“The people had squandered the confidence of the government and could only win it back by redoubled work. Would it not in that case be simpler for the government to dissolve the people and elect another?”
—The Solution, 1953
To understand how we got here, we need to begin with the founding premise of America, the one that motivated former British subjects to take up arms against a king, that the people had the right to choose their governments.
Now the divine right of kings has given way to the radical right of leftists to take power from the people in the name of the people. Unable to directly coerce voters, they instead exploited loopholes and weaknesses in the system to reinvent who the people were.
Democrats began by choosing a new electorate, one that was strategically defined by Senator Ted Kennedy and others as being more demographically friendly to its political machines. Into the urban political machines that had begun to lose their old immigrant bases as the Irish, Italian and Jewish immigrants that had sustained them moved on to the suburbs, mass migration poured in a new electorate that would be more pliable and obedient to the party.
The combination of open borders and third world mass migration reshaped the political landscape. Cities, always prominent, became the 800-pound gorillas of politics, turning entire states in their direction. The nation’s demographics changed as rapidly as its politics did.
But that was only the first step. The second step, now well underway, was reshaping the structure of elections to allow Democrats to find the voters, instead of the voters finding them.
Voters going to the polls were exercising their power. But ballot harvesting and mail ballots transformed voting from an active act into a passive one. Voters weren’t choosing candidates, the political machines behind the candidates chose them. Massive voter registration, outreach and ballot harvesting machines targeted areas based on demographics and unearthed the votes that their statistical models showed that they needed in order to be able to win elections.
Election officials coordinating with Democrat operatives crunched the math and worked out how many votes would be needed for a given election. Big Tech bosses and their executives and engineers helped them develop the statistical models to harness the power of Big Data.
And elections came to bear little resemblance to people lining up to vote in their local house of worship. Big Tech had ‘disrupted’ another industry. Elections looked like Amazon: a massive giant leveraging its competitive Big Data advantage to disrupt how elections worked. And like many Big Tech operations that empowered monopolies while claiming to empower the people, elections went from empowering people to choose their representatives, to instead empower special interests, organizations and the party to win elections by choosing voters.
The bold idea of reversing power relations by reshaping the country to elect candidates, rather than shaping parties and candidates to appeal to the voters, reversed the historic gains of the American Revolution, turning America from a republic of free men to an oligarchy of the few.
Under the guise of ‘people power’, that is what the new elections have turned the country into.
While many concentrate on issues of voter fraud, they are symptomatic of a larger systemic change that transcends whether any given vote was cast legitimately to whether the system as a whole is legitimate. And the definition of a legitimate system, as set out by the Declaration of Independence, is one that allows the people to choose their representatives. Not vice versa.
It is difficult to look at today’s system of national elections and seriously believe that the results represent the consent of the governed. Democrats had previously argued that they were a more legitimately representative party because their identity politics included a wider spectrum of groups. But even in a midterm in which every single minority group, Latinos, Jews, black voters, American Indians and Asians, moved closer to Republicans, Democrats still held out.
They did it by analyzing voter trends and countering them by finding enough ballots to outweigh them. And in a system with ballot harvesting and mass migration, there will always be some ballots that can be found and delivered to outweigh the people. No matter how belatedly.
What happened in the midterms, once again, was that the voters rejected the Democrats, and the Democrats found other voters to overrule them. Those minorities who turned on the Democrats had their votes nullified by multi-billion dollar political machines who simply dug deeper, found folks who were (or perhaps even weren’t) legally eligible to cast a ballot and got to them.
With a massive national population that is being demographically transformed by millions of new arrivals, there will always be options for a political movement that is redefining elections from the active work of informed citizens to a passive surrender of support to the emissaries of political bosses. The old corrupt Tammany politics of wards and ghettos are running America.
What’s at stake is more than the outcome of any given election, but the very concept that America’s forefathers fought and bled for. America is not the only nation that has elections. Many countries, free and non-free, have them. What made our elections matter was that the power actually lay with the people, not with organizations and politicians claiming to represent them. When the people cease to be the source of political power, then elections become a meaningless charade that cover up the abuses of an oligarchy or a totalitarian state.
America’s elections only matter to the extent to which they represent an active decision by voters to choose officials to represent them, not a passive submission to their authority.
The Democrats have built a vast operation that allows them to ‘elect voters’. Unless America restores a system in which people elect politicians, our elections will remain fig leaves for a corrupt oligarchy of Big Tech monopolies and radical activists determined to take our power away.
J.J. Sefton says
You nailed it, sir. There is no doubt that some chicanery, as has always been the case, happened as it has always happened in all prior elections. But the institutionalization of a completely insane system that LEGALIZES this process is the real steal. Or part of the ongoing multi-generational theft of our nation and society.
Unless and until we get back to one legally eligible citizen one vote on one day only, we are doomed. We may soon be doomed anyway from the influx of millions of third world peasants who become instant Democrats as well as the 2-3 generations of our own brainwashed children who actually voted for a vegetable and his Edith Wilson handler to be Senator from PA. Ditto the so-called “president.”
Kasandra says
Right you are. Notice that just yesterday Sen. Schumer called for “amnesty” and citizenship for all illegal aliens in the U.S. He suggested that the number was eleven million. The actual number is near thirty million and possibly as high as well over thirty-five million, although the Dems and the media (although I repeat myself) keep knowingly concealing the true number of illegals.
TRex says
Eleven million? That’s a hoot. It’s been eleven million since I was 20 years old, and I’m now 71. Same tired shit from the same lying pricks that want to own America.
Snuffy Carter says
California gets many of the illegals. In Los Angeles County alone, the total population has reached over 10 million people (that’s legal plus illegal citizens) – when there are about 40 States in America that only have a total population of 10 million people or less.
Lightbringer says
I have long looked for a citation for the quote about dissolving a people and electing another, but could not find it. Would you be kind enough to provide me with the author’s name and any other information you have? Thanks!
Lightbringer says
I have been reading that the number of illegal aliens residing in this country excees 30 million for some years now and wonder what the true number is. It exceeds 30 million by how many now? 20 million more? Who knows at this point?
Lisa B says
We probably need to join in this tactic in order to gain enough seats to overturn it.
Steve Myers says
Absolutely right. Daniel Greenfield’s perceptive article should be read and digested until it inspires an inner longing to reclaim our lost Republic
Moshiko says
Right you are. Dont forget the Big Demobucks coming from Soros, his hundreds of front orgs for making illegal campaign contributions appear legal – and their profound effect on laying every dirty trick in the book through their sponsored ads of lies and deceit. This massive army of Soros-backed influencers, alsoknown as Soros Solicitors (SS) are patently illegal and operating under false pretenses, and must be exposed, prosecuted amd dismantled.
Lightbringer says
SS, eh? Is that why they wear black and beat up anyone in their way?
Mark Sochor says
The electorate has changed in many ways over the decades through mal education. A strong independent, well informed citizen is feared by megalomaniacs.
Anthony F says
And those little “I voted” stickers, have they always sent those out in the mail beforehand? When I’d see people wearing those before covid, I always just assumed they had gone to the actual voting place in real time and did their part to earn a little bit of civic pride in honor of the occasion.
Stan says
Since, COVID there are now 27 states that allow “no excuse” absentee voting meaning that you can get an absentee ballot for no reason other that you are too lazy to go in person to vote. Worse, few people know that there are now eight states that have 100% mail in voting. These states (and all the states with no excuse mail in voting) use so-called “signature verification” where ordinary poll workers match signatures and have the power to set aside ballots if they say signatures on the mail-in envelope don’t match the signatures on the ballot inside. How many signatures have you seen that are illegible or do your own signatures always match? In Oregon, for example, Republican and former Navy Seal, Joe Kent has apparently lost because thousands of his votes (more than he lost by) have been set aside. This is a horrible system that essentially can have any vote discarded on the basis of an inexpert opinion and then the voter must be contacted and then must prove that his/her own vote is valid. Talk about “voter suppression”! Then, conversely, signatures that obviously don’t match can be accepted by dishonest poll workers as was just proved in Nevada. It’s no wonder that there is little confidence in our voting systems anymore. We were far better served with paper ballots and single day elections. Let’s have a national holiday and one day voting and absentee voting only for those with a valid reason that they can’t vote in person.
Snuffy Carter says
That’s why we must only vote on the exact election day – not 2 to 3 weeks early in those mail in ballot States – so that the commie dems can’t throw our ballot out because the “signatures don’t match.”
Yet, many conservatives on tv this week have been telling Republicans to now only use early voting – this will only help to defeat Trump in 2024.
Robb Willes says
There is little motivation to actually engage the “voter” to gain their “ballot”. We conservatives think of this as a legal one by one process. Our opponents think in wholesale numbers to “represent” the biggest groups they can.
Disaffected border jumpers, inner city sloggers, and nubile 20somethings all vote in embarrassingly low numbers. The process is to register and vote for them.
We are restrained by thoughts of legal votes. Our opponents are producing ballots by whatever means necessary to win because in winning no one will look back at how the race was won.
Conservatives are losing to wholesale ballot production
Snuffy Carter says
Yes, for example, there are 90,000 nursing home patients in Wisconsin. Some 0f these were interviewed on tv this past week and said that they had to give their ballots to dem ballot harvesters.
hilton33 says
A Republican will never win another presidential election, unless they start playing by the new rules set by the Democrats. Ballots not votes. I have no hope that the Republicans will push back against any of this because they would rather go along to get along.
John Gardner says
“Massive voter registration, outreach and ballot harvesting machines targeted areas based on demographics and unearthed the votes that their statistical models showed that they needed in order to be able to win elections.”
Except for “ballot harvesting” which may or may not be widespread and which is definitely open to abuse (albeit on a small scale), isn’t this what knocking on doors to get out the vote is all about? And, shouldn’t conservatives be doing more of it?
Having just completed voting by mail in Nevada I have 100% confidence that mail voting is the way to go. Signatures are verified in a separate step by people who have no knowledge of which boxes are checked for candidates within, problems are either resolved then or through the “ballot curing” process. Mail in voters are informed when their ballot is accepted (i.e., no problem noted) and choices are being tabulated. And for those so inclined, it is possible to actually pull up the spreadsheet recording your ballot identity information (but not how you voted).
The only weak area I can see (in Nevada) is that being able to drop off or mail a ballot for a voter might leave some voters (e.g., elderly, people in work gangs, people in care facilities, etc.) vulnerable to intimidation or even outright fraud unless some closer controls are put in place.
TRex says
See Stan’s comment above. 100% mail in voting creates far too many loopholes to game the system. For example, every registered voter in a household gets mailed a ballot (same for nursing homes, etc.). How can you guarantee who filled out the ballot? Signatures? Dubious at best. As long as there is an alternative to in-person voting there is a way to cheat on a grand scale.
Lightbringer says
I have long looked for a citation for the quote about dissolving a people and electing another, but could not find it. Would you be kind enough to provide me with the author’s name and any other information you have? Thanks!
Tex the Mockingbird says
Democrat polsters go to the Cematary and take down the names on the Headstones
NativeAZ says
As much as we don’t like it, we’re going to have to play their game in order to win. Only then can we change election laws, similar to FL, in every state and go back to the way elections were intended.
CharlieSeattle says
Pelosi just said that on tape.
“””Pelosi, need immigrants””” 20 seconds to find these….
https://www.foxnews.com › politics › pelosi-says-farmers-need-illegal-immigrants-pick-crops-florida
Pelosi says farmers need illegal immigrants ‘to pick the crops’ in …
Pelosi’s remarks come as the U.S. remains in the throes of a historic border crisis which has seen more than 2.1 million migrant encounters this fiscal year, and more than 200,000 migrant…]
https://nypost.com › 2022 › 09 › 30 › nancy-pelosi-says-florida-needs-migrants-to-pick-crops
Nancy Pelosi says Florida needs migrants to ‘pick crops’
Sep 30, 2022House Speaker Nancy Pelosi caused outrage Friday when she attempted to justify waves of illegal migration to the US by claiming Florida farmers needed the new arrivals to “pick the crops down…