According to the Times of Israel, a delegation of Senate US Democrats arrived in Israel on January 17, and asked not to meet with MK Ministers Bezalel Smotrich, Itamar Ben Gvir or any members of their Otzma Yehudit party. The request was made by the office of Democrat Senator Jacky Rosen, to whom Haaretz refers as “pro-Israel.“ Yet in November 2021, Rosen visited the repressive, Muslim Brotherhood-supporting regime of Qatar. She had no problems meeting with Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani on her visit, despite the fact that he collaborated with the Chief of Hamas’ Political Bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, as recently as 2021. Haniyeh thanked Al Thani “for his continuous support for Palestine and the Palestinian people.” Al Thani has also stressed at the UN that Israel must “end its occupation,” and advocated for full solidarity “with the brotherly Palestinian people in their aspiration to achieve justice.” Yet the cowardly Jacky Rosen met with Al Thani while refusing even to dialogue with members of the Otzma Yehudit party within the Netanyahu coalition.
Otzma Yehudit means Jewish strength or Jewish power. The party platform “calls for the annexation of the West Bank, and for complete Israeli rule between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.” This platform is in direct opposition to the Palestinian goal of obliterating Israel from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, as often chanted in “free Palestine”rallies. After the manifest failure of the arrangements set forth in the Oslo Accords, the Otzma Yehudit platform should be applauded, not condemned by anyone who supports Israel’s right to exist and defend itself from those who would destroy it.
Far too many media outlets continue to reference the Otzma Yehudit as “far right” and “extreme” instead of simply by its name, thus editorializing on every news story. Most of these same media outlets did not refer to the Ra’am Party, a member of Israel’s last governing coalition, as an “extremist party,” despite its support for releasing Palestinian jihadi prisoners. Ra’am also supports a return to the pre-1967 borders (aka “the borders of Auschwitz”) and the status quo in Jerusalem, which forbids Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount, a policy that was only instituted in order to appease Muslims Arabs and stop the ongoing violence.
The visiting Senate Democrats have sent a dangerous message not only to Israel, but also to Israel’s foes who seek to drive the Jewish state out of existence. Israel is already completely erased on Palestinian Authority maps. Right before the turn of the new year, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) hailed a UN vote condemning Israel’s “occupation of Palestine,” ostensibly to send a message of solidarity with Palestinians (including its jihad “resistance”) in the face of the Zionist party becoming part of the new Netanyahu coalition. Then on January 10, in an outright lie, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Executive Committee condemned what it referred to as “Israeli attacks on Al-Aqsa,” and called for “mobilizing efforts to protect Al-Quds,” which amounted to a call to violence. The OIC was inspired by Iran, which went before the OIC to bemoan the alleged “desecration of Islamic sanctities” on the Temple Mount. The OIC’s Secretary General, Hissein Brahim Taha, agreed with Iran about “the defiling of al-Aqsa Mosque by the Zionists,” while Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al-Jaber Al Sabah “welcomed Iran’s proposal and initiative that the OIC take action in concert to stop the sacrilegious acts of the Israeli regime that disrupt regional peace and stability.” Pakistan “also voiced concern over the continuation of the Zionist regime’s aggressive policies and condemned its moves to desecrate al-Aqsa Mosque. He added that the silence of world countries toward injustice in Palestine must end.”
Senate Democrats, whether intentionally or not, have joined the OIC and the UN to stoke animosity against Israel. Being complicit in strengthening a violent agenda against the state of Israel while blaming Otzma Yehudit is obscene. And while pro-Palestinians danced to the tune of Palestinian propaganda against Ben-Bvir for spending thirteen minutes on the Temple Mount and not actually violating the status quo, Palestinian violations of that same status quo are ignored. According to i24 News:
Until the mid-1990s, only the Al-Aqsa Mosque was open to the public for prayers. From that time on, the Waqf violated the status quo by beginning, against the advice of Israel, the development of the site known as “King Solomon’s Stables,” located to the southeast of the Esplanade, but about ten meters below ground. In the course of the development of these stables into a mosque, the Palestinians will engage in a dramatic ransacking of archaeological remains dating back to the Second Temple period. No one at the UN or UNESCO was offended by these violations.
It isn’t Otzma Yehudit that is provoking Palestinians, it is Palestinians who are provoked by the existence of Israel. The goal of obliterating Israel entirely remains in the PA National Charter. The ongoing hope of the Palestinian leadership has always been for Israel to adopt an appeasement strategy. The Palestinian leadership wants to stoke international rage against Israel while disseminating Palestinian victimhood propaganda. Now faced with a strong Zionist party within the Netanyahu coalition, the Palestinian agenda is threatened, unleashing antisemitic rage on all sides, as well as fear among those who support an appeasement strategy.
Israel now has a government that will not bend to Palestinian intimidation and propaganda. The Senate Democrats point to past “offensive” remarks from the Otzma Yehudit camp, but any “offensive” remarks pale by comparison to the jihad against Israel. Meanwhile, the recent emergency meeting of the UN Security Council, “called by the United Arab Emirates (and the Palestinians) to protest the rise of Israel’s new National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir,” ended with everyone angry. “The Biden administration, despite its opposition to the Jewish Power leader’s move, threatened to veto any anti-Israel resolution.”
This move was contrary to the Senate Democrats who are now boycotting the Otzma Yehudit segment of Netanyahu’s coalition. So far, the White House has avoided such boycotts, with Secretary of State Antony Blinken stating that the US would be judging Otzma Yehudit “by its policies rather than its personalities.” Others have stated that “their main interlocutor in Jerusalem will be Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and they will be holding him directly responsible” for his coalition’s actions.
The agenda being pushed by Senate Democrats should be widely called out for political interference in the affairs of a sovereign nation, and for exacerbating tensions.
Spurwing Plover says
But they will rub elbows with Antifa/BLM and what else they find all right in their small minds
victoryman says
Mayhaps Antifa is the 100,000 strong civilian army Obambi talked about?
Rosen is a JINO, Jew in Name Only, just like Schumer, Schiff, Nadler, etc.
Jewish…… election time.
These people hate Israel….and especially Netanyahu, who is a strong world leader who
defends his country. Compare that to what we have….
Haroldpom says
They should have been told to stay home.
Steven Brizel says
This is par for the course for woke Democrats and far too many secular and heterodox Jewish supporters of Israel who refuse to accept election returns unless their side wins
Joseph Di Frances says
“woke” Democrats is already a lexical concession to the advance of the communist agenda. – one more way we accede in the use of language in disguising the enemy’s true nature. Neo-communist (and I prefer this without the prefix) would be closer to the truth. We must studiously avoid clichés, for our own mental self-discipline, and, equally important, for the purpose of using EVERY WORD to fight the enemy.
Wayne says
You nailed the truth to the door. The twisting of language and thereby obfuscation of meaning is a tool the Marxist Socialist Democrat leadership has used for years! They are perfectionists in misconstructions of language and truth for the bending of their constituents minds to believe what is Evil is Good and what is Good is Evil.
Rachelle says
The veto is of course damaging, but knowing Israelis as I do, and I am one of them, we will likely be more inclined to shrug than to throw as infantile a hissy fit as these democrats are throwing with their behaviour.. And yes, of course Netanyahu is the final address. We don’t need to be told that. What so many hysterical detractors don’t seem able to grasp is that we voted the way we did for valid reasons and in accordance with our concerns, not the concerns of any other country. Rather than sulking and refusing to meet with some of our new ministers, US politicians might be better advised to meet, listen, and talk. Hysterical reactions are far more damaging to the current US administration than they are to Israel.