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This is an interesting development. One that will infuriate the nation of Somalia. But Somalia now has its Islamist tentacles deep in our political system. Or at least it thought that it did.
Somaliland, a self-governing region within Somalia, will be much closer to being recognized by the United States as the world’s newest country when Donald Trump returns to the White House in January.
Support for the region has grown strong among Republican US-Africa policy leaders on Capitol Hill, right-leaning Washington DC think tanks, and likely Africa advisors of Trump’s incoming White House. Many of these people told Semafor Africa they would encourage Trump to recognize Somaliland “even if it wasn’t on Day One.”
Recognizing Somaliland could enable US intelligence to set up long term operations to monitor the movement of weapons in a volatile region as well as keep an eye on Chinese activity. China already has a permanent military base in neighboring Djibouti. It should allow the US to better monitor Houthi activity in Yemen.
While most people think Rep. Ilhan Omar’s big priority was hating Israel and Jews (which she certainly does), it was about empowering Somalia and stopping recognition of Somaliland.
You may remember this Rep. Ilhan Omar rant from earlier this year that laid bare her agendas.
1/ #IlhanOmar, @IlhanMN, made a speech the other day, which blew up in a big way. Below is an excerpt with English subtitles. This is the first of my threads explaining why it’s important to you too, and what all the problems with it are. First up’s the sheer scope of the fracas
— Tim Skellett (@Gurdur) January 29, 2024
Some of the translated quotes have her asserting Somalia’s supremacy over US foreign policy in response to Ethiopia’s deal with Somaliland.
“We as Somalians,” the translation describes, are an “organized society”, “people of one blood”, “brothers and sisters”, “people who know they are Somalians first, Muslims second.”
“The US government will only do what Somalians in the US tell them to do,” the translation states. “They will do what we want and nothing else. They must follow our orders.”
“We Somalians must have that confidence in ourselves that we call for the shots in the US… the US is a country where one of your daughters is in congress to represent your interest for as long as I am in the US Congress, Somalia will never be in danger, in waters will not be stolen by Ethiopia… the US would not dare to support anyone against Somalia.”
“Sleep in comfort knowing I am here to protect the interests of Somalia from inside the US system,” she says.
(Omar claimed the speech was mistranslated. I don’t know the language well enough to know, but this wouldn’t be an issue if she actually delivered political speeches in English as if she were an American elected official.)
Here’s another speech, via Alpha News, in which Omar stands smiling while former Somali Prime Minister Hassan Khaire states, according to the translation, that “the interest of Ilhan are not Ilhans, it’s not the interest of Minnesota, nor is it the interest of the American people, the interest of Ilhan is that of the Somalian people and Somalia.”
“The success of Ilhan is the success of Somalia.” He then urges Somalis everywhere on the planet to “support and give money to Ilhan’s campaign”
BREAKING: Former Somali Prime Minister Hassan Khaire rallies for Rep. Ilhan Omar (Minneapolis, USA):
“This is not a Minnesota issue. It’s not an American issue. It’s an issue of Somalis.”
Not a single American flag. Zero English.
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) June 30, 2024
Looks like that money was wasted. If Trump recognizes Somaliland, Omar’s efforts to maintain the interests of the Somali regime will have failed.
That particular representative appears to deserve a red; investigation by DHS concerning her veracity in immigration documents, blood relatives, marital status, and fidelity to her pledge of allegiance to the United States Constitution. On the face of her public utterances, the next Congress should refuse to seat her unless and until it can be reliably established that she is entitled to remain in the USA as a citizen.
A JOURNALIST on Power Line did an investigation of her a long time ago and seemed to present enough PUBLIC knowledge that should have resulted in an Immigration Investigation and subsequent prosecution for FRAUD. Oh, and the “family” that she came with were in on it too so — OUT THEY GO as well! We need EXAMPLES of what happens when you commit : Immigration FRAUD, Marital FRAUD, and Education Financing FRAUD! She could be the poster gal for all of it! Oh, and I guess you could slip in Sedition for her Anti-America stance and declarations! She needs to go!!
I don’t visit Powerline any more since they banned me from commenting because I posted “POS oblama” and referred to one of their obnoxious writers as “Paulie”!! So if you go there – TREAD LIGHTLY!!
Pull their passports and deport them all back to Somalia (Omar included). We don’t need an Islamist fifth column in the U.S. They are a cancer on the American body politic and a threat to our national security. Ditto for the Islamist “squad” in Congress.
Do the same with all the Open Borders Politicians and the UN can be moved to Beijing
U.S. Representatives should not be loyal to any other nation, and / or have dual citizenship.
I think that restriction should apply to ALL US citizens. You want to be a US citizen, you have to choose. I believe until 1965, you had to renounce all foreign citizenship in order to become a US citizen. That should return.
There just may be a vacancy for a health insurance company CEO.
Thanks Daniel !!! I wasn’t aware of the Somaliland issue.
I think Sir Richard Burton, writing in the 1800s, said Somalia was the worst country he had visited.
islam is a cancer , you cant treat cancer with analgesics . there is no diplomacy with terrorists . omar is a terrorist with a teapot on her head . .no different to her islamic counterparts yelling death to the infidels . boot her out of congress and give her a one way ticket back to the rat infested country she came from . how much incitement do americans want before she gets the DCM?
Is Ilhan a practicing pious muslima, or is she sporting a clitoris like some sort of western whore?
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Mogadishu)
Need we say more?
One more thing – Omar there’s the door, don’t let the door hit ya, where the good Lord split ya.
One way flight to anywhere, but here….
It is unfortunate that every one like Ilhan can land in the US political system so easily by the so called vote of their refugees who are against the US while they at the same time seek life from the US. This system of becoming a politician must be changed. It is not good foot America.
Return all these invaders back to where they came from and ban anymore imgration from those Nations and make them take care of their owb citizen instead of sending them to us