There is a great deal of agonizing handwringing over the crisis that the United States faces at our southern border. Legislators from both ends of the political spectrum talk about comprehensive political reform, increasing border patrol at the U.S./Mexico border, and granting a pathway to citizenship to DACA residents living in America.
Few dare to diagnose and declare the nature of our real problem and proffer viable solutions: that Mexico is a hostile foreign power located at our border, that we are actually at war with Mexico, and that the only solution might be air strikes, military invasion, placing the country into political receivership or, more—outright annexation.
We are at war with the forces that rule, govern and puppeteer the hands of the Mexican government: the drug cartels that are actually cartel terrorists. They have already launched a massive invasion into the United States; only few want to stamp them with the terrorist imprimatur for the sake of political expediency.
Mexico’s President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who is a politically impotent and inefficacious puppet, declared from the beginning of his tenure that he would suspend hostilities against transnational criminal organizations, adopting “embraces and not bullets” (abrazos y no balazos). Like today’s woke prison abolitionists, he proclaimed that it was more desirable to attack the root causes of narco-violence which could be traceable to poverty and lack of opportunity for millions of uneducated youths in the traditional labor market.
The result was and continues to be an alarming increase in violence. During the year of his presidency, close to 33,000 Mexicans have lost their lives to gang violence.
Mexico also has purchased in excess of $2 billion worth of military equipment from the U.S. We also provide arms and support equipment (including Black Hawk helicopters) funded by U.S. taxpayers. While the cartels pay off, or completely disarm, the various Mexican government institutions including law enforcement agencies, Mexico’s laws prohibit citizens from arming themselves. Completely. Mexico has a totally disarmed civilian populace, and armed cartel terrorists running roughshod over an empathic woke government.
Talk of comprehensive immigration reform fails to capture that it is the cartels that are bringing hordes of immigrants to the border armed with drugs including fentanyl and the deadlier Xylazine, an animal tranquilizer that causes flesh wounds to incurably rot at injection sites. Such talk fails to realize that hordes of these gang cartels are crossing our borders each day and working in tandem with larger established cartels in Mexico to literally destroy America.
It is time for the United States to step in and clean up Mexico by whatever means necessary.
Mexico, ruled in all but name by the cartel terrorists, is a hostile foreign power attacking the United States. A recalcitrant and incompetent government and, more importantly, an agglomeration of ruling cartels, has sent its poor to the United States and used them to fight a proxy war with the United States. This has allowed Mexico’s criminal oligarchy to get richer, and at great expense to the United States.
Statistics show a marked increase in crimes committed by illegal immigrants. The proliferation of Mexican gangs across U.S. cities is tragic and unacceptable.
Mexico is, undoubtedly, a political, economic, and ecological disaster.
The larger issue, though, is that by whatever skewed and biased and ever-fluctuating criteria are used to determine what counts as a rogue state — Mexico is one. And the national security question remains: is it in our national self-interest to have a violent, porous-border, rogue state as our neighbor? For myriad reasons the answer has to be “no.”
Mexico is also an economic failed state. It has failed to put into practice a set of sound economic policies that satisfy the basic needs of a substantial number of its citizens.
Rogue states deliberately invoke regional or international instability in ways that upset the security among its immediate neighbors or global compatriots in general. Even small-scale regional instability can spread in ways that are inimical to the authority of leading global political actors. The instability promotes the message that there exists a political state in some corner of the globe that is beyond the reach and scope of America’s power orbit and capacity to invoke law and order; not for the sake of power qua power, but for rights of citizens of that region of the world, and, just as importantly, for the just peace and security of Americans, for their right not to be invaded by drug cartel terrorists and subjected to war and mayhem in their own country.
Failed states and rogue states are sinkholes in the world. They actively detract value from the region in much the same way that condemned buildings used by criminals spread mayhem and drag down home values throughout a neighborhood. Since regions are interconnected via a vast causal network of interlocking social, political, and fiscal systems, they contaminate the entire liberal order.
Mexico has reneged on its claim to both de jure and de facto sovereignty and national autonomy. Sovereignty is not an unquestionable given or a political axiom. It is a contested concept dependent on constraints of justice and criteria that warrant its legitimacy.
Sovereignty in a proper society is always endorsed by the will of the people that ratifies a body politic to govern them in ways conducive to their well-being and flourishing. No rational people would ever grant sovereignty to a government to enslave them, condemn them to economic policies that lead to their destitution, or obstruct their liberty.
When, through political calumny, a country compromises the security of its people, it morally forfeits its right to sovereignty and autonomy.
When the violated citizens of an economic rogue state make excessive demands against the United States, it is time for the U.S. to take actions to secure its national self-interests. Mexico, in extricating itself from the process of history, endangers the world order and, more immediately, the security of the United States.
What can the United States do? It can place Mexico in economic and political receivership. Receivership is an act of self-defense and an act of political and economic retraining of a politically immature nation in need of guidance of how to manage its internal affairs and governance.
The United States has, as does any mature and free nation, the right to strip Mexico of sovereignty and autonomy to the extent that it gives the latter a chance to save the Mexican people from ruin, and just as importantly, to protect America from numerous security crises as thousands pour illegally and unvetted into the country.
The United States could be custodians of Mexico’s internal and natural resources that could be ethically appropriated by an external governing body to restructure the state by raising it to a level of functionality. It can do this by reordering its political regime, restructuring its constitution to one resembling a U.S.-based model predicated on liberal republican values. Hence we may propose trusteeship and receivership as proper modes of self-defense against incursions into our state that threaten our national security.
The United States could also bomb terrorist drug cartel operational sites out of existence. What is clear is that the United States is beyond talk of pre-emptive and preventive measures. The cartel war has been declared against America for a long time. This is a war of self-defense that would finally be enacted.
A system of ethical trusteeship and political and economic receivership would be no more unethical than what China is doing on the continent of Africa. The United States could simply defend such actions as deterrents against existing and future threats against its national security. Proper appropriation of the natural resources of a failed-rogue state, whether they be petroleum, gold, copper, silver, iron, coal, and timber, can finance the restructuring of a failed state, along with the levying of appropriate rescue and restructuring taxes, are all possibilities.
This model could be applied to any failed state, or rogue state — annexation would be justified in the case of the latter. What should be clear is why both rogue and failed states pose a threat to the Unites States. In the interlocking world of global geopolitics, no state can be allowed to behave with impunity. If it does, it sends a signal to other states that they too can behave in like manner.
This signals a world without both political-military and moral leadership. It creates a vacuum that leaves room for nefarious and reprobate states to fill. A world in which moral and political incorrigibility is left unchallenged, where obstreperous nations and/or states afflicted with arrested political development are left unchallenged by those with civilizational and political maturity, is one in which not only a spirit of disrespect for global order becomes the norm, but a sense of disorder and anarchy is seen as the de facto normative structure of geopolitical governance.
This is not a world in which leadership is possible, and it is not a world in which the United States will have much continued leverage and political clout. It is certainly not a world in which the rule of law as wielded by a strong imperium is possible. Rogue states function as incubators for global terrorists, pirates, and criminal, non-state actors. They are major exporters of diseases, excessive refugees, insurgencies, organized criminal networks, regional anarchy, and a systemic threat to the liberal order of which the West and, fundamentally, the United States, are the primary architects.
The moral case for military action against the cartel terrorists has been established. The issue now is one of strategy and logistics. And, as I often like to say: the jungles are not approaching our cities, and the barbarians are not at the gates. The jungles have become our cities, and the barbarians long ago smashed down the gates and are inside the walls, tearing our cities down. What, then, are we going to do about it?
Thanks Prof. Hill. My pet idea is to secure the border. Easy to do physically, practically impossible to do politically under the Democrats.
Our border wasn’t too easy to secure under Bush.
His administration maliciously prosecuted two noble border agents, Ramos & Compean.
Their reward for thwarting an illegal alien drug dealer from running them over (and giving the scum a bullet in his ass for his trouble) was to be tossed in prison.
The message was clear: Back off of stopping illegal immigration, or else!
Bush was finally shamed into commuting their sentences, which was far short of a full pardon & apology. (Trump gave them a full pardon.)
It would be easy to secure if we did not have a hostile uni-party consensus that our borders need to be erased.
Very true. It is also true that many, many people in our woken upper educaton institutions actually want open borders.
The prof needs to think about consequences and about why our borders are not honored. The left that dominates here and in various important institutions like media, education, justice, Dem Party, rinos, etc., actually want to remove borders. There is high probability that the prof’s own institution is woke and wants no national borders.
The woke idiots do indeed like open borders . . . as long as the illegals don’t take up residence at Martha’s vineyard or Beverly Hills.
Our enemies are China via Mexico and Biden via as shole voters
Jason, you made me think!
Let’s do Cuba too!Not kidding.
We are at war with Mexico according to the article! So would it not be wise for Mexico, for their own protection to form an alliance with China and Russia called MATO (Mexican American Treaty Organization) and have Russian/Chinese troops ready to go to their border to guard against a country that has threatened and attacted them before. Would the US allow such a treaty. I think not. Than why is it unreasonable for Russia to not allow such a treaty, NATO, on their border. Just a thought.
Serpico proved how to eliminate the dangerous actors in the drug wars.
#1. Disable the ability of so-called law enforcement to protect the trafficking in dangerous substances.
#2. Get serious about going after them.
Mexico is not the only super-state that coddles criminal cartels. The incidents involving the clandestine airports in Arkansas, the involvement of the CIA, ATF, DEA in the smuggling and sales of harmful and fatal drugs today is well-known to the cartels.
Showing once again, power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely, and that governments that claim a monopoly in the use of force against opposition and opponents, they are the danger to the populace, and the big cities the “festering sore upon the body politic”.
In other words… Their guns are much bigger than your guns”, so how about we stop making and selling them guns?
One should ask the ATF and Barrack Obama and Eric Holder.
They sold/gave the cartels arms that were then used to kill over 500 in Mexico. Iow, we armed the cartels with firepower. Of course, America media mostly covered for them.
You make very good and accurate points. A late best friend of my husband was a member of the second group of Navy Seals to operate in Viet Nam (and neighboring country jungles). Long story short, his team came upon a military 707 being loaded with drugs in a jungle air strip. He asked the flight engineer where they were flying to – it was nonstop, midflight refueling, to Arkansas. When the team returned to their base, friend went to the commander and told him about it expecting the commander to take action against it. Instead the commander told friend in the most strongest words, “if you say even one word of this to anyone, you will spend the rest of your life in the brig.” Then and there friend lost complete faith in our government and could barely wait to be discharged.
It would be crazy and completely unrealistic to attack Mexico. The prof has no concept of the downstream consequences. A better way would be to do what they did in Columbia a few years ago – what is needed are the “Pepes”. Go after the cartel and cartel leaders more viciously than they themselves do to others. Give them FEAR to walk outside. The Pepes were stealthy and took no prisoners even taking out cartel leaders’ family members. GIve them fear.. Too many here, cops, athletes, judges, politicians, etc., want the drugs. America is a nation of druggies.
No. Sin corrupts, and power enables the casting off restraint. Power itself is amoral. It is the man who wields of power that is corrupt, from the start. Our founding fathers realized this truth when they crafted our Constitution. Read Romans chapters 1 and 13, or better, read the whole short letter. Then read the Federalist papers.
From a grand strategy perspective, there is actually only one country that poses an actual ongoing existential threat to the US…Mexico. The others are neocon BS and theoretical based upon owning nuclear weapons. No one expects there to be Chinese or Russian soldiers invading the US. The key word is ‘ongoing’. A soldier’s oath is to defend against all enemies foreign and domestic. This threat covers both given cartel penetration of the country…and possibly even into some of our federal, state, and local government institutions given the corruption opportunities created by the huge sums of money involved.
There are somewhere in the area of 30 million Mexican illegals inside the gates already. It has been an economic war against small business. Its put a beating on U.S construction workers, once the crew is basically all Mexican, it is now a Spanish speaking crew (white boys and black boys need not apply) That in turn kills the skills and knowledge of these crafts in our own communities. Blacks used to own and run lots of the roofing crews here (family businesses)
I havnt seen a black on a roof in 20 years. Put out of a lucrative business by illegals.
Could give other examples, gotta get kids to school.
I worked in the trades starting right out of high school (1970) A kid could get a job anywhere, doing anything, carpentry, concrete, block and brick, roofing. You gained skills that led to a career.. Left that trade and started my own landscaping business. I too, watched the entry level construction jobs for young men disappear to be given to crews of mostly Latinos. I used to wonder where did all those young men go now when they left school. It appears most of them were prodded to go to college where they go into massive debt for useless degrees and become radical activists bitching about capitalism or, in many cases, the professors who indoctrinate them.
This sounds like it was written by John Bolton and Lindsey Graham.
I live in MX and nothing this author stated was untrue or even exagerrated.
MX is a narco-state. It is violent beyond the imaginings of normal people.
Every president in modern times has had to align with one of the Cartels
in order to survive his time in office, and then flee MX at the end of his term.
MX has an incredible abundance of natural resources (sitting on one of the
largest oil deposits on earth) receives billions each year in remittances from
illegals who live in the US, and the Cartels make billions more every year.
Yet with all that wealth, it cannot provide basic services for its own citizens.
MX is extremely dangerous for a dozen reasons, but most of all because it is
literally the US’ next-door neighbor. America has been at war with MX for years
now, but won’t admit it. And the current regime closes it eyes and whistles past
the graveyard. I don’t have the solution, but know this situation cannot go on.
It will not end well for either of the two countries.
WOW. I don’t know that I have ever read a less factual article; or one by a more ill informed, overly opinionated author. Jason D. Hill appears to be a perfect representative of Chicago and was undoubtedly a Lori Lightfoot supporter. He is also the epitome of what is wrong with our academic institutions and their faculties in this country and why American college graduates rank so poorly globally.
This is an outstanding and courageous article by Jason Hill..
He is the only person I am aware of who has had the courage to speak the truth about Mexico’s insidious invasion and aggression against the USA and its citizens.
Let’s face it. Mexico is really the enemy of the USA.
Mexico is murdering over one hundred thousand US citizens per year with its drugs, and is sponsoring and encouraging the illegal alien invasion into the USA of millions of people who will never assimilate as US patriots..
Immediately place 500,000 US armed troops on the Mexican border, and formally declare Mexico an enemy of the USA.
Russia is not the enemy of the USA. Mexico is the enemy of the USA..
The invasion from Mexico is ALLOWED by American politicians, namely, Joe Biden, Alejandro Mayorkus, before them it was Obama and Bush, etc. One could easily come to understand that people within our own government want the drugs and human trafficking. IF not, they would improve our border.
Mexico is NOT murdering American citizens. It is true the cartels make and bring in drugs, for sure. However, not one Mexico citizen forces an American to take the drugs. Citizens here “choose” to take drugs. They should follow Nancy Reagan’s excellent advice and just say, “NO!.
Enhance our southern and northern borders for sure. Definitely, but stop the drugs and go after the cartels. They are already within our borders and actually growing drugs in the rural areas. “Pepe” action is needed by our government, however, too many politicians want the drugs here.
Mexico has been a scourge and enemy of the USA since the Mexican War.
Illegal aliens are a scourge on America and US citizens.
They should be thrown out of the USA on their arses., Pronto.
They make the USA a worse place ….
They destroy the economy, they increase crime, they cause more inflation, they do not speak English, they do not and do not want to assimilate as patriotic Americans,
and their ethics and moral standards leave something to be desired.
They harbor historical grievances and hatreds against America and US citizens in general.
Why the hell are they tolerated here in America … ?
La Cucarachas need to be taken care of now.
General Pershing and General Zachary Taylor and General George Patton are massing their troops on the Mexican border.
They are going to finish the job that was left incomplete in 1848.
The Mexican American War (1848) was actually quite interesting. I read some about it in one of JFC Fuller’s books.
Yup. They DO want the drugs here. How else could they “justify” the Bn$65 per year budget for the DEA (figures from abut ten years ago, could be double by now)
This all is the result of factions desiring to destabilise and bring down the USA as a sovereign nation.. Same ones promoting wars and “police actions” (just another euphemism for wars) in nearly every corner of the world.
this situation keeps thousands of government agents employed and in power. As they like it.
The US doesn’t have 500,000 armed troops. They’re too busy working on their pronouns and getting their nails done.
Fascist warmonger
The globalists, running the country, want open borders leading to a worldwide feudal system with the elites living in their castles and running the whole show. Global digital currency, a world police force, and cameras recording our every move.
What the author seems to be advocating is exactly what Russia is doing in Ukraine!!
NO. Putin invaded the Ukraine BECAUSE that corrupt US puppet fool Zelensky was sabre-rattling and destroyig the older parts of Ukraine that have been part of Russia for a couple centuries, and wantd back in. The NATO threats were real, as well.
I see no masses of Mexicans pleading to be reconnected to the US because they really have been part of us for centuries.
Fascist lies from a putin stooge
Hmmm quite different but equally criminal. He’s a neocon– the same type bwho thinks wars can resolve anything.
LOL – “We Are at War with Mexico”. NOT! But, . . . definitely should be!
people should take a look at California, aka NARCOMEX NORTE to see what is happening.
“Many Americans forget is that our country is located against a socialist failed state that is promising to descend even further into chaos – not California, the other one. And the Mexicans, having reached the bottom of the hole they have dug for themselves, just chose to keep digging by electing a new leftist presidente who wants to surrender to the cartels and who thinks that Mexicans have some sort of “human right” to sneak into the U.S. and demographically reconquer it.” KURT SCHLICHTER
“Mexican president candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador called for mass immigration to the United States, declaring it a “human right”. We will defend all the (Mexican) invaders in the American,” Obrador said, adding that immigrants “must leave their towns and find a life, job, welfare, and free medical in the United States.”
A Harvard-Harris poll, conducted between April 27 and 29 (2022) with 1,872 registered voters, found that most Americans polled were unaware of the severity of the invasion occurring at their Southern border. This due, in part, to the lack of coverage of the story by prominent news sources. But when told the true facts by the pollsters, eighty percent of respondents became strongly opposed to the Biden/Harris border policy. If nothing else, the high-profile public hearings of dual impeachment of president and vice president, with all the facts laid out on the table, would sound the alarm across the nation. Public opinion, (let’s hope), still carries formidable weight in this nation. By Richard Morse
Is it all that different from his open borders policies, where millions of unvetted foreign migrants are flooding into this country without authorization, bringing crime, drugs, and costs, yet there too nothing is done about it? Joe offers an absurd excuse for that decision, as well claiming that all migrants who can utter the magic word ‘asylum’ are entitled to a free ride inside the U.S. for years or more, amounting to an all-expenses paid trip for thousands. MONICA SHOWALTER
Mexico’s President Says Biden Responsible for Migrant Surge at Border
Expectations created by President Joe Biden about better treatment for migrants led to the current border surge, said Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO).
“I have a teleconference with Biden on Monday and we are going to talk about that topic,” President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) said this weekend during one of his news conferences. “Let’s fix the migratory flow, legalizing it, to give guarantees to the workers so they don’t risk their lives, and that their human rights are protected.”
Just guard the border. Annexing Mexico– or simply governing it–effectively means Puerto Rico: we’d be annexing 130,000,000 Mexicans.
Very interesting and about a DECADE too late! I posted a LONG time ago on articles about Mexico that we should close the border and give them two years to clean up their mess or we would come in and do it but when we come in we won’t be leaving anytime soon and that MEXICO would PAY for all our costs to protect us FROM THEM! We would be taking over their oil industry to reimburse US and them make sure the left over funds went to the CITIZENS of Mexico to improve their lives and TRY to create a SAFE, PROSPEROUS Nation!
Now TEN YEARS LATER it appears that WE ARE MEXICO and WE need to cleanup massive CORRUPTION of OUR GOVERNMENT!! After handling the cartels then we need to rein in DOMESTIC TERRORIST – the DEMOcrats making policies and RUINING cities and states!!
The warmongers should look at Mexico and get the hell out of Ukraine
Or we could just return to border policies under Trump. War on the cartels does seem like a great deep state money laundering operation though.
when I type too long I get the messag its too long, GO BACK.. but everything I typed is gone,
Yu need to install a word counter and set a lmit, or at least when I click “go back” my too-long mesage comes back.Then I can shorten it without having to rewrite the whole thing.. or just give up. I haev no idea how long is “too much”. And the penalty for going over is… automatic total destruction. Not nice.
If only someone would invent a Copy & Paste feature.
Jason, you made me think!
This is hysterical war mongering from a neocon.