Justin “Fidelito” Trudeau has once again shown himself to be among the cutting-edge Leftist leaders of the world and set an example for Canada’s neighboring colossus to the south by appointing the Canadian government’s first-ever “special representative for fighting Islamophobia.” What a relief, eh, that a government is finally tackling this phenomenon with the full power of the state! The only problem is that the record of such programs, at least in the United States, generally shows that when the government vows to stamp out something, it creates more of it instead. Remember the War on Poverty? The War on Drugs? Canada’s new war on “Islamophobia” is unlikely to be different.
Trudeau, according to a Friday report in the Washington Post, declared, “Diversity truly is one of Canada’s greatest strengths, but for many Muslims, Islamophobia is all too familiar. We need to change that.” In order to do so, he named a hijab-wearing Muslim woman, Amira Elghawaby, whom the Post describes as a “journalist, human rights advocate and member of the Canada Race Relations Foundation,” to head up this new government initiative. For her part, Elghawaby explained, “Muslims are sometimes caught between being perceived as a threat or as representing a problem to solve.” She added that “she hoped this moment would spur a national conversation about the value of Canada’s diversity.” Ah, yes, of course — diversity, which we are constantly told is our strength, and we have to keep on being told that, because the evidence of our senses so often suggests the contrary.
According to the Post, this new government official will “tackle racism, discrimination and religious intolerance faced by the Muslim community.” But why? What does racism have to do with “Islamophobia”? There are Muslims, and Islamic jihadis, of all races. Once again we see what appears to be a deliberate obfuscation of categories and a refusal to make basic distinctions. Is this because racism is universally stigmatized already, and so the quickest and easiest way to get Canadians to accept the spurious concept of “Islamophobia” is to suggest that it’s a form of racism? Of course.
The Canadian government’s “Islamophobia” rep has been appointed in response to a pressing need. “More Muslims were killed in hate-motivated attacks in Canada,” says the Post, “than in any other Group of Seven country between 2016 and 2021, according to a report by the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM), which was cited by a Senate fact-finding mission on Islamophobia last year.” The new government representative will have $4.2 million in Canadian taxpayer dollars to keep this sort of thing from happening again.
If it’s really true that more Muslims were killed in hate-motivated attacks, it’s dreadful, but how do we know that all of these Muslims were really killed because of “Islamophobia”? We only seem to have the word of the CAIR-linked NCCM on this, and they’re hardly an unbiased voice. Does the Canadian government simply want to give you the impression that this was the case, in order to justify its efforts against this phenomenon?
And how is a new “special representative for combating Islamophobia” going to prevent further murders? No doubt Canadians will now be inundated with taxpayer-funded material about how wonderful Islam is. In the nature of things, however, there will still be human disputes, and some of them will involve Muslims. Now that “Islamophobia” has been established as targeted by the government, these disputes will all be ascribed to “Islamophobia” and offered as evidence of how urgently needed this “special representative” really is. Thus the Canadian government’s “Islamophobia” department will enjoy ever-increasing budgets. That’s how government agencies work: they have to justify their existence, so they keep having to find more and more of the thing they’re supposed to be stamping out.
Most importantly, since the Canadian government is now officially committed to efforts to convince us of the wonderfulness of Islam, it is not likely to look kindly upon critics of the religion, including foes of jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women. Will Amira Elghawaby make any efforts to protect Canadian citizens’ right to oppose jihad terror and Sharia oppression, and distinguish such criticism from the alleged hatred that supposedly leads to these murders of Muslims, or will she endeavor to make the case that any and all criticism of Islam, and even of jihad terror, endangers Muslims and must accordingly be silenced and prosecuted?
My money is on the latter. But this is a preposterous claim that, if followed out logically (which of course it never will be, as this “Islamophobia” business is fundamentally illogical), would preclude any criticism of anything as possibly leading to violence. In practice, it will preclude all criticism of anything the Left favors. In the Left’s mythology, Leftist criticism of traditional values, Christianity, etc. never, ever leads to violence.
Islamophobia could be eliminated if the imams were to apologise for 9/11 and every other jihad attack.
But they won’t.
Restart the Crusades.
So, hijab-wearing Muslim woman, Amira Elghawaby, is going to get rid of Islamophobia. How, I wonder.
And what was her real name before this white woman put on a hijab
Oh come on, she appears to have quite a sense of humor.
Maybe. So far as I have seen Muslims have no sense of humor except when they are screaming Allahu Akbar
The leftists always use deceptive words to mask their true intentions.
For those of who can see through the snake tongue words: It’s about enforcing sharia law upon the free world.
Obey the genocidal pedophile mo or die. That’s how islam has been promoted since day 1. Without the fear of death and terrorism, islam will vanish within a couple of generations.
If anything, it’s the inherent violence in islam that should be addressed and fought against. Not advertising it.
First of all, we should not use the word “Islamophobia.” A phobia is an irrational fear. I don’t think anti-Islamic sentiment is necessarily evidence of a fear as opposed to an appreciation of Islam’s belief system and bloody history. Second, concern is not irrational as long as the Quran instructs its followers to “kill the unbeliever where you find him,” requires adherents to bring all non-believers into “Dar al-Islam”, by coversion or conquest until the entire world is ruled by sharia, and punishes any departure from these beliefs (i.e., apostasy) by death.
This is a hot issue in Canada! If you dig deep you will discover how vile, hateful and dangerous this woman is. She is strongly anti-Canadian, anti-Monarchy, anti-Old Stock Canadian, anti-Christian, anti-Jewish, anti-free speech and I’m sure a few more anti’s. She was a co-founder and leader of Canada’s jihadist CAIR-linked National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) and the vile, slanderous and disgraced Canadian Anti-Hate [HATE] Network (CAHN). She co-created and promoted Canada’s M-103 Islamophobia Motion. All of these organizations and motions strive to suppress any legitimate criticism of Islam and to suppress free speech. Check out the Cultural Action Party of Canada for further details or her sordid, racist and treasonous past.
It is ironic that on the heels of appointing this vile muslima that Little Fidel would then virtue signal to all Canadians that he is concerned about the rise of anti- semitism in Canada.
Laughable…. but sad.. Trudeau did nothing about the attacks on Christians. Now here he is the little trainee a product of WEF, appointing a muslima to root out islamophobes.. how did he ever get re-elected?
Dominion voting machines had an office in Toronto.
Where do I complain when Muslim terrorists kill Christians in Nigeria and Jews in Israel? Is that Islamophobia or does truth matter? Islam has been at war with non-Muslims for 1400 years. They were worse colonialists than the British. The only choice they gave was convert or die.
Omar Khadr was a young Islamic terrorist with a Canadian passport, who pleaded guilty for killing a US army sergeant. For his evil deed he sat in Guantanamo for 10 years. When he was released back to Canada Trudeau paid him $10 million as compensation for his suffering.
Trudeau is an Islamophile. He proves it further by wearing socks with Arabic script on them, visits their mosques and many Muslims hold important portfolios in his liberal cabinet. It is therefore not surprising, but disturbing, that he has appointed this radical Amira whatever to this position.
In 1918 Trudeau said that Christians were the worst part of Canadian Society. Where is the equity?
This new portfolio is very insidious in Canada’s political climate. It gives Trudeau draconian powers that remind me of a little of each Hitler, Stalin, Ceausescu et al.
A sage has correctly called him a narcissistic psychopath. IMO his dysfunctional childhood could hold the answer.
‘Something is very rotten in the state of Canada’. Apologies to Shakespeare .
“.. all too familiar” is not Islamophobia, but endless phoney Muslim wailing about their non-existent victimhood that Justin Trudeau swallows hook, line and sinker. Islam’s speciality is hatred and intolerance of non-Muslims, not that Trudeau will ever acknowledge this – while the Muslims of Boko Haram and Fulani Tribesmen murder Christians in Nigeria and Al-Shabaab runs rampant murdering in East Africa.
Not too long ago Muslim columnist with The Toronto Sun, Tarek Fatah, wrote a column headed “There is no Islamophobia in Canada.’ No doubt the imbecilic leader of Canada did not read the column, but even if he had he would reject what he chooses not to believe. And this clown is Canada’s ‘leader’.
At the Canadian tax payers expense