When your whole city’s a toilet, why not embrace it?
The D.C. Council is expected to take the first of two votes Tuesday on a massive rewrite of its criminal code. If passed, the bill would eliminate most mandatory minimum sentences, allow for jury trials in almost all misdemeanor cases and reduce the maximum penalties for offenses such as burglaries, carjackings and robberies.
Assume that there’ll be a lot more burglaries, carjackings and robberies.
Not to mention public urination.
Mayor Muriel Bowser and Police Chief Robert Contee III are pushing back hard on parts of the plan they don’t agree with, and say the council is rushing to beat an arbitrary deadline.
At a news conference Tuesday, the mayor said the concern is over the decriminalization of certain public nuisances, such as urinating in public or noise violations.
Like most “criminal justice reform” measures, this is a pro-crime project meant to enable more of it.
“The requirement for Burglary 1 (first-degree burglary), which would be the highest grade of burglary, would require that a resident perceive that the person was inside of their home,” said Contee. “First, why are we shifting the burden to the resident in order to charge the highest penalty? You’ve been victimized.”
“Burglary 2, which is a lesser degree, does not require that you perceive, that you knew, the person broke into your house. … If you are asleep and you don’t wake up while the person is in your house, then that’s a lower grade, but if you wake up and you happen to see the person is in there, then that’s a higher degree of burglary? That just does not make sense to me.”
“Most robberies that we see in our city don’t have significant injury,” said Contee. “… We should not be looking into the lens where the highest penalty is where a person sustained serious, or significant, bodily injury. The fact that you had a gun in your face is significant to me, and I think if you talk to most residents who have been victimized by a robbery, they will share the traumatic experience they’ve had.”
And all of this is happening with a surge in carjackings.
MPD has recorded 326 total carjackings between Jan. 1 and Aug. 30 of this year, representing a 27% increase compared to the same time period last year, when MPD had recorded 264 carjackings. Of those carjacking incidents reported as of Aug. 30, 73% have involved guns.
Time to decriminalize carjacking all the way.
Angel Jacob says
This is what happens when BLM terrorists and their supporters are put in government positions.
Their ONLY goal is to let the criminals get away with their crimes.
Thomas F Roman says
That’s great, now it’s legal to pee on Joe Biden
THX 1138 says
No, it’s legal for Joe Biden to piss on you and tell you it’s raining. But if you pee on the Sovereign he gets to put you in prison with the January 6 ungrateful malcontents. It’s good to be the King.
David Wamsley says
biden has been pissing on us for more than 50 years, nothing will change for biden unless they make lying a crime.
Dru Mist says
Well, Joe Biden already pees and poops in public, so why not everyone else?
Laura ann says
He pees and poops in depends.
Jeff Bargholz says
He already does that to himself. Shits on himself, too. DC probably has shortages of adult diapers because the White House hoards them.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Some posters have avatars now. I don’t know how to do it myself though.
Jeff Bargholz says
Me neither. When I bother to figure it out, I’ll tell you how too.
Splish_Splash says
Laura ann says
Assuming pooping in the open (pants down) is legal, also changing menstral pads and depends in city parks with onlookers laughing. Who would want to visit there anymore?
James says
They passed laws on urinating in public because the pedos and freaks would claim to be peeing. Flashers back in the park around children again. Great job Democrats !
CowboyUp says
I was wondering how peeing in public got one put on the sex offender registry. That’s one thing, but people peeing on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere, or on a dumpster in an alley behind a bar, or in an out of the way place in a park are getting put on the registry as well, and that’s bs. Such people are usually facing away from others, it should be easy to distinguish between flashing and taking a leak, but they aren’t.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Got to watch out for crazy females calling you a flasher.
Big Crow says
So, does that apply to women too? I know the difference!
T-OZZY says
This is what you call FALL OF A NATION !
Colt Baldwin says
Hopefully, we’ll soon be able to take a hangover dump on the capitol steps.
Jeff Bargholz says
I would like to do it cold sober before a session but that would be illegal and get me locked up in the D-Bag gulag in DC.
richard s says
welcome to a new 3rd world location. gettin’ more like S. Africa every day, but then again, what did you expect?
Paula says
What difference does it make? Nobody is home in D.C. They are letting us know that.
Try Colorado underground.
By doing all this stuff in D.C., they are pissing on all USA citizens. Get ready.
JS Miami says
Welcome to Grand Theft Auto DC ™
SJ Lauderdale says
Well done on including the TM symbol, my friend… Well done, I say!
CowboyUp says
And isn’t it illegal for anybody but criminals to be armed in DC? I say that because they so rarely prosecute criminals on firearms charges, it makes you wonder why they even have the laws, other than to disarm the law abiding. Yet dems always want more laws against firearms. I think that’s a big part of why they don’t enforce the ones they have.
DD-972 says
“Every day is an IQ test”. A couple of years ago the wizards of the DC counsel and WMATA decided to stop going after turnstile jumpers because it “disproportionally effected POCs”. Fast forward to today and now they came up with the ingenious idea of going after turnstile jumpers because WMATA is looking at a $30 million short fall that they attribute tooooo……revenue lost because of turnstile jumpers! This is what you get from hiring/voting based on skin color and party affiliation instead of merit.
Jeff Bargholz says
If the WMATA were run by people with functioning brains, they would’ve installed floor to ceiling entrances and exits to the train platforms with revolving bars like in sports stadiums to begin with. Nobody can jump over those.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Yeah, illegal immigrants can hop 15 foot fences in 3 seconds, I’ve seen that with my own eyes.
Notaniceguy says
Only because WE provide a trampoline for their comfort!
Jeff Bargholz says
And a welcome mat for their landings.
DD-972 says
Just posted about this and it is waiting “moderation” from FP Pravada enforcers. Let me try this, Catholics are the spawn of SATAN!!!
DD-972 says
Shocker!! this is fine with them?!!!
Stephen Triesch says
Two sites where I have trouble with moderation are this one and BB. I try really hard to avoid trigger words or anything I think might lead to moderation, but sometimes I still run afoul of a rule and can’t figure out what the problem was.
CowboyUp says
I don’t mind any sites clearing what gets posted on their domain first (though if it’s because you’re using terminology from the article itself…), but I’d rather the Aholes ID themselves, and let their someday answerable, if only before God, posts, stand.
Stephen Triesch says
I tried to respond to your comment and – surprise, surprise – it was held up for moderation.
BLSinSC says
So NOW the politicians can LITERALLY do it on our backs and not have to lie about it being “rain”??
Wesley Taylor says
I bet you’d still get arrested for more than a misdemeanor if you p’d on a police car. Or the Mayor’s official ride.
Jeff Bargholz says
Or in the presence of a member of the Jihad Squad.
John Bumpus says
It is time for the Congress and the President (when the Republicans next take control of the entire national government) to repeal the D. C. Home Rule Act. Return control of D. C. to the Congress like it was until the early 1970s when the D. C. Home Rule Act was enacted. D. C. belongs to ALL Americans and not just to the lefties–it is time for D. C. to begin to reflect this fact.
Jeff Bargholz says
Or just make it part of Maryland or another adjoining state, with only official government monuments, the White House and the Capitol building under control of Congress.
John Bumpus says
Any necessary enabling amendment to the U. S. Constitution to effectuate this proposal could expressly state that the district shall never become a separate and distinct State of the United States. And besides, what is behind all of this anyway is merely a scheme to give the Democrats two more U. S. Senators which most of the rest of the States of the Union would probably immediately reject out-of-hand.
Seems fair to me. A simple solution that solves almost everyone’s complaints–their HONEST complaints!
Jeff Bargholz says
I couldn’t agree more.
Bill says
I live in Maryland and I don’t want that swampy cesspool part of my state.
Stephen Triesch says
This is like Thelma and Louise hitting the accelerator as they head towards the cliff. I guess when a city is 85-90% Democrat, Democrat politicians can do absurd and self-destructive things with impunity. The voters deserve what they get.
Jim1937 says
I’ve been saying piss on DC for years, now it’s legal!
Dr2xFour says
Just remember this… the police are only “minutes” away.
Is that 10, 20, never?
My advice would be to find a “device” you could get a grip on, that could hurl “darts” at sub sonic speeds for that inevitable confrontation with a peaceful protestor.
Applying that theory as we speak.
CowboyUp says
A one or two pound chunk of granite, or any metal will do, for almost any attacker that gets that close. Plant it on them directly, don’t throw it further than a foot or two. Granite will make it past any metal detector. So will sharp serrated (because it almost always has to be knapped) flint. I haven’t had to kill any human predators(Thank you God), but I’ve maimed a few. You are never completely disarmed as long as you’re aware of your surroundings. A chair, a barstool, or a salt shaker can be a decisive weapon. It’s safer for somene defending themselves to use the firearm of their choice, of course, but that’s illegal in the most dangerous places. That’s why they are the most dangerous places.
Lightbringer says
I recently had to switch from using a cane to using a walker and am frustrated that it would be so difficult to weaponize the latter. While it’s true that anything that is in your hand is a weapon, it’s not such a good one if it weighs 45 pounds.
Su says
Teach them a lesson, and stop traveling. Hello?
If u don’t want to be inconvenienced, then you get what you deserve.
Punish them. Don’t fly ANYMORE.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Quality of life used to be an important consideration.
Maurice Atwood says
What a bunch of dangerously whacked out woke liberals endangering their own constituents. This is amazing to watch. My only hope is the people who vote this ridiculousness in become the very victims they downplay.
Bruce Pestell says
This is the cesspool where they get juries to indict and convict conservatives and patriots. Once they get a case in front of a DC court, the outcome is assured.
Steve from NJ says
More stupid uncivilized garbage brought to you by the regime currently occupying the white house and their enablers. Dump them out ASAP.
Diana says
I could not agree with you More DC will become a city of Deceases-100%
hope something like this does not Spread to the other states and I Pray
they never become a Recognized State at lease in my Life Time!!!
John Doe says
Is it legal to urinate in the halls of Congress? How about through the White House fence?
Jeff Bargholz says
It sure should be.
HoptimusMaximus says
At least the smell won’t change.
clayusmcret says
Soon to be San Francisco on the Potomac.
Tim Byrne says
Pelosi has brought the policies of the City by the Bay to the City by the Swamp!
JakkiK says
The Democrat Party is the Party of Crime and Death. This is all they know. This party needs to be dismantled.
glpage says
For years I have been saying the Democrats want to reduce everything to the lowest common denominator. And now they have figured out how to go lower than that.
Mike Raffone says
It’s all because Nancy just can’t hold it any longer. God bless her.
Bob says
She does not deserve any blessings.
Not Chicken Little says
Public urination legal – will anyone be able to tell any difference? I doubt it.
Sig Retterer says
With a mayor named Bowser, why WOULDN’T we expect DC to legalize public urination?
Just wait until Mr. Ed gets elected mayor!
Jeff Bargholz says
Good. If anyplace needs to be pissed on, it’s Washington District of Corruption. And I don’t give a rat’s ass what happens to anybody who lives there. Most of them deserve to be robbed and carjacked. And pissed on.
I do wonder about public exposure laws though, which would contradict a law allowing public urination.
Alexander Scipio says
If America is turning upside down its criminal code because too many of only one particular cohort are in prison, maybe the problem isn’t the laws, but the cohort. #Logic
Sergio Bungholio says
pretty much makes sense. Toilets are made for urination
JG says
It is clear the local City Politicians know that Congress will be total Republican so they are making it as hard as possible. They care nothing for the people of the city.
Mo says
I’ve seen the mayor cock her leg and pee several times.
Jonathan Trainor says
The country is going to hell in a hand basket.
Notaniceguy says
Now a damp handbasket!
Jack says
The only way you get rid of DemonRats (rabies infected sewer rats) is by fumigation.
The ballot will not do anymore, because the treasonous DemonRat gangsters have perfected the steal.
ddd says
Good , now a tourist can Piss on congress when they visit and not get arrested . imo
D3F1ANT says
As if people in the Big Apple Core are arrested for public urination! LOL!
jimmy kraktov says
So, find a car used by a politician and pee on the door handles.
Ugly Sid says
Whizz Free
Melodically the same as Born Free, with minor lyrical adjustments.
rocco barbella says
Everyone is ignoring the elephant in the room. Who’s committing these crimes? Yes, it’s the blonde haired, blue eyed Norwegians.
I’m surprised nobody mentioned it.
Tex the Mockingbird says
The District of Crinimals Yes Democrats are ruining everything they touch
Sam Hain says
Now we can have a US-east version of Hollywood walk of stars. One star for each demonrat. Who can wear away Pelosi and Obama first with human ammonia?
Jim Forbes says
WOW!! Pretty soon DC will look just like Africa. With urinating in the streets it won’t be long now..
Fred says
It was just a matter of time before America became a Third World country. Our moral and legal standards are in the sewer. We are a nation of the politicians, by the lobbyists, and for the special interests.
David Sabghir says
Recently, I flew Internationally into Logan Airport in Boston. at 7:30 AM, I saw maybe a thousand people in a terminal, looking lost. Than, I flew into Laguardia, not much different. I flew from a country with machines that you put your passport into, than the gate opens and one walks through. That was a First World Country, however, the US is a Third World Country. It was laughable and cryable. At the Laguardia Arrival Terminal, they hid the signs for Public Transportation. What a joke!
Mostly Harmless says
As soon as such a measure is passed, I will be making a road trip.
Given that all the SPEECH methods of free expression are effectively censored by a neurotic society fixated on not “offending” anyone, even when the words spoken are categorically and undeniably TRUE…
…this may be the only remaining means of demonstrating my disapproval of my government and its policies.
“When all around was dark, your protest shone out like a shaft of gold.”
Ugly Sid says
It’s becoming obvious public urination needs to be obligatory.
Fortunately, there is plenty of covid relief and infrastructure money left that we can afford to c/c open air eliminations to attenuate spurious failure to pee assertions.
We might consider expanding current recognition software in a manner previously unavailable.
Charlie says
Ah, San Francisco on the Potomac! Which way do I have to face or does it matter?
Brad says
It’s been said that Washington and politics are a cesspool. This new law will make that a fact!
Patrick Ardell says
Urinetown, the musical, is starting now. Little Sally enters and she and Lockstock discuss the dangers of too much exposition in a show. They then proceed to explain that there is a water shortage and public bathrooms have been replaced by private toilets. The fee to use these public bathrooms is controlled by a private company, the Urine Good Company, that keeps prices high. Since using the bushes is illegal, Little Sally counts her pennies in hopes of using the urinal
Jay says
So now we can see where all the leaks are coming from in this administration.
That must be the transparency Joe promised from his administration.
Ratty says
This nation is truly falling before you eyes by the COMMIES up there. They don’t mind you pissing on this nation’s capital.
Wildbill says
That will go well as most inhabitants of the kingdom of DC are full of crap.