member of our team
Intrepid says
Can you let us know the keywords to avoid so I can be a legitimate commenter. So far all of my comments that have been flagged end up being approved anyway. So what’s the point of all the moderation.
Una Salus says
It’s like you’re inviting them to attack you in the most obvious way but obviously that would be stupid wouldn’t it?
Una Salus says
Yeah. well ok. Good luck with that NY tards. Maybe you can join the firefighters.
Curt Koenig says
Perhaps they should encourage travel to Iran, Pakistan or other Muslim country!!???
T100C1970 says
My pronoun for YOU is YOU.. Regardless of who YOU are.
Skip says
Half of Canada winters in Florida. Where might they go now?