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In recent years, while much of the Jewish community has been keenly focused on antisemitism on college campuses, we have largely overlooked another growing danger. Activist teachers and administrators have increasingly injected antisemitism into American public and private high schools through expanded Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) departments and policies and by promoting radical curricula steeped in Critical Race Theory (CRT), such as the Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (LESMC). Through this ideology, American Jews are implicitly and sometimes, explicitly, portrayed as privileged white oppressors. By extension, the Jewish State, Israel, is described as an oppressive ethno-state engaged in apartheid, colonialism, and ethnic cleansing.
We are starting to see the consequences of this campaign. Highschool students, both in public and private schools around the nation are engaging in antisemitic bullying and harassment toward their Jewish peers. Amplified through social media and group chats, the phenomenon has become increasingly frequent in high schools. Antisemitism also rears its head in high school sports and a there’s a spike in antisemitic graffiti, like swastikas. Physical violence rooted in antisemitism has become increasingly common in the U.S. and worldwide, from Los Angeles to Atlanta, Palm Beach, New York, and even in Australia.
Last month, a federal investigation found that during the 2018 and 2019 school years, a Tempe, Arizona, based Kyrene School District violated the civil rights of a middle schooler when she was forced to endure repeated antisemitic harassment in class. Nine students harassed and called her antisemitic names, in addition to making frequent jokes about the Holocaust.
Most antisemitic attacks on Jewish students go unreported and if in recent years we are starting to find out about antisemitic incidents in high schools which took place several years ago, one can only imagine how much serious is this phenomenon today.
Antisemitism in high schools is uniquely dangerous. Teenagers are particularly impressionable, deeply affected by social dynamics of their peers and by the authority of their teachers and their school administrators. This environment places Jewish students in the classroom in a terribly vulnerable position. To fit in socially, they are often forced to adopt and advocate for ideas rooted in CRT. It is difficult for them to combat the trendy ideas of the day and speak out against the classmates who promote them, even when these ideas advance antisemitic canards. Compared to college, there is even less room to challenge authority in high schools.
Parents of students, even in prestigious private schools, are often hesitant and afraid to speak out against school authorities. When Jewish parent Jerome Eisenberg questioned the elite Brentwood School in Los Angeles for holding racially segregated meetings and encouraging students to treat Jews as “oppressors”, the school administration simply expelled his 8th-grade daughter by preventing her from returning the following school year.
These trends on high school campuses are exacerbated by what teens find on social media, the place where teens get their news, which has become a cesspool for antisemitism. Unfortunately, in recent years all the major social media platforms such as TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat allow and even promote antisemitic content through their algorithms.
Let us also not forget that not all kids who attend high school go on to university. About one-third of all American teens do not pursue higher education. As a result, the stakes are even higher since essentially all teenagers attend high school. If our youth are being inculcated with antisemitic ideologies from a young age, this will be carried on not only to universities, but also to society. This creates the perfect environment for antisemitism to spread like wildfire and become mainstream in America.
Many Jewish kids and parents (even when they have resources to fight back) are unwilling to report or take action against antisemitism in fear of retaliation toward themselves or their kids.
Is there anything we can do?
First and foremost, we need to inspire the next generation to be proud Jews and nurture in them a deep connection to the State of Israel so that any indoctrination they encounter in high schools doesn’t carry weight.
Second, we must actively address the danger of DEI and CRT in our schools, which are often packaged as Ethnic Studies. We must prevent the passage of legislation that makes Ethnic Studies curriculum mandatory in high schools at the state level across the country and work to ensure that individual school districts do not adopt curriculum rooted in hate.
Third, Jewish students must be educated about their civil rights as upheld by the U.S. Constitution. Our children must be empowered with the ability to identify, report, and document antisemitic attacks and incidents, with attorneys ready to take action if necessary to uphold their rights. Teachers and administrators must also be educated and held accountable. One noteworthy resource at their disposal is “Addressing Anti-Semitism in Schools: Training Curriculum for Secondary Education Teachers”, a joint publication of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and UNESCO.
Forth, we must go on the offense against those that target our high school students with antisemitic ideas by exposing their agenda and holding them accountable in the court of law and the court of public opinion. We need to empower both teens and their parents to report and stand up against jew-hatred.
For American Jews, education is fundamental. Our children are entitled to and deserve top quality education free of malice, discrimination and antisemitism. It is far past time that we make safeguarding our youth a much higher priority.
Adam Milstein is an Israeli-American “Active Philanthropist.” He can be reached at, on Twitter , and on Facebook .
Just a minor semantic problem. One does not harass “PEERS”. Peers are equals. The trash that may be bullying Jewish kids have “peers” among the families of the folks who drive garbage trucks or are incarcerated for rape.
Don’t confuse sanitation workers with bullies and rapists. Those guys work hard and keep our streets and communities reasonably clean.
The sanitation workers, I mean. Bullies and rapists ought to be put out on the curb on collection days for their trucks to pick up.
There is one additional think we can do and that is to publicize which is a collection of lessons for youth that counter the propaganda in schools. There is a positive series of lessons about Israel on that site.
Proud committed Jews are not intimidated by anti Semitism which they know has been a fact of Jewish life since ancient times, albeit with various ideilogical labels and orientations
People get shot and their faces beat in. It is rather intimidating until you learn to murder men, and then sleep is complicated.
Jewish schools teaching Jewish values are what these high schoolers need., not hateful public schools teaching hate.
Parents, it’s your call!
I would never have sent my Jewish kids to public schools, and my kids don’t send theirs either. I had to endure endless anti-Semitic insults in my public schools and I was damned if my kids would have to.
Sending them to a public highschool in America is less serious than throwing your child into the fires of a Baal statue.
If he doesn’t learn to survive on his own and learn to be a murderer he can go to the teachers who will protect him if they get paid drugging and mutilating him. You don’t learn as much in a year there as a week in yeshiva in the first place, so what exactly are we fighting to preserve here. These people want these schools, they can have them, we had schools before there was civilization in America, what a degredation Jews are going to them for an education. The result is predictable, the complaints focus on iceburg tippy tops, and there is nothing that can be done to prevent continued worsening of the situation.
You can get a better education following a distance learning program with the Ethopian ministry of education. What exactly were any of you hoping for from American high schools in the first place? The only reason there are still secular Jews to send their kids there is the Jew hatred makes them have proper marriages on rare occasions.
Maybe not as bad as throwing them into Baal fires, but not so great either.
The former US President, William Howard Taft, wisely, declared in a speech that “Anti-Semitism is a noxious weed that should be cut out it has no place in America”
I always liked that quote. And any decent American would have believed him, from the Founding Fathers on, until recently. But if you import Muslims you get Jew-hatred. No question about it.
You might’ve mentioned ClubZ, Adam.