Are these purported pundits on the far-left propaganda network MSNBC simply gaslighting their handful of viewers by claiming Arizona’s Maricopa County “has the best vote counting practices” — or are they truly this delusional? Check out the short clip below and decide for yourself:
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Judith says
Clearly they are gaslighting themselves. These people are not clever.
Anne says
There is so much fraud and failures, irregular patterns of machine breakdowns and ballot harvesting in this AZ election it’s an insult to say they have the best voting practices. Another stollen election pushing us further into the One World Bloated Bureaucracy from Hell.
Spurwing Plover says
A-Mess-NBC The Lying Peacock News i quit the M.S. Media some 20 years ago since most of their news is either fake or leftists propaganda
Greebo says
I can now see why they now believe that the American public is ready to Doublethink. Apparently may of us are & the rest is intimidated enough to be silent (or has been effectively silenced by enemy owned & run media & internet sites..