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In this short clip from a recent episode of the Freedom Center’s podcast The Savage Truth, host Cicely Davis reminds viewers that the proposed debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is already over.
Check out the clip below and the full episode HERE:
The M.S. Media bottom Feeders will Favor Biden just like t hey did with Clinton(Bill)and Obama they just kiss the Rings of t he DNC/Globalists
Good video. And your rack looks great, as usual.
Does anyone really believe the deep state will allow Trump to just waltz back into the Whitehouse? If they have to harvest 50 million 3:00 AM votes for the Delaware Ding-a-ling, they will do it.
Its not who votes that matters. Its who counts the votes that does.
Even if Biden farts audibly, wets his pants and babbles incoherently, the mainstream media will present him as the winner of the debate.
I remember Obama’s record in his first term. It was one failure after another. The ACA passed but it wasn’t such a successful program, and its implementation went very badly. In spite of all that, he was re-elected. So, don’t count any unhatched chickens just yet.
Especially since America’s first mentally retarded president Jihad Joe was “elected with 81 million votes” Fixing a debate to make Biden (whose IQ is somewhere between that of a coal bucket and a tomato vine) seem competent is bad enough. The fact that we no longer have unrigged elections is far more serious.
Don’t forget they still have the CIA software. Keep your powder dry.
Don’t forget that Trump said he was going to demand a drug test on Biden for the debate. Many believe that “Briben” is given drugs to prop him up to keep him upright and make him look alive. Another person suggested he ALSO have “Briben” checked at the time of the debate for ear pieces, to prevent him from getting his answers through that earpiece.
The comparison of these two will be like night and day, and a total rude awakening to most people. The country has been headed down the rabbit hole for the last 3 years under Biden.