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The State Department recently issued its series of excuses for the botched Afghanistan retreat during which it blamed it in part on remote work during COVID-19 in the form of a report. The full report however can’t be seen lest our enemies discover that we’re led by woke idiots who are not very good at this whole ‘war’ thing because they really don’t care one way or another. And if they discover that, then it’s all over but the swiping.
Secretary of State ANTONY BLINKEN previewed all these findings during a private town hall in April. During that session, the same day the White House released its own summary of a Pentagon review, Blinken said he was unlikely to distribute State’s version in full to keep adversaries from seeing “some of the vulnerabilities and deficiencies that we have.”
Blinken is one of those vulnerabilities and deficiencies and I think they already know about him.
It’s nice of Biden Inc. to try and keep our adversaries from finding out anything about its cowardly disaster in Afghanistan. Presumably, that’s also the motive behind the State Dept’s refusal to cooperate with the Afghanistan watchdog.
In June, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction’s office (SIGAR), dispatched letters to Secretary of State Blinken and Samantha Power complaining that the State Department and USAID were stonewalling its investigation of waste, corruption and terror cash.
“A State official has informed SIGAR that department staff have received internal direction to not engage with or speak to SIGAR without prior clearance from State legal counsel,” the open letter that was also sent to members of Congress revealed.
Blinken and Power are just trying to prevent our adversaries from finding out that we’re sending money to terrorists. And by adversaries, they don’t mean Russia or China, but the real enemy, the American people.
We asked the State Department why it chose to release the report, which was completed months ago, right before a holiday weekend. A spokesperson said the report “is available to the public, was provided to any media outlet that requested it and documents information that is important at any time.”
“But the plans were on display…”
“On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them.”
“That’s the display department.”
“With a flashlight.”
“Ah, well, the lights had probably gone.”
“So had the stairs.”
“But look, you found the notice, didn’t you?”
“Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.”
Algorithmic Analyst says
They could use that argument to prevent the release of almost any information they didn’t want the public to see.
Jeff Bargholz says
They always have some lame excuse. They’re natural born liars and reprobates.
Ugly Sid says
The corruption financial/political have surpassed critical mass and the heavy water is boiling away.
Did you realize the blue light of critical mass reactions was predicted by an eccentric British mathematician in the mid nineteenth century. He felt he was onto something, and demanded to be supported by his long suffering family while he engaged in his pursuits.
I encountered his biography in a college library decades ago and attempts to recapture his name and biographic details have been futile.
Ugly Sid says
Help me out here. Does this ring a bell among the eclectic readership of FPM?
One might assume having access to a collection of intellectual weirdos should yield an occasional benefit. I’m exploiting you.
CowboyUp says
Sorry, never heard of him Sid, but My curiosity is piqued. I’ll take a little search dive tonight. I was always taught that blue flame is the cleanest burning. And it seems almost everything in the universe can be explained by mathematics. It’s like our universe is designed.
Daniel Greenfield says
You may perhaps be thinking of Oliver Heaviside
Ugly Sid says
That seems correct. It’s been a while.
Thank you. Very thoughtful.
Jeff Bargholz says
Heaviside was self taught. Many great minds have been, not that I consider myself one of them. Good but not great. I respect that. You can teach yourself more than any educational institution can.
I figure self reliance is always best.
Jeff Bargholz says
The Mad Hatter?
Chief Mac says
This terrorist regime specializes in lying, covering up, screwing up and stealing whatever they can
Christopher Robert Riddle says
“Terrorist Regimes”Usually Do???????????????????????
Jeff Bargholz says
And leaving baggies of cocaine lying around the White House.
Old Fogey says
The American government’s vulnerabilities and deficiencies are on prominent display at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue weekly, and in Delaware quite often.
Kasandra says
Don’t worry, everyone can see our “vulnerabilities and deficiencies.” He’s living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Kasandra says
Sorry, didn’t see your post before I posted my comment. Obviously, I agree with you completely.
Jeff Bargholz says
Delaware more often 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Jerkoff Joe spends more time on vacation than on display as a meat puppet figurehead in the White House.
RAM says
Blinken and his boss are not-so-secret vulnerabilities that enemies exploit with impunity.
CowboyUp says
“…a private town hall…” – Lol really, oxymoron much? Did it have a sign outside? “Democrats, their myrmidons, sycophants, toadies, and lapdogs only!” The Afghanis know all about blinken and co.’s F’ups, with all the paperwork and data left for them, and so does anybody hostile to the US by now. The American people are about the only people that don’t know.
And bear in mind, these same people were happy to outright endanger American lives in an actual war if the info might so much as embarrass a Rupublican administration. They already abandoned the field and the whole country to the taliban. As hillary whined, “What does it matter at this point?” – other than to the country, taxpayers, and troops robbed and betrayed, and the exposure of the dems’ incompetence and corruption.
I can remember when the executive branch fell all over itself to comply with an IG, but that was back in the Reagan and Bush senior days. They were the go anywhere, look at anything, shut your organization down until they got answers people. And what is the State Dept., doing providing taxpayer funded counsel for fraudulent waste an abuse investigations, much less those of another independent agency? The IG should have been raiding State’s legal counsel offices as soon as they got that info. Or is the IG in on it too?
Loved the “Hitchhiker’s,” reference. Could have been written for the dems. Time to break that one out and reread it.
valyria starstorm says
You can bet CLinton and Obama loaded up the IG with political appointees loyal to the marxist cause, just like they did the military and every other agency when they were in office, and Bush Jr. never cleaned any of the marxists/globalist scum out, just left them there to ferment and rot the whole government.
Christopher Robert Riddle says
We can’t se the “Full Report”because Too Many Heads Could Roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don says
The Biden administration was working with moderate taliban in Afghanistan, Moderate taliban is when the Islamists smile and pretend to be our friends to advise us to do things that benefit them. Obama was working with moderate Ayatollahs in Iran. Our politicians and journalists continue to be played like cheap fiddles by smiling Islamists.
Deception is not something Islamists will use on occasion, they use it all the time. That’s what the Muslim Brotherhood is all about.
valyria starstorm says
The illegal and fraudulent Biden regime sure doesn’t have a problem with GIVING OUR ADVERSARIES ALL OUR MILITARY EQUIPMENT! (ie all the state of the art military equipment BIden “graciously” gifted the Taliban in Afghanistan so now the islamic terrorists have the 11th largest air force in the world)
Pedo Joe sure doesn’t have a problem with giving all our state secrets on biological weapons to our Chinese adversaries either.
The only thing Dopey Joe has a problem with is doing anything beneficial for the American people.
Christopher Robert Riddle says
Doesn’t that come under the heading:”Giving Aid and Comfort”To Our ENEMIES???????????????
Christopher Robert Riddle says
The”Adversaries”Blinken refers to are The American People!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Onzeur Trante says
IOW the “to protect democracy” mantra.
Carolyn H says
Can one even begin to imagine e.g., Russia, China, etc,, admitting to, “vulnerabilities and deficiencies.”? For goodness’ sake, who are these people of this Administration.