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In myth, post-apartheid South Africa became a land of unity, peace, and brotherly love. In reality, it became a corrupt racist dictatorship: a slow-motion Zimbabwe whose more gradual pace of self-destruction was only made possible by the vastly greater wealth that the corrupt Communist movement that took it over had to play with. In its greed for wealth, the ANC just starved dozens of miners to death and is plotting to seize the land of white farmers.
The African National Congress presided over the destruction of South Africa’s economy and its transformation from a first-world country to a place where the power can’t be expected to stay on in its major cities.
While all of this was going on, U.S. presidents alternated between ignoring that anything was wrong and following the dogma by praising the ANC’s regime. Not even South Africa’s open embrace of Russia, China and Hamas could seem to dissuade the Biden administration and liberals from their worship of the ANC.
But now that changed with President Trump blasting the new racist land confiscation program and threatening to cut off aid to South Africa.
Even apart from a racist plot to seize land, South Africa under the ANC has become profoundly hostile to the United States. It’s become a playground for China, Russia and Iran. And we should not be funding it.
I doubt the ANC will stop it’s genocidal land confiscation program because it’s been getting away with it ever since the whites handed them power. I bet tey’ll pause for a bit and pretend that they’ve stopped. And President Trump will definitely cut off aid if they play games.
Of course, if they seize all the farms, they’ll likely turn out like the farms in Zimbabwe. Owned by people who don’t know how to farm so they fail miserably.
“…the ANC just starved dozens of miners to death and is plotting to seize the land of white farmers.”
You are right, Jeff. Mr. Greenfield is technically correct, because the plan to seize farmland from white farmers is ongoing, but farm murders (racially-motivated and government-sanctioned) have been the reality for many years now.
I wish we could import all those farmers here and allow them to have the farms government and big tech have taken over. Bill Gates holds the largest share of farmland in the U.S. He must be approaching 300,000 acres now. His holdings could be re-distributed using our old anti-monopoly laws.
That’s a great idea.
Nerdmo Gates’s plot is obviously nefarious. I know he wants us to shun meat and eat bugs but why the scumbag thinks he can create an agricultural shortage, I don’t know. There are reportedly 895.3 million acres of farmland in America so he may as well be banging his stupid head against a wall.
And South Africans are excellent farmers. They’d be welcome here and they wouldn’t have to worry about their families being murdered and farms seized.
I always hated everything about post-apartheid South Africa. Especially the Communist Jew hating African National Congress, and the insufferable Nelson Mandela and his murdering wife Winnie.
What was once a prosperous western oriented nation has degenerated into a basket case where land is stolen from whites, white farmers are murdered, and where all of the predictable crap that happens when a country is lost to leftism and communism.
Is anyone surprised? We were on the same road with the ascension of Obama and his version of gay Muslim Communism. Fortunately we have term limits and Obama was followed by Trump and then Obama’s handmaiden Biden, who put the nail in Obama’s political coffin.
Without term limits Obama would have declared himself president for life, and would still be in the White House. The U.S. would resemble some piss-poor African nation now, more like Kenya or the Congo.
Yes, it always annoyed me to no end that lefties worshiped Mandela. He looked saintly and said he regretted his crimes but he was an ANC terrorist who had school buses filled with white children blown up, and when he was arrested his car was full of weapons. He never denied it, I’ll give him credit for that and his repentance.
And yes, if Mao Mao Obama had been able to stay in office, America would’ve become a piss poor nation for sure. Hell, look how much sabotage Alzheimer Joe’s handlers wrought in only four scant years.
Excellent analysis.
The process of degeneration reminded me of some of our big Democrat cities.
The only difference I can see between big Dirtbagocrat cities and countries like formerly modern and prosperous South Africa, Zimbabwe, which was modern and prosperous when it was Rhodesia, the two Congos and others is the wildlife. I don’t mean the feral humans in those places, they’re the same. I mean the other animals like zebras, lions, rhinos, elephants, etc. compared to bears, bison, cougars, raccoons, etc.
The usual suspects in those places have the same mindset, although the ones in African countries don’t have to deal with scum like MS-13 and Venezuelans because even though their governments are incompetent, they aren’t suicidal. “Woke” political correctness is a Western psychosis.
South Africa was a first world nation built by whites, and it was great until the rest of Africa swarmed into it as parasites upon it, just like they have been swarming into our country until we got our president back. It’s what the garbage people of the world always do to first world nations built by whites.
Peoples of failed cultures cannot build first world nations, they can only aspire to become parasites upon them, bringing with them the cultures that made their homelands something to flee. And of course, the more of there that comes here the more here becomes there. The votes of such peoples are for sale to the highest bidding tyrant.
That is precisely what happened before Palestine became Isral – when Jews built major industries, constructed energy and water resources, reclaimed marsh lands for farming and prospered. Parasites came from every Arab country for the better wages paid them.. Today they call themselves “Palestinians” and claim the land is theirs.
Well for one thing there are no Palestinians. They are just Arab Muslims calling themselves that for political reasons. There never was a Palestinian nation or people, they are a fiction invented for political purposes, first by the Roman emperor Hadrian after he crushed the Bar Khokba revolt and renamed the region Syria Palestina, after the Philistines who had vanished from the world centuries before to erase all Jewish connection to the land. In modern times Arab Muslims use the name for the same purpose.
Take it from one of their own:
“The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian people’ to oppose Zionism.” — Zuheir Mohsen, PLO official, Trouw, March 31, 1977.
Yes, and it was the satanically subversive KGB which came up with the idea of a fictional ethnicity whose fake country was stolen and occupied and suffer fake persecution, and the PLO adopted it.
The constant lies about Psuedostinians and Israel are nauseating.
Reminds me of Minneapolis with all its Somalian subhumans. They aren’t black, they aren’t white, but they’re all for sale and block vote for trash like Inbred Omar and third world living conditions.
Parasites is an excellent analogy.
I read that Africa and Asia are the two of biggest producers of Plastic Wastes in the world
They are. Not even South and Central America come close, and they have some very dirty countries.
Excellent point, and there’s so much more to say about SA.
The first South African engineer I knew – he was a grad student on a student visa while I was in college –
explained what was going on in SA, and he predicted the future.
He thought the whole thing would come apart faster than it has, but otherwise his analysis was spot on.
That was 41 years ago.
Which also shows that all you need to do long-term prophecy accurately – is a brain.
I worked a few months in Johannesburg, SA back in the late 90’s.
After Mandela became President, that city as well as the whole country descended into
horrific criminal activities such as murder, shootings, rapes, assaults, deadly car jackings, thefts, etc.
I know people from SA and they now say that things have become dangerous then back then.
Now we see our Dem controlled American cities following the same path.
Wake up America as well as other First World countries.
South Africa has far and away the highest rape and car “jacking” rate in the world. I remember when a company there developed flame throwers that were affixed to the under carriage of cars that could torch attempted car “jackers.” They were advertised that “they don’t even peel the paint job!” I wonder if they’re still legal? I wish I had a set.
“Hold accountable” is really just withholding money, right? This graph shows U.S. dollars going out from us to other nations. It is shocking.