The perpetual jokes about dumb blonds don’t apply to Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Her hair may be tangled, but her mind isn’t. Her powers of memorization have enabled her flawlessly to learn all the irrational spin from the politically shady style of Democratic Chicago campaigning.
Wasserman Schultz employed her shady and false tactics on July 18 on the floor of the House. Color, or race, doesn’t matter if a Republican is the target. Wasserman Schultz charged a fellow Floridian, Allen West, a black Republican, with supporting the GOP plan to “cut, cap, and balance.” She lied that he would cut money for Medicare and Social Security beneficiaries. West had left the floor. So, Wasserman Schultz made the charge behind his back.
This was so offensive to West, he opened fire. In an email, he called her “vile, unprofessional, despicable and cowardly.”
West is a retired Army lieutenant colonel, highly honored for valor in Iraq and Afghanistan. The two representatives from Florida have been disputing for years.
“If you have something to say to me,” West wrote Wasserman Schultz (his military toughness coming out), “stop being a coward and say it to my face; otherwise shut the heck up.” Naturally, the entire Democratic House came down on his head.
Obama must be so proud that he appointed the blond Florida congressperson as chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC). The committee dutifully confirmed her appointment in May. Philosophically, she is a youngish version of Nancy Pelosi. She has, for instance, called ObamaCare a matter of “life or death.”
On July 13, Wasserman Schultz appeared on the Obama-loving channel MSNBC with Andrea Mitchell to deplore any plan to “shove” the debt ceiling decision back on President Obama. Believing she is grown-up herself, Wasserman Schultz contended that Americans everywhere want everyone in Washington to sit at the table like grownups and work out a deal.
She said the Democrats should put all of our sacred cows on the table. (There may not be a large enough table anywhere to hold all those cows.) The Republicans, she said, are not willing to do anything but sit on their hands, and cross their arms like spoiled children. (That would be impossible simultaneously even for a contortionist.) But no one said Wasserman Schultz had any metaphorical talent. Mutilating the truth is her talent.
Wasserman Schultz “ripped into Republican Presidential candidates who opposed President Obama’s bailouts for General Motors and Chrysler,” a story by The Hill said. “If it were up to the presidential candidates … on the Republican sided, we would be driving foreign cars,” she said at a breakfast for reporters.
But Florida motor vehicle records indicate Wasserman Schultz herself owns a 210 Infinite FX 35, a Japanese car, whose parent company is Nissan, a Japanese company. At least the license plate includes her initials. Whoops. Must have slipped Wasserman Schultz’s steel-trap memory.
A brilliant, on the point response came flying back from DNC mouthpiece Hari Sevugan, national press secretary and head of rapid response. “If Republican opposition researchers are snooping around garages, they should know that if Republicans—who said that we should let the auto industry go bankrupt—had their way, they wouldn’t find a single American made car anywhere.”
Wasserman Schultz has learned to play the race card with outlandish charges. On the African-American network Washington Watch program, Debbie leveled her charge. Referring to GOP efforts to require photo ID to register to vote, the Florida congresswoman said that “now you have the Republicans who want to literally drag us all the way back to Jim Crow laws and literally and very transparently block access to the polls to voters who are more likely to vote Democratic candidates than Republican candidates.”
Wasserman Schultz is a mind reader, too.
Jim Crow laws in bygone years did require blacks to ride in the back of the bus. They couldn’t eat at the same restaurants as whites or use the same drinking fountains as whites. But equality laws have been in existence for a half-century. Obama’s re-election campaign has a top priority of registering new voters at any cost.
Instead of creating jobs for the millions of unemployed, said Republican National Chairman Reine Priebus, Democrats are resorting to calling Republicans racists. You even need a photo ID if you rent a video from Blockbuster, he said.
The potential political challengers of West in his congressional district immediately issued fundraising pitches and lashed out at the hot-tempered decorated Army hero and Tea Party favorite.
Meanwhile, Wasserman Schultz went on MSNBC to spray her spin that Republicans were out to kill Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Same old, same old.
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