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Grotesquely illegal, but that’s something you can say about virtually anything the Biden administration is doing on any given day. The same folks lecturing us about “political norms” make violating them into their general practice.
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is reaching out to U.S. business and financial leaders to explain the “catastrophic” impact a U.S. default on its debt would have on the U.S. and global economies, two sources familiar with the matter said on Monday.
The Treasury secretary is having one-on-one conversations with individual CEOs to warn them about the “dangerous consequences of the current brinkmanship,” one of the sources said.
What are the odds any of those CEOs are donating to congressional Republicans? About the same odds as Yellen being an unprincipled leftist in charge of wrecking our economy while sanctimoniously lecturing us about fiscal responsibility.
It’s not the Treasury Secretary’s job to make political calls to business leaders about a political issue. It’s actually one of those red lines that amount to abusing her office for political campaigning.
Yellen’s actions are not random. They’re part of an organized campaign within the administration and the media to recruit CEOs to condemn and pressure Republicans to perpetuate the sustained inflationary spending.
(Connecting the debt limit fight to inflation is an urgent issue and one Republicans have, once again, badly failed to message on.)
While the sources did not spell out her purpose, Biden administration officials have been speaking to business owners about pressuring Republicans to raise the debt ceiling without conditions.
It’s one thing for some officials to do it, but Yellen is exploiting her office and specific role to do it. That’s campaigning. It’s illegal,but as we all know, political norms are for Republicans.
Does anyone proof articles before they’re posted? First paragraph of this Greenfield piece is garbled.
Opener lacks a verb. Clear as a bell, which is why I didn’t pick up on.
Also the reason I don’t care.
Nobody likes a scold.
When dyed in the wool thugs are given positions of authority expect thuggish behavior.
Especially when they’re butt ugly like Yellin. She has a face that would scare a ghost. Yuckarama.
The left is attacking at 1000 points. The best defense is a good offense, which may be the strategy conservatives need to use.
Ideed, Playing defense against an aggressive enemy with a plan… is not a plan.
Tell that to the obsequious (to Arabs) Avoda deep state next time you write an article for A7.
Who is A7? Who is Avoda? Or rather, go away
Avoda is Hebrew for Labor, as in Labor Party. It’s used by people– like me –who speak Hebrew and lived in Israel– in reference to Israels now 100 year old extreme leftist deep state. “A7” (which publishes some of Daniels articles) is Israels leading daily right-wing paper.
Deep state scum like Gali Baharav-Miara and Esther Hayut–who you know all about since you know so much about Jews and Israel–used their state power to convince some of Israel’s biggest companies to join BDS and move their money and even entire companies out of Israel during the current leftist coup that AVODA is forcing on Israelis yet again. It’s a phenomenon which is the Israeli doppelgänger of what Daniel is currently writing about.
You dont know the first thing about the subject of Israel or Jews–and all of your insipid comments on JPost and, occasionally, Breitbart, demonstrate that. I walloped you good on JPost about a month ago. Even YOU had to withdraw in shame.
YOU ought to either go away or actually learn something about a subject that you NEVER tire of publicly pontificating about.
Hey Taylor, you could reply without being extremely insulting to Cat.
I don’t know shit about A7 or Avoda either. Try insulting me, mother fucker. I’ll hand you your ass. Nobody wins an insult contest with me.
Is janet yellen related to Al Lewis? She was the one that told us not to worry about inflation, it wouldn’t be much and it was transitory. Why would anyone believe a word she says?
“It’s not the Treasury Secretary’s job to make political calls to business leaders about a political issue”? Says who?
The Treasury Secretary should not communicate with business leaders about issues that are crucial to the economy? That’s moronic.
Nobody is campaigning. Getting business leaders to explain basic macroeconomics to radical right-wing Republicans is not campaigning.
“The Treasury Secretary should not communicate with business leaders about issues that are crucial to the economy?”
The Treasury Secretary should not conduct political campaigns and attack political opponents using her office and under the guise of dealing with government matters.
Mickie’s feigned ignorance may not be feigned.
I bet you suck a lot of dicks.
Yellin’s communications with business “leaders” are intended to further ruin the economy, and yes, they’re illegal, you fucking twat.
You leftists lie more than you breathe.
Life in prison would be too easy for Globalists/Traitors like this
David Stockman…Our Next US Treasury Secretary
You allow Bergholz post the crudities that he posts but you block my comments response to ever blabbering know nothing Cat? My comments are right on the money.
Are you interested in attacking issues, or attacking people?